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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1862 2 April - June

Saturday, April 5, 1862

FRIGHTENED TO DEATH.- At the Police Court Cape Town a man named Edward HADEN, was charged with having deserted from H.M.’s ship Narcissus. Mr. RUSSELL, superintendent of police, stated that he had been informed by Mr. VAN REENEN, of Botany Bay, that a man supposed to be a navvy, who was loafing about in that locality had so frightened his daughter, who had been a good deal alarmed by stories about the navvies, that she had gone into convulsions and died. He consequently sent out a sergeant, who succeeded in apprehending the prisoner, who it turned out was a deserter. The man admitted being a deserter, and Mr. PIERS ordered him to be handed over to the naval authorities; but to be detained in custody one day, in case of any charge being preferred against him by Mr. VAN REENEN. – Argus.

A melancholy occurrence has happened at the Paarl, and occasioned a sad and unpleasant sensation among the inhabitants. An aged woman named GILDENHUYS, was shot dead on Monday morning, by a man who was appointed to watch over the Paarl Bank buildings. The man was, of course, apprehended by the police, and on Monday an investigation of the circumstances was made by the resident Magistrate. From the evidence given, it appears that the following are the facts of the case:
On Saturday afternoon a fire broke out in the bush on the property of Mr. A.P. de VILLIERS, but it was soon extinguished. Later in the evening, about ten o’clock, Messrs. CHANGUION and VOIGT (of the Brewery) observed fire in the buildings forming the back premises of the Paarl Bank. Mr. LOUW, the cashier, has a large thatched-roof stable in the rear of his house, which joins the Bank. Near the stables is a flat zinc roof, on to which any one can easily get. About half an hour before the flames were seen, a little girl noticed someone in petticoats standing on the flat roof. As soon as the girl gave the alarm of what she saw, the woman disappeared, but whether she was a white or coloured person is not known. When Messrs. CHANGUION and VOIGT gave the alarm, at the house door, Mr. and Mrs. LOUW had retired to rest; but immediately got up, and did what they could to avoid danger of the fire. Mr. CHANGUION then very quickly got the horses out of the stable, some of them being valuable creatures. By this time, help sufficient to quench the fire was obtained, and the Bank, dwelling house, and other parts of the premises were saved.
As there were great suspicions of the fire being the act of an incendiary, Mr LOUW resolved to place a guard on the bank premises on the following night, and two men were accordingly engaged for the purpose. They were instructed to arrest anyone whom they found on the place, and, in case of meeting with resistance, one was provided with a gun, loaded with small (partridge) shot. During the greater part of the night, they were not disturbed, but about four o’clock on Monday morning, they observed a strange-looking figure, partially attired in female dress, advancing over the place toward them. The watchmen shouted to the figure to stop, and called out that if it did not they would shoot; but the strange figure, instead of being deterred by this warning, advanced rapidly upon the watchmen, and the one of them who was armed – dreading the unnatural appearance of the strange-looking object, when it came up close to him – fired, and discharged the contents of the gun. The figure at once dropped, and it was found to be that of an old maiden lady named GILDENHUYS, aged about sixty years. The contents of the gun entered her right breast, and although the shot was small, it had fatal effect. The neighbourhood by this time was alarmed, and when the poor woman was recognised, she was immediately removed to a house, and Drs. ZEEDERBERG and BICCARD were in attendance upon her, but all efforts to save the unfortunate creature were in vain, and she died two hours afterwards. The medical gentlemen endeavoured to obtain a statement from her, but they could not; and all that the deceased did, before her death, was to express to her mother (who was present with her) a desire that her property should be given to her niece, a sister of Mr. LOUW.
It appears that Miss GILDENHUYS occupied a house alone, in the centre of the village, and for some past had been in the habit of wandering about at night. It is said that some lucifer matches were found upon her; but no one can conceive what object she had in seeking to destroy the bank premises, although it is surmised that she may have sought to set it on fire in order that the adjoining property, belonging to a relative with whom she had quarrelled, might be destroyed.
The poor watchman who fired the gun is in custody, and will have to answer the charge of culpable homicide; but some witnesses, who were examined on Monday and yesterday, gave evidence that they were awakened on Monday morning by the noise which the watchman made in calling to the woman to halt, and that it was only when she rushed upon him that he fired, as an act of self-preservation, as he did not know whether the figure concealed an armed man or not. – Adv. and Mail.

Jane McKENZIE, Port Elizabeth
Amelia TAYLOR, Port Elizabeth
William James WELLS, Cradock
Albertus Johannes JACOBZ, Graaff-Reinet, first
MEINTJES and DIXON, Graaff-Reinet, first
James STEWART, Port Elizabeth
Alfred AXTON, Port Elizabeth
Solomon HOWE Port Elizabeth
Edward Frederick KEIGHTLEY, Grahamstown
John GILLARD, Port Elizabeth
MEINTJES and DIXON, Graaff-Reinet, second
Albert Johannes JACOBZ, Graaff-Reinet, second

Phillip BOTHA, Uitenhage
John SMITH, and subsequent deceased wife Rebecca SMITH, Grahamstown
Plaatje LABEILOT or LAVERLOT, and pre-deceased wife Sabina STUURMAN
Jacobus Petrus de KLERK, and pre-deceased wife Gertruida Petronella TOORNHEIM, Stockenstrom.
George COLDREY, Cradock
Christian JOUBERT, Stockenstrom
Gert ABRAHAMS, and surviving spouse Nella ABRAHAMS, Stockenstrom
Johannes JOUBERT, and surviving spouse Kaatje, Stockenstrom
Elizabeth APPEL, and surviving spouse Marthinus APPEL, Stockensrom

Saturday, April 12, 1862

Jem bangs, we are sorry to state, has desized. He departed this Life last mundy. Jem was generally considered a gud feller. He died at the age of 23 years old. He went 4th without any struggle; and sich is Life. Tu Day we are as pepper grass, mighty smart, to Morrer we are as downlike a cow-cumber of the ground. Jem kept a nice stoar, which his wife now waits on. His virchews was numerous to behold. Many things we bot at his growcery, and we are happy to state to the admirin world, that he never cheeted, especially in the wate of mackeral, which was nice and sweet, and his surviving wife is the same wa. We never knew him to put sand in his sugar, tho he had a big sand bar in front of his hous; nor water in his Lickuris, tho the Ohio River runs past his dore. Pece to his remains. He leaves a wife, 8 children, a cow, 4 horses, a growcery stoar, and quacrupeds, to mourn his loss, but in the splendid langwidge of the point, his loss is their eternal gane.

(Copy of apology)
Through this I am to make known to the Public that I, in heat of passion, have reported that Mr. Wynand C.J. BEZUIDENHOUT was a bankrupt, and by this report have injured his credit, and may still further do so. I hereby make known that such report was made by me, and is untrue.
Junction, April 4 1862

SUPPLEMENT Saturday April 12, 1862

EIGHT CHILDREN AT A BIRTH. – On the 2nd of August, Mrs. Timothy BRADLEE, of Trumbull County, Ohio, gave birth to eight children – three boys and five girls. They are all living and are healthy, but quite small. Mr. B’s family is increasing fast. He was married six years ago to Eunice MOWERY, who weighed 273 pounds on the day of her marriage. She has given birth to two pairs of twins, and now eight more, making 12 children in six years. It seems strange, but nevertheless is true, Mrs. B. was a twin of three, her mother and father both being twins, and her grandmother the mother of five pairs of twins. Mrs. B. has named her boys after noted and distinguished men; one after the Hon. J.R. GIDDINGS who has given her a splendid gold medal; one after the Rev. Hon. Elijah CHAMPLAIN, who gave her a deed of fifty acres of land; and the other after James JOHNSON, who gave her a cow. – Letter in N.Y. Tribune.

Saturday, April 19, 1862

ASSAULT. – A brutal assault was committed at Adelaide on Friday last on the person of a woman named Ellen DYASON, by a man named Hugh McINTYRE of the same place , with whom she was co habiting. The woman, whose body is bruised in every part in the most disgusting manner, has been brought into the hospital in the gaol here, and her life is in a precarious state. McINTYRE was examined before the Resident Magistrate here on Monday last and committed for trial. Bail was refused.

The Graaff-Reinet Herald says that the stores of Mr. A.F. du TOIT, have been closed for the present, in consequence of an interdict from the Sheriff.

Saturday, April 26, 1862

(Extracts) The Circuit Court was opened on Saturday morning at 10 o’clock by Mr. Justice WATERMEYER. The following are the criminal cases tried, and which with the exception of one that of Jan ROOS, for horse stealing, presented no feature worthy of remark.
John GOUGH, was indicted for stealing a horse, saddle, and bridle, the property of John MAHALI. Verdict – not guilty.
Frederick APEL, charged with stealing three pounds, five shillings and a watch, property of James MAHALI. Prisoner discharged from custody.
Samuel RAMSDEN, indicted for stealing a watch and chain property of R.W. HUNT. The accused having been let out on bail had absconded. A warrant to be issued for his apprehension.
Johannes SAMPSON pleaded not guilty to the charge of stealing a horse from Umbali. Verdict was guilty and sentenced to 14 months hard labor.
Jan ROOS, a bastard charged with stealing four horses from P.J. MARX, a mare and foal from Klaas QUADASHE, two horses and a foal from H. MARX, and three horses belonging to unknown parties. The jury without retiring returned a verdict of guilty, and prisoner was sentenced to 7 years hard labor.
Thys WILLEM, was found guilty of fraud having obtained from Robert CLARKE, eight pounds, ten shillings for a kiln of bricks, which the prisoner wrongfully and unlawfully pretended was his property. Verdict guilty. Sentence 14 months hard labor.

AN EDITOR. – The man who is expected to know everything: tell all he knows, guess the rest; to make known the good character, establish the reputation of his neighbour, and elect candidates to office; to blow up everybody, suit everyone, and reform the world; to live for the benefit of others, and have the epitaph on his tombstone, “Here he lies at last.” – American Paper.

Saturday, May 3, 1862


A soldier of the 10th Regt. attempted suicide last Sunday, by cutting his throat. The wound was not immediately fatal, whatever the ultimate result may be.

DEATH CAUSED BY UNWHOLESOME MEAT. – Our Tulbagh correspondent writing on Monday, says: - A death under the most melancholy circumstances occurred on the farm “Weltevreden”, before the Breede River, the property of Mr. Charles MOLLER, causing the death of his wife, Mrs, MOLLER. It appears that some time ago a certain trader, a Mr.L…………, passed the farm, from whom an ox was purchased under the impression that it was suffering from the so called “verstop-sickness”. The animal was immediately slaughtered, Mr. and Mrs. M. and several other persons assisting in the operation. Shortly afterwards Mrs. M. complained of severe pain in her hand, when it was found that one of her fingers was much swollen. The pain became more and more severe, causing headache, shivering, &c., and on the 15th instant, seven days after the ox was slaughtered, Mrs. M. was a corpse, leaving six children of which the eldest is 11 years old to lament her untimely loss. It was only then ascertained that the ox, instead of the “verstop-ziekte” must have had the well-known ‘gift-ziekte.”

Saturday, May 10, 1862

Found dead. – Mr. Theunis BOTHA, a respectable Dutch farmer from the sister colony we are informed was found dead a short distance from the village of Maclean on Monday last. When discovered he was lying with his face to the ground and his arms crossed; his horse being tied up close by, and the marks of his footsteps indicating that he had dismounted and laid himself down in the position in which he was found. – K.W.T. Gazette

The E.P. Herald says, that Messrs. SCANLEN, Joshua CAWOOD, C. SLATER, G.C. CLOUGH, R.M. BOWKER, and M. UPTON, embarked on Tuesday afternoon last in the Waldensian, to take their seats in Parliament.
Mr. P. BERTRAM, of Queen’s Town met with a serious accident, while returning in a cart from a sale at Waters Meet. The horses took fright, and not being able to command them Mr. B. sprung out of the cart but missed his footing and was injured. He is doing well.

Saturday, May 17, 1862


AUDACIOUS THEFT. – On Saturday evening last just after candle-light, a Fingo walked into the shop of Mr. A. MacGILLIWIE, and perceiving his assistant engaged with some customers, seized a roll of tobacco and made off. He was observed and pursuit was at once made by two of Mr MacG’s. servants who followed the thief down to the banks of the river, where finding the pursuit too hot, he dropped the roll of tobacco and plunging into the river swam across and so escaped.

On Tuesday last, the cottage occupied by Mr. YORK in Henrietta Street, was sold by auction by Mr. S.H. ROBERTS, for £200, Mr. HANDLEY being the purchaser.

A CHILD was born in the Colesberg district about three weeks ago, having only six fingers and six toes.

We regret to have to state that the Rev. Mr. AYLIFF, of Fauresmith is dangerously ill.

Saturday, May 24, 1862

THE farmers complain that the grass which has grown since the last rains has been eaten off or trampled down by the vast herds of Springboks which have lately been in these parts. – Colesberg Advertiser.

Carefully compiled from the official Notifications in the “Government Gazette.”
Siewert WIID, Hopetown.
William NORTHARD, Alexandria.
John James PERRY, Middleburg.
Christiaan Johannes WEITZ, Graaff-Reinet.
Schalk Jacobus BURGER, Graaff-Reinet.

Julia HOSEY, and surviving spouse John McNALTEY, Colesberg.
George TURNER, Port Elizabeth.
Anne Maria Theresa, wife of Peter JOYCE. Aliwal North.
Samuel TAINTON, Peddie.
Jonker BOS, and predeceased spouse Els BOS.
Gert LOTTERING, and surviving spouse, Trudie LOTTERING, Eland’s Post.
Sarah Johanna Magdalena van der MERWE, and surviving spouse, Frans Jacobus van der MERWE, Graham’s Town.

Saturday, May 31, 1862

MARRIED by Special License, at Fort Beaufort, on the 22nd inst., by the Rev. J. SMITH, Richard, second Son of William CAWOOD, Esq., to Erelda Louisa Elizabeth, eldest Daughter of Edward BUCKLEY, Esq.

DEATH OF THE Rev. J. AYLIFFE. – We regret to hear that the Rev. Mr. AYLIFFE, so well-known in connection with the Fingoes, died in Fauresmith on the 17th inst., at the aged of 62.

Saturday, June 7, 1862

WHAT’S IN A NAME. – At the Liverpool Police-court lately, the witnesses and solicitor in two cases bore the ominous names of DEATH, DEBT, and DAGGERS.

CAUTION TO FARMERS. – Recently many persons in the agricultural districts of the colony have received serious injuries, some of which have terminated fatally, through the vicious propensities of that very useful animal, the mule. An accident of this happened on Wednesday last upon the farm of Mr. C. LOMBARD, near Riebecks Kasteel. It appears that Mr. A. van WYK, who resides with Mr. LOMBARD, went to the stable for the purpose of fetching out two mules, with which he was about to proceed on a journey; but being away longer than was deemed necessary, other parties went to ascertain the cause and found Mr. van WYK lying dead, one of the treacherous brutes having inflicted a fatal kick on the side of his head. We regret to state that the unfortunate deceased leaves a widow and two orphan children. – Argus.

S.E. FERREIRA, Uitenhage
Amelia TAYLOR, Port Elizabeth
James W. CABE, Colesberg
William DAWSON, Colesberg
D.W. MOODIE, Colesburg
James RAWSTORNE, Hopetown
C.H. van der WESTHUIZEN, Bedford

Sarah Johanna Magdalena van der MERWE, and surviving spouse Frans Jacobus van der MERWE, Graham’s Town.
Isabella Elizabetha DURAND born LOMBARD, and surviving husband Jan Jonathan DURAND, Somerset East.
Samuel TAINTON, Fort Peddie.
George RENNIE, Queenstown.
January BOKBAARD, a Manatee, intestate.
John GADNEY, and surviving spouse Johanna Christina van der MERWE.
James Edward SPENCE, and surviving spouse Mary SPENCE, Aliwal North.

Saturday, June 14, 1862

BIRTH, on the 24th May, 1862, at Fort Beaufort, the wife of Asst. Surgeon KNAGGS, Cape Mounted Rifles, of a Daughter.


LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT. – A very melancholy accident occurred to Mr. B.G. BOOTH, son of Mr. Benjamin BOOTH of Hammonds on Saturday afternoon last. The young man was out shooting, and in climbing a tree, his gun accidently went off and the ball with which it was charged shattered the thigh bone about three inches above the knee. The unfortunate sufferer lay for several hours at the foot of the tree, before he was discovered and assistance rendered. Medical aid was promptly obtained, but the injuries were so serious as to cause both medical men, (Dr. BENBOW and Asst. Sug. KNAGGS, C.M.R.) to concur in the necessity of amputation. This operation was performed on Sunday morning, but the patient was too exhausted by pain and loss of blood to rally, and in an hour or two after he expired. Deceased was a fine intelligent young man of about 18, and the news of his sudden death to those who had seen him in town in full health, and spirits but a few hours before the accident, caused very painful feelings. The Amateur Band, of which deceased was a member, proceeded in a body in uniform to attend the funeral at Hammonds on Monday morning. Deceased was a grandson of the Hon’ble R. GODLONTON.

A CLERGYMAN FOUND GUILTY OF THEFT. – At the Circuit Court lately held at Graaff-Reinet, Adrianus Henricus NIEPOTH, described as now or lately a minister of the gospel, was charged with theft, in having stolen upon the 30th January last, at Aberdeen, in this division, two watches, one brooch, one locket, one watch chain, one finger ring, and one key, the Property of Michiel HEUGH. The prisoner (who had been out of bail since February last) being a man of gentlemanly appearance and manners, his position excited considerable sympathy and painful interest; and the court was extremely crowded. On being arraigned the prisoner answered in an impressive manner “I most solemnly declare that I am innocent.” The evidence, however, was conclusive against him, and the jury brought in a verdict of guilty. The Judge then sentenced him to twelve month’s imprisonment with hard labour.

THIEF SHOT. - We understand that last night a Kafir was hot in the kraal of Mr. MAYBERRY at Fort Murray, while attempting to steal sheep. – K.W.T. Gazette.

Saturday, June 28, 1862

Carefully compiled from the official notifications in the “Government Gazette.”
Arnold SHEPPERSON, Queen’s Town.
Wynand Johannes PRETORIUS, Queen’s Town.
Jacobus Johannes MEINTJES, surviving partner of the firm of MEINTJES and DIXON, Graaff-Reinet.

Albertus Johannes JACOBS, Graaff-Reinet.
Mathew HALE, Cradock.
Solomon HOWE, Fort Beaufort.
William MONK, Port Elizabeth.
Maurice DAVIDS, and surviving spouse Marie DAVIDS, Stockenstrom.

John George JOLLEY, Capetown.
Jane BRADFIELD born KENT, deceased wife of John BRADFIELD, Queen’s Town.
Hendrick Van BEULEN, and subsequently deceased wife, Mietje Van BEULEN, Stockenstrom.


TIGERS. – The Tiger was in the kloof on Saturday last, and killed three or four bucks. This day wild dogs have killed three sheep. Some weeks since they were at our friends Mr. PHILLIPS farm, and did considerable mischief. – (Winterberg Correspondent).

THEFT. – On Monday night last, two horses were stolen from Mr. THARATT’S farm. The horses were traced towards Appies Drie, and thence in the direction of the Alice road. The thieves hare supposed to have made for British Kaffraria.

MURDER. – Mrs. FREER, of Fort Blaney, near K.W. Town, has been murdered by a Hottentot named Klass DAVIDS. The man has been apprehended, and confesses that he shot the woman, but did so accidentally.

A thousand Mormons, from three northern countries of Europe, are just leaving for Utah, in America, by way of Hamburg. The greater part come from Denmark, very many of them belonging to the well-to-do- members of the peasant class. – Express.

THE RIGHT MAN in the right place – A husband at home in the evening.
Three or four times a couple appeared before a clergyman for marriage, but the bridegroom was drunk and the reverend gentleman refused to tie the knot. On the last occasion he expressed his surprise that so respectable a looking girl was not ashamed to appear at the altar with a man in such a state. The poor girl burst in tears, and said she could not help it.
“And why, pray?”
“Because, Sir he won’t come when he is sober.”

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