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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1931 4 October - December

Thursday, October 1, 1931

ELLIOTT.-  On 29th September, 1931, at Nurse LEVEY’s Nursing Home to Mr. and Mrs. D.B. ELLIOTT, of Spring Valley, Tarkastad, a daughter.

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Maria Catherina BOLD, born BOTHA, and surviving spouse, John George BOLD, a mason, of Queenstown.  No. 31511…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Tragic Death of Durban Man.
Mr. B.G. ACTON, the well-known Durban chemist, who has been missing from his home since Thursday, was found in an unconscious condition in his car near Stanger to-day.  He was taken to the Stanger Hospital, but died later.  HE was thought to have been suffering from the effects of poison.  There will be a post-mortem.

Saturday, October 3, 1931

LAAKS.-  To Mr. and Mrs. W. LAAKS, at 16 Queen’s Drive, on the 26th last, a son.  Both well.

BOUCHER-VAN HEERDEN.-  The engagement is announced of Miss G.E. BOUCHER, Oat Hay Siding, to W.J. VAN HEERDEN, “Occupation,” both in the Queenstown District, as from Saturday, 26th September.

A pretty wedding took place at Sea Point on Saturday, September 19, when Alma, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. HOFMEYR, was married to Brindsley ANCER, son of Dr. and Mrs. ARCHER-ISAAC, Molteno.  The marriage was solemnised by the Rev. Canon DEACON at St. James’s Church…

Tuesday, October 6, 1931

SHEARAR.-  On the 4th October, to Mr. and Mrs. G.L. SHEARAR, a son.

REYNIERSE-GEYER.-  Married at the Dutch Reformed Church on the 5th inst., Henry P. REYNIERSE, eldest son of J.J. REYNIERSE, Queenstown, to Ivy I. GEYER, youngest daughter of L. GEYER, East London.

Thursday, October 8, 1931

O’CONNOR-NEWMAN.-  Married at Johannesburg on the 23rd September, James, youngest son of Mrs. And the late James O’CONNOR, Berry Street, Queenstown, to Alice NEWMAN, of Kent, England.

Friday, October 9, 1931

In the Estate of the late Johannes Friedrich Carl HEIN, of Queenstown…
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary

Saturday, October 10, 1931

Golden Wedding
MALLETT-CHAPMAN.-  Married at Healdtown, Fort Beaufort, October 12th, 1881, Charles Maynard MALLETT, to Emma, youngest daughter of the late Rev. George CHAPMAN.

In Memoriam
ARNOTT.-  In loving memory of Grace Elizabeth ARNOTT, died 10th October, 1928.
(Fondly remembered by Maud, George and grandchildren, Grace and Ernest.)
ARNOTT.-  In loving memory of my dear mother, Grace ARNOTT, who passed away on the 10th October, 1928.
(Sadly missed by her daughter Emily, and her grandchildren Emily and Edward.)

Tuesday, October 13, 1931

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Walter Russell SNELL, of Buffelsdoorns, in the District of Glen Grey.  No. 28795…
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary

Wednesday, October 14, 1931

Cathcart Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
The late Mr. F.K. LEDERLE.
Following on the tragic occurrence on Wiener’s Day the news of the death of Mr. F.K. LEDERLE at Queenstown on Saturday morning came as an additional shock to the inhabitants of the town.  Mr. LEDERLE had undergone an operation the previous Sunday and seemed to be progressing favourably, but towards the end of the week he had a relapse, ultimately passing peacefully away.
The late Mr. LEDERLE, who was 68 years of age, came to this country from Germany with his parents, when a young lad, with the German settlers.  He entered the service of the C.M.P., being stationed for the most part in the Eastern Province.  On retiring from the Police he came to Cathcart and for a time was engaged to brick-making.  Subsequently he was for many years, until a year of two ago, the sanitary contractor for the Municipality, and was also the  proprietor of the local bioscope.  He was always keenly interested in public affairs, and at the last municipal election was elected a councillor, unopposed, in place of Mr. A.S. VAN COLLER.  He had only attended two meetings of the Council before his death.  He has left to mourn his loss a widow and a family of three sons and two daughters, all grown up, to whom the sympathy of all is extended in their sad bereavement.
The funeral which was largely attended by all sections of the community took place from the Wesleyan Church on Sunday afternoon, being conducted by the Rev. N.P. ABRAHAM, the large number of wreaths sent testifying to the universal esteem and respect in which the late Mr. LEDERLE was held both in town and district.

Thursday, October 15, 1931

KLETTE-ANDREWS.-  On Tuesday, October 13th, 1931, at 29, Berry Street, Queenstown, by Archdeacon ROWLEY, Albert KLETTE, of Gwatuy-Bolotwa, to Alicia Elizabeth ANDREWS, youngest daughter of the Rev. James and Mrs. ANDREWS, of Peckham, Kent, England.

Estate late Emma Johanna Emilie QUAIL, born WULFF, and surviving spouse William Arthur QUAIL, of 30, Grey Street, Queenstown.  No. 31636…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown.

The marriage of Miss Anna HOFMEYR, daughter of Senator W.A. HOFMEYR, to the Right Rev. B.W. PEACEY, Bishop of Lebombo, was solemnised at St. Barnabas’ Church, Capetown.  Owing to the recent death of the bride’s mother the marriage was a very quiet one and only relatives and a few close friends were present.

Friday, October 16, 1931

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Ernst Laurens COETZER.  No. 31613…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 136,

Saturday, October 17, 1931

The news of the death of Mr. Henry Aston KEY, was received in town with great regret, as he had many friend in Umtata and the Transkei.  Mr. KEY had been associated with native affairs for many years, and for some time was in the Transvaal as Sub-Native Commissioner, and later held this office in Johannesburg.  About 1926 he was transferred to Herschel district as superintendent of natives, but after a short while was prompted to the position of Native Commissioner, and at the time of his death was Resident Magistrate.

Monday, October 19, 1931

Ill-Fated Picnick
Young Post office clerk’s end
Umtata drowning fatality
The distressing news reached Queenstown yesterday of the death by drowning in a river about 15 miles out of Umtata of Mr. N.J. MAGGS, who on the 1st of this month had been transferred from the Queenstown Post Office to the Post Office at Umtata.  
Mr. MAGGS, whose parents reside at Uitenhage, went out yesterday with a party of friends to a picnic and a place on a river’s bank was selected for the day’s outing.
Mr. MAGGS waded into the river to find the depth and when the water was up to his armpits he disappeared.
His friends were unable to recover his body and the assistance of police and divers from Umtata was secured.
The body was recovered at 8.30 last night.
Mr. MAGGS had been about four years in the service and prior to coming to Queenstown was in the Post Office at Grahamstown.  He was well liked and gave promise of an excellent record in the service.  He was between 21 and 22 years of age and was a Sergeant in the “A” (Queenstown) Company, First City Regiment.

The news was flashed over the wireless from Pretoria last night that Mr. F.W. PEINKE, the father of Mr. T.H. PEINKE, the Out-Door Inspector of the Queenstown Divisional Council, was dying and it was desired that he information should reach the members of his family if possible.  Those on the air here communicated with Mr. PEINKE, but he was unable owing to there being no train at the time to get away.
Mr. T.H. PEINKE received a telegram this morning that his father had passed away.
The deceased was in business in Pretoria and was formerly of Stutterheim.  He was 60 years of age.

Friday, October 23, 1931

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late Frederick STROH (Retired), of Queenstown.  No. 31748…
Attorneys for Executive Testamentary

Saturday, October 24, 1931
JACKSON.-  At 14, Golf Road, on October 23rd, to Audrey (nee GRIPPER), wife of R.V. JACKSON, of Immerpan, Transvaal, a daughter.

Monday, October 26, 1931

SHAW.-  At Nurse LEVEY’s Nursing Home, on the morning of the 25th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. S. Gordon SHAW, a daughter.  Both well.

Wednesday, October 28, 1931

McCONNELL.-  On the 28th October, 1931, at 100, Berry Street, Queenstown, to Mr. and Mrs. E.H. McCONNELL, a son.

Dordrecht Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Baden BLUNDEN on the birth of a son.

Friday, October 30, 1931

Notice to Creditors
Estate of the late Sibango MFANTA, of Mbinzana Location, district of Glen Grey.   No. 25,063…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary

The news was received on Saturday morning of the death as the result of a motor accident in Capetown of Mr. Eugene THOMPSON, partner in the firm of THOMPSON and THOMPSON, Attorneys, Wynberg, and youngest son of Mrs. E.M. THOMPSON of this town.  The deepest sympathy of the whole town is felt for the bereaved mother, as only eight months ago an elder son was killed in an accident in Johannesburg.  Eugene, who was only 31 years of age, had already given evidence of axceptional abilities and was on the threshold of a very promising career.

Mr. Eugene B. THOMPSON, a Wynberg attorney, who was killed at Wynberg last Friday in a collicion between his motor cycle and a lorry, was a son of the late Mr. W. THOMPSON and Mrs. THOMPSON, of Cathcart.  Born at Whittlesea, Queenstown district, in 1899, he was educated at Cathcart Public School and graduated in Arts at Rhodes University College, where he won his Rugby blue.  He graduated as Bachelor of Law at Maritzburg and then practised as an attorney in East London, Kimberley and Port Elizabeth.  HE went to Capetown last January.

Saturday, October 31, 1931

KAVANAGH.-  At Newhaven Nursing Home, on the 30th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. Pat KAVANAGH, a daughter.  Both well.

Tarkastad Inquest
Death of Mr. S.H. MARTIN
Verdict of Heart Failure
The Magistrate of Tarkastad (Mr. J.A. DODD) held an inquiry on Wednesday into the death of Mr. J.H. MARTIN whose body was found in his room on the morning of September 15th.
Dr. KAPLAN, a medical practitioner in Tarkastad, said that he sent the stomach with its contents to the Chief Government Analyst for examination.  He reckoned the that death took place about four days before the body was found.  After he received the report from the Government Analyst his conclusion was that death may have been due to heart failure.  He had found a quantity of fat round the heart.  There were no definite signs of poisoning visible on account of the putrefaction of the body.  The rigidity of the body when found may have been due to strychnine or other causes.  If strychnine had been taken it was not in sufficient quantity to cause death.  The Government Analyst’s report was that there was no traces of strychnine or other alkaloidal poison present in the organs submitted.
The Magistrate returned a verdict that death was due to heart failure.

Wednesday, November 4, 1931

Two weddings of interest to Tarkastaders are taking place this week.  Mr. Lex PORTER is marrying Miss MACKAY, of Johannesburg, and Miss C. HERSELMANN is marrying Mr. C. TIFFIN, of Queenstown.  Congratulations to all parties concerned.

Arthur Waistell HIRD
There passed away at Port Elizabeth on October 29, Mr. Arthur Waistell HIRD of Oudtshoon.  He had been indifferent  health for some years and left for Port Elizabeth to consult a specialist, but there was nothing that could be done for him and his end was only a matter of time.
He was 63 years of age, and was born in Yorkshire (England) and was apprenticed to a drapery firm in London.  He came out to South Africa as a lad and joined the firm of Messrs H.J. RUDDLE and Co. at Port Elizabeth.  Later he came to Queenstown where he was also in business.  At one time he was resident at Kimberley, and he went through the Langeberg Campaign, being attached to the Artillery.  Eventually he relinquished business and took up farming near Queenstown.  He suffered a setback in health and was ordered to go to the coast he went to reside at Mossel Bay where he joined the firm of Messrs. KENNER and Co.  In 1927 he went to Oudtshoorn with his wife and family.  He was appointed manager of the branch at George of Messrs. SANDERS and Sons.  He returned to Oudtshoorn to join his family and ever since has been living in retirement.
He was of a retiring nature and was a fine type of English gentleman.  He was a member of the Sons of England and was also greatly attached to the English Church to which he belonged.  He was very popular in business circles.
He married Miss Amy BAKER of Queenstown and leaves besides his widow a son and daughter to mourn their loss.  Alfred is now in the Post Office at Richmond, while his sister, Lorna, is a student at the Training College, Grahamstown.
To the sorrowing widow and children we extend our sympathy.

Thursday, November 5, 1931

WEEBER.-  Passed away at Queenstown, on 5th November, 1931, Dr. George Henry WEEBER.

We regret to record the death, which took place at the Nursing Home, Queenstown, to-day, of Dr. G.H. WEEBER., the District Surgeon at Lady Frere.
Dr. WEEBER who had been two or three years at Lady Frere, was a popular and capable official, a man quite before the prime of life, well-read and a keen conversationalist.  HE hailed from Cradock and his father was exceedingly well-known in the old days of the Afrikaner Bond under which he was Chief Whip, and it was from his father that Dr. WEEBER inherited his lively interest in a political argument.
Dr. WEEBER was a keen sportsman.  A widow and one little daughter remain to mourn his loss.  Only three months ago his little son died of fever in Queenstown and it was from that also that Dr. WEEBER suffered.

Friday, November 6, 1931

MOFFITT-MORRIS:  Married at Wesley Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. R. FLOWEDAY, on Wednesday, 4th November, 1931, Arthur MOFFITT, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. MOFFITT, of Bedford, C.P. to Phyllis Maude, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dudley MORRIS, Queenstown.

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Lydia Ruth WALKER, born ENDRES.  No. 31972…
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
P.O. Box 136,

Saturday, November 7, 1931

COCKIN.- At “Vernleigh,” Queenstown, on the 6th November, 1931, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard COCKIN, a daughter (Lesley).

Monday, November 9, 1931

WELCH.-  To Mr. and Mrs. Noel WELCH, at 15, Grey Street, on the 9th inst., a son.

Estate of the late Stephen Donald Ayliff Phillip GARNER, a Civil Servant of Whittlesea, Queenstown, District of Queenstown.  No. 20830…
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary

News was received in town to-day of the sudden death at the Katberg Sanatorium on Saturday evening of Mr. A.H.T. PERRY, a pensioner of the Standard Bank in Queenstown.
Mr. PERRY, according to a letter received in town, was about to sit down to a game of bridge when he fell backwards and expired almost immediately, death being due to heart failure.
Mr. PERRY was well-known throughout the town.
Mr. PERRY, when in Queenstown, resided at Roseneath Boarding House.  He was an extreme lover of nature and spent most of his retirement from the service of  the bank in exploration walks.
He would leave “Roseneath” almost every day after breakfast for a tramp and with his pack he was a familiar figure in the district.
When he left a few days ago for the Katberg he stated that it was his intention to proceed to Capetown.
Mr. PERRY was unmarried and was 62 years of age.  He had travelled much in England and Australia.  
He was a man of charming disposition and lived for the open life and the Blue Road.
According to the news received in town he was buried yesterday at Balfour, it is assumed.

Tuesday, November 10, 1931

GILFORD.-  Died at Three Anchor Bay, Capetown, on November 7, Edith GILFORD, born SHEPPERSON.

IRONSIDE.-  At Newhaven Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Tuesday, the 10th November, 1931, to Francklyn, wife of A.J. IRONSIDE, a son.

Wednesday, November 11, 1931

O’BRIEN.-  Passed peacefully away at the Nursing Home, Queenstown, at 3 o’clock this morning, William O’BRIEN, of East London.  Funeral at 4 p.m. to-day at the Catholic Church.

Lady Frere Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
The news of the death of Dr. G.H. WEEBER in the Nursing Home, Queenstown, on the 5th November, came as a profound shock to the whole community of Lady Frere.  Dr. WEEBER had been suffering for some time before his entering the Frontier Hospital on October 30, whence he was removed to the Nursing Home a day or two after, as no private ward was available in the hospital at the time.  Most of the time he was delirious, and many of his wide circle of friends who, on hearing of his serious condition, wanted to see him, could not be admitted.  The funeral was attended by over fifty local residents who motored to Queenstown immediately on receipt of the sad tidings.  Many beautiful floral tributes accompanied him to his last resting place.  
As District Surgeon of Glen Grey Dr. WEEBER had a hard task.  I often accompanied him on his official calls to the farthest corners in the area, and found that we had sometimes to climb mountains miles from the road, or venture through dongas and muddy vleis where no car could possible reach, to get to some poor native patient or other.  Many a native patient whose condition required hospital treatment he took to Queenstown in his car without ever receiving compensation or a of thanks.
The Lady Frere Rugby Club was reformed by the efforts of Dr. WEEBER who was a keen lover of our national game;  and during 1928-29-30 it was simply his unswerving energy that kept the club alive in the interests and for the benefit of our local young men;  many a time he had to hunt up players suffering from appalling inertia, to come to practices.  As a S.A.C.S. boy he learned Rugby in the Western Province where he was an outstanding player in the junior and senior teams.  On proceeding overseas for his medical studies, he played for Edinburgh University, as well as for Guys’ in London.  He was also a great lover of cricket.
We are sorry that so young and promising a life has been cut short.  To his bereaved family we extend our heartfelt sympathy.

Saturday, November 14, 1931

TIFFIN-HERSELMAN.-  Married at Tarkastad, on the 6th November, 1931, by the Rev. A. NAUDE, Mr. Kit TIFFIN, of Queenstown, to Miss Cissie HERSELMAN, of “Haasfontein,” Waverley.

Monday, November 16, 1931

CROSS.-  Died at Amalinda, on Sunday, 15th November, 1931, Richard Henry William CROSS, late of Hillside, Bolotwa.  Aged 74 years.

Death of Mr. Richard CROSS
The news of the death of Mr. Richard Henry William CROSS, which took place at his residence at Amalinda at 9.30 yesterday morning, will be received with general regret by his very large circle of friends along the Border.  Mr. Richard CROSS, who was 74 years of age, was one of the best known and most popular of our progressive Frontier farmers, and his farm and stud cattle at Hillside, Bolotwa, were famed throughout the length and breadth of the country.
For many years, up to the outbreak of the Great War, Mr. and Mrs. CROSS did a great deal of entertaining at Hillside, and were the most genial of hosts.  Their beautiful home was open to a large circle of friends, and their hospitality was unbounded.  Mr. CROSS was also one of the most generous subscribers to the many funds raised during the war, and never lost an opportunity of doing a kind turn to those in need.  He had a fascinating sense of humour and a fund of good stories.
Some years ago Mr. CROSS retired from active farming and, with Mrs. CROSS, for health reasons, went to live in East London, and later at Amalinda.  He left his farm in the care of his youngest son, Mr. Terrence CROSS.  Two years ago Mr. CROSS had the misfortune to be involved in a serious motor car accident, from the effects of which it is feared he never fully recovered.  He has not been in good health for some considerable time, but it was only a week ago that he took a serious turn for the worse, and gradually became weaker.  To Mrs. CROSS and family deepest sympathy will be extended.  The seven children are:  Mrs. DOLD, Mrs. ATKINS, Miss May CROSS, Mrs. Fred BARNES, Mr. Ray CROSS, Mrs. Lloyd LISTER, and Mr. Terrence CROSS.  The funeral will take place from Mr. JONES’ funeral parlour, East London, at 2.45 this (Monday) afternoon.

Wednesday, November 18, 1931

CREBO.-  Passed peacefully away at 47, Robinson Road, Queenstown, on 16th inst., Catherine CREBO, wife of Mr. R. CREBO.  Age 71 years.

Child’s death after Motor accident.
East London woman on trail
East London, Tuesday.
At the Magistrate’s Court to-day Mrs. Harriet Jemima HOOPER, was charged with culpable homicide in connection with the death of an 11-year-old schoolgirl, Evelyn Winifred BARLOW, who was knocked down by a motor driver by the accused, and died in the Frere Hospital from a fractured base of the skull.
At about seven in the evening the child was waiting in Oxford Street and dashed across the roadway into a safety zone to board an approaching tram-car.
She was struck by the accused’s car, carried for about ten yards, and then run over.
One witness estimated the car’s speed at 30 miles an hour.  It was raining at the time and general visibility was poor.
The wet asphalt shone in the rain, making it difficult for motorists to see people in the roadway.
The case was adjourned. – Reuter.

Friday, November 20, 1931

MUNDELL-ARNOLD. - We, Jimmy MUNDELL, Amara, and Babs ARNOLD, Lady Frere, wish to announce to relations and friends that we are engaged.

Monday, November 23, 1931

LOVE.-  Died at Queenstown, on Monday, the 23rd November, 1931, after a long and painful illness, Annie LOVE, beloved wife of J.T. LOVE.  Age 59 years 6 months.

Tuesday, November 24, 1931

Death of a girl in Accident
Motorist not held to blame.
East London, Monday.  At the Magistrate’s Court to-day, Mrs. Harriet Jemima HOOPER, who was charged with culpable homicide in connection with the death of an eleven-year-old schoolgirl, Evelyn Winifred BARLOW, was discharged, the Magistrate holding that there was no proof of negligence.
The circumstances of the case were that on one wet night in Oxford Street, the principal shopping thoroughfare, the child ran out from the pavement to get on an approaching tramcar.
The accused, who was driving a motor car failed to see the girl and knocked her down.
The child sustained a fractured skull and died in the Frere Hospital a day or two later.
The Magistrate expressed the view that the deceased was negligent in not looking to see if there was any oncoming traffic. – Reuter.

Table Mountain Tragedy
Doctor’s son killed by fall
Capetown, Sunday.
Table Mountain claimed another victim when James SIMPSON-WELLS, eldest son of a well-known Capetown medical practitioner, Dr. SIMPSN-WELLS, was so seriously injured that he died before he reached his home.
It appears that SIMPSON-WELLS, with a party was climbing a buttress when a large piece of rock which he was gripping became dislodged, and SIMPSON-WELLS fell a considerable distance, sustaining very severe injuries, from which he died before the stretcher party could reach his home.
SIMPSON-WELLS, who was 24 years of age, was a St. Andrews, Grahamstown, boy, and practised at the Cape Bar. – Reuter.

Wednesday, November 25, 1931

Tylden Notes
(From our own Correspondent.)
The tragic news of the death by drowning of the younger son of Mr. And Mrs. Harry TORR, Meltonwold, Carnavon, caused great distress locally for the little boy, grandson of Mr. Walter FILMER, was known to a number of people in this district.  It will be remembered that Mr. And Mrs. TORR used to live at Esher, Thomas River.  They moved to Carnavon over a year ago.  The little boy, who was nearly six years old, was paddling in a shallow dam with his elder brother, who is about seven years, when he saw a stork on an island a little distance away.  He called out to his brother saying that he was going to get the stork and before his brother could prevent him he started off and disappeared into the mud.  Owing to the huge size of the dam, it covers over 300 acres when full, the search for the little fellow took some time.  When artificial respiration was applied the heart resumed its action for a few seconds but unfortunately too much mud had been absorbed into the lungs.
Mr. Walter FILMER, his son Gerald, and his three daughters, Mrs. A.F. SCOTT, Mrs. F.E. NORTHCROFT, (who had to come up from Kei Mouth) and Miss Hazel FILMER, left here by car on Tuesday evening at 6.30 and arrived at Carnarvon, over 302 miles away, at 8.30 the next morning, the day  of the funeral.  Mrs. Gerald FILMER was at the wheel during the whole of the forced night trip.

Thursday, November 26, 1931

In Memoriam
MUTCH.-  In loving memory of my husband and our father, C.R. MUTCH, died 26th November, 1922.

Murderer’s 9 victims
Shot-gun outrage near Bethlehem
Killer rampages district
Suicide to prevent capture
Durban, Thursday.
Murders on a wholesale scale were committed in the Bethlehem district this afternoon.  According to news received two Europeans and seven natives were killed.
The first victim was J.E. DARBY, chairman of the Natal Commercial Travellers Association and vice-president of the South African Commercial Travellers’ Association, who was stopped by a stranger on the road between Reitz and Bethlehem while in a car.
The ma asked DARBY for a lift and then shot him dead with a sporting rifle.
The murderer, whose name is believed to be VAN HEERDEN, then drove the car in the direction of Bethlehem with the body of his victim in the seat beside him.
On the way the murderer shot five natives, all of whom were killed.
Prior to reaching Bethlehem the man turned back to Reitz and shot a European sexagenarian, M. PRINSLOO, who was planting trees at the roadside.  Further on he shot two natives.
By this time the police were hot on his tracks and a stern motor car chase ensued.
Eventually the police came up with the murderer, but rather than be captured alive, he turned the shotgun on himself and blew his brains out. – Reuter.

Estate late Johanna Maria HAUPT.  No 15765...
Ventnor V. HAUPT.
Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 47,
Port Elizabeth

Saturday, November 28, 1931

McDONALD-COCKIN.-  Married at Aliwal North, on the 25th November, 1931, by the Rev. C. WALLACE, Ian Murray McDONALD, second son of Mr. And Mrs. A.C. McDONALD, of Lilyfontein, Queenstown, to Phyllis Hayward COCKIN, youngest daughter of Mrs. Charles COCKIN, of Aliwal North, and grand-daughter of Mrs. COCKIN, senr., of Waverley.

Tuesday, December 1, 1931

It is with deep regret that we announced the death of Wilfred ELLIOTT, aged 15, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. W. ELLIOTT, Grootdam, Hofmeyr.  The young lad was taken ill suddenly and was taken to the Queenstown Hospital, where he was operated on for appendicitis, but in spite of all efforts he passed away on Sunday morning, November 22.
The funeral took place on Monday afternoon at Hofmeyr, and many friends and relations gathered at the graveside as a last tribute, and at the close the hymn “Rock of Ages” was sung...
..Wilfred ELLIOTT was at Queen’s College at the time...

Monday, December 7, 1931

JAKOBI.-  At Nurse LEVEY’s Nursing Home, Queenstown, on Saturday, 5th December, 1931 to Mr. And Mrs. P.D. JAKOBI, a daughter.

Tuesday, December 8, 1931

Forthcoming Marriages
WALKER-SIBSON.-  The marriage of Kathleen Pollard, only daughter of Dr. And Mrs. SIBSON, of Eshowe, to George David WALKER, of Johannesburg, only son of Mr. And Mrs. D. WALKER, of Mafeking, will take place at the Wesleyan Church, Eshowe, on Saturday, December 12th, at 11 a.m.  No cards.

Wednesday, December 9, 1931

ELLIOT-WILSON.- at the Stutterheim Nursing Home, on December 7th, to Mr. And Mrs. Aubrey ELLIOT-WILSON (nee Jessie STAPLES), a son.

Thursday, December 10, 1931

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Catherine CREBO (born McCALLUM) and surviving spouse Robert CREBO.  No.  32255...
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Friday, December 11, 1931

Estate of the late Jan Johannes REIJNIERSE, a Railway Pensioner, of Naauwpoort, C.P.  No. 31031...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
Athlone Chambers,
P.O. Box 187

Constance May MILES (born KEETON) vs Ernest Douglas MILES, a farmer, of Langdraai, Cathcart District.
The marriage in community of property subsisting between the above mentioned parties having been dissolved by the Order of the Supreme Court notice is hereby given that all claims against and due to the said joint Estate must be lodged with and paid to the undersigned within three weeks from date of the publications hereof.
Queenstown, 11th December, 1931
Official Receiver.
By Order of the said Court.
Athlone Chambers,
P.O. Box 187

Monday, December 14, 1931

We are sorry to hear of the serious illness of the father of Mrs. NAUDE, who resides at the Dutch Parsonage, with his daughter and son-in-law, and we wish the old gentleman a speedy recovery.

Tuesday, December 15, 1931

VAN BILJOEN.-  At No. 13, Albert Road, Westbourne, to Mr. And Mrs. VAN BILJOEN, a bonny boy.

We regret to record the death of a promising life in the person of Inez Florence WARREN, a pupil attending our local High School, which sad event took place at the Frontier Hospital on Friday, December 4, from heart trouble.  The deceased young lady, who was in her 19th year had passed her oral exam in Standard VIII., when illness supervened, which required medical treatment, and her passing away came as a surprise to her many school friends and others by whom she was affectionately liked.  Her funeral on Saturday last was well attended, the services at the Methodist Church and graveside were conducted by the Rev. J. ELLIOT.

Thursday, December 17, 1931

DUNN.-  On December 16th, to Mr. And Mrs. Stanley DUNN (nee HODGES), Wynberg, a son.

Monday, December 21, 1931

CHADWICK.-  Passed peacefully away at his residence in Livingstone Road, on the 14th December, Edwin CHADWICK, in his seventy-sixth year.

In Memoriam
DYE.-  In affectionate memory of our darling daughter, Trixie.

Tuesday, December 22, 1931

KIDSON.-  On December 22nd, to Mr. And Mrs. B.E. KIDSON, of 84, Ebden Street, a daughter.  Both well.

Wednesday, December 23, 1931

MARR-HAW.-  Married on 19th December at St. John’s Church, Bolotwa, by the Rev. J. Bovell JOHNSON, Stuart, eldest son of the late Dr. MARR, of Knysna, and Mrs. MARR, of Capetown, to Doris, eldest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. HAW, Glencoe, Bolotwa.

Thursday, December 24, 1931

DEWING.-  At 71, Price Alfred Street, on Thursday, 24th December, 1931, to Mr. And Mrs. C.R. DEWING, a son.

There passed away on Tuesday night at Molteno a personage much beloved and esteemed by all who came into contact with him, Mr. Donald STUBBS.
Donald served in the local Post Office as a telegraphist for a fairly long period, during which he established himself as a most conscientious worker, earning the respect not only of those under but above him.
As a member of the Wesleyan Church, Don became one of the most well-beloved members, not only of the Church choir, but of the Sunday School where he taught for a short while before his departure for East London.
Always smiling and ready to cheer, Donald was a most popular member of Queenstown’s younger set, and whether at work, play, or at home always proved himself to be a thorough English gentleman.
As a friend Donald came second to none, always willing to give service or advice whenever possible.  What makes the event still more tragic is the recent death of his mother, who died only a week ago in the same centre.
Mrs. STUBBS, like her son, made herself a very prominent and valuable member of the Wesleyan Church in Molteno and Queenstown.  As is said:  “The good that men do lives after them,” we feel that long indeed hence is the day when we shall forget this great pal of ours, who has gone to join a higher company, and wish him “Good Hunting, Comrade, Good Hunting.”  Our deepest sympathy goes to his father, sister and brothers, in their sad bereavement.

Monday, December 28, 1931

GERBER-TAYLOR.-  To be married at Rosebank Wesley Church, by the Rev. J. Wesley McGAHEY, on Thursday, 31st December, 1931, at 2.30 p.m., Henry GERBER, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. GERGER, Porterville, to Gwendolyn, only daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. Jack TAYLOR, Worcester.

In Memoriam
BURT.-  In loving memory of my dear husband and our dear daddie, died at Holmleigh, December 26th, 1919.
BURT.-  In loving memory of my dear brother-in-law Ted.
(Inserted by Ellen).
BURT.-  In loving memory of our dear brother, Ted.
(Inserted by Mark and Jennie.)

Wednesday, December 30, 1931

McGEE-BARTON.-  On December 28, 1931, at the Baptist Church, Queenstown, by the Rev. A.B. ARNOT, Victor, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. W. McGEE, to Winifred, youngest daughter of Mr. And Mrs. R.A. BARTON:  both of Queenstown.

HALLIDAY.- Died on 28th inst., at Marydale, near Prieska, Miss M. HALLIDAY, aged 70 years.

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