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Daily Representative

The Daily Representative 1933 4 October - December

Tuesday, October 3, 1933

SHUMAN-FILMER.-  At Tylden, on September 26th, 1933, Phyllis, daughter of the late George W. FILMER and Mrs. FILMER, of Cloetedale, to Fletcher, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. SHUMAN, of Strydfontein, Bolotwa.

HALLIDAY.-  Passed away at Johannesburg on 30th September, 1933, Thomas HALLIDAY.  Age 79 years and 2 months.
Funeral at East London on the 3rd inst.

In Memoriam
WHALE.-  In loving memory of our dear mother, Daisy Louise, who fell asleep on the 1st October, 1932.
(Ever remembered by Sonny, Betsy and children.)
WHALE.-  In loving memory of Daisy Louise, who fell asleep on the 1st October, 1932.

Unemployed teacher commits suicide
Bloemfontein Sunday.
W.F. BEZUIDENHOUT, senior clerk in charge of staff appointments in the Education Department and Chairman of the Public Service Association, was shot dead in the dining room of his home to-nigh by an unemployed school teacher, Dirk Jan KOOY, who subsequently committed suicide.
BEZUIDENHOUT was sitting between his wife and sister, with his children playing happily in the adjoining porch, when two rifle shots rang out from the darkness of the night, shattering his head and face and killing him instantly.
When the police arrived a few minutes later they found the hatless and bootless body of KOOY lying, with his skull and part of his face blown away, below the window of the dining room in a lane outside the house.
By his side was a Lee-Metford rifle with three spent cartridges and a live bullet in the magazine.
Though terribly injured KOOY was still alive when found by the police, but he died an hour later in hospital.

Friday, October 6, 1933

In the Estate of the late William Henry WILIAMS, of, Whittlesea, District Queenstown.
No. 33534….
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency Co.Ltd.
Agent for Executors Testamentary.
86, Cathcart Road,

Monday, October 9, 1933

SIEDLE.-  To Mrs. Jack SIEDLE (Lesley McPHERSON) at Durban, on the 9th October, a son.
HAYES.-  To Mr. and Mrs. G.B. HAYES, of Hayden Park, on the 8th inst., a daughter.  

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Charles James Burnet BIDDULPH, of “Maida Vale,” District Queenstown.
No. 39178…
Attorneys for Executrix
94, Cathcart Road,

On Saturday afternoon Laura Eleanor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L.B. PARSONSON, was married to William Sydney, son of Mr. and Mrs. K.M. HART, at the Wesley Church by the Rev. C. CRABTREE.
Miss Peggie PARSONSON, sister of the bride, was the bridesmaid and Mr. Deryck KNIGHT the best man…

Wednesday, October 11, 1933

In Memoriam
ARNOTT.-  In loving memory of my dear mother, Grace ARNOTT, who passed away on the 10th October, 1928.
(Fondly remembered by her daughter, Emily, and grandchildren, Emily and Edward.)

Thursday, October 12, 1933

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late James MOMBEnI, of Mousa, District Queenstown.
No. 38505…
Attorneys for Executor
94, Cathcart Road,

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late William Stewart Ludwig SCHWARTZ, of Queenstown.  No. 38674…
Attorneys for Executor,
94, Cathcart Road,

Friday, October 13, 1933

JAMES-FISHER.-  On the 11th October, 1933, at St. Michael and All Angels’ Church, Queenstown by Archdeacon ROWLEY, Aubrey Charles JAMES, son of Mrs. A. JAMES and the late Mr. A. JAMES, to Phyllis Evelyn FISHER, sister of Mrs. N.J. REEVE.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Ernest John Henry VOGT, a Trader, of Maqashu, District Glen Grey.
No. 37929…
Attorney for Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 8,
Lady Frere.

Saturday, October 14, 1933

The Late Mr. Leo DANIELS.
Queenstown people will be sorry to hear that Mr. Leo DANIELS, who was for many years manager of Messrs. KNIGHTS Cartage Contractors, Ltd., passed away at East London at 11 a.m. to-day.  Mr. DANIELS was ordered down to the coast about a year ago, by his doctor, and it was after a long and painful illness that he found rest this morning.

Tuesday, October 17, 1933

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Charles BESWETHERICK, of Queenstown.
No. 39283…
Attorneys for Executor.
94, Cathcart Road,

Thursday, October 19, 1933

SCOTT.-  On the 19th October, 1933, at 78a Ebden Street, to Nellie, wife of E. SCOTT, a son.

DE BRUIN.-  Stil heengegaan die 13 Oktober, ons geliefde vader en oupa, Pieter Willem DE BRUIN, in sy 83st jaar.
Pieter en Ellen (kinders) Fanie en Lizzie (kleinkinders).

The late Mr. A. PAGE
Mr. Alexander PAGE, of Queenstown, passed away at his home Golf Road this morning at the age of  70 years, after a serious illness which lasted for some five weeks.
Mr. PAGE started his career in a Scottish bank, and later came out to this country, where he joined the staff of the Standard Bank of South Africa, Ltd.  After serving in the Queenstown branch of the bank, in various capacities he was transferred to Sterkstroom, to take up a position as manager.  Subsequently he managed the banks at Cathcart, Dordrecht and finally Queenstown, where he retired after many years’ service, 10 years ago.
Mr. PAGE interested himself in many local activities and was a prominent member of the Divisional Council and the Hospital Board.
He married a Miss ALFORD, some 40 years ago and had six children, all of whom survive him.  Mr. PAGE’s eldest son is at present farming in Northern Rhodesia, two other sons are employed in creameries, one at Queenstown and one at Kind Williamstown and the fourth is studying at the Witwatersrand University.  One of Mr. PAGE’s daughters is employed in the local Standard Bank while the other is nursing at Aliwal North…

Friday, October 20, 1933

In the Estate of the late Bertrand Thomas PRICE, formerly of Queenstown, and lately of Komgha.
No. 37634…
Attorney for Executors Testamentary.
Hexagon, Queenstown

Notice by Executors
In the Estate of the late Engela Carolina VAN HEERDEN (born VAN HEERDEN), Widow, of Wildskutsberg, District Sterkstroom.
No. 25272…
Attonery for Executor Dative.
P.O. Box 6,

Monday, October 23, 1933

SWEETNAM.- At 8, Chamberlain Street, on October 23, to “Cuckoo,” wife of G.N. SWEETNAM, a son.

Johannesburg Youth Killed
A youth named Walter INNS of Johannesburg was killed instantly recently when he was run over by a motor lorry in High Street, Brixton.  INNS was riding a bicycle and hanging with one hand to the side of a motor lorry climbing a hill.  At the corner of High Street and Ripley Road he lost control of his bicycle, which slipped underneath him.  He fell to the ground.  Following on behind him, a motor lorry, driven by a European and loaded with bricks, could not be stopped in time to avert an accident, and the front wheels passed over INN’s head.

Tuesday, October 24, 1933

Riding Fatality
News of a shocking accident at Dullstroom reached the town the other day (says the Potchefstroom Hearald).  It appears that Mr. Ahlers was out riding with his seven-year-old son, when the horse unseated the lad, whose foot got caught in the stirrup.  The horse then bolted, dragging the unfortunate lad, and when released he was found to be dead.

Thursday, October 26, 1933

HADDAD.-  Died at 114, Cathcart Road, on the 24th inst., Alexander Nicholas, beloved husband of Isabel HADDAD, in his 56th year.

Death of Dr. A. WEAKLEY
Queenstown lost another old and esteemed resident yesterday with the passing of Dr. A. WEAKLEY, who died at his residence in Zeiler Street about 12.30 p.m. as a result of a heart attack.  Deceased, who was about 80 years of age, has been in Queenstown for nearly forty years.  He was predeceased by his wife some years ago, and has himself been in poor health for a considerable time.
For well nigh quarter of a century Dr. WEAKLEY has been medical officer for the Native Recruiting Corporation for this area, and thus many, many thousands of natives bound for the Rand Mines have passed through his hands.  He was on duty as usual at the local office the day before he died.  There are still many who remember Dr. WEAKLEY in his palmy days on the football field and tennis court.  Sturdily built, and very muscular, the Doctor first played rugger then soccer football, and was centre half-back in the Caledonian team of 1900-1905, when for two seasons the team was undefeated.  Dr. WEAKLY did much to gather the young people around him, and encouraged all to go in for healthy sport.
While he was Railway Medical Officer, prior to becoming associated with the Native Recruiting Corporation, he had an extensive private practice in Queenstown, and was particularly noted for his skill with children.  During recent years he has lived a very retired life, and devoted much time to reading.  To his family the sympathy of all will go out in their bereavement.

Friday, October 27, 1933

LANE.-  Passed peacefully away at 85, Livingstone Road, Queenstown on 25th October, 1933, William Richards LANE, age 78 years, beloved husband of F.A. LANE.

Notice to Creditors
In the Estate of the late Aldyth Enid PHILLIPS (born SPARKS) and surviving spouse William Henry PHILLIPS, farmer, of Rhebokfontein, District Sterkstroom.
No. 35511…
Attorney for Executor Dative
P.O. Box 6,
Sterkstroom, C.P.

Saturday, October 28, 1933

STYLES-KLOKE.-  The engagement is announces of Minnie, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. STYLES, to Mr. G. KLOKE, of Queenstown.

Wednesday, November 1, 1933

To be married
SHEPHEARD-CRIPPS.- To be married at St. Matthew’s Church, Eldoret, Kenya, on the 4th November, Leslie Esme, only daughter of Cecil St. Vincent CRIPPS, of “Curraghmore,” P.O. Soy, to Dudley Churton, only son of Mr. and Mrs. G.E. SHEPHEARD, North Walsham, Norfolk, England.  No cards.

Thursday, November 2, 1933

BOTHA.-  Passed away suddenly at his residence 73, Livingstone Road, on the 30th October, Renier BOTHA, in his 51st year.

Friday, November 3, 1933

BELL.-  Died at Roberston Nursing Home, on the 2nd November, 1933, Thomas Kerr BELL, of Lady Frere.  Age 70 years.

Dr. Kerr BELL.
In a private nursing home in Queenstown, Dr. Kerr BELL, the present Mayor of Lady Frere, passed away about 7 o’clock yesterday evening, at the age of 70 years.  Dr. Kerr BELL has been in Queenstown District for a number of years, and during the period of the Great War was practicing in the Whittlesea area.  Later he became District Surgeon of Lady Frere, where he has taken a keen interest in public live. The deceased has long been a sufferer from diabetes, but it was only about the middle of last month that he felt it necessary to go to the nursing home for special rest and treatment.  Despite the best attention, however, he passed away as stated last night.  
The sympathy of all his friend will go out to his relatives in their sad bereavement.

Wednesday, November 8, 1933

An Unusual Accident
An unusual accident at Kenhardt on Saturday resulted in the death of a coloured woman, named Dirkie TITIS.  It appears that the lorry, in which she and others were travelling to Rooiberg, stuck in the road and all on board were asked to assist in pushing it out of the sand.  While she was thus engaged she slipped and fell into the deep sandy spoor in front of the lorry which went over her, causing fatal injuries.

Thursday, November 9, 1933

SUTHERLAND.-  On the 6th November, 1933, at Middelburg, C.P. to Eva, wife of G. SUTHERLAND, a daughter.

WILSON.- Died at Port Elizabeth, on 8th November, John Little WILSON, beloved father of Lilian KALSON.  Funeral at Queenstown on Friday.

Friday, November 10, 1933

Notice to Creditors
Estate late Leo Maurice DANIEL, Cartage Contractor, of Queenstown, who died at East London.
No. 39457…
Attorney for Executrix Testamentary.
Cathcart Road

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate late Alexander Nicolas HADDAS, trading as HADDAD Bros., of 117/121, Cathcart Road, Queenstown.  No. 39514…
Attorney for Executors Testamentary

Monday, November 13, 1933

In the Estate of the late Robert Richard WINNICOTT, a Railway Employee, of Queenstown.
No. 36973…
Attorneys for Executrix Testamentary.

In the Estate of the late Wilhelmine SCHEIDEL (born SCHUBACH), and Surviving Spouse Herman Carl August SCHEIDEL;  a housewife, of Rwantsana, District Glen Grey.
No. 37600…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary,

Tuesday, November 14, 1933

FRENER-SELESNICK.-  The engagement is announced of Bessie, only daughter of Mrs. And the late Mr. W. BRENER, to Abe, only son of Mr. and Mrs. S. SELESNICK, of Pretoria.

Wednesday, November 15, 1933

European Killed by Train.
A middle-aged European, who is believed to be Joseph LOMBAARD, an inmate of the Alexandra Institution, Maitland, states the Cape Times, was knocked down and killed by an electric train at a crossing near the United Tobacco Factory, between the Observatory and Salt River stations.  The body was terribly mutilated and was taken to the Woodstock mortuary.  It is stated that the driver of the train observed the man standing on the rails 20 to 30 yards ahead, and although he pulled up the train immediately, was unable to avoid knocking him down.  As a result of the fatality, the Capetown-Johannesburg mail train and two suburban trains on the Simonstwon-Capetown line were delayed.  The mail train was the 8.45 for Capetown and its departure was delayed a few minutes to enable passengers from Simonstown to make the connection.  The suburban trains were the 8.25 and 8.35 into Capetown, the former being involved in the fatality.

On Monday afternoon Minnie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. REABOW, was married to Eric, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. JACK, at St. Columba’s by the Rev R. RUSSELL…
Mr. Alex REABOW and Miss Norah REABOW, brother and sister of the bride acted as bestman and bridesmaid.

Thursday, November 16, 1933

In Memoriam
CREBO.-  In loving memory of my dear mother, Cathrine CREBO, who passed away on the 16th November, 1931.

The Late John TWEED
The late John TWEED, famous sculpture, states the Natal Adviser, who was responsible for many famous groups, was an Associe de la Societe Nationale des Beaux Arts.  His principal works include the national memorial to Earl KITCHENER in the Horse Guards Parade, while he is represented in South Africa by memorials to Cecil RHODES in Bulawayo, Salisbury and Mafeking and VAN RIEBECK in Capetown.  He also executed the WILSON Memorial in Rhodesia and a bust of Alfred BEIT for Salisbury.  The equestrian statue of Sir George WHITE in Portland Place, London, is another example of his work, and his statnes of Queen Victoria are to be seen at Aden and Madras.  One of his last commissions was the Rifle Brigade War memorial in Grosvenor Gardens.

Friday, November 17, 1933

In the Joint Estate of the late Sarah Susan BOTHA (born TAYLOR), Housewife, who died at Northern Forest Range, in the Division of Queenstown, on 27th October, 1933, and Surviving Spouse Louis Jacobus BOTHA…
Executors Testamentary
c/o ELLIOT Bros.,

In the Estate of the late Francois Daniel ERASMUS, of Westbourne, Queenstown.  No. 38620…
Attorney for the Executrix Testamentary,
Hexagon, Queenstown.

Fatal Collision of Pillion Rider
The storm and rain on the Johannesburg road on Saturday night caused a fatality.  J.S. ROETS, a European, of Dalys Farm, Muckleneuk, Pretoria, who was riding pillion on a motorcycle, receiving fatal injuries when the cycle skidded in the path of an oncoming car, states the Cape Times.  It is understood that the driver of the cycle attempted to pass a car proceeding in the same direction.  The visibility was extremely bad and he failed to observe an oncoming car until it was dangerously close.  When the driver of the cycle attempted to swerve out of the way, the machine skidded and ROETS was thrown directly in the path of the oncoming car which passed over him.  Fortunately, the skidding cycle carried the driver out of danger.  ROETS received such severe injuries that he died half an hour after admission to hospital.

Saturday, November 18, 1933

RETIEF.-  Born at 85, Prince Alfred Street, Queenstown, on the 17th of November, 1933, to Dora, wife of Boy RETIEF, a daughter.

Death of a Cyclist
The story of how a young man who was riding a bicycle and holding on to the back of a lorry let go his grip and was knocked down and killed by another lorry from behind, was told to Mr. M.R. HARTOGH at the Johannesburg Inquest Court recently, when an inquest was held on Norman LE SUER, known as Walter Leslie INGS, aged 16, of stand 1219, Second Street, Albertskroon.  Ben THALA said that on the morning of October 20 he was on a motor lorry following behind.  Before they came to the top of the Brixton Hill a European and a native, both on bicycles, were holding on to the rear corners of the lorry.  They were told not to do this, but the European did not release his hold.  “When we got near Ripley Road the lorry travelling behind came nearer ours, and the driver blew his hooter and swerved slightly to his right to overtake us.  At the same time the European who was riding the bicycle and holding on to our lorry looked round, let go of our lorry, swerved to his right immediately in front of the other lorry.  The driver of the vehicle swerved further to his right to avoid an accident, but the front part of the lorry came in contact with the right side of the cyclist.  He was thrown to the ground and the lorry went over him.  He died a few minutes later.”  Mr. HARTOGH returned a verdict of accidental death due to crushed head, caused by being knocked down by a motor lorry.€

Monday, November 20, 1933

ARNOT.-  At 59, Prince Alfred Street, on the 18th November, to Inez, wife of Rev. A.B. ARNOT, a bonny son.

In the Estate of the late Annie Martha GOLDSCHMIDT (born CROUCH), Widow, of Queenstown.
No. 34675…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Tuesday, November 21, 1933

BATGIAS.-  Passed peacefully away at East London, on the 20th inst., Parascevi BATGIAS, widow of the late A. BATGIAS.

Wednesday, November 22, 1933

BESTALL.-  Passed peacefully away at Durban this morning, Evelyn Rayner (Daisy) BESTALL, beloved sister of Miss BARRABLE and Mrs. HODGES.

Notice of the late Arthur Perks MORUM, a Farmer, of Buffelskloof, Sterkstroom.  No. 36911…
Attorneys for Executrix Dative

Estate of the late Iris Sayers TEMLETT.
No. 31897…
ELLIOTT Brothers,
Attorneys for Executor Dative.
Queenstown, C.P.

Wednesday, November 29, 1933

In Memoriam
WOOD.-  In loving memory of our dear daughter and sister, Molly, who passed peacefully away, November 29th, 1932.
WOOD.-  In memory of our darling mother, Ethel Mary (Molly) WOOD, who passed away on 29th November, 1932.
(Lovingly remembered by Harry and Ronnie.)
WOOD.-  In loving memory of our dear sister Ethel Mary (Molly) WOOD, who passed away on the 29th November, 1932.
(Inserted by Birdie and Doug.)

The Late Mr. W.M. JACKSON
There passed away recently in East London, Mr. W.M. JACKSON, who for many years in the late seventies and early eighties of last century was on the staff of Queen’s College.  In those days almost the only form of sport (if it may be called sport) under the supervision of the teaching staff, was the cadet corps and rifle shoting.  The late Mr. JACKSON was one of the first teacher-officers in this department and under his capable tuition a team of first class marksmen was built up, in spite of the antiquated rifles used and the resultant bruised shoulders and stiff arms.  In 1881 the team was successful in winning the Cadet Shooting Cup.  From Queenstown Mr. JACKSON went to Tarkastad as principal, and later took up the position of head of the West Bank school, East London, which position he held until his retirement  in 1914. (Daily Dispatch).

BAIN-HOWE.-  Married at St. Michael’s Church, Queenstown, on Wednesday, 29th November, 1933, by Archdeacon ROWLEY, Iris, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A.J. HOWE, of Queenstown, to Mr. Tommy BAIN.

Friday,  December 1, 1933

The news of Mr. J.S. BEVINGTON’s tragic death yesterday, came as a shock to everyone in Indwe.  Mr. BEVINGTON, who was a progressive farmer, sold his farm, Overton, after he had been staying in the district for a good number of years, and was waiting for the school inspection, after which he intended to leave for East London where he had decided to make his new home.
Lately he suffered from a weak stomach and his nerves were in a critical condition, which more than anything else accounts for his tragic deed.
We wish to extend our heartfelt sympathy with Mrs. BEVINGTON, Ivor and Phyllis.

Monday, December 4, 1933

McGEE.- At the Sanitorium, Maritzburg, to Mr. and Mrs. Victor McGEE (nee Winifred BARTON), on December 3rd, 1933, the gift of a son.

JENNINGS.-  Passed away suddenly at 76, Livingstone Road, Queenstown, on December 1st, 1933, in her 70th year, Jemina, widow of the late J.J. JENNINGS.

In the Estate of the late Helena Susan SAMUELS (born WARD), and Surviving Spouse Frederick Richard SAMUELS, of Queenstown.
No. 23714…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.

Tuesday, December 5, 1933

Fatal Motor Accident
A fatal motor accident occurred near Middle Drift recently. From what we can gather from the local police, states the “Cape Mercury,” a car containing three Bedford people – Mr. W. VAN HEERDEN, Mr. P. VAN HEERDEN and Miss C. VAN HEERDEN – was travelling from Bedford when the steering gear broke and the car somersaulted, Mr. W. VAN HEERDEN being killed in the crash.  The other occupants of the ill-fated car were not injured.  The body of the deceased gentleman was brought to the King Williamstown mortuary, where it was seen by the District Surgeon (Dr. C.P. BLIGH WALL), and was later removed to Bedford for interment.

Thursday, December 7, 1933

McCLELAND-WAINWRIGHT.-  At Nkana, on December 6th, Wilfred McCLELAND, to Claire (Ladybird), eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E.R. WAINWRIGHT, of Queenstown.

Friday, December 8, 1933

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Paraseevi Diitriou BATGIAS (born DEMEROS, widow), Café Proprietress, of Carlton Café, Queesntown.  (No. 39817)…
Attorney for the Executors.

Saturday, December 9, 1933

The Late Mr. G.J. WENTZEL.
The death occurred on Wednesday in Cathcart, of one of the most respected residents of the district, Mr. G.J. WENTZEL, at the age of 75, says the Cathcart paper.  He was a man that was liked by everyone and will be very much missed by his many friends for his cheery nature and hospitality.  He leaves behind a widow, six sons and four daughters, to whom and other relatives we tender sincere sympathy.  The funeral took place in Cathcart yesterday afternoon, the service being conducted by the Rev. VAN LINGEN.

Wednesday, December 13, 1933

Rescuer’s Funeral
The body of Mr. Ivan RANGER, who was drowned on Sunday in the Lovedale Dam, near Thaba ‘Nchu, after heroically saving the lives of two little girls, was found early on Monday morning, shortly after dragging operations had been commenced, says “The Friend.”  Some two hundred friends and relatives attended the funeral on this father-in-law’s (Mr. D. McPHERSON) farm, Ngoanyana.

Saturday, December 16, 1933

In Memoriam
HENRICO.-  In ever loving memory of our dear mother, Johanna, who passed away at the Delville Nursing Home, East London, on the 16th December, 1932.

Saved from Drowning.  Then Died.
After being rescued from drowning by a schoolboy aged 16, a coloured youth, Dial STURRMAN, aged 18, walked half a mile and then dropped dead death being due to old-established pleurisy, says the Oudtshoorn paper.  
Cornelius DU PLESSIS and his friend were walking along the banks of the Grobbelaar River when they heard cries for help from a pool.  They found STURRMAN in difficulties and Cornelius undressed and dived in at the spot where he saw the youth disappearing.  He failed to locate him, but at the third attempt he brought out STURRMAN, who was unconscious.  Cornelius started rolling him in the sand and STURRMAN recovered and walked away.

Monday, December 18, 1933

RASBACH.-  The Rev. Father RASBACH, Catholic Priest in Cathcart, died yesterday morning at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home.  Funeral this afternoon at 4 o’clock from St. Dominic’s Church.

Tuesday, December 19, 1933

PRESTON.-  At St. Catherine’s Home, Queenstown, on the 19th inst., to Mr. and Mrs. J.M. PRESTON, a son.

Drowned in a Storm
The story of the drowning of two children, Gert en Monica COERTZE, in the storm on November 22, was told at the inquest in Johannesburg recently, says “the Rand Daily Mail.”  Christina COERTZE, their 11-year-old sister, said that Gert left the kitchen of their house at Edenvale without saying where he was going.  Later her mother asked where Monica was, and began to look for her.  “I went down to the river,”  continued Christina, “and saw Gert and Monica on a big stone with rushing water all around them.  I screamed to Gert to cross as the river was coming down.  He called back to me to fetch our native as the water was too strong to carry Monica over.  I was past getting through the fence when I looked back and saw the water wash them off the rock.  I screamed for help but no one heard.  I then rand to the house to tell my mother.::  Cornelius LOVELL, a neighbor, said he went to search for the children.  Near the eastern bank on the Small Yokeskei River he found Monica’s body.  Johannes BOTHMA testified to finding Gert’s body in the river two days later.
“Accidental death by drowning” was the verdict.

Thursday, December 21, 1933

ESLICK.-  Passed peacefully on 14th December, in her 78th year, at Hospital Hill Nursing Home, Johannesburg, Edith Ethel, eldest daughter of the late Sir W.J. and Lady CAVE, Newbury, England, widow of the late Henry ESLICK, dearly loved mother of Mrs. Arthur MILES. – East London and Port Elizabeth papers please copy.

Friday, December 22, 1933

Notice to Creditors and Debtors
Estate of the late Jemima JENNINGS (born NICHOLAS), a Widow, of Queenstown.  No. 39978…
Secretary, Queenstown Loan, Trust & Agency Co., Ltd.
Agent for Executrix Testamentary.
86, Cathcart Road,

Notice by Executor
In the Estate of the late Emily Mary SOUTHEY, a Spinster, of Tentergate, District Queenstown, who died at Queenstown on the 27th day of August, 1932.  Ref. No. 35264…
Attorneys for Executor Testamentary.
19, Terminus Street,
East London.

In the Estate of the late Hillaria Shrewsbury ARMSTRONG (born EDKINS), Widow, of Queenstown.  No. 38708…
Attorneys for Executors Testamentary

Thursday, December 28, 1933

HARDING.- On Saturday, 23rd December, at St. Catherine’s Nursing Home, to Mr. and Mrs. E.C.V. HARDING, a daughter.

SWITHIN GRAY.-  Died at Fairfield, Manchester, on December 8th, 1933, after a long illness, Frederick John SWITHIN GRAY, beloved father of Mrs. W. NORTON NOWELL.

News was received here yesterday of the death of F.J. (“Alphabetical”) SWITHIN GRAY, at Manchester on the 8th inst. Mr. GRAY, who is the father of Mrs. W. NORTON NOWELL, of Queenstown, was a well known Midland sportsman during the ‘90’s, having captained the Walsall Swifts A.F.C., and played as an amateur for Preston North End.  During the war, Mr. GRAY held a staff appointment in Whitehall.

Saturday, December 30, 1933

To be married
VOS-COLLINS.-  The marriage of Maria, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. VOS, of 59, Robinson Road, Queenstown, to Jack, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. J. COLLINGS, Belfast, Ireland, will take place in the Wesley Church, Ebden Street, on Tuesday 2nd January, 1834, at 3 p.m.

SAHD.-  To Mr. and Mrs. Joe SAHD, a son.

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