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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1863 1 January - March

Saturday, January 3, 1863

Notice to Creditors.
In the Insolvent Estate of WALSH and FITZGERALD of Fort Beaufort, Hotel Keepers and General Dealers.
All persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate are required to take notice that the undersigned has been elected and confirmed Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the THIRD meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate at Fort Beaufort, on Friday, 16th January, 1863, for Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees’ Report, and for instructing the Trustee as to the management of the Estate.
Parties indebted to the Estate are requested to pay their debts, on or before said date. Legal proceedings will be instituted against all defaulters.

In the premises lately occupied by Mr. G. BLAKEMORE.
Ginger Beer always on hand. – Breakfasts got up on the shortest notice.
Emily Elizabeth BOWE.
Feb. 22, 1862.


SUN STROKE. – One of the 10th Regt. received a sun stroke on Christmas Day while on the march with his company from Keiskama Hoek to Fort Beaufort.

THIEVING. – We regret to hear that thieving by the natives is alarmingly on the increase. Mr. GILBERT had 114 sheep stolen from him lately, of which he has been unable to discover the slightest trace. Mr. CROSS has lost several lots of bucks and ewes, altogether nearly a hundred. Mr. W. AYLIFFE has also been a severe sufferer, and has succeeded in apprehending some of the robbers. What is very singular in these robberies, is, that very seldom indeed can any trace be found of the direction in which the missing animals have been driven off. It is a pity the police force is not larger than it is in this district. There are a couple of stations occupied by a few men, but their number is totally inadequate to permit an efficient patrol, as it is they have as much work as they can do, in ferreting out suspected thieves. In former times the system of constant watch kept by the police at the different drifts and passes, had a most salutary effect. We would recommend our farmers to petition for an increase to the police force, in order that this practice might be resumed. We have not seen the worst of thieving yet. When lots of a hundred sheep can be repeatedly carried off without detection, it is evident that success has emboldened thieves to steal not merely to satisfy present necessities, but to provide enough for a “rainy day.” Lots of wooled sheepskins are sold by the natives, but their own flocks present no visible diminution in these “hard times.”

ACCIDENT. – On Saturday last an accident occurred in Blinkwater Poort to Mr. HARVEY and Mr. FLASHMAN, of Queen’s Town, by the upsetting of the phaeton in which they were journeying upwards. The horses having become unmanageable, bolted down a hill, and overset the vehicle, severely shaking Mr. FLASHMAN, and breaking the leg of Mr. HARVEY, who was brought back to Fort Beaufort where he now lies, progressing favourably.

INFORMATION is asked through the Colonial Office about Joseph LACK, formerly a private in the 59th Regt., and discharged in November, 1861.

We regret to record the DEATH of Mr. S. HARTMAN, Senr. Deceased was one of the Churchwardens of the Dutch Reformed Church at this village, and by his gentlemanly manner won the esteem and respect of all. His remains were interred on Friday last. – Maclean News.

MELANCHOLY SUICIDE. – We regret to announce the untimely death of Mr. SOMOJE, late Surgeon of the district of Fort Peddie. He committed suicide, by cutting his throat at Coleman’s Hotel, in a most determined manner last evening. The unfortunate gentleman drove into town a few days since for the purpose of spending Christmas among his friends, and put up at Coleman’s Hotel. About eight o’clock he retired to his room, and shortly afterwards the waiter went up for the purpose of taking him some tea, but found the door locked; he knocked several times, but no answer was returned to his summons. Sometime after he went again and knocked, but receiving no reply, imagined the Doctor to be asleep. Notwithstanding this no suspicion was aroused until about six o’clock this morning, when the knocking was repeated. On receiving no answer Mr. PARSONS and Dr. ATHERSTONE were sent for, and on their arrival a ladder was placed to the window and the room opened, when a horrid spectacle presented itself. The unfortunate man was lying dead in a pool of blood. The body was slightly reclining on the right side, the right arm straight, and the left thrown across the chest, a closed razor lay a few inches from the right hand. On examination it was found that an incision, about one inch and a half in length, had been made in the left side of the throat, very scientifically severing the carotid artery, from which the flow of blood had covered the body and saturated the bed. On a chair by the bedside lay an open pocket book, a watch, and candlestick – the candle having been allowed to burn out. In a purse was found £20, but no papers that would afford any clue to account for the fearful deed. Rumour with her many tongues points to various causes, but they cannot be relied on. – G. T. Journal.

ANOTHER PRINCE’S RIFLE. – Mr. Thos. FRANCIS of the Koonap Hotel has been honoured with the gift of a rifle from his Royal Highness Prince ALFRED. The Prince promised the rifle on the day of his putting up at the inn, and has now sent it to its gratified owner, who intends to hand it down as a most precious memorial to be kept as long as there is a FRANCIS of the ilk in existence. The following is the communication from Major COWELL in which the information of the despatch of the rifle is conveyed:-
“Major COWELL is desired by His Royal Highness Prince ALFRED, to inform Mr. FRANCIS that the rifle goes by this mail to the Cape. It is by REILLY and one of great range, and Major COWELL hopes that it will arrived in good condition. Major COWELL hopes that Mr. FRANCIS is quite well; he will be glad to know His Royal Highness is so.”
29th Sept. 1862. – Ibid.

SUICIDE OF MR. JOSEPH BLACKBURN. – It is with much regret that we announce the death by suicide of Mr. Joseph BLACKBURN, merchant, of this city. For several weeks past he had been in indifferent health, and complained that his mind was giving way; and so serious were the symptoms manifested recently that he had frequently to be watched by his friends. On Sunday afternoon he managed to get away unnoticed, went down by rail to Eerste River, and put up for the night at Mrs. Powell’s hotel. Next day he retired to his room, desiring that he should be left undisturbed, wrote letters to his friends and family describing his hopeless state of mind, and then, it is supposed, took laudanum, from the effects of which he died. There is no doubt entertained that he was at the time in a state of temporary insanity; and that his disease had been aggravated by the recent insolvencies and complications of business on the frontier. It is understood, however, that his own affairs were in an excellent state, and that he has left a very handsome amount of property. He had written to his wife to say that he had left her £3,000. – Argus.

Mr. WATERMEYER renewed an application first made in October last, for the compulsory sequestration of the estate of John Hunt VENABLES, at present a resident in the Umzimvoobo, beyond the colony, but the owner of a farm in Queen’s Town, and of the reversion of a farm near Graham’s Town. This application was made on the affidavit of Mr. Joseph LEVY, of King William’s Town, supported by that of Mr. HURLEY, which set forth that VENABLES owed LEVY upwards of £7,000, had absconded from the colony to avoid payment, and had since declared that he intended shortly to proceed to South America. The required order was made, returnable on the first day of the February term.
The Master stated in reference to the estate of William Heatley CAMPBELL, cooper, of Cape Town, an insolvent, the surrender of which he had been accepted on the previous day, that he had received a letter from Mr. GAIN informing him that the insolvent surrendered his estate in January, 1860, when Mr. GAIN had to pay the costs of administering the estate out of his own pocket.
The Court decided to cancel the second surrender and to hand over the attachment to the trustee under the former surrender. The Court also decided that in order to avoid similar accidents in future the Registrar should in all cases of surrender communicate with the Master, to ascertain if there had been any previous surrender.

Mr. Saul SOLOMON has lately had a narrow escape from being seriously if not fatally injured, by being jolted out of a cart in which he was riding.

A MURDER has been committed in the street of Cape Town, by a Spaniard, arising out of a quarrel in a brothel. The stiletto was used.

TO CORRESPONDENTS. – “Thos. NILAND” – on the Adelaide election; - “John GREEN” – on the POUW shooting case; - “Peter PORCUPINE” – on the employment of prisoners by officials, - came to hand too late for attention this week. “W. STANTON” – on Railways has also been received and will appear in our next.

Meal, per 100lbs. 25s; Mealies, do. 20s; Kafir Corn do. 19s. 6d. ; Oat Hay, do. 9s 6d. ; Potatoes, per bucket, 3s. 3d. ; Butter, per lb. 4s. 5d. ; Hide, do. 1½d. ; Apples, dried 4½d. ; Pork, do, 6½ d. ; Sheepskins, each, 9d. ; Buckskins, do. 1s. 2d. ; Horns, do. 1d. ; Turkeys, do. 5s. 9d. ; Ducks, do. 2s. 4d.;
Apples per 100, 1s. 8d. ; Plums, do. 1s. 7d. ; Eggs, per dozen. 1s. 1d; Peas, green, per bucket, 2s. 3d. ; Firewood, per load 16s. 3d.
H. J. BRADY, Marketmaster.

Saturday, January 10, 1863

DIED, of convulsions at Fort Hare on Saturday the 3rd inst., Margaret Isabella, fifth child of James and Isabella COGHLAN. – aged 9 months.

Meeting of Subscribers.
A meeting of the Subscribers to the Amateur Band Fund, will be held in the Court Room, on Monday evening 12th, at 7 o’clock, p.m. to decide whether the band shall be maintain, and how the instruments shall be disposed of.
Fort Beaufort,
January 5, 1863

FORT BEAUFORT AG. SOCIETY. – A general meeting of this Society was held at Ferguson’s Hotel, Yellowwood’s on Tuesday the 6th inst, at which were present. Messrs. T. NILAND (vice president) F. W. POHL, W. AINSLIE, G. AYTON, C. POHL, H. PEDLAR, J. QUIN, F. CROSS, W. PEDLAR, & ----- POTGIETER. The meeting was called for the purpose of framing the prize list for the ensuing show, and for general business.

APPOINTMENTS. – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Louis Henry MEURANT, jun., Esq., to be a justice of the peace for the district of ALBERT.
A “Visitor” describing his tour to Graham’s Town and Fort Beaufort, in a letter to the P. E. Telegraph, concludes thus: - “I was much amused at one old gentleman, whom I saw at Fort Beaufort, (a fine specimen of the British Settler), who seemed anything but pleased with the attempts now being made to improve the various breeds of stock throughout the Province. The original Cape horse he considered a far superior animal to the requirements of the colony than any of the progeny of imported horses. In his young days, he said, it was not uncommon for him to ride one hundred miles a day over a rough country; but now that the breed had been improved (?) it was considered a good horse that would carry a man half that distance. Oxen he considered lost size and strength by being crossed with imported bulls, and cows gave less milk. Sheep only were improved, and although they now produced more wool, were less able to stand the trying seasons than heretofore. I merely mention this because coming from a man of considerable experience there may be some truth in his statements.

A Middleburg correspondent of the Argus communicates the following interesting fact: - “One of the most opulent and probable the most practical farmer in the Free State is a coloured gentlemen, Mr. Frederick HOPPLEMAN, near Jacobsdorp, of whom it is no disgrace to say that he was a run-away slave. By working as a blacksmith, he cleared four thousand rix-dollars, and purchased his freedom, returned to the Free State, and is now the proprietor of an immense farm, including vineyard, orchard, corn lands &c., Being short of water, he sent to Cape Town for a set of boring rods that cost him £100, bored seventy-two feet, when the water rose to the surface and flowed over through a three-quarter inch orifice. He then constructed an apparatus himself that he bored a three-inch hole. He has now water enough and to spare.”

MELANCHOLY DEATH. – A sad occurrence took place at Tylden on Wednesday last, the 31st December. From what we can learn from a Hottentot who was on the opposite side, it appears that during the afternoon Mr. W. E. RANDALL left his hotel (situated a short distance from the river) and proceeded down the bank, and was shortly after seen by the boy floating down the stream, whether he slipped or fell in is not known. The river was so swollen and made such a roar that the boy could neither cross or shout loud enough to be heard at the hotel. The deceased was not missed for two hours after, as being lately afflicted in his mind and often wandering when talking. He had been in the habit of retiring to a small room to sleep during the afternoon. As soon as it was known that a body had floated down the river, and deceased had not been seen for some time, immediate search was made for him without avail. Then parties were dispatched down the river to see if the body could be found to ascertain who it was. After a fruitless search all night, and part of next day, the body was discovered 14 miles below the place, and brought into Queenstown for burial. The funeral took place on the 3rd inst. The Rev W. C. HOLDEN conducted the service. – Free Press.

Mr, WATERMEYER prayed for provisional sentence on a promissory note for £150, passed by one KNIGHT, and endorsed by the defendants in plaintiff’s favour.
The Attorney-General opposed on the following grounds. The plaintiff was the owner of a farm leased to one ULITT, who in May 1861, was in arrear for two years rent, £150. KNIGHT, who was a relative of COLEMAN’s, was anxious to take over ULITT’s lease, on condition that he, KNIGHT, was put in possession of the farm, and on the faith of this being done gave his promissory note for the over-due rent. KNIGHT, however, never got possession, but died, ULITT remaining on the farm.
Provisional sentence refused; the plaintiff to declare in the principal action.

MOUNT PLEASANT 27th Dec 1862
To the editor of the Fort Beaufort Advocate: -
Sir. – Having noticed a letter published in the Fort Beaufort Advocate of the 20th instant, and signed by Mr. C. E. POHL and others. Now Sir, I regret that this matter should be carried so far, but when statements forth to the public they are taken for facts, but in this case the statements are fiction. As Mr. C. E. POHL is friend of mine, I should feel very sorry to hear anything said against him or any of his family, but we are all liable to err, and from inexperience I believe Mr. POHL prevented his brother from being returned for the Adelaide ward. Now, Mr. Editor, there has been a great deal said about Mr. J. G. ROUX being a good man, this I believe no one will deny, but being either a good or fit man to sit as a member of the Divisional Council is another matter, and I can safely state that had Mr. F. W. POHL been returned, in him we would have had a man that would have done the district credit, as it is well known that Mr. POHL would not have sacrificed justice for the sake of filthy gain, in him we would have a man with a mind of his own and not a tool in the hands of others, in him we would have had a gentleman who would have given his own opinion when referred to, and not say so as you say so say ik ook. [sic] Now, Mr. Editor, I see in another letter signed by Mr. C. E. POHL in which he denies that his brother ever agreed to stand as a candidate for the Adelaide ward, this I regret as Mr. POHL must have quite forgotten the arrangement made in his own house. It is not my intention to show to the public that Mr. C. E. POHL should have in any way committed himself further than his inexperience in taking the poll, which I believe had it not been for a certain rat knowing his way into Adelaide and stirring up the quiet inhabitants of that place those letter would never have appeared in your paper, but strange it is to see the extent that men will carry their personal pique. Now, Mr. Editor, I may make a few remarks in vindication of Mr. PAINTER’s conduct in this matter. With reference to the statements made by Mr. E. NILAND and Mr. JONES, I can say that they made voluntary statements, and I believe that every word they stated to be the truth. I can also say that neither of the parties said a single word against Mr. POHL, but made an open and straightforward statement – a statement which can be corroborated by some of the most respectable men in the district, and I can further state it was not Mr. PAINTER’s intention to attribute any corrupt motives to the polling officer; and I am further at a loss to know how such a conclusion could be drawn from the letter written by Mr. Painter to the government upon the subject, and in conclusion must say that I wish a certain person who just now occupies a public seat would study Mr. Painter’s public life and act as he has done, and then he may feel proud of having been a public man. – I am &c.


INQUIRY has been made for John URIE of Pollockshaw, Glasgow, it is requested that any person having knowledge of his abode and occupation will communicate such information to the Colonial Office. URIE, originally a shoemaker, came to this colony as a private in the 91st Regiment, and received his discharge at Fort Beaufort. He was seen in Cradock some three years ago.
This morning Mr. W. SIMPSON was committed for trial for fraudulent INSOLVENCY, &c. The bail demanded is £1,500 – two sureties of £500 each and himself in £500. – G. T. Journal

Saturday, January 17, 1863

With reference to my notice dated 28th November, 1863, Notice is hereby given that Mr, Thomas NILAND has been elected a Member of the Divisional Council of Fort Beaufort, for the Ward No 6, Kroome, in the room of Mr. Michael UPTON, deceased.
C. C. & Chairman of Div. Coun.
Div. Council Office,
Fort Beaufort, Jan. 12, 1863.

We record with the deepest regret, which we are sure will be shared by every one in this district, the sudden demise of Mr. STOKES, sen., who expired on Thursday morning last, in an apoplectic fit. Mr. STOKES was one of the most highly respected residents at this district. His loss will be felt as a social calamity by all who have had the pleasure of intercourse with him; and as a public-spirited and enlightened member of the community, the void occasioned by his removal will be difficult to fill, - while those who had the privilege of his friendship, will feel but too acutely that an important link in the chain is broken which has so long bound together the few who cast their lots to seek in this colony a home. Mr. STOKES was one of Mr. BAILIE’s party of settlers, the first who landed upon these shores, and for some time experienced the vicissitudes which followed the early days of the settlement; but he being a single man, was able to elude the severer trials of a later period by fleeing to more profitable employments, since which he has in various stations pursued an honourable career; winning prospect for himself and family, while good fortune crowned his efforts with success. He had made arrangements to retire from active pursuits, and spend the evening of his days in this town, when DEATH, in obedience to the will of Providence, who ever ordains for the best, inexorably cut him off from amongst us.


ACCIDENTS. – Several accidents, attended with loss of life have occurred during the late storms. On Friday night Mr. W. E, WINGROVE, general agent of Adelaide, was returning home, and when crossing the drift of the Koonap approaching Adelaide, was swept away by the torrent, and drowned. His body was found on Saturday morning some three miles down the river. The horse was found the next day about 500 yards below the drift, where he had managed to scramble up the bank. – The body of a coloured man was also observed floating down the Koonap. – A Hottentot woman was killed by lightening in the Winterberg on Thursday.

INSOLVENCIES. – Insolvent estates placed under sequestration, and received in the Master’s office, 24th December: - Henry Jacob Clignet van LELYVELD, of Balmoral, in the Division of Uitenhage, carrier; assets £509. 10s, liabilities £1,352. 8s., deficiency £842. 10s.
Thomas Henry HARTLEY, of Somerset East, soda water manufacturer; assets£564. 8s. 4d. , liabilities £943. 5s. 4d. , deficiency £373. 17s.
Johannes George Christian SMAL, of Palmiet Fontein, in the Division of Colesberg, farmer; assets£1,185. 10s., liabilities £1,348. 10s. 6d. , deficiency £163. 0s. 9d.
27th – Jacobus Johannes MEINTJIES of Graaff-Reinet, one of the partners of the late firm of MEINTJIES and DIXON; assets £11,442 10s. , liabilities £12449 10s. 11d.
David Jacobus GREEFF, of Graaff-Reinet; assets £1,613., liabilities £3,840. 5s. 7d. , deficiency £2,157. 5s. 7d.
William Roberts KENNETT, of Graaff-Reinet, shopkeeper; assets £145. 8s. 8d. , liabilities £237. 5s. 7d. deficiency £94. 16s. 11d.

MURDER AND MUTILATION. – A correspondent of the Volksblad, writing from Humansdorp, tells us of a horrible story of a girl now in prison there, on a charge of killing her infant, cutting it up in pieces, and casting it to the pigs.

FRIGHTFUL ACCIDENT AT MONTAGUE. – An accident of a very serious nature has occurred in this village, which has cast a gloom over the otherwise happy commencement of the New Year. On the occasion of the marriage of Mr. T. CAIRNCROSS, which was celebrated on the 1st inst. The Montague Rifles turned out to do honour to their Adjutant, by firing a volley at the moment when the bridal party should leave the Church. The Corps were drawn up and the cannon loaded on a neighbouring hill. When the signal was given for the firing of the big gun, a light was applied to the touch-hole, but in consequence of the powder there being damp, the charge did not go off. A person standing by, who, together with Robert ANDERSON, was in charge of the gun, took up the ramrod, and incautiously commenced ramming home the powder. Either from the vent not being properly served, or perhaps a spark having remained in the vicinity, while in the act of so doing the gun exploded. As might have been supposed, the foolish fellow, though not killed on the spot, sustained frightful injuries, one arm being completely blown off, while the other was fractured in a shocking manner. So great was the force of the explosion, that pieces of flesh, together with fragments of the fingers, were found at a considerable distance from the spot. The sufferer was immediately conveyed home, where the two medical men were soon in attendance, and performed a surgical operation, taking off both the arms above the elbow. Dr. HANF, District Surgeon of Robertson, was subsequently requested to attend, and the following day an operation was again performed, the unfortunate man’s arms being amputated nearer the shoulder. The man, who is a Russian, known by the name of JACKEY, is a tailor by trade, and has long resided in the village. By the last account he was still alive, but doubts were entertained of his recovery. – Overberg Courant.

SHOCKING OCCURRENCE AT RIVERSDALE. – A shocking accident, arising from the pernicious practice of firing the veldt, occurred last week near the Gouritz River. F. van SYL, a farmer, was proceeding along the road with a wagon loaded with salt and drawn by fourteen oxen, when he perceived the veldt on fire in front of him. Thinking he could cross the belt of flames without injury, he attempted to do so. But he had miscalculated the power of the fire. He and has leader were glad to save themselves by flight leaving the wagon and oxen to their fate. The wagon has been found, with the charred remains of the fourteen oxen still in the yokes, but not a horn on one of them. It is said that the track taken by the poor beasts after they got within range of the fire can be traced by their horns, which fell off in consequence of the intense heat.

GIRLS, BEWARE. – Girls, beware of transient young men. Never suffer the addresses of a stranger. Recollect that one farmer’s boy, or industrious mechanic, is worth all the floating fogs in the world. The allurements of a dandy Jack, with a gold chain round his neck, a walkingstick in his paw, a three-penny cigar in his mouth, some honest tailor’s coat on his back, and a brainless though fancy skull, never can make up the loss of a good father’s home, a good mother’s counsel, and the society of brothers and sisters: their affections last, while that of such a young man is lost in the wane of honeymoon. ‘Tis true.

In the Times’ obituary of Nov. 6, we find the following: - DIED. – On the 30th October, at Southsea, aged 61, John Charles SAUNDERS, Esq., late Military Storekeeper at Dublin, and formerly for many years at Graham’s Town, South Africa.


DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT AND MILLIONAIRE. – Mr. R. A. ZEEDERBERG, sen., died at the Paarl this week, at the very advanced age of ninety-one years. His remains were conveyed to town and interred in the Lutheran burying ground yesterday afternoon. The funeral was attended by a large concourse of the inhabitants, and a special burial service in connection with the event was held in the Lutheran Church. Mr. ZEEDERBERG arrived in the colony considerably more than half a century ago. For many years he toiled hard to amass a fortune; and ultimately, by increasing application and integrity, raised himself to a foremost position among the wealthiest capitalists and most respected inhabitants of the colony. He is supposed to have left property to the value of about £100,000. – Adv. & Mail.

Saturday, January 24, 1863

DIED, at Sephton Manor Farm, near Fort Beaufort, on the 15th, January, 1863, after a few hours illness, Mr. George Frederick STOKES, sen., of Odiam, Hampshire, and one of the British Settlers of 1820, loved and honoured. Friends will please accept this notice.
Fort Beaufort, Jan. 17, 1863.

We regret to hear that accounts from East London records the death of Captain NEPNOE, late of the 27th Regiment, and more recently clerk in one of the civil offices in this town. The deceased had long been suffering from, we believe, pulmonary consumption. He was very highly respected. – K. W. T. Gazette.

It being desirable that the Government School, which has been closed for several months past, should be re-opened, the Civil Commissioner invites the attention of the Inhabitants to certain Conditions proposed by Dr. DALE, Superintendent General of Education, in connexion with the said School, which are now lying in the Civil Commisioner’s Office, for inspection, and such of the Inhabitants who may approve of the same, are requested to enter their names in a List prepared in the Office for that purpose.
Civil Commisioner’s Office.
Fort Beaufort, 23rd. January 1863.

Saturday, January 31, 1863

GORED BY A BULL. – We regret to say that a serious accident befell Mr. J. STRIDE, teacher in the Elementary School, Grey Institute, on Wednesday last. As he was returning from school, about noon on that day just on passing Mr. O’SHEA’s shop, a bull run at and knocked him down. His side and face were severely contused, though we are happy to state the injuries received are not dangerous. He will not be able to resume his duties for a day or two. – Ibid.

We have much pleasure in recording the MARRIAGE, on Tuesday last, of our respected fellow-townsman Jno. HUDSON, Esq., Civil Commissioner’s Clerk, with Miss Mary C. GILFILLAN, youngest daughter of the late W. GILFILLAN, Esq., for many years Civil Commissioner of Cradock. The morning turned out delightfully fine, and at an early hour the road opposite St. Patrick’s Church presented quite a gay appearance with its waving arch of flags, - erected by several of the inhabitants in honour of the event. The porch, and interior of the church was also very tastefully decorated. Long before the before the ceremony began, - which was performed by the Revd. Jas. SEDDON, - the church was filled with the “fairest of the fair” of our Cradock belles, who had evidently turned out en masse for the occasion. The bride was given away by her brother, Jno. M. GiILFILLAN, Esq., of Middelburg. The happy couple left town about four o’clock in the afternoon, on their wedding tour. – Cradock Register.

Mr. Charles LINTON, of Queen’s Town, was KILLED by lightning last week, while conversing with a number of friends at his farm Gretna. – Of the ten or twelve people in the room at the time of the mishap, Mr. Linton’s brother was the only one besides the deceased who experienced the shock.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, on the 28th January, 1863, Mrs. W.H. RAWSTORNE, of a Son.

A GERMAN LAD, calling himself William BAIM or BEYM, apparently about 13 years of age, was found at the residence of Mr. H. B. van VEEREN of this District, in a state of destitution – He states that his step-father named JEYLIG, who resides at Berlin, drove him away about 6 months ago – that he went to King William’s Town and fell in with a farmer named Hans van EEREN, who took him to his farm near Tafel Berg, and that being ill-treated by him he ran away about 10 days ago – Unless the said lad be claimed within six weeks from the date he will be indentured to some fit and proper person according to law.
William T. L. EMETT.
Resident Magistrate.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Eland’s Post, 27th January, 1863.

Saturday, February 7, 1863

Look this Way!
The undersigned having taken over the conveyance of the post, from Fort Beaufort to Bedford, begs to intimate to Travellers and others, that his cart will run on the following days viz :-
From Beaufort to Bedford, via Adelaide every Saturday morning at 6 o’clock, a.m., and returns from Bedford on Thursdays at 8 a.m.
From Beaufort to Adelaide L0:12:0
“ Adelaide to Bedford 0:8:0
From Beaufort to Adelaide, per lb. 9d.
Ditto from Adelaide to Bedford, do 3d.
Booking Office at Bedford, Mr. T. QUIN.
Do. Fort Beaufort, C. L. DREYER.
Adelaide, Nov. 28, 1862

We regret to hear that Mr. STEWART of Alice, is very seriously indisposed.


INSOLVENCIES. – James William JAY (deceased, of Graham’s Town, and surviving spouse Sarah Elizabeth JAY; assets, £250. 18s. 5d. ; liabilities, £821. 0s. 5d.; deficiency, £570. 2s.
Josias ALBERTYN, of Graaff-Reinet, mason; assets, £181. 18s. 6d. ; liabilities, £398. 6s.; deficiency, £216 7s. 6d.
Johan Michiel SHUNDEHUTTE (deceased) and surviving spouse Carolina Romana SCHETZER, of Hope Town; assets, £123. 7s; liabilities, £208 11s 6d; deficiency, £85. 4s 6d.

SAD CASE OF DROWNING. – DEATH OF MR. PIKE, JUN. – The village of Swellendam has again been the scene of a sad calamity, which has cast a deep gloom over it which time only can disperse. It appears from facts which have subsequently transpired that several young men and boys went to bathe in a pond, or rather “Zekoegat,” situated in Vley; and Mr. James PIKE, only surviving son of the proprietor of the Overberg Courant, having undressed, jumped unhesitatingly into the water, which was known to be deep in the centre: in a few moments he sank and then rose to the surface, but was soon observed to sink again. A young man names SCHIERHOUT seeing this, he leaped fearlessly into the pond and succeeded in seizing the unfortunate youth, but his dying struggles were so violent and he clung to SCHIERHOUT with such desperate energy, that he could not disengage himself sufficiently to be of any service to him. And finding if he remained longer in the water they must both be drowned, he tore himself from him, and the poor lad sank to rise no more.

FIFTEEN SEAMEN OF H.M.S. “PENGUIN” MURDERED BY THE NATIVE. – The Hambro’ barque William Oswald reported at St. Helena that H.M.S. Penguin sent two boats cruising for slavers about the entrance to the Straits of Babelmandeb, the crews of which went ashore there for the purpose of procuring water, when the whole numbering 15 in all, were murdered by the natives.

SHOCKING MURDER. – The military postrider brought intelligence on Thursday afternoon, of a C. M. Riflemen having been murdered on the high road from Graham’s Town to Fort Beaufort, near Lieuwfontein about noon on that day. The District Surgeon Dr. BENBOW, accompanied by the Field-cornet, shortly afterwards proceeded to the spot indicated, and found the body of the murdered man, which was at once brought into Fort Beaufort. The circumstances, as far as we have yet been able to ascertain them on the best authority, are as follows: - On Wednesday night, two privates of the C. M. R names HILL and WOLVERT, deserted from the barracks here, and made for the direction of Graham’s Town. About noon on Thursday (according to the statement of HILL the companion of WOLVERT, the murdered man) as they were proceeding along the road, when about a mile on this side of Campbell’s Hotel, they observed three Fingoes or Kafirs, with knobkerries running towards them. On coming up the Kafirs entered into conversation, and asked for some tobacco, which was given to them. The natives then enquired where the two deserters were going, and on being informed, requested to accompany them. The party proceeded a little distance, when the Kafirs lagged behind, and entered into a conversation in a low tone of voice, which caused suspicions of foul play in the minds of the men of the C. M. R., who were without weapons of any kind. Presently, says HILL, the Kafirs came up again, and two of them commenced an attack upon WOLVERT, who was a powerful man, striking him a violent blow on the head which must have rendered him senseless; one then seized hold of him by the throat, the other kneeling on his chest, and at the same time violently striking him on the face with a kerrie. Hill says, he also was knocked down and knelt upon by the other Kafir, and before becoming unconscious, he observed the Kafirs tearing open and rifling the clothes of himself and companion who then decamped taking with them the haversacks and capes of the two soldiers. When HILL became again conscious, he found WOLVERT lying in the middle of the road, quite senseless, and breathing very hard, the blood flowing freely from his nostrils and mouth. HILL did all he could to relieve his wounded companion, but the latter expired in a few minutes, without having spoken a word. HILL then proceed to CAMPBELL’s to procure assistance and while there the postriders passed, when he made a report to them of the case. Dr. BENBOW, found the features of the deceased much distorted, marks of severe contusion on throat, severe injury on the left side of the head a little below the ear, probably occasioning fracture of the skull, which must have produced insensibility. The immediate cause of death probably was strangulation, but as no post-mortem examination had been held up to the time of our writing, Friday afternoon, this cannot be verified. Hill was sent to the Military Hospital, but he was apparently more frightened than hurt in the affray. The body of the deceased is in the gaol. Should further particulars transpire, we will give then in our next. It appears to be an improbable thing that the Kafirs or Fingoes would have commenced the attack on the high road, as stated by HILL. Without provocation of some kind. As the men deserted on Wednesday night, it is surmised they must have proceeded to the native location at Appie’s Drie [I am assuming this should be Apies Draai], and there probably took unauthorized liberties with the wives or daughters of some of the natives, and that the Kafirs described by HILL as running after them, went in pursuit with an intention to take revenge.

INSOLVENT MEETING. – The third meeting in the insolvent estate of WELSH and FITZGERALD was help before the Res. Mag. Yesterday. The Report of the Trustee was read and adopted, from which it appeared that the estate would yield only a nominal dividend, and that the business had been conducted in a culpably negligent manner during the six months of its continuance. The Report itself will be published next week.

BEKENDMAKING aan naastbestaande en Vrienden dat het de Almagtige God van leven en dood behaag heft myn teeden geliefte Echtgenoot, Stephanus RADEMEYER, op den 14 den January, 1863, tot hem zegt te nemen na een zeer sebierlyke en onverwagte dood, en den ouderdom van 67 jaaren, 3 maanden, en 9 dagen.
Adelaide, 14 Jan. 1863,

Estate of Joseph READ, deceased.
The Creditors in this estate are requested to meet at Mr. GIDDY’s Office, Fort Beaufort on Friday, the 20th February, 1863, at 10 o’clock, a.m., to decide what is to be done with the Bond belonging to the estate and to instruct the Trustee.
James READ.
Fort Beaufort
5th February, 1863.

Saturday, February 14, 1863

Mr. R.W.H. GIDDY, Clerk of the Peace, Fort Beaufort, requests that all claims against him may be sent in without delay for immediate settlement.
Fort Beaufort, 27th January, 1863.

MARRIED, at Cathcart Vale, District of Stockenstrom, on Tuesday, the 3rd inst., by the Rev. J. SMITH, John Reid LAING, Esq., M.D., Resident Surgeon of Somerset Hospital, Cape Town, to Marianne, Daughter of William CADWALLADER, Esq., of Cathcart Vale.

ACCIDENT. – On Saturday afternoon last, Mr. HULLY, of Somerset, was proceeding from Fort Beaufort, and when about a mile distant on the top of the hill, a violent thunder storm came on. The lightning struck the four horses of his team to the ground, killing one on the spot, and injuring another past recovery. It was a most providential escape Mr. HULLY himself had, he being we are glad to say, entirely uninjured, although somewhat stunned.

THE MURDER. – The District Surgeon, Dr. BENBOW, held a post mortem examination on the body of Henry WOLVERT, C.M.R. on Saturday last. – The following were the appearances presented:-
EXTERNAL APPEARANCES. – Clothes, head, face, and upper part of person covered with blood: severe injury behind left ear; left side of face much swollen, and of a dark livid color; nostrils divided on each side by contused wounds; marks of heavy blow on right cheek; immediately below the left lower jaw a clean incised would 2½ in. long, and ½ in. deep; throat and nect had been subjected to extreme violence, very greatly swollen, and of a dark livid colour; also bruises on each shoulder; slight abrasion of skin on fingers and palm of left hand, - right hand not injured.
INTERNAL EXAMINATION. – On opening the head a large quantity of blood escaped from rupture of meningeal artery; temporal bone fractured, with slight depression; vessels of brain generally much congested; muscles and tissues of throat in a softened & almost lacerated condition, of a deep purple colour from effused coagulated blood; cartilage of larynx and first ring of windpipe broken, clots of blood in latter; vessels of lungs greatly conjested; right side of heart distended with blood; stomach contained a small quantity of food, but no alcoholic odour could be detected. Immediate cause of death strangulation. The skull of deceased was much thinner than is usually found in men of his age.

NEW INSOLVENCY. – Livett Conor FRANK, of Grahamstown, storekeeper; assets, £2,991 4s 5d; liabilities, £3,783 14s, 10d; deficiency, £792 10s 5d.

A correspondent of the Herald says: - It was reported to the authorities yesterday, that a farmer named LIEBENBERG, residing at the South Winterveld, was shot under the following circumstances. It appeared that LIEBENBERG has been informed that some Hottentots had slaughtered a sheep of his, upon which he immediately took his gun, and went in the direction indicated, where he found two Hottentots, with the carcass of a fresh slaughtered sheep, and told them to give themselves up as prisoners which they refused to do. A youth of about 14 years of age, just came up with a cart, who assisted him in tying up one of them; and whilst doing so, the other one ran away, and LIEBENBERG pursued, leaving his gun behind. After a long pursuit he caught him, and brought him to where the boy stood with the other man, who had, in the meantime, managed to unfasten himself, and seizing LIEBENBERG’s gun, shot him in the forehead as he came up, killing him on the spot. The boy, with great presence of mind, unbuckled the bandolier, containing the powder and shot, from the body of the deceased, and just as he jumped on the cart, a blow was aimed at him with the butt end of the gun, which fortunately missed him. The poor little fellow fled as fast as the horses could carry him, and reported it at the nearest farm. There is every probability that the rascals will be captured.

THE MURDER. – The three natives suspected as the murderers of Pt. WOLVERT, of the C.M.R. are now safely lodged in gaol at this place. One of them was apprehended at BOTHA’s Hill, where he had engaged himself with the road party, the other two were found in Graham’s Town. On Thursday, Mr. GIDDY, Clerk of the Peace, was engaged for several hours in sifting the evidence against the prisoners, but the result was no means conclusive. Private HILL was confronted with the accused, but could not identify any of them. The three men agree in stating that on the day on which the murder was committed, they were on the road to Graham’s Town, and that at about midday, they met two men on horseback under the krantz at the Koonap. If these horsemen corroborate this statement, it would go a great way to prove an alibi as the murder was perpetrated about a mile on this side of Lieuwfontein at 12 o’clock. There was another traveller who passed the two soldiers near Lieuwfontein, but he has not yet been brought down from Queen’s Town, whither lie was journeying. The whole affair is at present a mystery. Nothing was found on the Fingoes to connect them with the murder and robbery of the deceased. One of the natives belonged to the Healdtown location, one to Alice, and the other to Fort Peddie. The only positive evidence as to the murder, as yet, is that of Private HILL, who gives a circumstantial, but not altogether consistent account of the tragedy. HILL says he also was attacked, knocked down, and rifled. He has undergone examination but no wounds, bruises, or marks of violence can be discovered on his person. At the present stage of the investigation, it is useless to surmise. Several witnesses have yet to be examined. In the meantime, however, a search in the vicinity of the murder is to be made for the clothes, &c. belonging to the two soldiers.

Saturday, February 21, 1863

NOTICE is hereby give, that a Court was this day held, by virtue of a Proclamation of His Excellency the Governor, for the nomination of a Member for the House of Assembly, in the room of Michael UPTON, Esq., deceased, when the following persons were duly nominated, viz: -
Richard Joseph PAINTER, and James SCOTT.
And further, that I have appointed that the Election shall take place on Tuesday, the 10th day of March next, at the following places –
Hammonds, residence of Field-Cornet BOOTH,
Blinkwater, residence of Field-Cornet RORKE,
Adelaide, residence of Field-Cornet POHL,
Kroome, residence of Field-Cornet CAMPBELL,
Winterberg, residence of Field-Cornet J. C. HATTON,
Fort Beaufort, at the Public Offices, and
For the District of Stockenstrom. The respective Fieldcornetcies therein.
T. STRINGFELLOW, Returning Officer.
Fort Beaufort, Feb. 19, 1863.

Having become the Proprietor of the above Establishment, begs to inform the public that he will continue to accommodate Travellers in the best style, and on reasonable terms.
The best Wines and Spirits kept in Stock,
Good Stabling.
Feb. 1863.

In the Estate of the late Michael UPTON.
All Persons having any claims against the Estate of the late Michael UPTON, M.P., are requested to file the same with the Undersigned within six weeks from this date;- and all persons indebted to the said Estate are hereby required to liquidate the same within the said period.
Executrix Testamentary.
Fort Beaufort,
Feb. 10, 1863.

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 18th February, 1863, Mrs. W. B. CHALMERS, of a Son.

Mr. GIDDY, Clerk of the Peace, has obtained leave of absence for several months, and in a few days he will, with his family, leave on a visit to England. We are sure we only express the sentiments of the community, in wishing them a prosperous voyage and safe return. Mr. GIDDY during the years he has resided in this town as Clerk of the Peace, has proved beyond doubt that the duties of a zealous and efficient official are not incompatible with the fulfilment of those of a good citizen – that both may be fully performed by one individual with advantage to the public service, and benefit to the community in which he resides. In every project having the progress and advantage of the town and district for an object, Mr. GIDDY always exhibited the character of a public-spirited citizen. In the discharge of his official duties, he ever maintained a gentlemanly bearing towards all, and while his official services have given satisfaction to the community in general, they have more than once received the marked approbation of the Circuit Judges. Mr. HUDSON late Civil Commissioner’s Clerk of Cradock, is to act in Mr. GIDDY’s place pro tem.

JOHN JAMES WILLIAMS is informed that if he will apply to the Secretary of the General Post Office, Cape Town he will hear of something to his advantage.

HOPETOWN. – We extract the following from a private letter, dated Hope Town, 5th February 1863, “You will, I am sure, be startled and sorry to learn that poor Theodore ORPEN is no more. About two hours after the post left, (on Thursday last) he was drowned in the Orange River. His hobby proved his end. That Boat over which he had laboured so long, upset in the middle of the stream, and he, BEHN and CLEMENTS were cast into the water which was running with tremendous force, the river being full. The Boat upset above Lilienfeld’s Pont, and CLEMENTS, being able to swim, helped ORPEN to climb on to the Boat, as she laid upside down in the river. She was then carried with the current to the drift, when CLEMENTS asked ORPEN to get off and he and BEHN would swim him to the bank, but he would not trust himself with them. In a few moments the Boat was washed in among the rocks and sunk. CLEMENTS then, again, tried to save ORPEN but could not, the current being too strong. BEHN was fortunate to get to the side just by the Clip Kraal, and CLEMENTS, who had remained with ORPEN, some yards lower. Had BEHN have had twenty yards further to swim he would have gone also – he was picked up quite exhausted and conveyed home in a cart and put to bed. CLEMENTS was also quite done up. – Colesberg Advertiser.

The Athens, Capt. Wm. LADDS, from Plymouth, January 6, arrived on the 10th, Table Bay.
She has brought the following passengers: - Mrs. RAMSAY, Messrs. GLYNN (2) Mr. OSBORNE, MR. and Mrs. WALFORD, Miss TAYLOR, Mr. BOURNE, C. E., Mr. MALCOLM. Mr. COLLISON, Mr. BARRY, Mr. MORKEL, Mr. TWEEDIE, Mr. BRIGGS, Mr. NEWTON, MR. MARKS, Mr. and Mrs. CHRISTIE, Mr. Joseph, Mr. BIRCH, Capt. MAULE, and Mr. and Mrs. HALLEWELL, and female servant. For Ascension: Assistant Surgeon BUCKLEY, R.N., and Mr. Francis.

The Times obituary of Dec. 23rd contains the following notice: - “On the 31st inst., at Exeter, George KEKEWICH, Esq. for many years one of the Judges of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, aged 84.”

BIRTH. – On the 29th inst at the Governor’s House, Milbank, the wife of Capt. Richard Jennings BRAMLY, late Mounted Riflemen, of a daughter.

THE MURDER CASE. – On Thursday, the three natives in custody on suspicion of murdering Private WOLVERT, CMR. , were brought into court, and the evidence of Prt. HILL, publicly taken, together with the testimony, of the native whom he met near CAMPBELL’s with the led horses, the latter witness having been brought down from Queen’s Town. Private HILL gave a full account of the circumstances of the murder, and underwent a searching cross-examination, by the Clerk of the Peace. His second statement varied in no material respect from that at first made, and which we published in our first account of the murder. His statement was corroborated as far as the evidence of the native witness went, except in one particular, namely, that while HILL adheres to that part of his story in which he says he was beaten by the Kafirs and lay insensible on the road, - the native witness asserts that HILL in reply to his query how he had escaped unhurt, told him he had run into the bush, when the Kafirs attacked his companion. This native witness affirms that at a distance of a mile or two from CAMPBELL’s Hotel, he met three Kafirs answering the description given by HILL, proceeding in the direction of Graham’s Town, and that in half an hour after that he reached the spot where the body of WOLVERT lay. This witness, however, could not identify any of the prisoners as the Kafirs he had met. Neither could HILL identify the three men before the Court, as those who made the attack on WOLVERT – the most he could say was, that he would not swear that one of them was not one of the party. HILL gave a minute description of the dress, height, ages, and features of the three Kafirs, which did not correspond with the appearance of the prisoners. The prisoners declined to cross-examine, alleging that they know nothing about the affair. The examination however is not yet concluded.
The version of the identity of the prisoners by HILL, given by the Journal on the authority of an eye witness, is about as correct as the statement which first appeared in that paper on the authority of the eye-witness, who saw the dead bodies of two C.M.R. , in the road, and the subsequent modification, that only one was killed outright, and the other severely wounded. The fact is, HILL is not wounded at all, and if he was struck, as he says, the blows must have been slight to leave no marks behind. There is but little doubt, however, that WOLVERT and he were attacked by three natives.

We exceedingly regret to record one of the most solemn and calamitous events it has ever been our lot to put in print, viz., the upsetting of a wagon in the Izeli drift of the Buffalo, the drowning of three sisters, and narrow escape of the father. The unfortunate family who have thus been called upon to suffer it that of the Rev. LIEFELDT, and the melancholy event has cast quite a gloom over the whole community, by whom Mr. LIEFELDT and family are well and deservedly held in very high esteem. It appears from what we can gather that on Monday last Mr. L. and his three daughters proceeded in a tent wagon towards the Izeli, with the intention we believe, of going to some distant part in the country, and on reaching one of the drifts the river was found to be in a very swollen state. The wagon, however, had got into the stream and could not return, - and while in the bed of the river, it is said, the leader was unable to stem the current, the hind oxen gave way, the wagon sides and tent were swept off, and the vehicle turned over with its living freight. Mr. LIEFELDT, it is said, managed, with the assistance of the driver, to get to the side at the imminent risk of his life, after being washed down a considerable distance, but could render no assistance to his unfortunate daughters, who were carried down the river and drowned. The driver is said to have caught hold of one of the unfortunate girls, but had not the strength to bring here ashore. Their bodies, it was rumoured, were recovered on Tuesday evening, but the rumoured, were recovered on Tuesday evening, but the rumour has not only been confirmed, but positively contradicted up to last evening.
It is also reported the five of the oxen were drowned. The first intimation the public had of the catastrophe, was a note addressed by Miss. LIEFELDT to Dr. PETERS, informing him that her father had been upset in the Buffalo, and three of her sisters were drowned. Dr. PETERS hastened to the spot, but could discover no signs of the bodies. It is said that the Kaffir driver intimated to Mr. LIEFELDT that the drift was too dangerous to cross, but that Mr. L. differed in opinion, and directed him to make the attempt, and the result has been the fearful disaster just recorded. The sympathy of the public with the bereaved family is universal, and a subscription has been set on foot to present Mr. LIEFELDT with a purse, as he has no doubt suffered other loss beside that of his daughter’s lives; but it is deeply felt by all classes that nothing can compensate the unfortunate family for the loss of three fine girls who have thus been suddenly swept into eternity. We also hear that an address of condolence will accompany the presentation of the purse to MR. LIEFELDT, expressing the sympathy of the inhabitants with him and his family under these trying and afflictive circumstances. The Rev. Mr. KAYSER and others were busily engaged during all yesterday in searching for the bodies, but without success; and to-day a party of the 13th Light Infantry have been kindly despatched to the spot to renew the search…..K.W.T. Gazette.

Saturday, February 28, 1863


This is to give notice, that no person or persons are to purchase or lend any Monies upon certain properties in the Township of Fort Beaufort, of Mrs. Isabella Rebecca VAUGHAN, born MARR, as the above properties belong to Charles William Wellington VAUGHAN, and John Henry Anthony VAUGHAN.
I also give notice that I do not hold myself responsible for any of her transactions.
February 13, 1863.

DEATH. – On the 22nd February, at Fort Beaufort, Angelina, the beloved Wife of Clarke MORRIS, Esq., C. M. Rifles, aged 49. Friends will please accept this intimation.


Mr. STANTON, M.P., we regret to learn has been seriously indisposed for the past two weeks. He is bedridden at present.

Lt. T. HARWOOD SNOOKE, of the 10th Regt., DIED at Bloemfontein on the 8th inst. He had been on a visit to A. H. Bain, Esq. His remains were followed to the grave by the Volksblad, the leading officials, and most of the respectable townsmen.

We record with regret, the death of Angelina, late wife of Clarke MORRIS, Esq., C. M. Rifles. Mrs, MORRIS had been in delicate health for some time past, but fatal consequences were not apprehended will within a short period of her decease. She died on the 22nd of Feb. the 26th anniversary of her wedding day, leaving no family. Her loss will be deeply lamented by all who knew her; her singleness of purpose, kindness of heart, and real good nature, endeared her to all who enjoyed her acquaintance and will render her husband’s bereavement severe. The funeral took place on Monday last. The mortal remains were interred with military honors, at Fort Beaufort, by the Chaplain to the Forces. The ceremony being performed with solemnity, the procession bore a very impressive character. The Rev. Chaplain preceded the corpse, which was borne on a gun-carriage, Colonel TINLEY and three senior officers of the Regiment, acting as pall bearers. Every officer in the Garrison attended the funeral and nearly all the men of the Regiment followed to do honor to the memory of the deceased.

MURDER AT HONDE NECK. - On Monday, the 9th inst., a murder of a dreadful character was committed on the farm of Mr. BOTHA, Hartebeest Fontein, near Honde Neck. It appears that a Mr. RIGGS, who, with his wife and children was residing on the same farm, had been on bad terms with a German, of the name of Ernst AUGUST, in the employ of Mr. BOTHA. The German, to whom a very bad character has been ascribed, had threatened Mrs. RIGGS, in the absence of her husband, to turn her out of the house, and even went so far as to take every door off its hinges. However, when RIGGS returned, angry words ensued between him and the German, in which the latter threatened to take back a cart which he had sold to RIGGS, and in return RIGGS said that if he did, he would shoot him. From the evidence of the witnesses who saw what followed. The German went out and took hold of the disselboom of the cart, and was pushing it away, when RIGGS followed him outside, with a loaded pistol, and without any further words, shot him dead. RIGGS then returned to the house, but seeing that no one would approach the body, he went out again and covered it with a wagon sail. When the field-cornet, Mr. LOMBARD, arrived next morning, he found the body still lying in the same place, but sadly mutilated by the dogs. Mr RIGGS is now in prison, having come into town and given himself into custody. He has been fully committed for trial at the ensuing Circuit Court, to be help in April. – C. Register.

ACCIDENT. – We regret to hear that Mr. H. BERTRAM, the Inspector of Police for this district, has been thrown from his horse and very seriously injured. He was riding across the country about 12 miles from the Bashee Police Station, in company with Sir. Walter CURRIE, when his horse put his fore feet into a hole, and fell, throwing Mr. BERTRAM over his head, and then tumbling upon him, causing the blood to flow from mouth, nose, and ears. He had to be carried twelve miles to the station. We are glad to hear that he is doing well. – Queenstown Free Press.

THE MURDER CASE. – On Monday, the examination of the witnesses in this case, was resumed in the Magistrate Court. Their evidence, however, did not tend to unravel the mysteries of the affare, and was rather in favour of the three prisoners in custody on suspicion. It was shown that the accused were at COMLEY’s farm on the morning of the murder, but that they had left before sunrise, while the two soldiers did not arrive at COMLEY’s until some hours later. The prisoner acknowledged having called at CAMPBELL’s to purchase sugar before 7 in the morning, and that they then proceeded on their way to Graham’s Town, giving a circumstantial account of their journey, whom they met, where they stopped and made purchases, c. The prisoners, being duly cautioned, were, after being separated, called upon to make their statements, which they did, all three agreeing in the main points, and being corroborated to a certain extent by the witnesses examined. The Magistrate was of opinion that there was no evidence on which to commit the prisoners, but decided on remanding them until Thursday, to see if any other witnesses might be obtained in the meantime, in which the Clerk of the peace concurred. On Thursday, the prisoners were not brought to Court, there being no fresh evidence to bring forward. On Friday morning, we understand, the Magistrate intended to liberate them from custody.

BEDFORD. – A correspondent writes: - “we have very little news here, MINTO our late Kafir interpreter, who was in prison here awaiting his trial for forgery at the ensuing Circuit, has paid all his earthly debts, having died last week. – Mr. NIGHTENGALE, who filled the situation of Civil Commissioner’s Clerk here, left our village yesterday, accompanied by his family, fort Port Elizabeth, and from thence to Cape Town. I believe he takes with him the kind wishes of everyone in this place. During his residence here, he showed himself a gentleman in the true sense of the word. Worse men we may easily get in his place, - but better I do not expect to see here. His effects are to be sold next month, which looks as if he did not intend to return.

Saturday, March 7, 1863


On Monday morning, the three natives of the murder of Private WOLVERT, were brought before the Resident Magistrate, and discharged, there being no evidence to commit them. Before discharging the accused, the Magistrate explained to them the grounds which necessitated their detention in prison, and the reason why they were discharged. He at the same time took occasion to impress on them the heinousness of the crime which had been committed by parties as yet unknown, and the bounden duty of every one to endeavour to find them out. As the accused would have many opportunities of obtaining information amongst their countrymen on this subject, he informed them that any clue which they might obtain to the perpetrators of the deed of blood, should be at once submitted to the authorities, and that a liberal reward would be given by government to such as could give the required information.

COLESBURG. – A gentleman who has lately come from the Free State, informs the Advertiser, that last Tuesday, when at the Orange River, the bodies of two white men passed down. One was clad entirely in black, the other was without clothes, and his hands were tied behind his back with his braces. – While crossing a bridge, near George Town, Mr. MATTHEWS found there was not sufficient space for his cart and for an ox-wagon, which was crossing at the same time. His boy sprang into the wagon, and Mr. MATTHEWS into the river. Fortunately, there was sufficient water to break his fall, but the cart and horses followed their master, and he was severely bruised by one of the animals falling on him. The horses were rescued, and Mr. Matthews was hospitably entertained in the house of a Boer, until he was able to proceed on his journey.

SUICIDE. – A fine young man of the name of VENTER, residing in the Wittebergen, Winburg district, last week committed suicide by shooting himself. According to the report delivered in by the fieldcornet, young VENTER destroyed himself in consequence of having been beaten by his father, Wm. Venter, who chastised his son because he had gone to a prayer meeting against orders to the contrary. – Friend.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A very sudden death occurred in the Reserve on Thursday. A sergeant WADDEN of the C.M.R., after partaking of his tea in apparent good health, lay down on his bed to rest, and at about 8 o’clock, when a comrade went to awake him, it was discovered he was a corpse. The deceased was very corpulent, and it is said that his death was caused by disease of the heart. His remains were interred with military honours on Saturday morning. K. W. T. Gazette.

We regret to record the DEATH of Mr. ERASMUS, Senr. residing on Mr. J. NORTEN’s farm. Deceased attended the sale at Maclean on Monday, last, had a paralytic stroke on Tuesday and died this morning, deeply regretted by his numerous relatives and friends. – Ibid.

A SERIOUS ACCIDENT occurred at the Breakwater Works on Monday week. It appears that to have the large cog-wheel of the drum machinery which was lately broken, replaced, a mould had been made in the large workshop, and on Monday it was put in its frame to receive the final polish previous to its being sent to the foundry; it was then put into motion and finally driven at the rate of 150 or 200 revolutions per minute, everything appearing to act well and smoothly, when suddenly it jammed, and burst into a thousand pieces, which were scattered all over the shop, flying through the windows and roof, and crushing the arm and side of one of the moulders, named WILSON, who stood near, in a most shocking manner, and it is only surprising that many more of the mechanics were not injured, as the pieces flew in every direction. The injured man was immediately conveyed to Somerset Hospital. It is hoped that amputation may be found unnecessary. – Telegraph.

On Monday evening last, on the eve of his departure on a visit to England. Mr. GIDDY was invited to dinner at HANLEY’s Hotel, by a number of his friends, who were anxious to testify in a public manner, their respect and esteem for him in his character of a public officer, as well as that of a private citizen. Some four and twenty gentlemen, sat down to table, Mr. R. BOVEY being installed as chairman, with the Guest of the evening on his right, supported on either side by D. A. Com. Gens. KAY and TAYLOR; - Mr. W. AYLIFFE acting as Vice President. The dinner was in every respect unexceptional, there was a profusion of the choicest viands, with all the delicacies of the season, all being tastefully displayed and well served. The company, it is needless to say, did justice to the good things before them, while social converse enlivened and added a zest to the entertainment.
When the cloth was removed, the Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Governor, and the Lieut. Governor, were given by the Chairman, all of which were received right loyally, D. A. Com. Gen. KAY responding to the latter toast. The Chairman then rose to propose the toast of the evening, Mr. & Mrs. GIDDY and family, which he did in his own felicitous style. He dwelt with emphasis and tact on those traits in the social and public character of the Guest, which had drawn forth this public acknowledgement from his fellow citizens, - described his career whilst a resident of the town, and attributed the remarkable success which had crowned his exertions to a combination of talents of the first order. Like Caesar of old, remarked the chairman, “he came, he saw, and conquered” all the difficulties of his position, and while he had won the honourable esteem of the inhabitants of the district, had drawn from his superiors in office the highest commendation, and justly too, for the principal which guided him in the discharge of his official duties was that noble one which actuated the Romans in their treatment of the lieges – parcers subjectis et debellare superbos. Then alluding to the departure of Mr. GIDDY on a visit to his native land, the speaker drew a lively picture of the love of country which animated all mankind, and pre-eminently distinguished the inhabitants of the British Isles. The toast was, of course, drank with full honors – three times three, and three over. When the cheering had subsided, Mr. GIDDY, visibly affected, rose, and in a brief and appropriate speech, returned thanks for the honor which had been done him, by his numerous friends on this occasion. He was not conscious of any merit on his part which called for so marked a token of their esteem, and he felt obliged to attribute this opportunity of taking a public farewell of his friends as due rather to their too generous estimate of his services as a public officer and friends behind. Fort Beaufort, however, and its inhabitants, would ever create pleasurable emotions in his mind, when memory recalled the years he had spent among them, and this evening in particular. It would be affectation on his part to deny that he felt the highest gratification for the marked honour which had been done him, yet he could not admit that the picture so eloquently drawn by the chairman in proposing his health was a faithful resemblance. It was rather, he felt, an ideal of what a public officer should be, than a portrait of the living subject; - it would, however, serve as a model which wold be his ambition to imitate through life as closely as possible, though he feared it might be imperfectly. Several other toasts followed – the Vice Chairman, giving the “Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate” which was warmly drank and responded to by Mr. RAWSTORNE, Clerk to the Res. Mag. Next came “the Press,” also from the Vice Chairman, who drew an admirable picture of the power wielded by the fourth estate, and the advantages which, conducted honestly, it was calculated to confer on mankind, - responded to by Mr. J. QUIN. Then followed “Prosperity to Fort Beaufort” by Mr. GIDDY, - acknowledged by Mr. J. SCOTT. After which “the Bank” as one of the institutions calculated to develop the prosperity of the town and district, was drank, and acknowledged by Mr. HAYCRAFT. Then came “the PARLIAMENT” – our past – present – and future members” replied to by Mr. NILAND on behalf of Mr. PAINTER, and by Mr. SCOTT, on behalf of Mr. MEYER, and the future members; “Mr. PAINTER,” by Mr. NILAND; “the Divisional Council, the Municipal Commissioners;” “The farming interest, coupled with the name of MR. T. NILAND;” “The Mounted Police” acknowledged by Mr. WYNNE; the “Fieldcornets, and J. P.’s” responded to by Mr. RORKE; “Mr. W.H. RAWSTORNE, Clerk to the Resident Magistrate.” The “Winkling interest of Fort Beaufort,” &c. The entertainment concluded, as it began, to the satisfaction of every one – the majority leaving about 11 o’clock, when the quest of the evening retired.

It has just been arranged that the Fort Beaufort Fair shall take place on the 8th April, and the Bedford Fair, a week later, on the 15th.

We regret to record the rather sudden demise of Mrs. Joseph LAWRANCE of the firm of LAWRANCE and ORSMOND of this city. The lamented DECEASED, who leaves a numerous young family, was interred on Friday morning.

“WELGEVONDEN.” – This farm was knockdown, last Saturday by Mr. T. WATER conditionally to Mr. T. MULLER for £4950. The farm is 6000 morgen in extent. – G. R. Advertiser.

Saturday, March 14, 1863

THE ELECTION. – The election for a member of the House of Assembly came off on Tuesday the 10th, without any manifestation of unusual interest. The number of votes recorded was not so large as at the last election, although a fresh registration having recently been made, one would suppose the number of registered voters had been increased. The majority, it will be seen, was in favour of Mr. SCOTT. In some of the wards an unaccountable apathy is evidenced by the small number of votes recorded. The following is the voting in the various wards.




Fort Beaufort


















In the six wards of Stockenstrom Division






CULPABLE INSOLVENCY. – On Friday last W.S. DOYLE was committed for trial on a charge of culpable Insolvency. – K. W. T. Gazette.

The K. W. Town Gazette is informed that coal has been discovered on the farm of Mr. WICKS in the vicinity of K. W. Town.

BANKRUPTCY COURT. – Insolvent estates surrendered on the 3rd March:

Hanna Maria JANION and Thomas Neville JANION, trading together at Graham’s Town as grocers, under the style or firm of H. M. and T. N. JANION: assets, £3,541 12s 3d. ; liabilities, £5,031 7s 5d. ; deficiency £1,489 15s 2d.
Joseph ANGOVE, of the division of Humansdorp, miner; assets £104; liabilities £194 7s 10d; deficiency £90 7s 10d.
Michael LYNCH, of Graham’s Town, butcher; assets, £432 1s 3d; liabilities, £756 15s; deficiency, £324 13s 9d.
Jan Daniel ANDREAS, of Hanover, schoolmaster; assets, £282 6s; liabilities £598 18s, deficiency £316 12s.
Richard ELLISON, of Cape Town, pork butcher; assets, £160 19s 10d; liabilities, £530 3s 0d, deficiency, £338 18s 7d.
John Fuller SHEPPERSON, of the division of Stockenstrom, farmer; assets £120 17s; liabilities, £459 15s 7d; deficiency, £338 18s 7d.

Saturday, March 21, 1863

Mrs. STUMBLES begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort, that she is desirous of receiving a limited number of Pupils, whom she may instruct with her own children.
TERMS – 30s per Quarter.
Fort Beaufort, March 5, 1863.

BANKRUPTCY COURT. – Insolvent estates placed under sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: March 11,
James BOYLE, of Graham’s Town, soda water manufacturer: assets, £910 8s 9d; liabilities, £1,918 3s; deficiency, £1,007 14s 3d.

With the February Mails.

The Royal Mail-Steamer Briton, Capt. Boxer, arrived in Table Bay on Thursday evening, about eight o’clock, with the mails to the 6th of February. She brings a full cargo and the following passengers: -

Mrs. RAWSON, W. RAWSON, governess, nurse and 5 children;
Mr. and Mrs. MAYNARD, nurse and infant;
Mr. and Mrs. AYLIFF, nurse and 3 children;
Capt. and Mrs. MAULE (11th Regt.);
Mr. and Mrs. STEELE, 2 children, and servant;
Mr. and Mrs. John PATERSON;
Capt. RORKE (11th Regt);
Capt. HARWOOD (13th Regt.);
Mr. PAIN, R.N.;
Rev. Dr. STEERE;
2nd class:
Mr. & Mrs. GIFFORD,
Mrs. HISCOCK and son.

The ground at the corner of D’Urban and Henrietta Street, belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. GILBERT, was sold yesterday by Mr. S. H. ROBERTS by auction, and realized £355 – Mr. C. HOLLIDAY being the purchaser. The plot is only 150x120 ft.

Saturday, March 28, 1863

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 24th March, 1863, after a long illness, Mr. William KILPATRICK, of the Baroka, Victoria, aged 34 years. – leaving a Widow and young family, with a large circle of Friends to lament their loss.

SHOPKEEPERS and others are hereby cautioned not to supply my Wife Petronella SCOLLINS with any articles whatsoever on my account, as from this date I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract.
Eland’s Post, March 20, 1863.
We exceedingly regret to record the DEATH of Mr. W. KILPATRICK, of the Baroka, who expired in Fort Beaufort on Tuesday. Deceased was well known and highly respected as a successful sheep-farmer in the District of Victoria & Fort Beaufort. Mr. KILPATRICK had been suffering some time from a nervous affection.

MILITARY. – Two Companies of the 10th have left this place for K. W. Town. The 96th Regt, brought out by the Himalaya is to replace the 10th. – The 13th Regt. Has marched from K. W. Town, to East London, in readiness for embarkation to the Mauritius. Before the 96th Regt, left Shorncliff, the following Divisional Order was issued:-
“The Major-General is not in the habit of issuing valedictory orders to regiments quitting the division in the ordinary periodical interchange of quarters, but in the case of a removal to a distant country he willing deviates from his usual practice. He has had the honour of having the 96th Regiment under his command in the garrison of Dublin two years ago, and he greeted its arrival in the South Eastern District in April last. The general bearing and conduct of the regiment has called forth his satisfaction and approval; and upon its now proceeding to the Cape of Good Hope, Major-General DALZELL begs to assure Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. A. M. CATHCART, the officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers, that, whilst parting with them with regret, the 96th Regiment carries with it his best wishes for its health and prosperity. – By command,
(Signed) R. C. H. TAYLOR, Adjudant-General.”
The following is the detail of the regiment: -
2 field-officers,
6 captains,
19 subalterns,
5 Staff officers,
44 sergeants,
31 corporals,
10 drummers,
668 privates,
Total, 821 of all ranks, 69 women and 92 children.
The following is the list of officers:-
Lieutenant-Colonel, Hon. Augustus Murray CATHCART,
Majors: William Campbell MOLLAN, C.B., Ens. George Frederick Campbell BRAY
Captains: Arthur Henry C. SNOW, Patrick JAMES, John GRANT, James Buchanan KIRK, Rouse DOUGLAS, James BRIGGS, Alfred Edward COOKSON, Edmund John SCOVELL, William Osborne BRYNARD, James MORRISON, Charles Edward WRIGHT, Mariott AYTOUN, Edward HOGG, Francis REID.
Lieutenants: John WHITTY, Elias William Dixon GRAY, Edward JOHNSTON, Henry HOUGHTON, John Leslie TOKE,
Adj.: Robert Alger MOSTYN, Frederick HENNIKER, William Napier CARLETON, Frederick John JOSSELYN, Francis LENNOX, George GREY, Hon. Augustus F. Arthur SANDYS, Arthur CADELL, G. LEMAN, Alfred Herbert MORSE, William G. MACKIE, Talbot Henry KING.
Ensigns: Arthur George Hay CHURCH, John Oldham ELLIS, Thomas Edward R. TOWNSEND, Arthur Francis LAMB, Dennis Du Moulin GANTON, Henry Kimberly GOULD, George TUTHILL, Charles Folliott POWELL, John GILLSPIE.
Paymaster: William THOMPSON;
Quartermaster: James JAMIESON;
Surgeon: Benjamin SWIFT;
Asst. Surgeon: Hamilton MITCHELL.

INTERESTING. – We observe in the United Service Gazette of the 10th Jan. that Col. Sergt. T. DAVIDSON of the 67th Regt. (brother of Qr. Master Sergt. DAVIDSON of the C. M. Rifles.,) has been promoted to Ensign in that distinguished corps, without purchase. In the same paper we notice that Qr. Master Sergt. MCTAGGART of the same regiment, (67th) brother, we believe, of Mr. H. E. MCTAGGART of Adelaide, was presented by the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men of his company with a handsome silver tea service on his leaving the 67th depot stationed at Athlone for the staff of the 12th depot Battalion.

ATHLONE GARRISON. – Address by Captain E. H. LENNON, V.C., 67th Regiment, on the presentation to Quartermaster-Sergeant MCTAGGART of a handsome silver tea-service, on his leaving the 67th depot for the staff of the 12th Depot Battalion. – On Friday, the 3rd instant, the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men, of No. 11 company, 67th Regiment, assembled in the Serjeants’ mess room, where Captain LENNON spoke to the following effect: - “Quartermaster-Serjeant MCTAGGART, - The company is here assembled for the happy purpose of presenting you with a testimonial. In the name of the officers, non-commissioned officers, and men, of No. 11 company, I Have much pleasure in presenting you with it, as a mark or token of the high esteem and great respect in which you are held by them. For the short time (8 or 9 years) that I have been in the service, and for my short acquaintance with you, and also for the short time you have been my colour and pay serjeant, I have not known a more correct, upright, or a more zealous non-commissioned officer; nay, I think your equal is not in the service. You have done your duty unflinchingly to your God, your Queen, and your country, as becoming a good Christian, a good soldier, and a faithful servant.”

FRAUDULANT INSOLVENCY. – The Insolvent G. BLAKEMORE, after a long trial, was fully convicted of the above offence on Saturday, and sentenced to five years’ hard labour. – Ibid.

THE PRISONER LANDMAN. – This man, who is accused of the murder of Capt. GORDON, of Natal, has been safely removed to Winburg, for trial. The Court is composed of Messrs. Van SOELEN, SIEBERT, and de KOCK. Some interest is taken in the result of this trial by the Natal Government, which has sent up Mr. J. SHEPSTONE to watch the proceedings, and to act as interpreter for the Zulu witnesses. – Ibid.

FUNERAL OF THE LATE LIEUT. SNOOKE, 10TH REGT. – A letter has been received by His Honor the President from His Excellency Governor WODEHOUSE, returning thanks in his own name, and that of the military authorities in the Cape Colony, to the Free State Government officers and the inhabitants of Bloemfontein, for their kind attention on the melancholy occasion of the death and interment of the above officer. – Ibid.

The articles of the marriage contract provide:
I. That the marriage between his Royal Highness ALBERT Edward, and her Royal Highness the Princess ALEXANDRA Caroline Maria Charlotte Louisa Julia, shall be solemnized in person, in that part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland called Great Britain, according to the due tenor of the laws of England, and the rights and ceremonies of the Church of England, as soon as the same may conveniently be done.
II. Her Britannic Majesty engages that his Royal Highness ALBERT Edward, shall secure to her Royal Highness the Princess ALEXANDRA Caroline Maria Charlotte Louisa Julia, out of any revenues belonging to his Royal Highness or granted to their Royal Highnesses, by Parliament, the annual sum of £ 10, 000, to be paid half-yearly to her Royal Highness
For her sole and separate use, and without any power of anticipation, during the period of their Royal Highnesses’ marriage.
“Her Britannic Majesty engages to recommend to her Parliament that her Majesty shall be enabled to secure to her Royal Highness the Princess ALEXANDRA Caroline Maria Charlotte Louisa Julia, in case her royal Highness should have the misfortune to become the widow of his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, the annual sum or payment of £30,000, sterling money of Great Britain, in lieu of dower; the said sum being, in such case, to be paid b quarterly payments to her said Royal Highness or to her assigns.

A RUNAWAY. – A person of the name of MOLLOY, (lately a baker), has absconded from this village taking all his furniture, &c., with him. HE has left a number of debts unpaid!!! Friends at a distance please accept notice. – Maclean News.

PROMOTIONS, from “London Gazette” 11th Foot. Gentleman Cadet P. H. SMITH, from the Royal Military College, to be Ensign by purchase, vice H. Moore, transferred to the Royal Canadian Rifle Regiment; dated 16th January, 1863. Captain RORKE, from 4th West India Regiment, to be Captain, Vice GUBB, who exchanges, dated 23rd January, 1863.

PROMOTION. – Major-Gen. Sir A.J. CLOETE, brother of Mr. Justice CLOETE, and who was for some years on the staff of this colony, has been promoted to the rank of Lieut.-General.

Information reached town last evening of another of those disastrous accidents which have been so frequent of late, by the upsetting of wagons through the wretched state of our roads, occasioning both loss of life and property. It appears that a Mr. WEBSTER, of Queen’s Town, had been with his wife and family on a visit to the sea side, and were on their return home when, on reaching the foot of Grey Town Hill, before ascending, the wagon, (a tent) containing Mrs. Webster and child, with bedding, etc., capsized in a mud hole with fatal effect.. It is said that there is on one side of the road a high bank, below which there is a deep mud hole, and that, it being dark, the wagon wheels, on one side got on the bank while the opposite wheels entered the mud hole, and that the wagon instantly turned over, wheels uppermost, burying its living freight beneath it. A messenger was at once dispatched to the Dohne for Dr. WINSSELL, who, with his customary promptitude, immediately obeyed the summons, and was quickly on the spot, only to find, however, the unfortunate Mrs. WEBSTER and her child smothered. The lifeless bodies were extricated as soon as possible, and have, we understand, been sent on to Queen’s Town for interment. – K. W. T. Gazette.

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