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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1930 2 April - June

Tuesday, April 1, 1930

GRIEVE-HUNTER.-  At Glasgow, on 31st March, 1930, by Rev. Leslie DUNCAN, M.A., assisted by the Rev. James GRIEVE, M.B., S.T.M., James Muir GRIEVE, M.B., Ch.B., D.M.R.E., youngest son of Dr. and Mrs. GRIEVE, Queenstown, to Barbara Macleod, only daughter of Mr. John and the late Mrs. HUNTER, of Gala, Zomba, Nyasaland.
MORRIS-ILES.-  Married on the 27th instant, at Henderson, by the Rev. F.H. ORCHARD, Hilda Dorothy, elder daughter of the late Rev. ILES and Mrs ILES, of Toise River to Clement George, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. MORRIS, of Queenstown.

Wednesday, April 2, 1930

Cathcart Notes
A quiet  but pretty wedding was solemnised in the Wesleyan Church on Thursday the 27th, when Daniel O’RIORDAN, electrician in the Telegraph Department, was married to Daphine, second daughter of Mrs. O.R. GRAVETT, of Cathcart…

Thursday, April 3, 1930

In the Estate of the late John James KNIGHT, of Queenstown.  No. 24788…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
98, Robinson Road,

Friday,  April 4, 1930

Estate late Jacobus Albertus PRINSLOO.  No. 23753…
Attorneys for the Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Estate of the late Annie Eliza McEWAN (born HALLIDAY), a widow, of Queenstown.  No. 23776…
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency Co., Ltd.
Executor Testamentary
P.O. Box 44,

Sterkstroom Notes
The writer regrets to record the death of an old pioneer and resident of this town, Mr. Johannes P.J. SCHOEMAN, at the age of 74 years, which sad event took place on Monday last.  The deceased gentleman formed a link with the past and present generation and came to reside here after giving up farming on his farm “Spuitfontien” more than 36 years ago.  He closely identified himself with the growth and progress of the town, and took and active and abiding interest in all that tended to its welfare.  A member of the old Kerkeraad, in which he held office as elder when Sterkstroom received its status as a municipality, he filled also at various times civic posts, being elected a member of the Town Council, and Deputy-Mayor and a member of the Divisional Council and School Board.  He brought to bear the ripened experience of age…

Another well-known figure has been removed from our midst, Mr. Piet PRETORIUS, of the farm Harlfontein, who died on Saturday last.  The deceased complained that day of feeling unwell, and towards sundown went to lied down.  Shortly afterwards he was seized with pains in his chest, and expired before medical aid could be summoned.  Deceased, who was in his 60th year, practically passed his lifetime on his farm.

Wednesday, April 9, 1930

In the Estate of the late Ferdinand Fredrich (or Friedrich) Wilhelm STAATS, of Craiggie Burn, in the District of Sterkstroom.  No. 25833…
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary
Dordrecht, C.P.

Monday, April 14, 1930

ELS.-  At 14, Chalmer Street, on the 13th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. P. ELS, a daughter.  Both well.

In the Estate of the late Leslie Lawrence MUIR, of Lady Frere.  No. 24247...
Attorneys for Executor.
Lady Frere

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Petrus Johannes DE WET, of Lehman’s Drift, Queenstown.  No. 25926...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Tuesday, April 15, 1930

Jamestown Notes
Jamestown, Saturday.
On Wednesday afternoon, the 9th of April, in the Kidwell Memorial Church, a very popular and pretty wedding was solemnised when Mr. T.H. HOOD – Tommie – son of Mr. And Mrs. Robert HOOD, Jamestown, was married to Miss Gertie VOLKER, daughter of Mrs. VOLKER, of King Williamstown.  The ceremony was performed by the Rev. C.W. MOORE...

Wednesday, April 16, 1930

DE WET.-  Susanna J (gebore BEKKER) oorlede op 20 Maart, in die ouderdom van 81 jaar woning te 8, Zeiler Straat, Queenstown.

Thursday, April 17, 1930

HANDLEY.-  Born at Nurse LEVEY’s Nursing Home, on the 17th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. A.S. HANDLEY, a daughter.

Saturday, April 19, 1930

In Memoriam
SELBY.-  In ever fresh memory of our dear Bill, who was called to meet his Saviour in the Waku railway accident, 20th April, 1928.
(Inserted by Father, Mother, May, Olive and Phyllis.)
COOK.-  In loving memory of our dear son and brother Ernest (Sonnie) Cook, who was killed in the Waku railway disaster.  April 20th, 1928.
(Fondly remembered by father, mother, brother and sisters.)
COOK.-  In loving memory of my darling husband and our daddy, Ernest Vear COOK, who was killed in the Waku disaster, 20th April, 1928.

Tuesday, April 22, 1930

In Memoriam
BRUNSKILL.-  In loving memory of Kivas Richardson BRUNSKILL, who died 22nd April, 1926.

Wednesday, April 23, 1930

In Memoriam
GRANT.-  In loving memory of my dear wife, Aileen Joan, who fell asleep at East London, April 23rd, 1928.
GRANT.-  In ever loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Aileen Joan, who died at East London, April 23rd, 1928.
(Fondly remembered by Dad Mum and Edith.)
GRANT.-  In ever loving memory of our darling daughter, Aileen Joan GRANT, born ROY, who passed away at East London, on 23rd April, 1928 – Ever loved and miss by Mums, Daddie, Grandparents, Sisters and Brothers.

Indwe Notes
We wish to congratulate Mr. And Mrs. J. GREYVENSTEIN, Bloemendale, on the birth of a son.

Molteno Notes
Sudden death of well-known resident.
The death of Miss ERLANK, a well-known resident of the town, occurred a few days ago with tragic suddenness at the age of 68 years.  The deceased lady was spending a few days with friends on the Stormberg when she was taken suddenly ill and in the space of a few hours passed away.  The funeral service was conducted by the Rev. J.F. BOTHA the resident minister of the Dutch Reformed Church.

Friday, April 25, 1930

MOFFAT-TOWNSEND.-  Married at St. Columba’s Church, Queenstown, on Wednesday, April 23rd, 1930, by the Rev. R. RUSSELL, M.A., Unwin Jackson, eldest son of the Rev. And Mrs. Malcolm MOFFAT Chitambo, Northern Rhodesia, to Sheila Campbell, second daughter of Mrs. TOWNSEND and the late Mr. W.D. TOWNSEND, of Queenstown.

KIRTON.-  Passed away peacefully on the 16th inst., at Crosby Hall, Three Anchor Bay, Ethel Victoria KIRTON, aged 33 years, beloved stepsister of Mrs. M.J. MYLNE, and step aunt of J.A. SIMONS and Henry MYLNE. – Deeply mourned.

Wednesday, April 30, 1930

SCOTT.-  Died at Queenstown, on the 29th April, 1930, George SCOTT (SCOTT Bros.).  Aged  62 years.

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Stephen TABATA, of Lesseyton in the District of Queenstown.  No. 26057...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Martha Anne CROSS, formerly MacDONALD, born URRY, widow, of Queenstown...
Solicitors for Executors
94, Cathcart Road,

A quiet but very pretty wedding was solemnised in St. Alban’s Church on Wednesday afternoon, the 23rd, when Gordon, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. H.F. KUHN, Goshen, was married to Maud, elder daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John GRIBBLE, Cathcart...

Queenstown Woman’s Tragic Death
Clothes burst into flames
A distressing fatality occurred in the annexe of a house situate in the Heatherdale township, Bloemfontein, on the night of April 19th, when a coloured woman, Mrs. J. DALY, daughter of Mr. John WESLEY, of Queenstown, sustained extensive and severe burns about her whole body and head, as a result of which she died in the National Hospital at 8 a.m. the following day.
It appears (says the Friend) that at about 11.30 p.m. the deceased, her husband (Mr. M. DALY) and their 18 months- old baby were together in the room, which they rented from Mr. N. DALY, the deceased’s father-in-law.  While attempting to light a paraffin lamp, some paraffin splashed on to the woman’s clothes, which instantly burst into flame.
Mr. M. DALY, immediately seized the baby and dashed outside, where he handed it over to his mother.  Returning, he stripped his wife, who had succeeded in reaching the door of the room, of all her clothes, but not before she had been severely burned about the whole body.  He, himself, received superficial burns about his hands and is at present laid up suffering from shock.  The baby escaped unscathed.
In the meantime two assistants had arrived on the scene, one of whom devoted himself to extinguishing the conflagration in the apartment while the other removed the few smouldering articles.  The municipal ambulance was then summoned and arrived shortly after, when the attendants proceeded to dress the injured man’s hands, before removing Mrs. DALY to the hospital.  Despite the efforts of the doctor and nurses in charge, however, she failed to recover from the effects of the shock and passed away shortly after admission.
It is understood that beyond the bedding of the baby’s cot being charred, no further damage resulted to the room or its contents.
The parents of the deceased, who was only 22 years of age, reside at Queenstown.
Serious statements were made to the police by the husband of the deceased as to how the fire originated, and in consequence the matter will be investigated.

Friday, May 2, 1930

WILLIAMS.-  Passed away at 34, Grey Street, on the 30th April, Mary Anne WILLIAMS, beloved mother of Mrs. A.M. DEVLIN.  Aged 89 years.

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Letitia Emily KEYS, born MILDENHALL, of Queenstown.  No. 26052…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary

In the Estate of the late Gertrude HICKMAN (born HORSMAN), Widow of Queenstown.  No. 25221…
Secretary, Queenstown Loan,
Trust & Agency Co.,  Ltd.
Executor Dative
P.O. Box 44,

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Johannes Petrus Jordaan SCHOEMAN, of Sterkstroom.  No. 25971…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.

Saturday, May 3, 1930

Mr. Francis E. WIGGILL, of Cathcart, celebrated his 86th birthday on Monday last.

Monday, May 5, 1930

Estate of late Thomas George COOPER.  166/131 4918/18…
Attorneys for Executrix
Hexagon, Queenstown

Tuesday, May 6, 1930

Tylden Notes
Wedding Bells
In the beautifull little church of St. Mary’s, Tylden, Archdeacon H. ROWLEY officiating, a pretty wedding was solemnised at 2.30 p.m., on Wednesday, the 30th of April, when Miss Melba Myra HERBERT, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. HERBERT, of Durban, and niece of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. MILLER, of Tylden, was married to Mr. Ronald Thomas Hillman BROWN, elder son or Mr. Thomas BROWN, ofGuildford, and grandson of the late Hon. Thomas BROWN…

Indwe Notes
Miss KENNELLY, sister of Mrs. E. STANTON and Mrs. MEYER from Indwe was married to Mr. GRAY last Saturday.  After the ceremony was performed in the Roman Catholic Church, the numerous gusts were entertained in the Town Hall, after which the happy couple left by train for East London and from there by boat to Durban.

Thursday, May 9, 1930

Mr. STANTON junr., son or Mr. A.T. STANTON passed away on Friday after a lingering illness.  The funeral at which Rev. J. MORGAN conducted the service took place on Saturday afternoon.

Miss Regina SCOTT, daughter of Mr. Henry SCOTT, was married on Wednesday last to Mr. W.S. COETZEE, teller in the Standard Bank.  We wish the young couple every future happiness.

Monday, May 12, 1930

Notice by Executor
Estate late Frederic Jacques KOHLER.  No. 21992…
Solicitors for Executor
Queenstown, C.P.

Tuesday, May 13, 1930

MIDDLETON.-  On the 13th May, at “Lynton,” 14, Komani Street, to Mr. and Mrs. E.L. MIDDLETON, a son.  Both well.

Monday, May 19, 1930

ERSKINE.-  Passed peacefully away at her residence, Grey Street, on Saturday, the 17th inst., Mrs. Stuart Townsend ERSKINE.  Aged 85 years.

Tragedy at Elliot
Little Boy killed by Motor Car
Ran across the Road
Death almost instataneos
Elliot, Monday.
A sad motor accident resulting in the death of a boy of four years occurred yesterday afternoon about three miles from Elliot, at the foot of what as McCunes Hill.  It appears that a Cala farmer names THOMPSON and his child were sitting on one side of the road, and his wife on the opposite side near an outspanned wagon, when they saw a car coming slowly down the hill.  When the car had almost reached the spot the child suddenly attempted to cross the road to his mother, running right in front of the car.  The driver of the car, Mr. D.K. MUIR, representing LAMONT Bros., of Queenstown, swerved quickly in an endeavour to miss the child, who, however, was caught by the back wheel and sustained injuries to the head which caused death almost instantaneously.  The car driver rendered all help possible, the police and the doctor were sent for immediately and an inquiry is proceeding. – Reuter.

Tuesday, May 20, 1930

SHIMMON.-  Died at Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 18th inst., William Edward SHIMMON, (late of Public Works Department).   Aged 42 years. – Deeply mourned.

Wednesday, May 21, 1930

DIEMER.-  Passed away on 18th May, 1930, Lola Avis, dearly loved fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. DIEMER, Westbourne, Queenstown.  Aged 23 years.

Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley BLUNDEN, Leeuwfontein, on the birth of a daughter.

Tuesday, May 22, 1930

In Memoriam
WHITNALL.-  Sacred to the cherished memory of Sheila Mary, dearly loved and only daughter of Mrs. And the late Mrs. A.S. WHITNALL, The Hermitage, 14, Henry Street, Grahamstown.  Nursing at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown.

Monday, May 26, 1930

In Memoriam
MULLER.-  In memory of Willie, eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. E.L. MULLER, who was killed on the railway on the 26th May, 1922.  Aged 16 years 8 months 24 days.  At Queenstown.

Tuesday, May 27, 1930

Motor Accident at Elliot
Queenstown driver exonerated
(From our own Correspondent.)
Elliot, Monday.
The magisterial Inquiry into the death of a boy named THOMPSON, who was killed in a motor accident near Elliot, on the 18th inst. Was held here last Friday, and a verdict of Accidental Death was returned.  The driver of the car was Mr. D.K. MUIR, of Queenstown.

Friday, May 30, 1930

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Sophia Tella MALGAS (born SLOOT) and subsequently deceased spouse Isaac MALGAS, of Sterkstroom.  Nos. 18560 and 18561...
Executor Dative
P.O. Box 6,

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Carl (or Carel) Nicholas VAN HEERDEN.  No. 26301...
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Monday, June 2, 1930

BOTHA.-  Died at her brother’s residence, 8 Green Street, on 30th May, our beloved sister Anna (born ALLNER), in her 34th year.

St. Michael and All Angels Church was the scene of a charming ceremony on Saturday morning last, when the marriage was solemnised between Mr. Hugh George SHINN, only son of Mr. and Mrs. A.E. SHINN, of Nyasaland, and Miss Winifred Elsie HALSE, younger daughter of Mrs. And the late Mr. H.E. HALSE, of Carnavon Estate, Halseton.  The bride is a well known figure amongst the younger set in both Queenstown and East London society, whilst the bridegroom is a great-nephew of the late Poet Laureate, Dr. Robert BRIDGES, O.M….

News has been received of the death of Mrs. MORRIS, wife of the aged and venerable Wesleyan Missionary, Rev. James S. MORRIS, of Pondoland fame, which took place at East London after a short illness on May 31st and the funeral yesterday afternoon.  Mrs. MORRIS was sister to the late C.J. SWEENEY, C.C. and R.M. and aunt to Mrs. R.H. IMPEY, Mr. Dudley MORRIS, and Colonel George MORRIS, C.M.G., D.S.O., General Manager 1820 Settlers’ Association.  The aged couple celebrated their golden wedding some three years ago, they have two sons, five daughters (all married) and ten grand children to  mourn their loss.  To the bereaved husband and family and relatives, we offer our sympathy and condolence in their irreparable loss.

Native dies of Wounds
Klaas QWENYA, a native aged 45 years, formerly employed on Mr. F.E. FROST’s farm King’s Glen, died a few days ago as a result of neglected wounds which he received during a fight with another boy on the farm on April 14th.  Lindani BOOI, the other native concerned, appeared before the resident Magistrate, Mr. J.J. DE WITT, charged with common assault and on conviction was sentenced to a fine of £4 or two months’ imprisonment with hard labour.  In the course of his evidence Booi Intimated that QWENYA had been in the habit of teasing him and that it was this which lead up to the struggle.  The Resident Magistrate held an inquest yesterday, May 27th, Dr. M. RAMSAY, the District Surgeon, conducted a post mortem examination and found that death was due to blood poisoning.  Consequently, the finding of the Court was death caused by blood poisoning from wounds which had become septic through neglect.

Sudden death of well-known resident
The death of Mr. J.F. SPIES occurred very suddenly at his residence Onverwacht, on Tuesday, May 27th.  The deceased had been receiving medical treatment for certain abdominal derangement some months ago and it was thought that he was well on the road towards recovery prior to the sudden attack a few hours before his death.
The deceased was a well-known figure in town and neighbourhood.  He was a great lover of horses and took infinite pains in training them to harness.  He was rarely seen without his handsome pair of jet black horses which were always objects of great admiration to the passersby.  The burial took place at the cemetery yesterday and was preceded by a memorial service in the Dutch Reformed Church.  The Rev. J.J. BOTHA, the Resident Minister conducted the service in the Church and also officiated at the graveside.  Much sympathy is felt for the relatives in their sad bereavement.  The deceased was a widower, his wife having predeceased him some two years ago.

Tuesday, June 3, 1930

DE WET.-  On June 1st, to Mr. And Mrs. Jack DE WET (nee Gladys ERSKINE), a bonny son.

Wednesday, June 4, 1930

Indwe Notes
Our sincerest sympathy with Mr. And Mrs. OPPERMAN who lost a son last Saturday and with Mr. And Mrs. P.J. VAN NIEKERK on the death of their infant.

Nothing whatsoever has yet been heard of Mr. SLATEM, of Khukhune, Basutoland, who mysteriously disappeared at Fouriesburg about a month ago.  This gentleman who had motored into Fouriesburg, walked out of the hotel, leaving all his belongings behind, and has never been heard of since.

Thursday, June 5, 1930

STRETTON.-  On Monday, Jun 2nd, at Nooitgedacht, Halseton, Elma Annie, the dearly beloved eldest daughter of J.B. and M.E. STRETTON, in her 26th years.-  Deeply mourned.
PHILLIPS.-  Passed away at Gretna, on 3rd June, 1930, James Rupert PHILLIPS, aged 62 years and 9 months.-  Deeply mourned by his sorrowing wife and children.

Very general indeed was the sympathy expressed throughout the Wodehouse and Molteno districts when it became known that Miss Elma STRETTON, the eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.B. STRETTON, of Nooitgedacht, Halseton, had passed away on Monday last at the early age of 25 years of an attack of enteric fever.
For the last two and a half years, Miss STRETTON had been training at the New Somerset Hospital at Capetown, and had recently been nursing in the fever department of that institution.  Some three weeks ago she left Capetown for her annual leave but on arrival at her home she was so seriously unwell that she was obliged to go straight to bed.  For some days she hovered between life and death but despite the utmost care and attention from both doctor and nurses she grew steadily weaker and the end came during the early hours of Monday morning.  Her funeral which took  place at Nooitgedacht on Tuesday afternoon was conducted by the Rev. J. MORGAN, of Dordrecht, assisted by the Rev. T. ELLIOTT, of Sterkstroom, and the attendance of some 120 friends from the surrounding districts showed how widespread was the wish to show practical sympathy with the bereaved family.  A short service was held in the home, when Mr. MORGAN delivered a very touching and eloquent address.  Thereafter the mourners walked in procession behind the coffin to the grave among the pines where after the singing of “Rock of Ages” all that was mortal of Elma was laid to rest in the part of the farm she loved best...

An extremely popular local wedding took place in St. Columba’s Church yesterday, when Mr. Robert BROWN,  the Town Engineer of Grahamstown, was married to Miss Julia Mary (Maisie) HALLIDAY.  The bridegroom is the son of Mr. And Mrs. W. BROWN, of Harthill, Scotland, and was for some years  Assistant Town Engineer here, having previously served with considerable distinction in the Royal Air Force during the Great War.  Miss HALLIDAY is, of course, the only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. T.C. HALLIDAY, of “Dunelin,” Queenstown, and has long been a popular figure amongst the younger set.  Until quite recently, she has been a mistress at Queenswood School, where her loss will be felt keenly...

Friday, June 6, 1930

Estate late Herculaas Rudolph PRINSLOO and surviving spouse Hester Jacoba PRINSLOO (born DE BEER),  of Arends Krantz, District of Queenstown.  No. 24411...
Attorneys for the Executrix Dative
Hexagon, Queenstown

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Anna Elizabeth DE WET (born VAN HEERDEN) and predeceased spouse Marthinus Johannes DE WET, of Sterkstroom.  No. 26107...
Attorney for Executor Dative
P.O. Box 6, Sterkstroom, C.P.

Saturday, June 7, 1930

BROWN-HALLIDAY.-  Married at St. Columba’s Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. Geo. PEATTIE, M.A., on Wednesday, 4th June, 1930, Robert BROWN, son of Mr. And Mrs. W. BROWN, Harthill, Scotland, to Julia Mary (Maysie), only daughter of Mr. And Mrs. T.C. HALLIDAY, “Dunelin,” Queenstown.

Monday, June 9, 1930

WARDLE.-  Died at Brakpan, on the 6th inst., William, eldest son of the late William WARDLE and Mrs. WARDLE, of 3, Peacocke Street, Queenstown, in his 56th years.

Lady Frere Notes
Congratulations to Sergt. And Mrs. BOSHOFF on the arrival of a bonny twin, two healthy sons.

Indwe Notes
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. M. DEMPSEY o the birth of a daughter.
The death of Mr. C. NEL occurred at his farm “Dodomo” last week.  It is felt that not only a friend is lost in Mr. NEL.  Rev. BURGER, the resident Minister, conducted the service.  Much sympathy is felt for the relatives in their sad bereavement.

Wednesday, June 11, 1930

SMIT-VORSTER.-  The engagement is announced of Karel, eldest son of Mr. G.L. SMIT, of Senekal, to Petronella, eldest daughter of Mr. P.W. VORSTER, of Queenstown.

Friday, June 13, 1930

DICKIN.-  Passed away at Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire, England, on the 10th June, 1930, Mary DICKIN, beloved mother of H.J.B. DICKIN, of Tylden, in her 79th year.

Saturday, June 14, 1930

In Memoriam
BATGIAS.-  In loving memory of Athanasios BATGIAS, who died at Queenstown on the 15th June, 1929.

In the Estate of the late Alice Jane DONDOLO, of Oelifant’s Hoek, Bailey, Queenstown.  No. 20233...
Attorneys for Executor Dative

QUIRK.-  Died at Queenstown on the 11th June, 1930, Winnifred Dorothy, second daughter of Captain and Mrs. W.J. ELSON, aged 25 years 7 months 13 days.

Dorothy Winifred QUIRK
We deeply regret to record the death which occurred at the Frontier Hospital on the 11th inst of Dorothy Winifred QUIRK second eldest daughter of Captain and Mrs. W.J. ELSON.
The deceased was in her twenty-fifth year and had been ill for nearly six years but bore her sufferings with a fortitude that won always the admiration of her friends.
Up to the very last, Mrs. QUIRK never wavered in her bravery, and her death is mourned by many friends whose esteem was reflected in the beautiful floral tributes seen at the funeral which took place yesterday from the Church of England, where a choral service was conducted.
Many friends attended at the graveside where the final rites were conducted by the Archdeacon ROWLEY and the Rev. GREEN.
Mrs. QUICK was born at Cathcart, and leaves a husband and little daughter.

Tuesday, June 17, 1930

A very sad and impressive funeral took place in Dordrecht on Thursday, 12th inst.  It was the funeral of a schoolboy aged 14, the son of Mr. Andres LABSUCAGNE, Dordrecht.  The young lad died from heart failure, following an attack of diptheria.

Wednesday, June 18, 1930

BAKER.-  Passed away in Queenstown, on the 16th inst., Mary Sarah BAKER, in her 93rd year.

The late Mrs. ERSKINE
Just a month ago, on May 17th, there passed away to the Great Divide a beautiful and gracious spirit in the person of Mrs. Stuart Townsend ERSKINE, of Wharfedale, Queenstown, where she had lived for twenty years.
She was the third daughter of David Dale BUCHANAN;  at one time Attorney-General of Natal, and married Stuart Townsend ERSKINE, the eldest son of the Hon. David ERSKINE, the first Imperial Secretary of Natal.
After the death of her husband during the Great War, and her two sons Stuart and Monty ERSKINE soon after, Mrs. ERSKINE led a secluded life, tenderly cared for by her beloved daughter Mabel.  Granny ERSKINE, as she was called, was greatly beloved by all who knew her, and was truly “a friend of the poor.”  Her charity was carried out in a quiet, unostentatious manner, unknown to any but those to whom she extended her help and sympathy.
A touching little incident is recorded by one who was with her on her birthday.  Early in the morning a gentle tap sounded at the front door, which, on being opened, revealed a tine maiden of about seven summers carrying a small basket of flowers for “Granny ERSKINE on her birthday.”  Next came a small boy with a few eggs, another with an offering of fruit, then a girl with a present of a neat piece of needlework made by herself, and so on throughout the morning...
She had ten children, of whom only three survive her being Miss Mabel ERSKINE, Mr. David ERSKINE, of Pietersburg, and Mrs. W.E.C. TANNER.

Wednesday, June 18, 1930
Sterkstroom Notes
Within the past fortnight Death the Reaper has not only been busy among the bearded grain but the flowers that grow between, and it is with regret that I have to record the following well-known names:-
The late Mr. James Rupert PHILLIPS, The late Mr. “Jim” PHILLIPS as he was familiarly known among his numerous friends, comes from the well-known PHILLIPS family, who for a generation occupied the farm “Gretna,” where, with his brother George, he had been farming for many years.  Of a quiet and kindly disposition, the late Mr. James PHILLIPS took an active part in our Industrial Society, where his exhibits always received favourable notice.  He was held in high esteem by our community and lost a dearly-loved son in France in the Great War.  His funeral was largely attended at the Wesleyan Church, of which he was a life-long member, and at the graveside the number of wreaths testified to the respect in which he was held by a large circle of friends who mourn his loss.  The sympathy of the community goes out to his widow, aged mother and family in the bereavement they sustained.
The late Mr. Jan PRETORIUS.  Another old landmark, a link with the older generation of Sterkstroom, has passed away of Sterkstroom, has passed away in the person of old Mr. Jan PRETORIUS at the age of 79 years.  The deceased gentleman, who owned the farm “Morgenzon” for about 56 years, a decade ago retired from the active pursuits of farming and made a permanent residence in town.  He was the last surviving member of the original Kerk Commission of the D.R. Church some 56 years ago, and long before Sterkstroom was the town it is at present.  A pillar of the D.R. Church he was one of its first elders when the late Rev. Mr. JOUBERT was inducted its first minister, the late Mr. Jno. KIRCHNER being its first Secretary.  A God-fearing and upright man, whose integrity won him the confidence of all with whom he came in contact, his loss to the Church he so loved is keenly felt.  The funeral was thoroughly representative of all classes of the community, in which he was held in high regard.  The Rev. LEYGONIE at the memorial service at the D.R. Church paid sincere tribute to the deceased and officiated also at the graveside.
Sympathy also goes out to the parents of Gerrit Louis CAMPHER, the two year old son of Mr. CAMPHER, of Barclay’s Bank, who after a week’s illness developed double pneumonia and passed away on the 6th inst.

Thursday, June 19, 1930

Estate late Hans Jurgens LOMBARD, of Queenstown.  No. 24705...
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Friday, June 20, 1930

PEVERETT.-  Passed peacefully away at Olive Grove, Cathcart, on the 15th instant, our darling Dad and brother, Harry Lancelot Trevelyan PEVERETT, late of Queenstown, aged 61 years 2 months.

Monday, June 23, 1930

WHITEHORN.-  Passed peacefully away at Duncan Vale Nursing Home, on the 22nd, Hazel Irene WHITEHORN.  At Rest.

Tuesday, June 24, 1930

Dordrecht Notes
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. Frank KELLAND on the birth of a son.

Wednesday, June 25, 1930

WHITAKER.-  At Delville Nursing Home, East London, on the 24th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. A. WHITAKER, of Indwe, a daughter.

TEMLETT.-  Passed peacefully away at Queenstown on Monday, 23rd James TEMLETT, of Bolotwa, in his 73th year.

In the Estate of the late Norah O’GRADY, born MEADE.  No 23335...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary

Wednesday, June 25, 1930

Can it be done in Queenstown?
Nine rules for keeping husbands have been presented to the California (U.S.A.) Federation of Women’s Clubs.
The are:-
Dress prettily for breakfast.
Get your husband to take you out two evenings a week, but let him stay at home the rest of the time.
Pay the household bills before buying a new frock.
Never make your husband dry dishes.
Never permit your mother-in-law to visit on Sundays or holidays.
Listen to your husband if he likes the sound of his own voice.
Ask his advice on everything.
Be clinging, but not too clinging.
Make him think you are a poor weak creature and that he is 9ft, high with the strength of a lion and the courage of Napoleon.

Thursday, June 26, 1930

MUNRO-WIGGETT.-  Married at St. Michaels and All Angel’s Church, on Tuesday, 24th June, by the Ven. Archdeacon ROWLEY, Alec George MUNRO, to Alma WIGGETT, both of Queenstown.

Friday, June 27, 1930

Cathcart Notes
We regret to record, as the result of a stroke, the sudden death at Olive Grove on Monday evening, the 16th, of Mr. H. PEVERETT.  The late Mr. PEVERETT, who was a brother of Mr. W.R. PEVERETT of this town, was 61 years of age, and had been living in retirement with his brother-in-law, Mr. T. GIBBENS, for some years, having formerly been in the service of the Railway Department at Imvani.  Predeceased by his wife several years ago he leaves a family of two sons and two daughters to mourn his loss, and the sympathy of all is extended to them in their sad bereavement.  The funeral took place on Wednesday afternoon from the Wesleyan Church, being conducted by the Rev.  J.A. GILLIS, of Milton.

A severe loss has just been sustained by the Baptist Church, and by the general cause of Christian work in this town, in the passing of Miss Hazel Irene WHITEHORN at the age of 4(5?) years.   The deceased lady had lived with her parents practically all her life, and came with them to reside in Queenstown about twenty-one years ago.  For a time she took in pupils for shorthand and pianoforte lessons, but her principal interest outside her home lay in the direction of Christian work.  She was for some time organist and Sunday School teacher in the Baptist Church, where her musical ability and gifts of teaching were used to good purpose.  In addition she took a prominent part in temperance work, especially in connection with the “Little White Ribboners” movement.  A year ago she took over enthusiastically the Secretaryship of the Sunday School Union, which unfortunately she was compelled to relinquish a few months later  when a sudden weakness of the heart set in.  Up to this point she had enjoyed good health with which to cope with her many activities;  but from October of last year she was repeatedly laid up for periods of a month or two at a time, growing perceptibly weaker on each occasion.  The doctors predicted that had she lived she could never be other than a invalid.  From this fate she was spared by being called to rest at the Duncan Vale Nursing Home on Sunday afternoon, half an hour after her parents had left from their visit.  The funeral service was conducted on Monday afternoon in the Baptist Church by Rev. E.E.G. FIELD, and at the graveside by Rev. C.K. HODGES, the large attendance at both places and the number of floral tributes bearing witness to the high esteem in which the deceased lady was held.  A Memorial Service is to be held in the Baptist Church on Sunday evening at 7 p.m...

Saturday, June 28, 1930

MILES.-  At Whittlesea on the 28th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Laurie MILES (nee Moly McCANN), a daughter.

Monday, June 30, 1930

Ugie Notes
Miss V.M. SCHNELL, of the local school staff, is to be married very shortly to Mr. Allan ALLEN, the eldest son of Mr. R. ALLEN, General Merchant, one of the oldest inhabitants of Ugie.  Miss SCHNELL has acted as organist of the local Wesleyan Church for many years with much acceptation.  Both parties are deservedly popular in the district, and the best wishes of all sections of the community are extended to this young couple for their future.  Relief is expressed that circumstances will not deprive Ugie of their presence.

Molteno Notes
Death of Mrs. FREEMANTLE
The death of Mrs. Clara Agnes FREEMANTLE occurred rather suddenly at her residence this week.  The deceased had been in a very indifferent state of health for some time and the end was not altogether unexpected.  In the absence of the Revs. T. MAJOR and T.A. ROGERS, the Rev. J.F. BOTHA, the resident minister of the Dutch Reformed Church conducted the Burial Service.  The Memorial Service, which was held in the Wesleyan Church, was well attended and a very sympathetic address was delivered by Mr. BOTHA.  The deceased lady was in her 69th year.  She lived for many years at Bird’s River, Dordrecht district, but came to Molteno to be near her daughter, Mrs. Eric LARTER.  Great sympathy is felt for Mrs. LARTER and the other surviving members of the family in their sad bereavement.

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