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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1870 1 January - March

Saturday, January 1, 1870.

DIED at his residence, Bath Farm, on Saturday 25th Dec 1869, after a short illness, John THARRATT, aged 57 years; leaving a widow and a large family to mourn their loss.
“In the midst of Life we are in Death”.
Friends at a distance will please accept this notice.


The heat on Christmas Day, though sufficiently intense to prevent a thorough enjoyment of creature comforts – thermometer 96˚ in the shade – was not so intolerable as we have known it at the same season.

Saturday, January 8, 1870.

There is very little doubt that since the release of this chief from imprisonment on Robben Island, there has been intriguing to a greater or less extent among the natives. The Kafirs look with jealously on the Fingoes, whom they regard as usurpers of their land in this neighbourhood and in the Amatolas: and they look forward to the day when they will be in a position to drive them out. These feelings are fomented by influential Kafirs around MACOMO and other chiefs and white man. MOCOMO’S son, we have been informed, was on a visit to the Kafirs at Maasdorp shortly before the reports of an outbreak in that quarter were circulated, but which happily have for the present been dissipated.


THEFTS. – We regret to have to report that thefts by the natives are increasing. Within the last few days three oxen have been stolen from Mr. SPARKS, of Adelaide, of which no traces have been discovered. Mr. John FULLER had stolen from him last Thursday 50 sheep, and on the following Tuesday 50 more sheep, which he has not been able to recover. Mr. James MILLER lost 50 sheep stolen from his farm a few days ago, which, however, he succeeded in regaining. Goats are slaughtered still and the skins taken while the carcases are left. Mr. ENGELBRECHT, of the Winterberg, had 100 sheep stolen from him, but he has since recovered them. A detachment of Police, we hear are to be stationed in the Blinkwater, where it is supposed a good deal of the stolen stock is taken, in order to intercept their passage to the Kei, and to apprehend the thieves.

George HUDSON, Esq., is gazetted as Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Bathurst, and Visiting Magistrate of the Kowie Convict Station.

THE VENERABLE J.G. STEGMANN, Esq., died yesterday week, at the advanced aged of 82 years, at the residence of his son-in-law, Mr. C.J.C. GIE, at Cape Town. The deceased was highly respected and beloved by his relatives and friends. He was the patriarchal head of a family of clergymen being the father of the Revds. G.W. and J.A. STERGMANN, father-in-law of the late Rev. A. MURRAY, uncle of the Rev. J.F. STEGMANN, and grandfather of Rev. G.W. STEGMANN, jun., Professor MURRAY, Revds. A.W.C. and G. MURRAY, J.H. NEETHLING, A. son, A. LOUW, and J. HOFMEYER.

INQUIRY has been made for Heinrich GENZ, who is stated to be a native of Löwenbrücken, and to have served during the Crimean War in the 8th company of the First Light Infantry Regiment of the Anglo-German Legion. When last heard of (5th October, 1865), he was at Richmond, in this colony, where he was employed as a teacher. Any information respecting him is requested to be sent to the Colonial Office.

DISTRICT SURGEONCY OF PORT ELIZABETH. – We are informed that Dr. DAVIS having resigned as District Surgeon of Port Elizabeth, Dr. Le SUEUR, of Bathurst has been appointed in his stead.

ALL persons leaving claims against Mrs. E. GOOLD of Eland’s Post, now retired from business, are hereby requested to lodge the same with the undersigned, on or before the 1st day of Feb. next. After which date none will be recognized.
Eland’s Posy,
January 5th, 1870.

Mr. C.B. HUTCHINS having been appointed Agent in Fort Beaufort and District for the Port Elizabeth “Telegraph and Eastern Province Standard”, is authorised to receive subscriptions and advertisements for that journal.
Published twice a week. Terms 8s. per quarter, including postage. Payable in advance.
Port Elizabeth,
January 1, 1870.

In the insolvent Estate of Christoffel Jacobus BOTHA, a minor.
ALL persons claiming to be creditors in this Estate are requested to file their claims with the undersigned at his office Fort Beaufort within SIX WEEKS from this date; and all parties indebted thereto, to pay their debts within the same period.
H.C. De HART q.q.
Executive Dative.
Fort Beaufort,
January 7, 1870.

In the insolvent Estate of the late Matilda MUIRE born WIGGIL, and surviving spouse John MUIRE.
ALL persons claiming to be Creditors in this Estate are requested to file their claims with the undersigned at his office Fort Beaufort, within SIX WEEKS from this date; and all parties indebted thereto, to pay their debts within the same period.
Henri. C. De HART q.q.
Executive Dative,
Fort Beaufort,
January 7, 1870.


The death of Colonel SHAW, of the Madras Army, is announced. The Colonel was in his 80th year, and has been for a long time a resident in this Colony, where he gained the respect of all who knew him. His funeral is to leave his late residence at four o’clock this afternoon.

THE COUNCIL ELECTION. – The names of possible candidates for the seat in the Council vacated by Mr. James HALL, are flying about. Mr. William AYLIFF, Mr. T. LANGFORD, Mr. J.C. HOOLE, Mr. Joseph WALKER, Mr. C.H. CALDECATT, Mr. John MILLER, Mr. C. POTE, Mr. R.J. PAINTER, Mr. Carey HOBSON, Mr. W. COCK, Mr. J.B. TEMLETT, Mr. PROBART, and many more have been mentioned.

WARNING TO THE PUBLIC. – Mr. PICKLER has in his possession a false coin of the same size of a sovereign with one side resembling the usual bust of the Queen, with surrounding inscription of 1862; and the other side the inscription, ‘Keep your temper!’ He must have been a witty rogue who struck that coin. - Standard.

“STEENBOK VLAKTE.” – This farm which was put up to public competition on Friday afternoon by Messrs. KIDGER & ARMSTRONG, was sold provisionally to Frederik COETZEE, of “Donker Hoek,” for £2,300, the purchaser to pay all costs. – Cradock Register.

DEATH OF A CENTENARIAN. – One of the most aged, if not the oldest resident in this district, died on Friday last, at his son’s residence, known as “Allison’s farm: we refer to Mr. Francis ALLISON. He was born at Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, in November, 1770, and consequently was in his 100th year at the time of his decease, on Friday last. The remains of Mr. ALLISON were interred in the Episcopal burial-ground of this city, on Sunday afternoon. He came to the colony in 1820, with the Nottingham Party. – Journal.

Saturday, January 15, 1870.

Advocate Office
Fort Beaufort, Jan 12, 1870.
Mail steamer Saxon just arrived, after thirty-three days passage,
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Lieut. ALEXANDER, Mrs. RUPERTI, Mr. EDGE, Mr. HARVEY, Lieut. SKEAD, Mr. JONES, Sergt. WILSON, Mr. and Mrs. CARPENTER and five children, Mrs. HOLMES.


BIGAMY. – A Dutchman named HOLM, has been committed for trial at Cape Town on a charge of bigamy.

Messrs. GRIFFITHS and KING left for Grahamstown on their bicycles on Thursday, about 2 p.m. We are afraid they found the “direct” road much too heavy for travelling on bicycles.

DIAMONDS. – Mr. Isaac SONNENBERG since he left Queenstown on his present trip has succeeded in obtaining eleven more diamonds. A private letter from Dordrecht states Mr. KEMPER, father of Mr. C.C. KEMPER of Dordrecht, has found a diamond of the first-water weighing sixty-seven carats. - Free Press.

SUDDEN DEATH. – One of the most melancholy events we have had to record for a long time is the death of Miss MONTAGUE, daughter of the late lamented Colonial Secretary. This young lady arrived in this colony with her mother from England but a short while ago. She was on Sunday morning in very good health; by nine o’clock in the evening she had breathed her last. It has caused great grief amongst the members of the family with whom we deeply sympathise. She was a most amiable lady. The cause of her death has not reached us. – Standard & Mail.

A TERRIBLE SCENE ON BOARD A COOLIE SHIP. – A despatch from San Francisco, dated 9th November, states that the Tahiti Cotton Company, about six months ago, sent the barque Margaret Cander, Captain BLACKETT, to the Gilbert Islands for a cargo of coolies. The Captain succeeded in securing about 300, and, during the return voyage, they mutinied and killed the captain and two officers, horribly mutilating their bodies. The mate escaped to the hold of the vessel. There he placed a keg of powder under the main hatch, and having arranged the fuse, called the coolies, when the savages crowded round the hatchway. The fuse was then fired, killing nearly all on board. The rest jumped overboard or fell victims to the mate and remaining men. The vessel was brought safely to Tahiti.

A TIPSY MERCHANT. – A merchant, who liked his cups, lately somewhat surprised has solicitous friends by signing a temperance pledge. But, to their horror, they saw no changed in his ways. The remonstrated; but he defended his honour, and, to wipe off all the stain, produced the document which he had signed, asserting it was invalid, as it was without a stamp.

EXTRAORDINARY BIRTH. – A woman living on the property of Sir Watkin W. WYNN has presented her husband, a labourer, with five children at a birth. Three days ago, they were all alive. The Queen has sent her £7. Twice she has had three at a birth, all of whom have lived. The poor woman has had twenty-two children.


There is a rumour that the Master of the Supreme Court is to retire on a pension, Mr. ADAMSON, Chief Clerk at the Colonial Office, taking his place. Mr. ADAMSON, the rumour has it, is to be succeeded by Capt. MILLS, as Chief Clerk and Comptroller.

We hear Mr. W.D. PRINGLE mentioned as a fit and proper person to fill the vacancy in the Legislative Council. – Somerset Courant.

We believe that the Hon. C.L. STRETCH, and Mr. BOWKER, M.L.A. will leave for Capetown on Monday. Mr. De WET, M.L.A., will not leave for a few days yet. – Somerset Courant.

FIRE AT WYNBERG. – The house of the Treasurer-General, the Hon. Mr. DAVIDSON at Wynberg, was totally destroyed by fire on Tuesday last. The flames progressed with such rapidity that the family barely escaped with their lives, leaving clothes, furniture, jewellery, &c., behind. The fire is supposed to be the work of an incendiary.

Saturday, January 22, 1870.

London provision warehouse,
Daily expecting:
New Season,
70 boxes composite and Belmont Sperm Candles.
50 boxes Sweet Milk Cheese.
59 cases general Oilman’s & Provision Stores
For sale, Wholesale and Retail, at lowest Market Rates.
Campbell Street.
A large load of the above just to hand, of very superior quality.
Price FIVE PENCE per lb., wholesale.
January 20, 1870.
Has just received a large variety of
Men’s, Youth’, & Boys Fashionable Clothing,
In Tweed, doeskin, and Cord Suits, also Hats in Velt and Pith.
50 boxes best Souchong TEA, and a general assortment of Groceries, at lowest CASH RATES.


EASTERN DISTRICTS’ COURT. – Some 25 witnesses have left Fort Beaufort this week to attend as witnesses in the Queen vs. RAWSTORNE.

BREAK-DOWN. – We hear that two vehicles conveying witnesses to Graham’s Town for the RAWSTORNE trial, broke down on the road on Monday.

RUMOUR says that Capt. HUNT will succeed Mr. EDYE as Magistrate of Fort Peddie.

SHEEPSTEALING. – Mr. Gideon JOUBERT informs us that he has had sixty-eight stolen from him during the week. – Colesberg Herald.

A POTATOE, weighing a pound and a half, grown by W. CLEAR, was exhibited in the library last week. – Uitenhage Times.

THE BANK FRAUD. – James DAY was again brought up for examination before the Resident magistrate yesterday, and fully committed for trial on a charge of fraud and embezzlement. When asked if he had anything to say, he said that he adhered to his former statement as to the defalcations. – E.P. Herald.

AWFULLY SUDDEN DEATH. – On Friday morning about 11 o’clock, the messenger attached to the Commissariat Offices, named LUDWICK, was discovered lying upon the ground a few yards from the main entrance to the buildings. Supposing him to be in a state of intoxication, two men went up to him for the purpose of removing him. To their utter surprise they found him to be quite dead! A few minutes previously he was in his usual state of health, and when last seen alive he was standing at the door waiting instructions. It appears that he had been suffering from disease of the heart, and to his sudden death this cause is attributed. – Gazette.

MR. GOOLD, M.L.A. for King William’s Town, left by passenger cart for Graham’s Town yesterday on his way to attend Parliament. Mr. SMITH, the senior member, will follow shortly. – Gazette.

A VETERAN. – One morning this week a “distinguished” might have been observed on the market, and old man 83 years of age, in a costume somewhat of a nationalistic style, an old man with eccentric mannerisms denoting one of the last century. This was Mr. J.G. VAN GASS, senr. – one of the great Napoleon’s old Switz Guarn. He was born at St. Gala, in the Province of Zurich Switzerland, in the year 1787. In 1805 he joined the French Army and fought under Napoleon in twenty-three battles. He was present at the capture of Rome in the year 1808, also witnessed the burning of the city of Moscow, and was one of the few that managed to escape through the terrible snows that decimated the French army on their retreat. On this occasion he received three wounds. In 1818 he came to the Cape district (Western Province), and gradually removed from place to place towards the frontier, keeping pace with the more bold and enterprising pioneer colonists. He lived for twenty years in the neighbourhood of Fort Beaufort, and is now passing the remaining years of his life with his son. Mr. J.G. VAN GASS, of this district. He still writes a remarkably plain and good hand, and is very active and intelligent, and full of the most thrilling information when referring to his past life. We are glad to say the old gentleman still appears to enjoy life in his own peculiar way. – Free Press.

Of all women she is most to be pitied who has a slowpaced suitor; he is worse than a retrograding one. How admirable, how proud, how perfectly satisfactory, was the conduct of the Puritan, who rode up to the door of the house where dwelt the girl of his choice, and having desired her to be called out to him, said, without circumlocution, “Rachel, the Lord hath sent me to marry thee!” When the girl answered with equal promptitude and devotedness, “The Lord’s will be done!”

Saturday, January 29, 1870.


Percy VIGORS, Esq., has been appointed Sheriff of the Colony and its dependencies, for one year, from the 3rd inst.

James DAY, accountant, Port Elizabeth.

WALTER NAIRNE WHITE was, on Friday last, fully committed for trial at the next circuit. The Magistrate offered to accept bail, prisoner in £1,500 and two sureties of £750 each.

In some of the up-country districts cheese is being made of milk of the Angora Goat. One ewe is said to give as much milk as a “Boer cow.”

“UNCLE GEORGE.” – The well written novel under the above title, which appeared in the South African Magazine, has been re-published in a separate volume. Mr. Duncan CAMPBELL, formerly editor of the Cape Standard, is the author.

MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT – A farmer in the division of Burghersdorp, Mr. N. van PLETSEN, in throwing a stone at a dog, missed his aim and hit his little daughter. The child has died from the effects of the blow. – Burghersdorp Gazette.

MR. B.H. DARNELL. - We learn that this gentleman has definiently [sic] decided to fix his residence in Uitenhage, and that the house in Cuyler street, formerly occupied by the Rev. E. WILSHIRE has been taken for him. Mr. DARNELL has recently been, elected to represent the division of Queenstown in the Assembly. – Uitenhage Times.

FOUR Velocipedes, mounted by Messrs. LONGFIELD, ASHBURNHAM, DUNCAN, and WHITTLE, were worked as far as Bostock’s and back to town on Saturday afternoon, the distance being sixteen miles. – Ibid.

KILLED BY A KAFIR. – Intelligence was received in K.W. Town on Friday to the effect that Mr. Richard H. BLAKEWAY, a farmer residing near Gonubie, in this division, was killed by one of his own servants on the previous day, Thursday. Several different versions of the outrage were given to us, one of which was that the deceased had cause to remonstrate with his herd for ill-using a calf in the cattle kraal. This remonstrance was not taken kindly; but, on the contrary, the Kafir, an ill-tempered looking ruffian, seized his knobkerrie and struck his master a blow to the head, killing him on the spot. This, and the other versions of the unhappy event, have been ascertained to be incorrect. It is true that the deceased remonstrated with the Kafir, but the statement respecting the knobkerrie and the blow on the head is incorrect. It appears that when the Kafir was spoken to by his master he became very insolent and gripped the deceased round the waist, and both fell to the ground. – the Kafir retaining his hold with savage tenacity. Mr. BLAKEWAY, jun., went to the rescue of his uncle, and succeeded in pulling the Kafir away, and securing him. The deceased with difficulty contrived to get into the house, and after complaining of a severe pain in his back, he staggered for a moment then expired. In the absence of Dr. EGAN, District Surgeon, Dr. PETERS proceeded to the spot to make a post mortem examination. He informs us that the death resulted from violent and continued force being exerted on the body of the deceased, whereby the liver was displaced from its natural position in the abdomen, and thrust into the lungs and heart, and so causing apoplexy. The murderer is now lodged in the District Prison. The preparatory examination will in all probability take place to-day or to-morrow. – K.W. Gazette.


Mr. CHRISTIAN, of Port Elizabeth, as received a requisition from Graaff-Reinet to become a candidate for the Council.

EASTERN DISTRICTS COURT. – James WARD and George BROWN, sawyers were convicted on the charge of stealing two guns from Mr. J. VIGNE of this place, and sentenced respectively to 12 and 6 months hard labour.

Mr. S.A. PROBART has declined to stand for the next vacant seat in the Legislative Council.

DREADFUL ACCIDENT. – Mr. William MOIR, of Cradock, while bathing in the river, has been drowned.

A PATRIARCH. – One of the oldest inhabitants of the Knysna district died last week – Mr. H. VAN HUYSTEEN, aged 82. He was a retired field-cornet. He has left a large number of descendants, amongst whom are sixty grandchildren and forty great-grand children.

Saturday, February 5, 1870.

Return of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps at Fort Beaufort during the month of January, 1870. All Licences expire on the 31st December, 1870:-
Auctioneers’ Licences: Henry C. LEE; Henry SPARKS.
Retail Wine and spirit:-
Billiard Tables:-
Wholesale Store:-
Charles HOLLIDAY; Charles LILFORD; Robert A. WARD; Adam WWRAGG; William ESTMENT; Joseph O’GARA; Stanford and Company; Jesse SHAW; Charles MALLETT.
Butcher’s Licence:-
Donald McKay; William WALKER; William CALLAGHAN; Walter TAYLOR; Robert SPARKS, William Chas. HENMAN.
Bakers’ Licence:-
William WALKER; Adam WRAGG; Fred. GODDARD; Robert SPARKES; William Chas. BREMNER.
Charles HOLLIDAY, snr.
Retail Shop:-
Donald McKay; A. MOORECROFT; E. HENNEMEYER; Adam WRAGG; Margaret NICHOLLS; Sarah MAINS; William H. WARREN; Jas. R. SPARKS; Francis Dorcas HOLLIDAY; J.W. GRIFFITHS; Reuben MOSS; Charles HOLLIDAY, junior; Trenly BIRCH; H.H. SCOTT; Mary Ann BREMNER; John MIDGELY; John W. DALTON; Fred. GODDARD, senior; Fred. GODDARD, junior; Alex FERGUSON; Walter TAYLOR; William Chas. BREMNER; Jesse WILLIAMS; Jesse SHAW; Alfred HEWSON.
Hawker’s Licence (one vehicle):-
William A. HYMAN
Game Licences:-
Dis. Of Stamps.
Stamp Office,
Fort Beaufort, 2nd February, 1870.


F.H. HOPLEY, Esq., M.L.A. one of the members for Albert, is detained at home by a severe attack of opthalmia. He intended leaving so as to proceed to Cape Town by the Saxon, but is quite unable to do so.

The Rev. R. MOFFAT, after more than fifty years of mission service, is about to leave for England, and will retire. The Rev. W. ASHTON, of Likatlong, is likewise going home on a two years leave. He has laboured in the mission field for twenty-seven years, and has justly earned this relaxation from his duties.

PERJURY. – Hendrik SMIDT has been found guilty of the crime of perjury at the Criminal Sessions, Capetown and sentenced to two years hard labour by Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK. This is a step in the right direction. Anyone who frequents the Criminal Courts of Justice must admit the crime of perjury is more common than its punishment.

RAPID JOURNEY. – Mrs. LOXTON (wife of S. LOXTON, Esq., M.L.A.,) being rather behind time for the steamer, performed the distance from Whittlesea to the Bay by post cart in two days, and by steamer to Capetown in two days, this accomplishing the distance of 720 miles in four days, and felt all the better for the change. – Free Press.

REPORTED DEATH OF MR. JOHN JENNINGS. – A rumour is being circulated through town and district that John JENNINGS, the well-known hunter from this district, has been killed by a lion, in the far interior. There are various versions of the affair – one that Mr. JENNINGS, sen., had been killed by the attack of a lion, and his son wounded; and another that the son had been killed, and the father wounded. We trust that the report will turn out to be unfounded. – Representative.

(From the “Journal”)
The above announcement will affect deeply many of our readers, at a distance, as well as the community of the city in which the deceased resided for nearly half a century. Mr. WALKER died this day at 2.30 a.m. (Friday 28th) It is hardly necessary to say that the deceased was one of the settlers of 1820 – his original location being Green Fountain, near the mouth of the Kowie. Here he and his brother, the late Mr. R. WALKER, aided and encouraged by the Rev. W.SHAW, collected around them their neighbours for Divine worship, and in process of time erected a little chapel, whence the sound of the Gospel went forth, the influence of which is sensibly felt to the present day. Though a very young man at the time mentioned, Mr. WALKER was deeply embued with religious principles, the impelling characteristic of which is the communication of the same to others, and none who have known Mr. WALKER for the last half century have failed to take note that he was instant in season and out of season in his endeavour to spread as widely as possible the great truths of our glorious Christianity. Mr. WALKER’s early training in the Fatherland had prepared him far better for the avocation of trade than of farming, and hence at an early period of his career in this colony we find him breaking through the trammels which the Government of that day endeavoured to impose on the Settlers, and wending his way amongst the old Dutch inhabitants as far north as the present district town of Somerset. Here, however, his progress was arrested by a Colonial Dogberry; he being sent back with an admonition not again to quit his location, unless furnished with a colonial pass, the very significant badge at that day of the miserable colonial despotism which then prevailed, but which the Settlers – after a short but sharp struggle – effectually overturned. When free to act, deceased engaged actively in excursions for trade, chiefly amongst the Dutch farmers, whose colloquial vernacular he speedily acquired, together with their general esteem and confidence. Subsequently he settled down as a family man in this city, where for a long series of years he carried on a steady business as a draper, rearing a large family, of whom it is not too much to say it is worthy of its progenitor. Mr. Joseph WALKER, of the firm MAYNARD & WALKER, of Kingwilliamstown, must now, as the eldest son, be considered as its representative.
It may be safely affirmed that there is no one among the Settlers who has been more steady in his convictions, or more loyal to the country of his adoption, than deceased. As a professedly religious man he spared no personal effort in extending, wherever he had opportunity, the truths of Christianity. As a teacher in our schools, especially among the coloured natives, as a local preacher, trustee and class-leader, as a promoter of the Bible and Missionary Societies, his zeal never flagged, nor until “the weary wheels of life stood still” did he cease from his labours. He is now gathered to his fathers at the ripe age of 72 years. He was permitted, by God’s good Providence, to enter upon the Jubilee year, but not to take part on earth in its celebration. But though not present, his name will stand before his compatriots who may be left, surrounded by a halo of well-earned regard, affording an impressive monition to those who follow him to “go and do likewise.”
Mr. WALKER leaves a widow and a numerous family of sons and daughters to mourn their irreparable loss, as also a wide circle of friends, by whom his memory will ever be cherished in affectionate remembrance.

The Natal papers announce the death of Mr. Alfred WHITE, another of the Settlers of 1820. The late Alfred S. WHITE, was born in England in the year 1814, and accompanied his parents to South Africa with the British.


A BAG OF GOLD FOUND! – The relatives of the late Mr. D.S. HENNINGS (a Cradock farmer) in rummaging about among the deceased’s boxes and bags, suddenly lighted upon a “zak geld” containing about £10,000 in hard cash. Many of the coins were rusted with age.

At the Matriculation Examination held on the 24th and 25th Jan., for students entering Gill College, there were admitted Chas. TROLLIP, Marthinus POSTMA, Petrus POSTMA, the two latter being sons of the Rev. POSTMA, of Burghersdorp.

ALL persons indebted to the Estate of the late James Musson ROBINSON, of Alice, are requested to settle the same immediately, and all claims against the said Estate are requested to be sent in.
Executrix Testamentary.

Saturday, February 12, 1870.

(Extract) Respecting the citation of Bishop TWELLS to appear before the Provincial Synod in Cape Town to answer charges preferred against him, the Argus says: After due deliberation the bishops have resolved, under all the circumstances of the case, to accept Bishop TWELLS’ resignation of the Free State episcopate. The medical evidence seemed conclusive to the effect that Dr. TWELLS was suffering from a spinal affection, which more or less affected his brain.

ACCIDENTAL DEATH. – A rumour has reached Queenstown to the effect that Mr. Montague CARLISLE, brother of the deputy Sheriff of Grahamstown, has been drowned while crossing a river. The young man had recently joined the Frontier Police. –Free Press.


Retirement of Mr. Justice FITZPATRICK – The Governor has transmitted for the consideration of the Honourable the House of Assembly, a Bill for regulating the retiring pension of James Colesman FITZPATRICK, Esq., one of the Judges of the Supreme Court of that Colony.

The Burghersdorp Gazette says:- We learn with the deepest regret of the sudden and melancholy death on the 1st inst. of Mr. James HALSE jun., the eldest son of H.J. HALSE Esq., J.P. of Aliwal North. The deceased was bathing in the Kraai River, not far off from his own residence, about 10 o’clock in the morning, in company with Mr. VAN REENEN, when he dived off the bank into water not more than two feet deep and struck his head against the bottom, which it is supposed must have caused concussion of the brain, for although he rose to the surface he was unable to lift his face from the water. VAN REENEN seeing this, plunged in and dragged him ashore. He spoke but once in reply to VAN REENEN’s question where he was hurt. “My head, my head and my arms”, and then expired without a struggle. The fatal accident occurred on the opposite side of the river, in sight of the house, and VAN REENEN finding that all was over, and observing Mrs. James HALSE making frantic attempts to cross, most courageously took the body again into the river and swam through with it. The deceased was in [his] 28th year, and leaves two infant sons to mourn their deplorable loss.

SUDDEN DEATH. – Mrs. WHITEHEAD, wife of the Messenger of the Eastern Districts Court, expired suddenly on Sunday last from disease of the heart. – Anglo-African.

Saturday, February 19, 1870.


TEETOTAL MEETING. – The monthly teetotal meeting was held in the school room on Tuesday evening. A capital tract to the young was read by the Rev. Mr. DORRINGTON, and a stirring address was delivered by Mr. Bernard LEE. A great many took the pledge of total abstinence at the close of the meeting.

A SETTLER’S SON. – for some time past a poor man afflicted with St. Vitus’s dance, has been domiciled in the hospital ward of the trunk for want of a better place in which to locate him. He walks out at his pleasure into the groves. But it is only within the last few days that it transpired that he is the very Jimmy MOUNSEY, whose father was the head of one of the parties of the original settlers. He has distant relatives to whom, surely, it needs but to be known, where he is, and they will at once do something for him.

SETTLERS’ JUBILEE. – Sub-committees have been appointed in the several country districts to co-operate with the general committee in Grahamstown, with power to add to their numbers severally;
Alice – Messrs. GREEN, STANTON, and the Civil Commissioner.
Adelaide – Messrs. H. SPARKS, FULLER and J. MILLER.
Bedford – Messrs. F. KING, R.J. PAINTER, McGREGOR, D. PRINGLE, and R. PRINGLE.
Also the following names are included in the General Committee:

REHABILITATION. – The insolvent estate of Gideon Johannes WENTZEL, of Mancazana, division of Bedford, farmer, has been released from sequestration by order of the Supreme Court, and the insolvent is rehabilitated accordingly. All the creditors who proved debts or entered claims against this insolvent estate have been paid in full. – Herald.

CHILD SMOTHERED. – An inquest was held yesterday on the body of a child seven months old, which was found dead in bed by the mother. From the evidence of the mother and other appearances it was clear that the child had been smothered by the mother lying upon it at night. The parents were coloured people of industrious and steady habits. The inquest was held by Dr. DYER and Fieldcornet McMASTER. – U. Times.

ASSAULT AND HIGHWAY ROBBERY. – Two Hottentots named WILLEM and JOHN, were this morning sentenced by the magistrate to one months imprisonment each for beating another Hottentot named Hermanus JOSEPH, severely, and stealing from him four shilling in money, and sundry other articles. The assault and robbery were committed near Rawson Bridge. –Telegraph.

SERIOUS INJURY. – A wildebeest kept at Sir Walter CURRIE’s Park, Oatlands, inflicted a very serious injury yesterday upon a young man, whose name we are told, is PRESTON. The animal wounded him on the thigh, close to the femoral artery, striking at him through the wire fencing. He was conveyed to the hospital and there are hopes of his recovery. – Journal.

HOUSEBREAKING. – Yesterday a Kafir named Tom TYMOCA, lately in the service of Mr. James BLACK, was convicted of stealing a number of bottles of Moselle and other foreign wines, the property of his master. Prisoner had managed to secure a duplicate key of the wine-cellar. He was sentenced by Mr. TILLARD, the Acting Magistrate, to six months’ imprisonment with hard labour. – Ibid.


ASSAULT. – Michael LYNCH has been fined in the Magistrate’s Court, Grahamstown, for a gross and unprovoked assault upon Mr. BARRATT professor of music, whereby that gentleman suffered dislocation of the shoulder and fracture of the ribs. A civil action for damages is to follow.

SUDDEN VISITATION. – Information has reached town of the death of Mr. GIBBONS, hotel-keeper, of Hell’s Poort. He died early this morning, very unexpectedly. – Journal.

NARROW ESCAPE. – A letter received from the interior states that Mr. HARTLEY, sen., had a narrow escape a short time since, from the charge of a rhinoceros. He went to get a disselboom for his wagon, and seeing one of these animals, fired at it. The rhinoceros ran at him, and he fired again. The second shot was fatal, but the enraged animal rushed on, and, falling upon Mr. HARTLEY, expired. – E.P. Herald.

Advocate Office, Tuesday evening,
February 15, 1870.
The steamer Norsman, Capt. JEFFRIES, arrived on Monday night in Table Bay.
Passengers for Algoa Bay – Mr. COPELAND, Master WARE, Mr. HOWARD, Ensign DOWN, Lieut.-Colonel EDMONSTONE, Mrs. EDMONSTONE, and servant; Ensign CLEGG; Mr. KNOLLYS; Sergeant HINTSBRIDGE, wife and five children; Mr. WICKS, wife and five children; Mr. PUGETT.

Saturday, February 26, 1870.


A PHOTOGRAPHER WANTED. – Many persons from the country have been enquiring lately for “that likeness taking man”
“Where is SULLIVAN the photographer?” some say; and “where are the likenesses that I paid for in whole or part?” say many others.
We have no information.

CRIMINAL ASSAULT. – A farmer named Julius GERS has been committed for trial by the Magistrate of Hopetown on the charge of assaulting Mrs. NAUDE, of the farm “De Hoek” with intent to commit rape. Bail was accepted.

MOULE’S EARTH CLOSETS. – In the report of their proceedings during the past year, the medical officers of the Provincial hospital at Port Elizabeth say: Moule’s earth closets have had a fair trial in our wards, but, owing to the difficulty of obtaining and drying proper earth free from sand, these do not prove satisfactory. We have, however, substituted” sawdust” as a deodorizer, which answers perfectly as well in them as in the open latrines. – E.P. Herald.

COLONEL GAWLER. – This gallant officer whose name is so intimately connected with native troubles on our frontier, has, we hear, since left this colony, distinguished himself by some brilliant services in India in suppressing a revolt amongst the natives. He is now Colonel of his regiment, and is at present on leave in England. – Standard and Mail.

SUDDEN DEATH. – Yesterday Thursday evening, tidings of the decease of Mr. Stephan COLE, brother of our Postmaster, quickly became known throughout the city, and the mournful event excited emotions of general and sincere regret. The immediate cause of death, we are told was an extravasation of blood on the liver; the remote cause, an accidental capsize from a cart some two years since, by which he received a serious internal injury.


THE WYNBERG FIRES. – A man named KAYES was caught in the attempt to set fire to the residence of the Hon. R. SOUTHEY. He is suspected of having been the party who perpetrated such terrible incendiarism last year at Wynberg.

Chas. GRADIDGE, of Grahamstown, horse-dealer.

It is rumoured that the Cashier of the Port Elizabeth Bank has sent in his resignation to the Board of Directors. Mr. COLE has been connected with the bank for many years, and, so far as we know, has always discharged his responsible duties to the satisfaction of the directors and the public. – E.P. Herald.

SOMNAMBULISM. – A sailor on board of the “Lady Cecilia,” whilst that vessel was at sea, and when it was blowing hard at the time, went out in his sleep and unloosened the jib. Having done that, he returned to the forecastle, and was still then in his sleep. When he was awakened he knew nothing of what he had done. The night was a dark one, there was a stiff breeze blowing, and the work of unloosening the jib would have been a matter of some difficulty by a person wide awake. The movements of the man were watched with curiosity and surprise by his comrades, as no orders had been given by the officer of the watch to unloose the sail. – Standard and Mail.

SETTLERS’ POEM. – Mr. A. WILMOT will publish shortly a poem to celebrate the landing of the Settlers of 1820; also three first-class pictures – of the landing – of Grahamstown, and of Port Elizabeth, as seen from the breakwater.

TOBACCO. - This article is very scarce in Colesberg, and we would recommend some tobacco manufacturer to send up a load at once. Ibid.

Saturday, March 5, 1870.


CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. – The bill has been thrown out without a division. Try again!

THE JUBILEE. – Houses have already been engaged in Grahamstown by parties from up-country who wish to secure a residence for themselves and family during celebrations.

SIR BERNARD LEE. – This gentleman, accompanied by Mrs. LEE, is taking a tour through the frontier towns spending a few weeks in each place for the purpose of advocating the cause of temperance. He has busily occupied himself about his chosen work for the last month past in Fort Beaufort, and it is said that his labors have been attended with very great success. A report from Alice will be found in another column. He left here for King Williamstown last Tuesday.

JUBILEE FUND. – The contributions received amount to between £400 and £500.

FOUR RUSSIAN war-ships are expected at the Cape. A mercantile house has received letters of credit for £27,000 for the use of the ship.

OSTRICH FEATHERS. – By the Roman a large quantity of ostrich feathers were shipped from Cape Town, which are valued at a total of £1,687. – Argus.

ACCIDENT NEAR LINE DRIFT. – An accident of a serious nature befell Mr. Thos. WARD, late of High street, in this city, one day last week. He was thrown from his horse, at or near Line Drift, and when found was in a totally insensible state. We are glad to learn, however, by the last post, that sanguine hopes are entertained of his recovery. – Journal.

THE LATE MR. IRVINE. – One of the most genial, kind-hearted, Scotchmen, resident in this city was the late Mr. A.N. IRVINE brass founder, of Beaufort-street. He left town a few months since, and was a passenger by the Orontes to England. His intention, we believe, was to revisit Scottish scenes familiar to him in early life, and spend the remnant of life in Edinburgh. Unhappily, he was suddenly the subject of a paralytic seizure, on Saturday, 8th January, and died early on the following morning. – Journal.

ABOLITION OF CAPITAL PUNISHMENT. – The Rev. Mr. FAURE preached in favour of “abolition” at the Mutual Hall last Sunday Morning. There was a full attendance, and several members of the Colonial Legislature were present. – Standard and Mail.

NARROW ESCAPE. – We are informed that during the recent rain a wagon was carried away in the Sunday’s River Drift near Tunbridge’s and that with great difficulty, the owner of the wagon was rescued from drowning. A youth named Le HARPE distinguished himself by swimming to the rescue his drowning companions. – Uitenhage Times.

PERCULIARITIES OF THE OSTRICH. – The ostrich is generally admitted to be the most stupid bird known, but it has its redeeming points too. One of these is worthy of special mention – viz., its punctuality. We have it on authority of an observant naturalist, that the male birds when hatching, which lasts during a period of six weeks, turns up at the nest to relieve the female at four p.m. precisely, and takes his spell of the sitting until eight next morning, when he is as punctually relieved by his better half. – Beaufort Courant.

ARMED NATIVES. – We are informed that as Mr. LAING, of Glen Cairn Farm, in the East London District, was proceeding to Fort Jackson on Tuesday, the 15th inst., he met a number of Kafirs about half a mile from his house, within the boundary line of his farm, all well armed with assegais. He rode up to them and questioned their right to be there, when they turned upon him with insolent gestures; he then rode up to the leader of the party, who was armed with four assegais, and told him and his party to remove from the spot where they were assembled round a bush. This Kafir had placed himself in a defiant attitude. At this stage of the proceedings the leader turned to the right about, and with his party dispersed over the veld. They had a number of dogs with them, and were evidently bent upon a hunting expedition. – Watchman.


THE KETTLE AND THE SAUCEPANS. – ‘Black! Black!” – “So are you!”
This style of thing is going on at Potchefstroom in a discreditable manner. One FORSSMAN announces in the local paper that he has ceased to employ MUNNICH as his law agent. MUNNICH advertises that he has refused to transact business for FORSSMAN, and threatens to publish his reasons for so doing. Lastly, the whole faculty, MUNNICH, KLEYN, VAN ECK, P. KLEYN, and BEKER, notify themselves as the only duly admitted and licensed law agents, and as such make known to the world that they decline to act for FORSSMAN ‘in consequence of his very uncertain temper and extremely perverted notions of law and equity.”

LUNG sickness has broken out amongst the oxen at Colesberg.

William GREEN, shopkeeper, Balfour, division of Stockenstrom.

A MARK MASTER’S LODGE has just been established in the town. It is designated “The St. James’ Lodge of Mark Master Masons,” and was opened on the 16th inst.
The office-bearers are, we understand, J.H. McLEA, R.W.M.M.; G.F. HURFORD, W.S.W.; W.C. van RYNEVELD, W.J.W.; Rev. W.A. STEABLER, Chaplain, and A. ARENHOLD, Acting Secretary. – G.R. Herald.

CRADOCK. – The foundation stone of a new Wesleyan Sabbath School was laid on Wednesday last by Mrs. W. CAWOOD in the presence of a large number of persons. A preliminary service was held in the adjoining chapel, the Revs. Geo. CHAPMAN and Theophilus CHUBB, officiating.

Burglaries and petty thefts are very frequent at Cradock.

Advocate Office,
March 4, 1870.
Walter WHITE, who was committed for trial in connection with the defalcation in the PE. Bank, effected his escape from the goal between the hours of six and nine on Tuesday evening. The directors of the Bank have offered a reward of one hundred pounds for his apprehension.

Saturday, March 12, 1870.

List of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps, Eland’s Post, Stockenstrom, during February, 1870. All Licences expire 31 December, 1870.
Auctioneer’s Licence:-
Martin Ebenezer SMIT.
Retail shop Licence:-
Distributor of Stamps.
Stamp Office, Eland’s Post,
March 7, 1870.

Return of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps, Fort Beaufort, during the month of February, 1870. All Licences to expire 31st December 1870.
Hugh McTaggart; Edward COTTERELL.
Wholesale & Retail Stores:-
Jesse SHAW & Co.
W. BROWN, M.D. Edinburgh; T.P. MATHEWS.
Retail Shop:-
Thomas M. HARROD.
Game Licences:-
Lieut. D’ARCY (2-20TH Regt.): W.T. EVANS; Captain FOLL (32nd Light Infantry); Lieut. BEAUMONT (32nd Light Infantry); Lieut. POTE (C.M.R.) (32ND Light Infantry); Edwin ORCHARD; M.D. SAVORY.
Dis. Of Stamps.
Stamp Office,
Fort Beaufort, 1st March, 1870.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 8th March, 1870, Catherine MILLS (widow of the late Mr. David MILLS), aged 59 years.
The family desire to express their sincere and heartfelt thanks to all those kind friends who have shewn so much sympathy for them in their great affliction.
Fort Beaufort, March10, 1870.


Alfred JUBBER, carpenter, Fort Beaufort.

WAGON BURNT. – On Wednesday night a wagon belonging to Mr. SEAL of Sunday’s River, loaded with skins, was outspanned at Sandfontein, and when the wind rose, some live coals from a fire blew into it and set it on fire. – Uitenhage Times.

REWARD FOR GALLANT CONDUCT. – Mr. Frank ESCOMBE, of Yokohama, Japan, has been awarded a silver medal of the Royal Humane society, “for saving a boy under circumstances of great peril, at Yokohama, Japan.” Mr. ESCOMBE was formerly a resident at Port Elizabeth, and is well known here. Herald.

NEW PAPER. – It is contemplated at an early date to start a Dutch newspaper – to be styled the Vee en Zaai Boer Courant – within half-an-hour’s distance of Mr. John WEBSTER’S, at the northern foot of the Zuurberg, on the main road to Somerset, Cradock, and other interior districts. – Herald.

HARRISMITH – A correspondent from this village to the Friend says: There was a man here recently, who is supposed to be the oldest man in the world, as he perfectly well remembers. Dr. CULPEPER, who published a book on Herbs in the year 1865. This same old man is as fond of flirting as a boy of 20 years of age. In fact he beats Dr. PARR all to fits.

KING WILLIAMSTOWN TEMPERANCE SOCIETY. – Sir Barnard LEE, President of the Total Abstinence Society at Port Elizabeth has kindly consented to take the chair at the weekly entertainment Society to be held in the Temperance Hall. The programme will be a good one, the following ladies and gentlemen kindly assisting: Mrs. STREET, Miss BLAKE, Miss RYAN, the Ven. Archdeacon KITTON, Messrs. NORTHWAY, SMITH, HENDERSON, PATON, LITTLEWORTH, STREET and others. – Watchman.

KOEBERG. – A correspondent reports a sad accident from this place. A number of children were playing together, when one of them threw a pair of scissors, which struck and wounded the leg of a child seven years of age, a daughter of Mr. A. VAN NIEKERK. The child did not at first complain, but the pain increasing, some simple dressing was applied, and a medical man sent for. Upon the Doctor’s arrival he found that mortification had set in, and at once said there was no hope of the child’s recovery. She died shortly afterwards. Mr. G. BRESLER a respected resident, has died from cancer from which he had suffered for some time.

Four persons Drowned.
On Sunday last, the 20th, Nachtmaal was held here. The Rev. Mr. MULLER from Pearston, consolent for this place, assisted by the Rev. Mr. STEYTLER from Uitenhage, conducted the service. Mr. STEYTLER preached no less than five times during the day.
On Monday morning, while the people were getting ready to start for their homes, a very heavy rain fell. Most of the people hurried off fearing that the river would come down. Only three or four wagons remained. Amongst those who stayed was Mr. Johannes SLABBERT of Turk Fig Plaats and his family. They left shortly after the rain. Soon we heard a shout that the river had come down and taken a wagon with it.
After Mr. SLABBERT’s wagon had crossed the Sunday’s River Drift, it entered the Drift at Braak River. The river was not full when they entered, but when in the middle, one of the oxen got out of the yoke, which caused the wagon to stop. While Mr. SLABBERT was endeavouring to yoke the beast in again, the river came suddenly down and floated the wagon tent and the living freight it contained, so as to separate it from the wheels. The wagon was full of people, amongst them Mrs. SLABBERT and five children, their ages from 1 to 8. A brave lad, 19 years of age, named Piet FOURIE, plunged in and swam to the rescue, bringing out two children; then succeeded in dragging the raft (as the body of the wagon had now become) up to an island in the middle of the river. While endeavouring to hold it there another rush of the torrent came and swept it from him, washing Mrs. SLABBERT and the three children out. Piet FOURIE then managed to seize one of the children, and landed it on the island, and then rushed into the river to rescue the mother, whom he managed to seize hold of. While he was taking breath, in an exhausted state, Mrs. SLABBERT endeavoured to hold by his shirt sleeve, which unhappily gave way and the poor woman disappeared.
During this time the river had risen and swept away the poor little creature whom Mr. FOURIE had already placed upon the island, and by the time he had reached that fatal place, Mrs. SLABBERT and her three children had all disappeared. The unfortunate SLABBERT has two surviving children thus left motherless. One of those that perished was a babe in its mother’s arms. Mr. SLABBERT was rescued from his perilous position by two Hottentots. The accident occurred about 10 o’clock on Monday morning. Poor SLABBERT is quite distracted. But a few minutes before, Mrs. SLABBERT, full of health, had said good-bye to her pastor Mr. STEYTLER, and many of her friends. Her body was found on Wednesday on the farm of Mr. Isaac GROBELAAR, 18 miles down the river, caught by her hair in a tree.
The gallant conduct of the lad FOURIE deserves more than a favourable recognition in a newspaper. Had he lived in England he would have received at least a medal from the Royal Humane Society. As it is it would be highly creditable to the public, and stimulating to other brave young men, if some expression of appreciation were made. – Uitenhage Times.


The Paper Currency Bill was thrown out in the Legislative council on by a Majority of one. The only Eastern members who voted against it were the Hon’bles GODLONTON and WOOD.

MISSING THE JUDGE. – The escort prepared to meet Mr. Justice SMITH, set out from K.W.’s Town on the wrong road and missed him. Of course it was expected that he would come round by Beaufort, and not risk his life and baggage via Pluto’s Vale and the swollen torrents of bridgeless rivers.

SUDDEN DEATH. – On Tuesday evening Mrs. MILLS, mother-in-law of Mr. RAWSTORNE of this town, retired early to rest. Miss MILLS, as usual, about nine o’clock, took her mother a cup of tea, and on entering the room with it found her a corpse. Death is supposed to have been caused by apoplexy. Her remains were interred in the cemetery on Thursday.

VERÆ PILULÆ RHEI COM: - Two cases were brought into Court on Thursday which were especially interesting to the medical profession. Five or six medical men were present. One suit was an action for the recovery of the amount of professional fees for attending a nurse who happened to meet with an accident, whilst in the service of a lady to whom she was engaged. The doctor gained his case with costs.
The second case was an action for libel against another doctor brought by a dispensing chemist, who claimed damages of £20. It was alleged that the doctor said a certain prescription given by him for “Pilula Rhei Com.” Had not been faithfully dispensed, but that two pills of “Castile Soap” had been supplied. The sight was interesting to see the doctors one after another tasting these precious morsels, smelling them, rubbing them, and tasting them again, and looking withal so profoundly wise as they were called upon to give their opinions of two different kinds of pills that were presented to them viz., the Vera Pilula Rhei com: and the alleged quasi pilula. The case was adjourned until yesterday, when the amusing tasting process was continued. The case was decided in favour of the plaintiff. Damages, £2 with costs.

A CAPSIZE IN THE RIVER. – Mr. EDWARDS and Mrs. MAWBY, with two children, were capsized in the Sunday’s River the other day on their way to Mr. Samuel ROBINSON’S, of Stapleford. They escaped with a wetting.

CRUELTY TO ANIMALS – Information was laid before the Magistrate of Graaff-Reinet the other day of a man named BUYS, who failing to rouse an ox that had fallen down in the yoke from exhaustion, forthwith kindled a fire to make the poor brute rise, but being unable to do so it was burnt to death. The magistrate replied that as the act had not been committed within the limits of the Municipality, he could not take cognizance of it.

Saturday, March 19, 1870.


MUSIC FOR THE JUBILEE. – We understand that the choir of singers which has of late appeared so creditably before Grahamstown Audiences, is preparing to perform some of the Rev. Mr. DUGMORE’S best songs.

HORSE STEALING. – A pair of horses were stolen from the stable of Mr. LEISCHING of Uitenhage last week by two Kafirs. The horses were recovered.

Helen Martha POLLARD, Graham’s Town.
John GLASS, timber merchant, Graham’s Town.

Mr. R. RUTHERFORD has become the editor of the Transvaal Advocate.

LARGE PINEAPPLE. – We saw exhibited at the Railway Saloon the finest pineapple it has been our lot to behold. It weighed four and a half pounds, and measured seventeen inches in circumference. It was brought down from Natal by Mr. W. KNOX, and was grown by Mr. T. DAVENPORT, of Durban. – Standard and Mail.

ACCIDENT. – Mr. Claude EDDIE, returning home on Wednesday evening, was so unfortunate as to step into a hole on his father’s premises (Dr. EDDIE’S near Somerset street), the result of which was a severe fracture of one of his legs. The surgical assistance of Dr. EDDIE and Dr. DAVIS was immediately called into requisition, and we are glad to learn that the patient’s recovery is progressing favourably. – Journal

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A little boy, aged about 7 years, son of Mr. William PENNY, of Salem, met with his death very suddenly on Thursday last. It appears that some of the children had been driven out in a Scotch cart, for the purpose of obtaining some firewood. On their return home the cart was unloaded, and the little fellow got into it alone and unnoticed. The horse moved on, the lad fell out in front, and one of the wheels passed over his chest, crushing it and causing almost instant death. – Anglo African.

Among the recent arrivals at this port we notice the name Lieut. G.F. HARRIS F R G S, instructor of musketry, whose work on “The Snider Rifle: its action and ammunition,” last year, attracted so much interest in military circles. This officer proceeds to Fort Beaufort, there to superintend the instruction of the wing of the 20th Regt., during its annual course of musketry, after which he will proceed to Natal. During his stay at home he has affiliated the Natal Rifle Association, and he brings out the silver medal of the latter for competition, as a mark of his exertions in favour of rifle shooting in natal while away from that colony. – E.P. Herald.

SHOCKING DEATH. – A young Kafir of about 13 years of age in the employ of Mr. P. SCHALKWYK was killed in the following manner. – The unfortunate fellow accompanied his master from the farm Leeuwfontein en route to Wildfontein both in this district; Mr. SCHALKWYK removing his stock from the one farm to the other. When near Wildfontein, a kneehaltered horse strayed from the road and the Kafir was sent to drive it back. Instead of doing so, he caught the horse, loosened the kneehalter, and led the animal for a short distance, when he foolishly tied the reim around his body. – After proceeding some distance he came to a hole of water, when the deceased lay down to drink, the horse becoming startled, pulled backwards and commenced kicking, completely smashed the poor fellow’s skull. Mr. SCHALKWYK, who was travelling with his wagon along the road saw the horse kicking, and immediately sent his leader to the spot, but when he arrived, the poor fellow was already dead and the horse after running about 400 yards, was standing still tethered to the body of the deceased. The fieldcornet, was immediately sent for, in order to make the necessary investigation, and the deceased was buried on the spot. – Colesberg Advertiser.


NATIVE SUPERINTENDENT. – Mr. VERITY’S appointment as superintendent of the Healdtown Fingoes is finally abolished. Mr. VERITY retires on a well earned pension.

DIPTHERIA CROUP. – Mr. ROSE’S little girl, 2½, died yesterday morning after three or four days’ suffering with the above malady.

CROUP. – The skilful surgical operation of the wind pipe and inserting a tube by which the little sufferer was enabled to breathe, was performed the other day upon a child by Dr. BREDA. But notwithstanding the operation, the little patient sank from exhaustion, and died the following day.

The waterfinder KOHL is pointing out fountains of water in the conquered territory. Dam making is the order of the day among farmers.

MASONIC FUNERAL. – Mr. William WHITE, for many years book-keeper to Messrs. MAYNARD, BUCHANAN and Co. died on Sunday last. Deceased was much attached to the Masonic Craft, and a good many of the fraternity attended his funeral. It is said that the unfortunate gentleman’s decease was accelerated by the news of his son’s delinquencies.

Saturday, March 26, 1870.


TEETOTALISM AT LOVEDALE. – A late convert to the pledge, but an old temperate man has undertaken the task if initiating the pledge amongst the natives at Alice, with the view to the formation of a Native Teetotal Society. He made a most effective coup d’essai as a temperance advocate at the Lovedale Institution last week, which will form the nucleus of a native teetotal society. The missionaries are favourable to the movement.

NATIVE PROGRESS. – Literature is making way among the natives. A monthly journal is now issued from the Morijah press, and is printed in Lesotu. – Argus.

LUNG SICKNESS. – We regret to hear that a considerable number of cattle at Zuurbron are suffering from Lung Sickness. – Times.

COAL. – We journal are informed that coal-mining operations on a moderate scale are at once to be begun on Mr. ESTMENT’S farm, near Bathurst.

RAILWAY AND CONVICTS. – Memorials to both Houses of Parliament are being got ready for signature in Port Elizabeth, advocating the immediate commencement of a railway in this province, and suggesting that a body of convicts should be stationed here, whose services might be employed in making the earthworks, &c., for the “iron road.” – Telegraph.

DISTRIBUTING THE POLICE. – There has been a row amongst the police in Basutoland, no less than nine men having been dismissed from one party. Evidently the splitting up system does not promote discipline. Take note of this, Mr. J.D. de WET.

Two or three matters of interest transpired in connection with the sitting of the Judge.
Thirteen out of fourteen natives with culpable homicide pleading guilty were find £3 each.
Seven out of nine on a similar charge were find £ each, the remaining two were find £3 each.

A native named JUBEYO applied to the court for a restoration of congugal rights, his wife having left him. The order was granted.

A terrific storm accompanied with thunder hail and deluging rain, visited the town and neighbourhood, last Monday. Mr. S.C. BELL in jumping a furrow by accident broke his leg in three places. Four natives attempting to cross a river to the location were drowned. Several cattle and goats were also washed down the rushing torrent.

Horses are said to be dying like rotten sheep in the Boshof district.

OBITUARY. – We deeply regret to have to announce the death of the Rev. P. LEMUE, of Carmel, one of the oldest missionaries of the Paris Evangelical Society, which sad event occurred at Smithfield on the 12th inst.

The ravages of horse-sickness are increasing in this district. Mr. C. NESSER has lost 6 horses and 3 mules, and numerous instances are reported, of losses of from one to five horses. – Advertiser.

MOSHESH. – The “Colesberg Advertiser: says: - “MOSHESH breathed his last at nine o’clock on the morning of the 11th instant. Although well acquainted with the leading points of the doctrines of Christianity, MOSHESH remained a heathen up to a short time before his death, when he professed himself a Christian. LETSEA is said to be his successor in the chieftainship. If so, it is indeed a good thing for the Basuto nation that they are now under British Rule. LETSEA is said by members of his tribe resident here, to be “zoo maar een ding” altogether unfit for any position of importance.

At the Magistrate’s Court on Friday morning, John NCININE was convicted of stealing a mare from the chief MACOMO, and sentenced to twenty-five lashes. – Gazette.

A CANDID THIEF. – Mr. John ROACH, of the Gonubie, had a cow stolen the other day. Suspicion rested upon YAMAPI, a Kafir. He was arrested and brought before Mr. GRIFFITH. Upon being asked what he had to say in his defence, he replied. “It’s no use telling lies; I stole the cow.” His Worship there upon committed him to trial. – Ibid.

[Party leaders’ names as printed]
Dyason’s Party – G. RYE; W. BEAR; H. GRAY; J. WRIGHT.
Holder’s Party – Rev. SHEPSTONE.
James’s Party – P. HOBBS.
Hosler’s Party – EVERY.
General Campbell’s Party – J. COLLETT.
Capt. Campbell’s Party – G. PENNY.
Harris’s Party – H. FULLER; J. CARNEY; J. DICKSON.
Capt. Biggar’s Party – T. PAGE.
Irish Party – E. FORBES.
Bradshaw’s Party – T. BAKER; W. PRICKETT; BUTLER.
Wainwright’s Party – C. COCKCROFT.
Bowker’s Party – W. INGRAM.
Perknis’s Party – LEACH.
Richardson’s Party – DENTON.
Smith’s Party –R. HULLEY.
Cock’s Party – W. COCK; J. THOMAS.
Ford’s Party – J. DICKS; R. RALPH; J. RALPH; R. MILES.
Hyman’s Party – W. TROLLIP; J. TROLLIP.
Major Piggot’s Party – W. COMLEY; J. HISCOCK.
Salem Sephton’s Party – C. PENNY; EVANS; SPARKS; KIDD; MUIR.
Whait’s Party – R. WEBB; J. GOLDSWAIN.
Dalgain’s Party – DENHAM.
Southey’s Party – T. BERRY; W. BERRY.
Turvey’s Party – S. DANIEL; T. DANIEL.
T. Phillip’s Party – J. MACKIE; J. STIRK; C. HOBSON; HOBSON.
Carlisle’s Party – W. CHADWICK.


NEW SHOP. – Mr G.C. KNIGHTLEY, from Port Elizabeth, will shortly open an establishment next door to Mr. COHENS’S Hotel.

THEFTS. – Three men, two Kafirs and a Hottentot, were apprehended on Thursday morning, being identified as the parties who committed robbery and attempts at robbery on the premises of Mr. HENMAN and Mr. CARRIHILL during the previous night.

The Bishop of Mauritius, Dr. HATCHARD, has died from the prevailing fever.

Of the British settlers who landed in in Algoa Bay on the 10th April, 1820, but seventy-two now remain to answer to their names.

ONIONS are a capital food for cattle infected with lice. They give tone to the stomach and are very good in hot weather. Half a peck given at noon, once a day, will very soon rid the animals of them.

A Kafir lately went from Cradock to Willowmore and back, a distance of 432 miles, on foot in fourteen days.

EXECUTION has been taken by the Government against Mr. GREEN for the capital and costs involved in the recent action. It appears, however, that the individual who has charge of these things has been too smart. A cart and horses lent to Mr. GREEN by Mr. STAMPFER of Colesberg, have been attached. An application will be made to-day, we understand to the Supreme Court to allow Mr. GREEN to appeal to the Privy Council in forma pauperis, under the provisions of the Charter of Justice. – Argus.

Cape Town
March 21st, 1870.
Asia arrived on Saturday night. She brings news to the 8th February.
Principal News. – A report existed that Dr. LIVINGSTONE has been killed and burnt. Sir Roderick MURCHISON and several other gentlemen had written to the papers denying the possibility of such a thing occurring at the place stated.
Sir Charles DARLING, late Governor of the Cape, is dead.
New constitution of the Irish Church published.
Asia had very bad weather on passage up from St. Helena.
Judgement in Court against Rev. Mr. WIX for ritualistic practices with costs.

DIED, AT “Weltevreden,” Chumie, near Alice, on the 23rd inst., after an illness of only three days, Susanna, the beloved wife of Barend WOEST, Esq., aged 67 years, deeply regretted.
Weltevreden, Chumie
March 25, 1870.

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