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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1932 4 October - December

Tuesday, October 4, 1932

STRELITZ-HURWITZ.-  The engagement is announced of Julia, second daughter of Mr. And Mrs. M. STRELITZ, of Queenstown, to Solomon HURWITZ, of Fort Beaufort.

WHALE.-  Died at 30 Wodehouse Street, Queenstown, on the 1st October, 1932, Daisy Louise, beloved wife of Harry WHALE.

The engagement of Miss Hilda MUIR of Erin, to Mr. W. (Billy) OOSTHUIZEN of Burghersdorp has been announced.

Dordrecht Notes
A pretty wedding took place on Monday in the Dutch Reformed Church, when Mr. P. VAN DER MERWE was married to Miss M. VILJOEN, the ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. VAN WYK....

It is with deep regret we have to record the death which took place on Saturday night at the residence 30, Wodehouse Street of Mrs. Daisy Louise WHALE, wife of Mr. Harry J. WHALE, one of the best known residents and sportsmen in Queenstown, a sportsman known in fact throughout the Border.
Mrs. WHALE who was 59 years of age, had been ill for two years and four months, but recently improved to the happiness of many friends.  On Tuesday last, however, she suffered a relapse and a stroke ensued with the result that she passed away peacefully on Saturday.  Mrs. WHALE bore her illness with an undaunted fortitude that was the envy of her friends.  Despite her suffering, she displayed a kindness to those around her that was Christianlike in the highest degree.
Mrs. WHALE was the daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. A.E. BOOMS, of Capetown, where Mrs. WHALE was born.
To mourn her great loss there remain with her husband, her daughters, Mrs. F. DERMAN, Mrs. A.E. COLLINS, Miss I. WHALE, and her sons, Messrs. C.H. WHALE, Fred WHALE, Bert WHALE, Derrick WHALE, and Allan WHALE and Mr. M. BOOMS her brother.
The funeral took place on Sunday afternoon, the cortege leaving the residence at 4 o’clock for the Church of England Cemetery, where the last sad rites were performed by the Very Rev. Archdeacon ROWLEY, amid the manifestations of profound sorrow of so many friends...

Saturday, October 8, 1932

STERN.-  Simmie, second son of Mr. And Mrs. H. STERN, Hackney, will read a portion of the Law at the Queen’s Drive Synagogue on Monday, 10th October.  No cards.

Monday, October 10, 1932

BRYCE-BONNER.-  Married on August 27th at Cottingly Church, Yorkshire, England, by the Rev. E.A. ELWIN, M.A., Donald Pearson, only son of Andrew BRYCE, Esq., Capetown, to Patricia Irvine, youngest daughter of Dr. And Mrs. T. Irvine BONNER, Shipley, Yorkshire, England.

In Memoriam
ARNOTT.-  In loving memory of my dear mother, Grace ARNOTT, who passed away on the 10th October, 1928.
(Sadly missed by her daughter Emily and her grandchildren, Emily and Edward.)

Thursday, October 13, 1932

Granddaughter for Mr. THOMAS.
Mrs. Robert Ellison FEARNLEY-WHITTINGSTALL, who was married in London last November, has given birth to a daughter at the Dulwich home of her father, Mr. J.H. THOMAS.  Jill Georgina Ann are the names chosen for the girl.

Shooting Mystery.
The mysterious shooting affair in Turffontein on October 6, when Horace FAGEN, a reduction worker of the Randfontein Estates, was found dying with a gun-shot wound in the head, led to the appearance in the Johannesburg magistrate’s court on Tuesday of his wife, Winifred Agnes Maud FAGEN (29).  No evidence was led and the case was adjourned to October 25, when a preparatory examination will begin.

Friday, October 14, 1932

BAKER-PRESTON.-  Married at Indwe, by the Rev. Father DEMONT, on Saturday, 8th October, 1932, Arthur Ernest, youngest son of Mr. And Mrs. M.W. BAKER, Adelaide, to Evelyn Dorothy, third daughter of Mr. And Mrs. T.A. PRESTON, Delville, Indwe.

In the Estate of the late Sibango MFANTA, Headman, of Mbinzana Location, in the District of Glen Grey.  No. 25063...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 8,
Lady Frere.

Friday, October 28, 1932

Death Sentence for man and wife.
For Killing young infant.
Kroonstad, Thursday.
A young European, William STEMMET, and his wife, Cornelia STEMMET, were sentenced to death to-day for the murder of their eleven days’ old in-
(NOTE:  transcribed article exactly.)

Wednesday, October 26, 1932

Golden wedding
We join their large circle of friends in offering congratulations to Mr. And Mrs. E.F. KIDSON, of Robinson Road, who to-day are celebrating their Golden Wedding.  Mr. And Mrs. KIDSON were married in King Williamstown on the 26th October, 1882, by the late Rev. Mr. TYSON.  The union was blessed with fourteen children – twelve sons and two daughters – of whom ten sons and one daughter are alive to-day.  No fewer than eight sons served in the Great War.  In the Battle of the Somme in 1916 two sons were severely wounded at Bernafay Wood, while two days later a third son, Colin was killed in Delville Wood.  The surviving sons are all married and scattered over the length and breadth of South Africa, but all have come to Queenstown for this memorable occasion to be with their aged parents to-day.  Though Mr. KIDSON has now retired, both he and Mrs. KIDSON are still hale and hearty, and it will be the wish of all that they may still be long spared to be with their children and children’s children.

Late Mrs. Octavia MATTHEWS
Funeral Service
The funeral of the late Mrs. Octavia MATTHEWS took place on Thursday last, October 20, from the residence of her son, Mr. Joe MATTHEWS, and was attended by many relatives and friends.  A short service was conducted at the house by the Rev. C.K. HODGES, assisted by the Rev. C. ARNOTT, when her favourite hymn, “Jesu Lover of My Soul,” was sung.
The pall bearers were her four grandsons, Cyril, Ivan, Kenneth and Harold MATTHEWS.
About six years ago Mrs. MATTHEWS courageously undertook the long journey from England, to make her home with her son in Queenstown.
By her bright and cheery disposition she endeared herself to a great number of friends, both young and old, by whom she was affectionately called “Gran.”
Until four months ago she enjoyed very good health, and was often to be seen going to visit one or another of her friends.
Up to the last, she retained an interest in her friends, and a few days before she died she sent messaged to her relatives in the Homeland.  She passed peacefully away in her sleep, at the age of 83 years.

Friday, October 28, 1932

In the Estate of the late Elizabeth Mary KOBUS, born MULLIGAN, formerly widow GORDON, and surviving spouse Matthes Christian Albert KOBUS (also known as Albert Friedrich KOBUS), of Bankies, in the District of Glen Grey...
Attorney for the Executor

Saturday, October 29, 1932

BRENER.-  Cyril, younger son of Mrs. M. BRENER and the late Mr. W. BRENER, of Johannesburg, will read a portion of the Law at the Berea Synagogue, Saturday, November 5th.

Triple Murder Charge
Arsenic in a Thermos Flask?
Story of Purchase of Poison
Johannesburg, Friday.
Unabated interest is still being displayed in the trial of Mrs. Daisy DE MELKER on the triple charge of murder.
The Senior Government analyst, Mr. G.F. BRITTEN, said that the thermos flask produced in Court could contain about 150 grains of arsenious oxide in a saturated condition.  A cupful of such saturated solution would be fatal in a short period.
He found arsenic in the hair of both Rhodes COWLE and James WEBSTER.
Abraham SPILKIN, chemist, said he knew Mrs. COWLE.  In February last she rang him on the telephone and asked him to let her have some poison for a cat.
Witness suggested destroying the cat himself, but this she refused.
He made up a small amount of arsenic for which Mrs. DE MELKER signed the poison register.
He selected the poison and accused signed the register “D.L. SPROAT,” but she explained that she was married.
Dr. P.R. COPEMAN, Senior Chemist, Government Laboratories, said he was present at the exhumations and had no doubt that strychnine and arsenic were present.
The Court adjourned till Monday.- Reuter.

Monday, October 31, 1932

SCHMIDT-VAN DER MERWE.-  Married in Johannesburg, 29th October, Moxie, second daughter of Mrs. And the late Mr. VAN DER MERWE, of Tarkastad, to Edward, second son of Mr. And Mrs. SCHMIDT, of Queenstown.

Tuesday, November 1, 1932

WEEBER.-  Passed away at Beaufort West on 31st October, in his 89th year, Matthew John WEEBER, beloved father of Mrs. Noel WELCH.

Wednesday, November 2, 1932

Death of a Pioneer Sister.
The death occurred on Saturday morning of the Rev. Mother Eleanora, one of the pioneer sisters of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, King Williamstown.  The deceased lady who had been in failing health for some time, was about 85 years old.  The funeral took place at the Mater Infirmorum, Izeli.

Friday, November 4, 1932

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Johan (or Jan) Christoffel GEYER, No 162/278, farmer, and subsequently deceased spouse Isabella Johanna Maria GEYER (born VAN ROOYEN), of Sterkstroom.  No. 23026...
Attorney for Executor Testamentary
P.O. Box 6,

Estate of the late Annie Eliza McEWAN (born HALLIDAY), a widow of Queenstown.  No. 25776...
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency Co., Ltd.
Executor Testamentary.
P.O. Box 44,

Monday, November 7, 1932

In the Estate of the late William Hosking SOBEY, a Retired Builder, of Queenstown.  No. 33887...
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.

GRANT.-  To Mr. And Mrs. H. GRANT, on November 5, 1932, a son.  Both well.

Tuesday, November 8, 1932

DE MELKER Poison Trial
Crown Case Closes in Fourth Week
Johannesburg, Monday.
The DE MELKER poison trial entered on the fourth week to-day when the case closed.
Mr. Justice GREENBERG refused an application for the discharge of the accused and ordered the defence to go on with their case, which is expected to take some time.  – Reuter.

Friday, November 11, 1932

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
In the Estate of the late Henrietta Marian (or Marion) WAINWRIGHT (born LOVEMORE).  No 34627…
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Notice to Creditors & Debtors
Estate of the late William Henry WILLIAMS, Retired, of Whittlesea, District Queenstown.  No 33534…
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency, Co. Ltd.,
Agent for Executors Testamentary,
P.O. Box 44, Queenstown.

Port Elizabeth Tragedy.
Passing by the gates of Victoria Park, South End, Port Elizabeth, at a fairly early hour on Friday evening, a man came upon the form of a girl lying on the ground.  When aid was summoned it was found that she was still alive, though obviously in extremis.  A bottle containing the residue of a corrosive poison was found at her side.  She was removed to the hospital, where she died early on Saturday morning.  She has been identified as Miss Daisy LONG, aged about 22 years, whose parents reside in Balfour Street, South End.

Saturday, November 12, 1932

Small boy drowned.
A tragic accident occurred recently when a number of small boys were playing on the causeway below Everitt Dam, in the Buffalo River near the old Power Station, at King Williamstown.  Owing to the heavy rains, the water was flowing freely over the causeway rendering it very slippery.  One of the children, the eight-year-old son of Mrs. BARKER, of Oakley House, Mary Street, lost his balance, slipped and fell backwards into the water.  His companions, who made desperate attempts to reach him, say that the strong current carried him down as far as the main road bridge.  The police are still searching for the body.  The deepest sympathy is felt with the bereaved mother, who is suffering acutely from the shock of the tragedy.

Cathcart Notes
(From our own Correspndent.)
Another old landmark was removed from our midst by the death last week of Mr. R.L. BROWN, of Schaffhausen, Waku, at the ripe age of 75.  About two months ago Mr. BROWN was very seriously ill, but by skilled medical attention and careful nursing he recovered, the illness, however, leaving its mark upon him.
He was again taken ill, however, and he suffered so acutely that his heart gave way under the strain.
The late Mr. BROWN, one of the sons of the late Hon. Tom BROWN, was one of the most progressive and respected of farmers in the district, and his familiar figure will be much missed.  He took a keen interest in agricultural matters, being a member of the Cathcart Agricultural Society since its inception.  He was also a faithful and devoted member of the Hilton Methodist Church, and frequently officiated in the pulpit as a lay preacher.  Predeceased by his wife a few years ago, he leaves to mourn his loss a grown-up family of two sons and three daughters to whom all sympathy is extended in their sad bereavement.
The funeral took place at the Hilton Church, being conducted by the Rev. R.J. MOORE, minister of the circuit.  The large attendance of mourners and the great esteem and respect in which the late Mr. BROWN was held both in town and district.

A very pretty wedding took place in the Methodist Church last week, when Mr. Eric THOMPSON, Fort Warwick, Komgha, was married to Sylvia, youngest daughter of Mr. W.R. HOBBS, Glenfillan, Cathcart….

Tuesday, November 15, 1932

HAMILTON.-  Francis Margaret HAMILTON (nee BYRNES), passed peacefully away at Frontier Hospital, on the 15th November, 1932.

Murder Trial Fifth Wekk
Witness Collapses in Box
Mr DE MELKER’s Evidence
Johannesburg, Monday.
The trial of Mrs. Daisy Louisa DE MELKER, on a triple charge of murder, entered its fifth week this morning.
To-day her husband described in his evidence the illness and death of Rhodes COWIE, Mrs. DE MELKER’s son, and said that the boy had been well-treated by his mother.
Another witness said that William Alfred COWIE, former husband of Mrs. DE MELKER, had taken a tonic, one constituent, of which was strychnine.
The COWIES’ were a happy couple, said this witness.
A young man Kenneth SCOTT, giving evidence for the defence had just replied to Mr. MORRIS that Rhodes COWIE did not appear to be ill on the Wednesday before his death, when he suddenly collapsed and lay huddled in the corner of the witness box. – Reuter.

Wednesday, November 16, 1932

In Memoriam
CREBO.-  In loving memory of my mother Catherine, who passed away on the 16th November, 1931. – R.I.P.
(Ever remembered by her loving son.)

In the Estate of the late James TEMLETT, Retired Farmer, and Surviving Spouse, Sarah TEMLETT, born  Wiltshire, of Bolotwa, District Glen Grey.  No. 26833…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Friday, November 18, 1932

WYLDE.-  At Nurse LEVEY’s Nursing Home, on the 17th intstant, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald WYLDE (nee Joyce HARVEY), a daughter.  Both well.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Florence Ellen Isabell SOUTHEY, of Tentergate, Queenstown District, who died at Queenstown, C.P. on the 18th July, 1932.  No. 34959…
Attorneys for the Executor Testamentary
19, Terminus Street
East London.

Monday, November 21, 1932

In the Estate of the late William Edward THOMAS, a Retired Public Stewart, of Imvani, District of Queenstown.  No 33872…
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary.

Tuesday, November 22, 1932

Tragedy in a School
A boy attending the woodwork class at Carolina School was killed the other morning in unusually tragic circumstances.  The victim, a boy of 17 years, named POTGIETER, tapped another boy on the shoulder.  This boy happened to be holding a chisel, and, as he turned sharply, the chisel slipped from his hand and severed the main artery in POTGIETER’s leg.  A doctor was summoned immediately, but POTGIETER died within a few minutes.

Thursday, November 24, 1932

In the Estate of the late Mary McCallum ANDERSON (born CAMPBELL), formerly of Queenstown.  No. 33985…
Execurtor Testamentary
Krugersdorp, Transvaal.

Friday, November 25, 1932

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Petrus Frederick VAN DER MERWE, of Queenstown.  No. 35864…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary,
Hexagon, Queenstown.

Estate late Grace Lily Muriel MOLONY (born STEWART) of Rooi Kraal, in the District of Sterkstroom.  No. 34495…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

Saturday, November 26, 1932

In Memoriam
MUTCH.-  In loving memory of my husband and our father, C.R. MUTCH, died 26th November, 1922.
MUTCH.-  In loving memory of our Dad, Charles Robert MUTCH, who died November 26th, 1922.
(Ever remembered by Eve and Alf.)

Monday, November 28, 1932

MILNE.-  To Mr. and Mrs. W. MILNE, at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, on the 24th Inst., a son.  Both well.

Wednesday, November 30, 1932

In the Estate of the late George ARNOTT and Surviving Spouse Harriet ARNOTT (born LEIGHTON).  No. 18750…
ELLIOTT Brothers
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary
Hexagon, Queenstown

WOOD.-  Passed away peacefully at the Frontier Hospital, on the 29th November, 1932, Ethel Mary (Molly), beloved wife of J.H. WOOD, aged 41 years and 2 months.

Death removed from our midst yesterday afternoon Mrs. J.H. WOOD, who after a long and suffering illness passed peacefully away at the Queenstown Frontier Hospital.  The deceased was a Queenstown girl, and by her unassuming manner gained a large circle of friends.  She was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. McGEE, and was better known as “Molly.”  For many years she has been a sufferer but her bravery would not allow her to give in, and she was never happy unless she was up and doing, in which she never spared herself.  Some four months ago she was compelled to enter the Hospital for treatment, but the complaints from which she suffered had become so deeply rooted that medical aid was unavailing, and after an illness of pain, which she endured with remarkable courage and fortitude, she entered into her rest as stated.  The sympathy of a large circle of friends will be extended to the bereaved in the great loss they have sustained and especially to the husband, Mr. J.H. WOOD, the two sons (Harry and Ronnie), parents, and brothers and sisters.  The funeral takes place this afternoon at 4 o’clock.

Friday, December 2, 1932

DE WET-DOWNHAM.-  To be married at Butterworth on 15th inst., at 11 a.m. in the St. Peter’s Church, Dorothy Mabel DOWNHAM, daughter of Mr. John DOWNHAM, of Qumbu, to Hugo du Toit DE WET, son of Mr. And Mrs. P.C. DE WET, of Bolotwa. – No cards.  No reception.

Silver wedding
WHITBY-RIDLEY.-  At Wesley Church, Queenstown, on 2nd December, 1907, Harry, of East London, eldest son of the late C. WHITBY, of London, England, to Katie, W.R. RIDLEY, daughter of the late Alfred RIDLEY.

In the Estate of the late William Frederick KRUGER, Speculator, of Lady Frere, District Glen Grey.  No. 29104...
Attorney for Executrix
P.O. Box 8,
Lady Frere

Saturday, December 3, 1932

Die Heer het ons ‘n dogtertjie geleen vir twaalfuur.  Hoe onverstaanbaar die wee van God ook is – sal ons stilbly en ons na sy wil skik.  Totweersiens liefste.

Mnr. En Mev. G. SNYMAN wens hiermee die Dokter, en Verpleegster Veringa en al die vriende te bedank vir hulp, kranse, deelneming in on beproewing.

Estate of late Derik HORWOOD.  No. 24681...
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Monday, December 5, 1932

Our sympathy is extended to the relatives and friends of Mr. HARRIS, Senior, whose funeral took place on Wednesday.  The deceased was the father of Mr. Harry HARRIS, and had a goodly number of relatives in Tarkastad and district.

Thursday, December 8, 1932

Notice by Executor
In the Estate of the late Hyman Solomon SHAPIRO, who died at Queenstown, Cape Province, on the 24th April, 1931, and surviving spouse, Ruth SHAPIRO (born MENDELSOHN).  No. 30103...
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary
75, Oxford Street,
East London

Notice by Executor
No. 30182.- Estate late Aletta Maria Margarieta MINNIE, born BOTHA, ofCathcart...
Attorneys for Executor

Found Dead in Car
A young man named Sidney Charles SMITH, 22 years of age, was found in a motor car at the rear of some premises in the centre of Potchefstroom with a bullet wound in his head.  He died soon afterwards.  In the car were found a letter and a ring addressed to a girl, and the revolver.

Friday, December 9, 1932

The late very Revd. Julius GORDON
Queenstown mourns with Pretoria, and with South Africa generally, the sudden passing to his final rest of the Very Rev. Julius GORDON, who died at Umkomaas, Natal, on Tuesday last and was buried there on Wednesday.  The reverend gentleman had given forty years of his life to the Church in South Africa, his first rectorship being in Queenstown.  He spent several years at the beginning of the present century in Queenstown, then proceeded to Parktown, Johannesburg, then later, 21 years ago to Pretoria, where he ultimately became Dean of Pretoria.  He retired from his active ministry only in October last, and for the benefit of the health of Mrs. GORDON proceeded to Umkomaas to spend the period of retirement...
The Rev. Julius GORDON was beloved by all in Queenstown.  He was interested in our public institutions, and was ever keen on pushing on the younger generation.  He was a keen golfer, and at the time of his collapse was enjoying a round at golf on the famous Umkomaas golf course.  To Mrs. GORDON the love and sympathy of all in Queenstown will go out in her heavy bereavement.

Tarkastad Topics
(From our own Correspondent.)
We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Zacharias HATTINGH, a young farmer of the district, and offer our condolences to his relatives and friends.

Friday, December 16, 1932

Estate late Ada Mabel WALKER, of Queenstown.  No. 35428...
Alex SIM,
Executor Dative,
Hartley’s Buildings,

Monday, December 19, 1932

OATES.-  Passed away on December 16th at Broomcliffe, Natal, Thomas OATES, son-in-law of the late Hon. And Mrs. D.S. BARRABLE.

Tuesday, December 20, 1932

MOFFAT.-  At Kasama, Northern Rhodesia, on the 15th December, 1932, to Sheila, wife of Unwin MOFFAT, a son.  Both well.

TUCKETT-WILSON.-  Married at Southampton, England, on the 13th inst., Athleen Bessie WILSON, elder daughter of Mrs. C. WILSON, Queenstown, to Guy Francis TUCKETT.  (By Cable.)

FARMANNER.-  Passed  away at Queenstown on 19th December, 1932, Mary Ann Susannah FARMANNER.  Aged 75 years.  Eldest sister of Mrs. Durban MARSHALL, Senr.

Wednesday, December 21, 1932

In Memoriam
DYE.-  In loving memory of our darling Trixie, who died 21st December, 1929.

Oudtshoorn’s Oldest Resident
Probably the oldest European died at Outshoorn in the person of Leonard BEZUIDENHOUT, who was in his 98th year.  He had been resident in Outshoorn for 40 years and his descendants number in all over hundred.  In the early forties he contributed towards the building of the local Dutch Reformed Church when resident in the Beaufort West district as a sheep farmer.

Thursday, December 22, 1932

FRIEND.-  At 153 Cathcart Road, on the 21st inst. To Mr. And Mrs. J.B. FRIEND, a bonny boy.

In the Estate of the late Andries Jacobus DU PLESSIS, of Doornlaagte, District Indwe and Lady Frere...
Agent for Executors Testamentary.
Lady Frere

Saturday, December 31, 1932

SKINNER-BOLD.-  To be married at Wesley Church, Ebden Street, at 3.30 p.m. on Monday, the 2nd January, 1933, Gordon SKINNER to Ann, third daughter of the late Mr. And Mrs. J.G. BOLD, of Queenstown.  No reception.  No cards.

Tragic Bathing Fatality.
An unfortunate accident occurred at Morgan Bay, near Kei Mouth on Thursday morning, when a Johannesburg woman lost her life while bathing.  She is Mrs. Anna Quin WALTER, wife of Mr. J.P. WALTER, of 24 Zinnia Street, Rosettenville, Johannesburg and was about 36 years of age.  Mrs. WALTER was bathing with a party of friends when they were caught by a strong current and swept into a hole at the bottom of which were stones.  The others managed to extricate themselves but it was a quarter of an hour before Mrs. WALTER’s husband succeeded in bringing her inanimate body from the water.  Artificial respiration was tried for three hours without avail.  Mrs. WALTER leaves three young children.

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