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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1931 1 January - March

Friday, January 2, 1931

In the Estate of the late Jacomina Margaretha Aletta COETZER, born ERASMUS, of Queenstown.  No. 25464…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Descendant of the Cape Slaves
Mrs. Katrina GEDULD, a descendant of the Cape slaves, who is living at Parow in the Peninsula, celebrated her 102nd birthday on Christmas Day.  Her greatest happiness is that she is able to live to see the fourth generation of her family, and she is immensely proud of her great-great-great-granddaughter, Mrs. GEDULD has memories of the time when, as a child of nine years old, her mother took her to visit a family at Knysna, to whom her mother was a slave.  She herself was never in service, and after she was married, had a non-European maid to do her housework.

Saturday, January 3, 1931

Lady Frere Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
The death took place last Sunday in the Mental Hospital at Queenstown of Mr. F.W. KRUGER, of this town.  The deceased was a highly respected figure locally for many years on account of his sterling honesty and straightforwardness.

Monday, January 5, 1931

In Memoriam
WEBER.-  In loving memory of my dear husband and our father, Andries WEBER, died 4th January, 1926.

Dordrecht Notes
It is with regret that we have to report the death of Mrs. Herbert MOORCROFT, Gatacre, who passed away after a long and painful illness, on Friday morning.  The funeral takes place this afternoon to Dordrecht cemetery.  The sincere sympathy of the whole community goes out to Mr. MOORCROFT and family in their very sad bereavement.

Wednesday, January 7, 1931

STILL.-  On January 6th, 1931, at Maiwand, Queenstown, to Gwendolen (nee QUICK), wife of Godfrey STILL (son of Mrs. E.L. HARRIS), a son.

DOWNING-BUSHELL.-  Married in the Wesleyan Church, Queenstown, on January 1st, David DOWNING, youngest son of Mrs. LEACH, East London, to Edna Mary, fifth daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.G. BUSHELL, Queenstown.

Molteno Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
Sudden death of Well-Known resident.
Mr. Louis J. VAN ZYL, of Klipfontein, Stormberg, died after a very short illness on Tuesday afternoon.  It appears that the deceased was taken suddenly ill with gastric trouble and in spite of medical aid failed to rally.  The funeral took place at the farm on Wednesday afternoon an there was a very large attendance of relatives and friends.  The services both in the house and at the graveside were conducted by the Rev. J.F. BOTHA, the resident minister of the Dutch Reformed Church.  The deceased was in his 67th year.  He was a very prosperous farmer and well known throughout the neighbourhood.

Cathcart Notes
(From our own Correspondent)
A quiet, but pretty wedding was solemnised in the Wesleyan Church on Saturday forenoon, the 3rd, when Mr. Fred HARVEY, of Alexandria, formerly on the staff of Messrs. ELLIOTT Bros.  was married to Annie, second daughter of Mrs. F. HOFFMAN and the late Mr. F. HOFFMAN.  The Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM officiated.  There was no reception and shortly after the ceremony the happy young couple left by car on their honeymoon.
Estate of the late Thomas WORMALD, of Queenstown.  No. 23384…
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.

Friday, January 9, 1931

ORCHARD.-  To Rev. and Mrs. F. ORCHARD, a son.  January 9th.  

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Willem Adolph LANDMAN.  No 28690…
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary,

Indwe Notes
Our sincere sympathy with Mr. and Mrs. KOTZE, who lost their only little son after an illness of about two days, last Saturday.  Mrs. KOTZE is a daughter of our local stock-inspector.

Saturday, January 10, 1931

Sterkstroom Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
We offer our sincere sympathy to the Rev. Mr. G. EASTEN, rector of St. Augustine’s Anglican Church, and Mrs. EASTEN in the terrible bereavement they have sustained in the death of their son-in-law Mr. Maurice W. WILKINSON, who was one of the victims that lost their lives in the recent accident through a pressure burst in a developing shaft of the Cinderella Mine, Boksburg.
To add to the poignancy of their grief it was only last Christmastide that their daughter with her late husband came on a holiday visit to their parents here.

Grahamstown Tragedy
Further evidence
Evidence is accumulating states a Grahamstown message to show that Mrs. FINN and HAYWARD, the victims of the Dog’s Dam tragedy, were lovers.  It is said they were seen together on Wednesday.  In the course of conversation with HAYWARD’s mother, it is learnt that HAYWARD was away from home all Wednesday night and did not return until Thursday morning at eight o’clock.  He then went to his room and took his saloon rifle and went away, his mother thinking he was going to work as usual.  She did not see him again until he was dead.  The police have three letters written by the deceased couple and these will be produced at the inquest.

A wave of Tragedy
Fatalities reported from all Parts
Man drowned in East London
Would-be-rescuer’s sad end.
Capetown, Friday.
A wave of tragedy appears to have swept over the Union during the past day or two.
The Grahamstown double tragedy (reported in the Daily Representative yesterday) has come as a shock to a wide area….
….A tragic discovery was made in a by-lane at Greenwood Park, Durban, shortly after midnight when a railway guard, Jesse HOWARD, was found with a bullet  wound in his head and a heavy Webley revolver lying close beside him.
HOWARD was dead when the ambulance arrived.  HOWARD’s wife died a short while ago….
… A drowning fatality occurred at East London shortly before lunch time to-day, the victim being a young lad of 18 named BURGESS, from Pretoria, who apparently only arrived this morning.
It appears that a young girl got into difficulties and BURGESS went out with the life-saver to her assistance.
The life-saver brought in the girl and then, learning that the boy was in difficulties, went in after him and brought him to within a few yards of the shore when a big wave dragged him away from the life-saver, and he was not seen again.
So far the body has not been recovered…

Monday, January 12, 1931

LALL.-  Died at 48, Queen’s Drive, Queenstown, 27th December 1930, Morgan LALL, aged 54 years. – Inserted by sorrowing friends.

Thursday, January 15, 1931

OPPERMAN.-  To Mr. And Mrs. OPPERMAN, on the 15th inst., a son.

Cathcart Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
On Wednesday afternoon, the 8th, a very pretty wedding took place at St. Alban’s Church, the contracting parties being Maurice Edwin, eldest son of the Late Mr. H.E. MARSHALL and Mrs. MARSHALL, of Glenmore, Cathcart, and Alice Elizabeth, younger daughter of Mr. And Mrs. John GRIBBLE, Cathcart...

Friday, January 16, 1931

Tylden Notes
On the 27th of December there passed away at Tylden Mrs. M.A. DARLING, the mother of Mrs. H.C. MILLER, of this village.  The deceased lady, who resided at Keiskamma Hoek, was on her annual visit here.  She had attained the wonderful age of 82 and was very active even up to the day of her deaqth.  She was buried the following day in the Tylden cemetery in the presence of a number of mourners.  The funeral service was taken by the Rev. C.G. GREEN, of Queenstown.  We extend our sympathy to the sorrowing relatives.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Dorothea Maria SCHOEMAN (born GROBBELAAR) and surviving spouse Carel Stephanus SCHOEMAN, of Sterkstroom.  No. 28692...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.

Saturday, January 17, 1931

Own Death Foretold
Premonition of Titanic Survivor
Mr. Charles MILLS, aged 70, of Orchard Place, Southampton, who collapsed and died in the street at Southampton, had a strange premonition of death.
When he visited his son and daughter-in-law on a night in mail week, he asked for his grave to be got ready, as he would be needing it soon.  Within an hour he was dead.
Mr. MILLS claimed to be the only surviving butcher of the Titanic. – Sunday Times.

Monday, January 19, 1931

In Memoriam
GROWDON.-  In loving memory of our darling daughter and sister, Winifred, who passed away peacefully at the Memorial Hospital, Bulawayo, 19th January, 1927.

Indwe Notes
Congratulations to Miss Daphne McKENZIE on the occasion of her engagement to Mr. Chubby HILLHOUSE.

Tuesday, January 20, 1931

Passed away at Donnington, King Williamstown, on 17th January, 1931, Elizabeth McGEARY (relict of the late George McGEARY), age 78 years 7 months 16 days.  Interred at Queenstown...

Dordrecht Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
Congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. John DEMPSEY, of the Wodehouse boarding-house, on the arrival of a son.

Youth left to drown
How a man, desperately holding a drowning youth, shouted for help and watchers nearby took no notice under the impression that he was playing, was related at the inquest in Durban on Jean D’HAES (19), who arrived in South Africa last May from Belgium, to work at the newly opened Wentex Mills at South Coast Junction.  An Indian fisherman said he found the body floating near the spot some days later.  With the aid of his line he brought it ashore, and then informed the police.  A verdict of death due to accidental drowning was returned.

Wednesday, January 21, 1931

BAILEY.-  Passed away peacefully at 65, Robinson Road, on the 20th inst., C.E. BAILEY, age 67.

Thursday, January 22, 1931

In Memoriam
HILLS.-  In ever loving memory of dear Brian, who passed away on the 22nd January, 1925.
HILLS.-  In loving memory of our dear son Brian, who passed away, 22nd January, 1925.

Friday, January 23, 1931

HOWSE-BEAN.-  Married at Salisbury Cathedral, Salisbury, on the 7th January, Eric Harry, only son of Mr. And Mrs. H. HOWSE, Queenstown, to Agnes Morrison, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. David BEAN, Capetown.

In Memoriam
In loving memory of my dear son and our brother Simon who passed away on 23rd January, 1930.

MEINTJEIS-COX.-  The engagement is announced of Corrie second eldest son of Mr. And Mrs. D.K. MEINTJIES, of Queenstown, to Roslyn Victoria, only daughter of Mr. And the late Mrs. J.W. COX, of Port Elizabeth.

Estate late Carl (or Carel) Nicholas VAN HEERDEN, of Queenstown (No. 26301)...
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Saturday, January 24, 1931

An exceedingly pretty, though quiet, wedding was solemnised at the Dutch Reformed Church, Queenstown, on the 19th inst., the parties being Miss Orpha HATTINGH, youngest daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. P.A. HATTINGH, of Queenstown, and Mr. Alvan DE WET youngest son of Mr. W.F. DE WET, M.P., and Mrs. DE WET, of Queenstown.
The officiating clergyman was the Rev. STOFFBERG...

Wednesday, January 28, 1931

Romantic Wedding.
A little romance which will interest the people of Queenstown has just come to light.  While completing his studies at Oxford early last year, preparatory to joining the Administrative Service of Northern Rhodesia, to which he had been appointed by the Colonial Office, Mr. Conway John PEACOCK, elder son of Mr. And Mrs. T.C.H. PEACOCK, of Queenstown, became engaged to Miss Kathleen Eleanor C CROWE, only daughter of Sir Edward and Lady CROWE, of London.  The happy young couple seemed to have a presentiment that once separated by those many thousands of miles, and the negotiations which would have to be gone through with the officials of the Colonial Office, the difficulty of getting together again and settling down might be very great.  In May last they solved the problem for themselves.  Taking some of their more intimate fellow students into their confidence, a quiet wedding was duly arranged,...

Thursday, January 29, 1931

Dordrecht Notes
We extend our sympathy to Mrs. E.A. KNIGHT on the death of her father, which took place at Kind Williamstown last week.

Friday, January 30, 1931

Notice by Executor
Estate late John Andrew MEYER (No. 27741)...
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.

Monday, February 2, 1931

MILES.-  Passed away peacefully at “Hazeldene,” on the 1st February, 1931, Robert Benjamin MILES, aged 74 years and 9 months.  

The late R.B. MILES
The hand of death has made another visitation and removed one of the most highly respected and esteemed members of the farming community of the Queenstown district.
Mr. Robert Benjamin MILES passed away peacefully, surrounded by his family, at “Hazeldene,” yesterday morning.  “Uncle Bob,” as he was universally known, possessed one of the most lovable dispositions it was possible for man to have.  His hearty laugh, and always smiling face, was infectious.  One could not be in his presence without feeling the smile and heartiness that beamed from him.
He was a son of the late Mr. John MILES, of Hilton, and resided at “Hazeldene” for close on half a century.  He married a daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. Samuel LOCK, who survives him, also the six sons and three daughters, Messrs. Reginald, Arthur, Frank, Norman, Hedley and Fred MILES, Mrs. S. LANGFIELD, Mrs. C.B. KEMP and Miss Gladys MILES.
“Uncle Bob” was very hale and hearty until some 18 months ago, when he underwent an operation for a dreaded malady that was suspected.  He was ultimately treated with radium, but all that money, love and care could do was done without avail, and for the last 18 months he was an acute sufferer, which he bore with a stout heart and his never failing good humour.  His condition gradually became worse and worse and his end came as stated yesterday morning.  He was just three months short of attaining the good old age of 75.
The funeral takes place at Hilton this afternoon, from the church for which the deceased laboured so long.  It is safe to assume that the funeral would be largely attended by people of the neighbourhood, as those to whom he was known would not allow distance to prevent them from attending...

Wednesday, February 4, 1931

BUSHELL.-  Passed away peacefully at his residence, No. 1, Tylden Street, on 4th February, Alexander Gordon BUSHELL, in his 73rd year.

Alexander Gordon BUSHELL
It is with deep regret that we have to record the death which took place early this morning at his residence, No. 1, Tylden Street, of Mr. Alexander Gordon BUSHELL, one of the few men who lived with and saw Queenstown grow.  There was very little to be seen of Queenstown 73 years ago, yet Mr. BUSHELL, who was born in Queenstown was 73 years of age on last New Year’s Day.  He was connected with the building trade for years but retired from participation in business a few years ago.  Within the last 18 months, he was ill on and off but displayed the greatest patience and courage in his suffering.  Always a man of a retiring disposition, he was immensely liked in a large circle of friends who will mourn the passing of a very fine character and type of sturdy determined manhood.  Mr. BUSHELL leaves a wife, six daughters and two sons to mourn his loss.  His daughters are Mrs. E. McKNIGHT, Mrs. Olive SWAN, Mrs. D. BARTOSCH, Mrs. E. DOWNING, Miss Ivy BUSHELL, Miss Isabel BUSHELL, and the sons are Mr. Edward BUSHELL and Mr. Leslie BUSHELL, who reside in Bulawayo.  Mr. Edward BUSHELL is at present in Queenstown.
The funeral will leave the residence at 5 o’clock this afternoon.

The late Mrs. Albert H. HODGES
Her many friends in Queenstown will learn with deep regret that Mrs. HODGES, wife of the Rev. Albert H. HODGES, passed away yesterday morning in their home at The Kloof, near Durban, Natal.
Mrs. HODGES had been ill for some time and of late there seemed no prospect of her recovery.  But the end came unexpectedly.
The Rev. And Mrs. Albert H. HODGES were twice appointed to the Queenstown Circuit of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and their name was a household word in many homes, for they were beloved of their people.  We extend to Mr. HODGES and family the sincere sympathy of their many friends.

Thursday, February 5, 1931

Indwe Notes
Mr. And Mrs. A.E. MINNIE have been blessed with a dear little daughter, and we are glad to say that both Mrs. MINNIE and baby are well.

Friday, February 6, 1931

Tarkastad Topics
(From our own Correspondent.)
We are sorry to have to announce the death of Mr. D. HATTINGH, an old and respected citizen of Tarkastad, and we offer our condolences to his relatives and friends.

Saturday, February 7, 1931

A dive to death
Hendrik Johannes MULDER (18), of Greymount, a cleaner in the Tramways Department, dived to his death in a dam on a farm two miles from Newlands.  Two youth who entered the water with MULDER missed him, and after a search lasting for over an hour and a half the body was found entangled in some wire netting at the bottom of the dam.

Monday, February 9, 1931

WILSON.-  Passed away peacefully at 43, Grey Street, Queenstown, on the 6th February, 1931, Edward John WILSON.  Aged 44 years.

Tuesday, February 10, 1931

Still walking at 108
Maria HOFMEESTER, who is 108 years old and Ceres’ oldest inhabitant, is on the sick list with a cold.  She has had to call in a doctor.  Maria was born on a farm in the Ceres district, according to the Family Bible, on December 2, 1822.  She can still walk, but she cannot remember very much about the old days.  She remembers that she had 15 children and that her eldest daughter died recently at the age of 80.

A shooting tragedy
Death of young married man
Grim discovery in Bloemfontein
Hearing a shot in the front room before lunch hour on Friday, the occupants of a house in Aliwal Street, Bloemfontein, rushing to investigate, were horrified to find George Stickwell MAIN, a married man, aged 35 years, lying dead in a pool of blood, with a wound in his forehead and a rifle beneath him.
MAIN arrived in Bloemfontein from Colesberg by motor car five days ago.  With him were his two little sons and a considerable amount of luggage, including some firearms.  He put up at an hotel in town and left the children with his brother-in-law and his sister, Mr. And Mrs. MANTHEY, at 10 Aliwal Street.
On Thursday night, Mrs. MANTHEY told a representative of The Friend, Mrs. MAIN arrived at the house from Colesberg.  MAIN was away at the time and the two children had been put to bed.  The children were dressed at the request of their mother, who took them away in a waiting motor car.  When MAIN learnt of this shortly afterwards he was greatly perturbed, she said, and went out to inquire at the hotels and the boarding houses in the city regarding the whereabouts of his wife and children.  The search proved fruitless and MAIN came back to the house at 4 o’clock the next morning in “a terrible state.”
Set off in pursuit.
Mrs. MANTHEY also related how her brother, who had gained information that his wife had left for Colesberg by goods train from Hamilton Siding at 11 o’clock the morning after her visit to the house, set out in his car in pursuit, hoping to catch up with the train.  He had to give up the pursuit, however, and returned to the house just before 1 p.m.  He was in a state of great agitation.  She tried to pacify him and to persuade him to take some lunch but he told her to leave him and not to worry him.  He gave her to understand that he wanted to dress in order to attend a meeting and she left the room.
He asked his younger sister, Miss MAIN, to bring him some water and while she was in the room he dropped several rifle cartridges into her hand.  She did not realise his intentions, however, and while she was fetching water a shot rang out.  Mr. MANTHEY rushed to the front room, concluded Mrs. MANTHEY, where he found MAIN lying on the floor with blood flowing from a wound in his forehead.
Mr. MANTHEY immediately summoned a doctor and notified the police authorities.  On investigation it was found that death had been instantaneous.  The weapon employed is a high-velocity B.S.A. rifle.
MAIN, it is gathered, owned the Central Hotel, Colesberg, up till some eight months ago, but has since not been in regular employment.

Wednesday, February 11, 1931

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Hester Jacoba PRINSLOO (born DE BEER), a widow, of Arends Krantz, District of Queenstown.  No. 25717..
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Thursday, February 12, 1931

War Memories
Mr. and Mrs. Barend Christoffel VAN VUUREN, of Melville, celebrated their golden wedding last week surrounded by 10 surviving children, 27 grandchildren and six great-grandchildren.  The bridegroom of 50 years ago discussed personalities of the past with a Pressman.  Fondling a fine gold watch given to him by Lord METHUEN, he recalled one of the most chivalrous acts of the South African War.  “I was with General DELAREY,” he said, “when Lord METHUEN fell into his hands after the battle of Modder River.  He was wounded.  General DELAREY nursed him at no small personal sacrifice, and in the face of the strong opposition of his own men, till Lady METHUEN herself came and took him away.”  Mr. VAN VUUREN himself was in hospital with a wound in the leg, and as a burgher was able to secure many little favours for Lord METHUEN, mainly titbits of food.  At their parting Lord METHUEN gave him the watch as a token of appreciation.

Friday, February 13, 1931

Death of Mrs. Jack EDWARDS.
The death occurred on Monday at the age of 51, at Molteno Nursing Home, of Mrs. Jack EDWARDS, wife of Mr. Jack EDWARDS, of Rosslands, the well-known sheep breeder.  The deceased lady had not been in good health for some time and had only returned recently from Capetown where she had been undergoing  a course of treatment.  An operation was found to be necessary, which proved satisfactory.  The patient, however, failed to rally and died the following morning.
The funeral took place at the farm Rosslands on Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock, and there was a very large attendance of relatives and friends.  The service took place in the delightful grounds in from of the homestead and was conducted by the Rev. Thoams MAJOR, the Resident Minister of Molteno Wesleyan Church…

Saturday, February 14, 1931

Congratulation to Mr. and Mrs. Richard F. WEIR, of  Penleni, Bolotwa, who to-day celebrate the silver anniversary of their wedding.

Monday, February 16, 1931

The late Miss Ann HEX
Another link of the pioneer days of Queenstown has been severed by the death of Miss Ann HEX at the ripe old age of 80, who passed away at her residence 23, Cathcart Road, on Friday evening last.  The deceased’s grandfather was of the 1820 Settlers, and as a girl of 4 years of age she came to the Queenstown District with her father, the late William HEX who had the Poplar Grove Hotel in 1855.
Her father built Hex Plantation in 1870, and ultimately moved into Queenstown in 1882.  Consequently Miss Ann HEX, saw the progress of Queenstown and district from those days, to what it is to-day.
She was of a very retiring disposition and attention to the comfort of her brothers and sisters dominated her life.  She proved a valuable help to her father in the early transport days when wagons held sway and the Katberg route was the most used.  After the opening of the railway to Queenstown Mr. HEX built the substantial building at the corner of Dugmore Street and Queen’s Drive in 1882, which was then conducted as a Temperance Hotel.
After the death of her father Miss HEX lived with her sister Mrs. COGILL, and they ultimately went to Berlin, but the call of Queenstown brought her back and she ended her days here.
Unfortunately the eventide of her life was spent as an invalid and she has been confined to her bed for some considerable time, and she entered into a well-earned rest last Friday, evening.  
She is survived by her sister Mrs. COGILL and her brother Mr. George  HEX to whom the sympathy of a large circle of friends is extended in their bereavement.

Tuesday, February 17, 1931

In Memoriam
LOGAN.-  In fond remembrance of Cecil, who lost his life in the Thomas railway disaster, February 17th, 1930.
LOGAN.-  In affectionate remembrance of dear Cecil, who was killed in the Thomas River railway disaster, on the 17th February, 1930.  
(Ever remembered by Mr. and Mrs. BUTLER and family.)
LOGAN.-  In loving memory of Cecil LOGAN, who was killed in the Thomas River railway disaster , 17th February, 1930.
(Inserted by Mr. and Mrs. WALKER and family.)

Thursday, February 19, 1931

Mr. L.J. DASHWOOD, Town Clerk of Queenstown, was married yesterday to Miss A. ROSS, of Glasgow, at the Presbyterian Church, Wellington, Cape.  Their many friends in Queenstown will wish the young couple all good wishes and a long and happy future.

Friday, February 20, 1931

In Memoriam
GREEF.-  In loving memory of my dear son, “John”, who died on the 20th February, 1930.
GREEF.- In loving memory of “Dear John,” who died the 20th February, 1930.
(Sadly missed by Tim, Jock, and Graham.)

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Janetta BOTHA (born PIETERSEN) and surviving spouse Pieter Willem Adriaan BOTHA, of Sterkstroom.  No. 28447…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.

Saturday, February 21, 1931

In Memoriam
FULLER.-  In loving memory of our dear Mother, who passed away on 22nd February, 1916.
(Ever remembered by Fanny and Charles.)

Monday, February 23, 1931

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late John Alrock VAN DER BERG, of Queenstown.  No. 28904…
Executor Dative

Tarkastad Topics
(From our own Correspondent.)
We are sorry to have to announce the untimely death of Mr. Andrew SCOTT, a young man of 21 who was very popular in the local community.  We understand that the deceased was suffering from heart disease.

Tuesday, February 24, 1931

MILES.-  Passed away peacefully at East London, on the 23rd inst., John Victor, beloved infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Laurie MILES, “Gallawater”.  Age 8 months.

News has been received that the Rev. James S. MORRIS, the veteran Wesleyan minister, passed away yesterday at East London.  The funeral takes place on Wednesday at 11.30.

The greatest sympathy of their many friends in town and district will go out to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrie MILES, of Galla Water, in the great loss they have sustained by the death of their only son, John Victor, aged 8 months who died in a nursing home at East London yesterday.

Thursday, February 26, 1931

GEYER-REYNIERSE.-  The engagement is announced of Ivy, youngest daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. GEYER, to Henry, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. REYNIERSE, of Queenstown.

COCKIN.-  Died at Waverly, on the 25th inst. Frank H. COCKIN (born at Birmingham on the 20th September, 1855).

Mr. Frank H. COCKIN
The news received yesterday of the death of Mr. Frank H. COCKIN, of Waverley, cast a gloom over the countryside.  The news spread quickly, and the funeral in the afternoon saw one of the largest and most representative gatherings seen in the district for many years.  The late Mr.  COCKIN was on of the best known farmers in the Queenstown area.  He was born in Birmingham, England, in 1855, and his first experience of farming in this country was with the late Hon. Sir John FROST.  He was a thorough gentleman and a keen sportsman.  Mr. COCKIN served with honour in several of the Kafir Wars, and was in the Morosi mountain campaign, in which his elder brother, Richard, was killed.  He married Elizabeth, eldest daughter of the late Sir John FROST, and settled down to farming on his own at Waverley over forty years ago.  He took a very keen interest in the welfare of the troops in the Great War, in which his son Vernon was killed.  For many years he was Field Cornet for his area, and later became an honorary Justice of the Peace.  For over fifty years he kept a careful record of the rainfall for the district, and was a regular contributor to the Rep. of his rainfall returns.  Mr. COCKIN was popular with everyone, Dutch and English, and all sections grieve over his loss.  He became seriously ill nearly eight months ago, but though laid aside he kept up his interest in all that was going on around him.  The end was not unexpected.  To Mrs. COCKIN, Bernard, the only surving son, and the other close relatives, we tender the sincerest sympathy in their sad loss.

Friday, February 27, 1931

HENRY-HALL.-  At St. Columba’s Presbyterian Church, Queenstown, on the 25th instant, by the Rev. R. RUSSELL, M.A., John Elson HENRY, second son of the late Hugh HENRY, of Guba Park, and Mrs. HENRY, Queenstown, to Agnes (Nancy), only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.W. HALL, Queenstown.

Estate late Petrus Johannes DE WET, of Queenstown.  No.  25926…
Attonreys for the Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Joint Estate of the late Ada Maria DE WET (born LATEGAN) and subsequently deceased spouse Petrus Johannes DE WET, of Queenstown.  No. 177/988…
Attorneys for the Executor Dative
Hexagon, Queenstown

I, Susan Anne VAN WYK, hereby give notice that on and after the date of publication of this notice, I intend to assume the name of Susan Anne KLOKE.
Susan Anne KLOKE
27th Feb., 1931

Saturday, February 28, 1931

The death occurred at Cradock yesterday morning suddenly, states a Reuter message, of Philip Jacobus NEL (62), from heart failure.  He was a keen sportsman and a much respected man and an ardent politician, being a warm supporter of the Nationalist Party.  He was uncle of Mr. J. Van G. BEKKER, M.P. for Cradock.

Tuesday, March 3, 1931

In the Estate of the late Charles WHITEHORN.  No. 28696…

Wednesday, March 4, 1931

DASHWOOD-ROSS.- Married at Wellington, on February 18th, 1931, by the Rev. D. CARLYLE, Laurence John DASHWOOD, son of Mr. and Mrs. George DASHWOOD, of Queenstown, to Annie Chisholm ROSS, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John ROSS, of Glasgow, Scotland.

Friday, March 6, 1931

Notice by Executor
Estate late Ethel Maude Mary WEBB (born DAWS), of Queenstown.  No. 27437…]
Solicitors for Executor,

Joint Estate of the late Willem Adolf LANDMAN and surviving spouse Anna Johanna Maria LANDMAN (born WENTZEL), of Queenstown.  No. 28690...
Executors for the Executrix Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

The death occurred at Kingwilliamstown early this morning following a paralytic seizure on Tuesday afternoon of Mrs. Norah WEIR, wife of Mr. Arthur WEIR, prominent townsman and president of the Agricultural and Industrial Society.  Mrs. WEIR had been in indifferent health for some years past.

Indwe Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
Hearty congratulations to Miss Maggie HATTINGH on the announcement of her engagement to Mr. Andrew MUIR, of Lady Frere.

The public of Indwe wish to express their sincere sympathy with Sergeant and Mrs. OTTO in their sad bereavement.  Midst numerous other dark clouds, death visited the home of the above twice during the past five months.  Our sincere wish is that Mrs. OTTO, who is extremely run down, will feel herself soon again.

The death of Mrs. Louw ERASMUS occurred at their residence in the district on Saturday evening.  We sympathise with Mr. ERASMUS and family.

Monday, March 9, 1931

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Lilian Napier POPE (born KUYS) of 27, Berry Street, Queenstown...
Executor Testamentary.

Sterkstroom Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
The late lamented death of the town’s former ex-Mayor, Mr. George MARTIN, removes one more of the few remaining older generation resident here.  Son of the Rev. MARTIN, a Dutch Reformed minister who in the early eighties was minister at Aliwal North, the deceased received his early education at Capetown.  While still a young man his adventurous spirit took him to Johannesburg, then in its infancy.  The deceased subsequently returned to Sterkstroom which he made his permanent home for 45 years, until within three years ago he and his family Mr. And Mrs. Dan DE WET went to Kenya.  A more public spirited man never lived in our midst and gave whole-hearted service to the community.  His fearless outspokenness often made him enemies.  But he bore no man any ill-will, no matter how hot a fight he had with him, with the result that he was easily forgiven.  As a member of the School Committee and as a Town Councillor, in which latter capacity he was several times elected to the mayoralty, he did valuable service to the town and district which to-day bears silent testimony to his wise council.

Tuesday, March 10, 1931

BREETZKE.-  Passed away peacefully, at Bailey, on the 10th March, 1931, Elizabeth Jane, beloved wife of Albert A. BREETZKE.  Funeral at Queenstown, on Wednesday, 11th March, at 4 p.m.

Thursday, March 12, 1931

BULLEY.-  To Mr. And Mrs. J.C. BULLEY (nee Violet KERR), on the 10th inst., a daughter.  Both well.
WIGGELL.-  To Mr. And Mrs. J.W. WIGGILL, Rockwood, Bongolo, on the 12th inst., a daughter.

Mrs. Albert BREETZKE
The funeral of the late Mrs. Albert BREETZKE, of Bailey, took place yesterday afternoon from St. Michael’s Church.  The Rev. Archdeacon ROWLEY conducted the service at the Church, and the Rev. EASTEN, of Sterkstroom, of whose Parish the deceased was a communicant, led the service at the graveside...
The deceased was formerly Mrs. DIXON, and was the second wife of Mr. BREETZKE...

Friday, March 13, 1931

In Memoriam
McEWAN.-  In loving memory of Mrs. R. Halliday McEWAN, who died 13th March, 1930.

In the Estate of the late Robert Thomson HISLOP.  No. 20599...
Attorney for the Executor Testamentary.
87, Robinson Road,

Saturday, March 14, 1931

WHITSON-EDMEADES.-  Married at the Presbyterian Church, Livingstone, Rhodesia, on the 7th March, Richard Maurice, son of Mr. And Mrs. R. WHITSON, of Queenstown, to Mildred Charlotte, daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. J.R. EDMEADES, of Oudtshoorn.

PETER.-  Died at No. 8, Calderwood Street, Queenstown, on the 14th instant, Charles Ferdinand, eldest son of Mrs. And the late August PETER.  Aged 52 years.

Monday, March 16, 1931

SUTHERLAND.-  Passed away at Stutterheim, on Wednesday, 11th March, 1931, Joanie, beloved little daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Toy SUTHERLAND, Hazelmere, Amabele.  Aged 1 year and 9 months.

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Edward Herbert DYE.  No. 29249...
ELLIOTT Brothers
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

At a quiet wedding in Wesley Church on Saturday afternoon Mr. Ivan Julian SIEDLE, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. Otto SIEDLE, of Durban, was married to Miss Lesley Maud McPHERSON, second daughter of Mr. AND Mrs. A.K. McPHERSON, of Queenstown.  The Rev. Charles PETTMAN officiated.
Mr. I.J. SIEDLE, who is vice-Captain of the South African cricket team to tour Australia this year, had two of his fellow Springboks at the wedding, Mr. Eric DALTON as best man and Mr. Horace B. CAMERON, who captained South Africa in the last two Test matches against the M.C.C., and who will lead the touring team next summer...

It is with regret that we record the very sudden death of Miss L. ROSE, which took place at Cradock on Friday morning.  While she looked upon Port Alfred as her home, for health reasons she has resided in Queenstown for many months.  The climate suited her, but she found it necessary to get nearer the coast for the winter months.  She left here for Port Alfred about 10 days ago with the intention of spending a few days with friends at Cradock.  While there she was taken suddenly ill, and passed peacefully away in her 74th year.  Letty Rose was the eldest daughter of the Rev. And Mrs.  George ROSE, for many years stationed at Port Alfred, and granddaughter of Mr. And Mrs. George IMPEY, who came to this country in the good ship Borwood in 1842, the forebears of the many IMPEYS scattered throughout South Africa, our Mayor, Mr. R.H. IMPEY, being a grandson, and first cousin to the deceased.  Miss Rose can claim to be one of the early residents of Queenstown.  Her father started one of the first schools in town, in a building on the site now occupied by the Grand Hotel, and later Miss ROSE took an appointment as governess to Mr. G.H. BARNES’ family at Ox Kraal.
She was a life-long and loyal member of the Wesleyan Church, of a quiet and genial disposition, a love of books and a frequent visitor to our library, and well informed upon the topics of the day.  She was much beloved by those who knew her, and will be sadly missed by her many friends, to hwom we offer sincere sympathy and condolence in their sad loss.

Molteno Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
The townspeople were shocked a few days ago when they heard of the tragic death of David SPEIGHT, the only son of the Reverend and Mrs. Rayner SPEIGHT, of Simonstown.  It appears that the child came in contact with a live electric wire and was instantly killed.  The Reverend Rayner SPEIGHT was Resident Wesleyan Minister at Molteno for four years, consequently the family is well known throughout the whole neighbourhood.  Much sympathy is felt for the bereaved parents.

Tuesday, March 17, 1931

DE WET.-  At Queenstown, on the 17 inst., to Mr. And Mrs. Piet DE WET, a daughter.
BOWDEN.- At Nurse LEVEY’s Nursing Home, on the 14th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. W. BOWDEN, a daughter.

HALGREEN-DU PLESSIS.-  The engagement is announced of Minnie, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. C.G. HALGREEN, to Jan DU PLESSIS, both of East London.

Oldest Inhabitant.
The oldest inhabitant of the district, a native woman named Noasi PAPU, has died at the age of 107.  She lived in the Camp district.

Wednesday, March 18, 1931

HAY.-  At Oxton Manor, Whittlesea, on the 17th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. K.J. HAY, a son.

COOPER.-  Passed peacefully away on the 17th inst., Cecil, beloved son of Mr. And Mrs. A.E. COOPER, 165, Cathcart Road.  Age 7 yeas 11 months.

Saturday, March 21, 1931

SUMNER.-  Passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital, Queenstown, on the 20th March, Augusta Susan, dearly loved wife of George SUMMER, senr., of Queesntown.  Aged 70 years.
The Funeral will move from the Frontier Hospital, at 4 o’clock this (Saturday) afternoon.

Tuesday, March 24, 1931

FROST.-  On 21st March, 1931, at Rocklands, to Lorna, wife of Wilfred J. FROST, a daughter.

Thursday, March 26, 1931

A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnised in the Dutch Reformed Church on Wednesday forenoon, the 18th., when Mr. Thomas MARAIS, Bloemhof, Bedford, was married to Rita, daughter of the late G.J. RETIEF and Mrs. RETIEF, Havistock, Thomas River.  The Rev. G.F.C. VAN LINGEN officiated at the ceremony, the Church being well filled by a large number of relatives, friends and well-wishers...
Fatal Motor Accident.
The news that Mrs. WHITEHEAD, of Burghersdorp, had passed away without regaining consciousness in the Nursing Home at five o’clock this morning was received with the deepest regret by all who knew her.  It will be recalled that she was one of the party of four in the ill-fated car which ran into a steel sigh post at a railway crossing about five miles from Molteno while returning to Burghersdorp after a tennis match last Wednesday, March 18.  Mrs. WHITEHEAD was very seriously injured about the head and shoulders and from the first examination very little hope of her recovery was entertained.  She was 34 years of age, and belonged to a well known Border family.  She leaves a husband and two small children with whom much sympathy is felt.  It is understood that the other three occupants of the car are making good progress towards recovery.

Tuesday, March 31, 1931

WYCHE.-  At Middelburg, Cape, on the 26th inst., to Mr. And Mrs. C.R. WYCHE, a daughter.

STAPLES-DUTTON.-  In St. John’s Church, Mafeking, on the 28th March, 1931, by the Rev. A. WILSON, Frederick Rowland, only son of Mr. And Mrs. J.R. STAPLES, of Stutterheim, to Ethel, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. E.F. DUTTON, of Mafeking.

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