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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1870 3 July - September

Saturday, July 2, 1870.

MARRIED, by Special Licence, at the residence of the Civil Commissioner, Fort Beaufort, by the Rev. J.G. MORROW, on the 28th June, 1870, George Greig MEURANT, Esq., J.P., First clerk to the C.C. & R.M. of Stockenstrom, to Emily Lock BERRANGE, widow of the late C.J. BERRANGE, Esq., of Graaff-Reinet.

DIED, at his residence, Fort Beaufort, on Wednesday, the 29th ult., after a lingering illness, Mr. George VALENTINE, aged 48 years.


ANOTHER OLD SETTLER GONE! – Old Mr. GREY, of the “Iron Pot,” near Grahamstown, died this week at an advanced age. He was one of the original Settlers of 1820, and was highly respected. He was the father of Messrs. J. and G. GREY of this district.

A WELL-DESERVED TESTIMONIAL. – Miss BROWNING, who has been in charge of the telegraph here since the line was established, being about to leave the Company’s service, and enter into the silken bonds of matrimony, the telegraph staff have decided to mark their appreciation of the worth and amiability of Miss BROWNING during her long service by some substantial testimonial which she may carry to her new home, have subscribed for a beautiful service of plate consisting of a Salver, on which is a suitable inscription, coffee and tea pots, sugar basin, milk jug, egg tray, and four spoons complete, monogram being engraved on all. The service is very elegant and chaste, and has just arrived in Fort Beaufort. Capt. RORKE, M.L.A., has been deputed by the telegraph staff to present it to Miss BROWNING, which agreeable task he will perform on Wednesday next.

RIGHT on the heels of the passage of Mr. CULLOM’S Polygamy Bill comes this announcement from Utah:
“Married in Salt Lake city, Utah, on the 16th inst., in the presence of the Saints, Elder Brigham YOUNG to Mrs. J.R. MARTIN, Miss L.M. PENDERGAST, Mrs. R.M. JENICKSON, Miss Susie P. CLEVELAND, and Miss Emily P. MARTIN, all of the county of Berks, England.”

BETHULIE. – A private letter states that parties are daily passing through that village for the diamond fields. A Mr. MARCUS and two mechanics, of Bethulie, have found, and are possessed of diamonds to the value of £5,000. Bethulie has now, in common with the neighbouring towns, caught the fever and is off to the diggings. – Aliwal Observer.

PEACH BRANDY is 18 shillings per bottle at Pretoria. Common Cape Wine, 30 Shillings.


Murder will out. – The Friend says that a murderer who some ten years ago killed a woman on the farm Middelwater in the district of Colesberg, was recently recognised at Bloemhof by Mr. O’REILLY. The culprit’s name is KEIZER; he is a Koranna: and will be handed over to the Colonial authorities.

Thursday, July 7, 1870.

DEATH OF BRITISH SETTLERS. – Two more of the 1820 settlers have departed this life, this week; viz, Mr. John COMLEY, who came with Major PIGOTTS party and who had reached the advanced age of 76 years and 7 months; and Mr. Henry GRAY, who came out with the Salem party and who had reached to 90 years and 4 months.

Saturday, July 9, 1870.


Mr. Justice DENYSSEN is appointed Acting Chief Justice during the absence of Sir Sidney Smith BELL.

John Clerke PERKS, miller and general dealer, King William’s town.

It I thought in military circles at home that Col. KNIGHT, of the late Cape Mounted Rifles, will receive the appointment of aide-de-camp to the Queen.

PRESERVED MEAT is now becoming an article of export from this colony. Mr. FRENCH is preparing 100 tins of 67lbs each, to be sent home to order. This meat, worth about 2½d per lb in the colony, will sell at from 5d to 6d per lb in England.

“MONSTER” LAMB! – Mr. Jacob VENTER of Vaalkop”, in this division, has requested us to record the following fact. A thorough-bred ewe, his property, gave birth to a lamb on Thursday last weighing 16lbs, standing 18 inches high, and being as broad in body as a four-month old lamb. – Aliwal Observer.

PRESENTATION. – The elegant service of plate, which in our last issue we stated had been subscribed by the telegraph staff for Miss BROWNING, was formally presented to that lady on Wednesday morning just after she had returned from church, and had been united in wedlock to Mr. McDONALD of the telegraph service, King William’s Town. A select company was present to witness the presentation, and to take farewell of the newly married pair, who left for K.W. Town, shortly afterwards.

BIRTH, - At Seymour, Stockenstrom, on Sunday, the 3rd inst., Mrs. M.E. SMIT, of a Son.

MARRIAGE. – Marriage among fools is like a boiled calf’s head, without the accompaniment of brains.

Saturday, July 16, 1870.


A rumour is afloat that some two thousand Americans are on their way to settle in the Transvaal.

THERE are at present no less than six war vessels in Simon’s Bay, representing 12,414 tons, carrying 122 guns, and 1,971 men.

It is said that about seven hundred persons may shortly be expected from England en route to the diamond fields.

A Yorkshireman named Isaac STANSFIELD is advertised for in the Cape papers. He will hear something to his advantage.

We regret to say that the accident to Mr. TITTERTON has terminated fatally on Sunday evening. The funeral took place on Monday afternoon. – G.T. Advertiser.

A STRANGE REPORT. – It is reported that a man travelling to Hopetown, with diamonds from the diamonds fields, overtook another man on the road, and gave him a lift in his cart. In riding along the owner of the cart was startled by the cocking of a pistol, and looking round saw his passenger in the act of presenting a pistol at his head. After a struggle, the first man was shot through the abdomen, upon which he immediately took the pistol and killed the other on the spot. – Colesberg Herald.

Thursday, July 21, 1870.


Mr. John VOGEL, a respectable Dutch farmer, residing at “Graaf Water,” Alexandria, died on Friday last from the effects of an accident in having his thumb jammed in the wheels of a thrashing machine.

Saturday, July 23, 1870.

It is said that a settlement of Germans is about to be made in the Transvaal. The name of the town is to be “New Belgium.”

Mr. J.S. WRIGHT has resumed the secretaryship of the East London Agricultural Society.

MR. R.B. MANUEL, of the Customs Department, has been appointed Resident Magistrate and sub-Collector of Customs at Hondeklip Bay.


The Capetown papers record the death at Capetown of Dr. HUTCHINSON and Mr. CRIGHTON.

COHEN’S party left the Katberg yesterday en route for the diamond fields. NILAND’S party leaves Tuesday. Mr. SCROOBY, of Adelaide, has made up a large party for the same place.

DEATH BY THE WAYSIDE. – Wednesday night’s post brought an account of the sudden heath of Mr. JEANES, of this place, near Oxkraal. Mr. JEANES left fort Beaufort on Friday before his death, as a passenger for the diamond fields, with DEVINE & CREIGHTON’S party. He had not been well for some time before he left, and the restoration of a debilitated constitution by the trip was as much his object in starting for the diamond fields as the hope of finding the precious gems. The cause of death is not known, but it is supposed to have been caused by excessive cold acting on a feeble constitution. The deceased leaves a widow and several young children.

FIRE. – The cottage belonging to Capt. RORKE, in African-street, lately in the occupation of Mr. VICE, was burnt down on Sunday night. – Journal.

DEATH OF Mr. JAMES TEMPLEMAN. – Mr. J. TEMPLEMAN, of “Rose Cottage Nursery,” died yesterday morning. The name of James TEMPLEMAN is “familiar as household words” in every part of the colony in which people grow flowers, and the intelligence, therefore, that he who bore that name has breathed his last will be read with wide-spread regret. – Standard.

Lourens Jacs. GREEFF, agriculturist, Gonzana.
Edward Perks SHINGLER, merchant, Grahamstown.
Thomas Henry PURDON, agriculturist, Bathurst
David Sunley SAPSFORD, carpenter, Hopetown.

Thursday, July 28, 1870.

ATTEMPTED BURGLARIES. – On Saturday night an attempt was made to effect an entrance into Mr. COTTERELL’S outer premises by digging under the door. The burglars were disturbed before they could effect their object. On Tuesday night an attempt was made to enter the premises occupied by Dr. MATHEWS and also that of Mr. C. BALDWIN, but both were unsuccessful. A night watch must be engaged.

SOME FARMERS find it very difficult to obtain native servants just now. Mr. J. VAN AARDT
was deserted by nearly all his servants last week, for no other reason than they did not care to work. He had been away for some days from home, and on his return found everything on the farm correct, which so pleased him that he distributed a good supply of tobacco among the servants. Next day he was without a herd, but not a head of stock was missing.

THE MARCHIONESS OF HASTINGS, after about twenty months’ widowhood, yesterday married Sir George CHETWYND. The young bridegroom who has large estates in Warwickshire, comes of age this year. One of the conditions of his marriage was that he should not run horses on the turf.

CHARLES DICKENS has passed from amongst us suddenly almost as THACKERAY, and only a fortnight after Mark LEMON. He was seized with an apoplectic fit whilst dinning on Wednesday evening at his residence, Gad’s Hill-place, Kent. It was apparent from the first that there was little or no hope of his recovery, and without any improvement in his condition the great novelist died insensible at a quarter after six last evening. He had been ailing for some time, but during the week had visited Rochester and other places in the neighbourhood.

CHINESE PIRACY is to be extirpated. A North German contemporary says: - “The United States and Great Britain have accepted a proposal of the North German Chancery to engage in a common action against Chinese pirates. The fleets of the three nations will take part in a general plan of operations. The Chinese government will be permitted, if it please, to join in these endeavours to extirpate the pirates.”

Saturday, July 30, 1870.

BIRTH, on the 27th inst., Mrs. Benj. W. HALL, of a Daughter.


There are now twenty-five vessels in Port Elizabeth; these include five full-rigged ships.

Capt. CHADWICK and Lieut. LONGFIELD, with Mr. SMITH and party, have quitted K.W. Town for the diamond fields.

The Frederick Basil has been taken up by the Commissariat for the conveyance from East London to England of a large quantity of army stores.

The Eastern Districts’ Court sat on Friday. WENTZEL was tried on the first count in the indictment by consent of the Solicitor-General, and at the request of his counsel, it is being expected that the cause would be quashed. The jury, retiring at 5 p.m. brought up a verdict of acquittal, at 9 p.m. The Judge summed up very fairly, pointing out what made for the prisoner as well as what made for him, resting the case on the questions whether the VORSTERS would come down to prosecute an imaginary case of whether WENTZEL really had committed the act charged.


We are glad to welcome back D.A.C.G. EVANS, from his trip to Mauritius in the Himalaya. The voyage has proved very beneficial to him.

SHIP ASHORE. – 13 LIVES LOST. – On Saturday last the Resident Magistrate of Humansdorp sent the following telegram to the Chamber of commerce: - “Dutch ship Nederlandsche Flag, reported wrecked thirty-five miles west of Cape St. Francis. Thirteen lives lost – three survived. A telegram of a like nature was also received by the Vice-Consul for the Netherlands, who at once sent a clerk to the scene of the wreck. On Sunday Messrs. INNES and BOWLER, of H.M.’s Customs, also left to protect customs interests.

Thursday, August 4, 1870.

Cape Town,
Saturday, July 30, 1870.
Cambrian arrived last night.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:

Charles DICKENS buried in Westminster Abbey.

Queen of Spain has signed an act of abdication.


It has been rumoured here that another death has occurred among a Fort Beaufort party en route for the Campbell grounds, viz., Mr. JUNIPER. It is reported that Mr. Geo. GREEN, who started a few days ago for the Orange River, has died on the banks of that river. Both reports require confirmation.

Saturday, August 6, 1870.

MARRIED, at Grahamstown, on Thursday, July 28th, 1870, by the Rev. John FAGAN, R.C. Priest, William J. QUIN, eldest son of John QUIN, Esq., M.L.A., Fort Beaufort, to Emily, second daughter of P. F. GATONBY, Esq., Grahamstown.


“SIR BERNARD LEE started by the Queenstown post from King William’s Town for the Diamond fields.”

GANGELIZWE. – It is said that this chief is about to attack Fadanna. Gangelizwe, according to this, would seem to be only happy when contemplating mischief.

INFLUENZA. – This very troublesome disorder is rife in Queenstown – especially among the male portion of the population. The weather has been exceedingly cold of late.

QUICK PROMOTION. – A young man O’CONNOR, who arrived here about four years ago from Ireland, after being here some time joined the F.A.M. Police. By dint of being steady and well behaved, he met with favourable eyes by Inspector (now Commandant) BOWKER, who got him in his office as clerk. About a month ago he was promoted, to the rank of Sergeant in the force, and yesterday he received his commission as Sub-Inspector. We heartily congratulate him on his good fortune.

CONFESSED MURDER. – It is reported that a Fingo has recently given himself up to Mr. CUMMING, the British Resident at the Idutywa, stating that he had killed a young Dutchman, named Le ROUX, in the Queenstown district, near the Klaas Smits Bridge. He at the same time brought the horse, saddle, &c., belonging to the young man, and has been sent by the Resident to the Queenstown Magistracy. – Watchman.

Thursday, August 11, 1870.


SAD ACCIDENT. – A severe accident befell Mr. WILLIAMS, blacksmith, of Eland’s Post, on Monday last, who was unfortunate enough to have an eye kicked out of his head by a vicious horse, and sustained other serious injuries. Dr. BREDA proceeded to the aid of the sufferer on Tuesday Morning, after the arrival of a messenger.

The Ven. the Archdeacon left town this morning by the passenger-cart for the Bay. A mishap took place near Howison’s Poort. The cart was driven against an embankment, and the Archdeacon, the driver, and passengers were thrown out on the veld. Fortunately no one was seriously injured. – Journal.

Saturday, August 13, 1870.

Mr. T. HONIBALL, Cart Builder, at Eland’s Fontein,” near Adelaide, begs to announce that he has now completed his arrangements, and will be able to execute satisfactory any orders that he may be favoured with in the Cart-building line.
The “Little Favorite,” which combines strength and lightness, and has several improvements invented by T.H., is justly admired by all who have seen and tried its travelling capability and durability. An inspection of these splendid vehicles may be obtained on application to Mr. C. CALLAGHAM, Adelaide.
“Having travelled in Mr. HONIBALL’S Cart called “Little Favorite,” we have much pleasure in stating that the principle on which it is made is a great improvement in the art of Cart making. We have travelled in the “Little Favorite” over the worst of roads in order to try its merits, and can testify to its excellence for ease and comfort, surpassing any other maker.”

Sheep-farmer “Elandsfontein.”
Sheep-farmer “Ganna Hoek.”


There are fifty thousand lunatics and imbeciles in the United Kingdom.

A lad of thirteen has been imprisoned for attempting to set fire to the Bank of England.

OBITUARY. – We regret to announce the death on Saturday morning of Mr. George William IMPEY, eldest son of the Rev. W. IMPEY. Deceased was in very ill health some years since, but had greatly improved in health while resident in Cradock, and prior to coming to reside in this district. He had been married to the youngest daughter of the Hon. G. WOOD, just two months when he departed this life. Much sympathy is life for the young widow in her grief. – Free Press.


ANGORA HAIR. – Mr. F. HOLLAND, of Adelaide, gave Mr. W.A. NEL 3s per lb. for his best Angora hair, this season.

QUICK WORK. – Mr. M.L. PINCUS, of Bloemfontein, returned from his trip to the Bay, by post-cart. He left Bloemfontein at 10 o’clock on the 22nd ult., and has hardly been 13 days in travelling to and fro, and arranging his business. – Friend.

Saturday, August 20, 1870.


There are already at the diamond-field five editors, four doctors, one clergyman, and two billiard-table keepers.

AGATE. – We have at our office a very pretty little stone which has recently been picked up between this and Need’s Camp, and was left with us by Mr. PRANCE. It is said to be an Agate, and looking at it through a microscope it has a most beautiful appearance. – Watchman.

(Extract) SAD ACCIDENT. – It is with great regret we have to record the death of Mr. John GRAINGER, second son of Mr. GRAINGER, gunsmith of this city, by the accidental discharge of revolver, at the time in the hands of his brother, Mr. William GRAINGER. Deceased had but this morning brought the revolver from Mr. RUSHBY, and was himself aware that one chamber of the revolver was loaded. Taking it to the gun store, he gave it to his brother, saying this will want a holster, unfortunately before he could say another word, the trigger was pulled and the fatal accident occurred. We are informed that Mr. RUSHBY on handing it over to the deceased, told him that one of the chambers had a charge in it. Mr. William GRAINGER knew nothing of this, nor had he the least suspicion that he was handling a loaded weapon. Drs. CUMMING and ATHERSTONE were in prompt attendance but the death was as sudden as the explosion. Mr. John GRAINGER had brought the revolver as an equipment for the diamond-fields to which he was on the eve of going. He was twenty-two years of age. – Journal.

By a lady, a middle aged woman to take care of young children. – One who understands Dressmaking preferred. –
Apply at this Office.


We are informed that WHITE, of Port Elizabeth bank notoriety, was seen at the Diamond fields a few weeks since, but finding that he was known, judged it prudent to “skedaddle.” – Colesberg Herald.

Cape Town is seeming fortunate at the diamond fields. In addition to the “find” by Mr. RICKETTS, other of large value have been made. A young man named MEINTJES has written to his mother to say that during the eight weeks he has been in the fields he has found several diamonds, which he has disposed of for £800. He strongly advices several of his relatives to join him. A German and his wife who walked last year from Cape Town to the fields are said to be worth £1,100, and a late member of the loafing fraternity was the owner of £400 or £500.

Messrs. FRANK, WEBB, FULLER, and ROSS, passed through Cradock on their way home from the diggings on Monday last. All these gentlemen, we believe, return to the fields shortly; and one of them, at least, intends taking his wife with him.

Thursday, August 25, 1870.


We are informed that Mr. J. COXEN (son of Mr. C. COXEN, of this town), has been fortunate enough to disinter eight or ten diamonds during his sojourn on the fields. – E.P. Herald.

THREE Diamond parties have left Fort Beaufort this week, and others are to follow. Mr. GARRETT’S party consists of C.B. HUTCHINS, C, BALDWIN, J. CARRIHILL, W. PATTERSON, J. BRADY, J. MURRAY, and J.V. WILSON; Messrs YOUNG and LLOYD’S party consisted of themselves Mr. WARREN, and two sons of Mr. YOUNG. Another party comprising Mr. George JUBBER, and several others also left. Altogether about 20 individuals, besides leaders and drivers, have left this week. Next week Mr. VIGNE’S party starts. It will consist of Messrs. VIGNE, W. BREMNER, BRADSHAW, WRIGHT, and D. MORIARTY. Mr. SHAW starts a large party also next week. The town has already quite a depopulated aspect. Others who at first had scouted the idea of diamond gathering have become infected with the prevailing fever.

Tuesday, August 23, 1870.
We have been put in possession of the following important news from the Diamond Fields by a private hand:-
Five thousand persons at the fields.
Potchefstrom and Bloemfontein being deserted.
One diamond of fifty carats found.
Diamonds being found daily at the rate of forty to fifty.

Extract of a private letter from Aliwal North date 20th August:
“I have just received a note from S. from Smithfield, who says I have just seen a Clergyman who returned from the diamond diggings by the post cart of this day. He says as he left an enormous diamond of the length of two joints of the index finger, was found; that £9,000 was offered in cash for it, but refused, three times that amount being its estimated value.”

Saturday, August 27, 1870.


Mr. GLANVILLE, the editor of the Journal, will leave for the diamond fields in a few days, with plant to start a paper. – Free Press.

SUDDEN DEATH. – Mr. P. BRADY, a well known Kafir trader, came to his death by drowning on Wednesday night last. It is supposed that in crossing the lower drift he must have stumbled and been unable to rise. The water was only two feet deep where the body was found. – Ibid.

Thursday, September 1, 1870.

Tidings was received from Cape Town this morning of the death of Mr. ADAMSON, under Colonial Secretary (which occurred yesterday Sunday) cause of death was “softening of the brain”. Deceased was forty-one years of age and will be greatly missed in the civil service. He was to have left for England in the steamer “Good Hope” on the 10th September, on account of the state of his health.


A large Dutch party, consisting of one hundred relatives, leave this district in a few weeks time for the Diamond Fields, taking with them their vrouwens and kenderen.

R. AYLIFF, Esq., M.L.A., Mayor of Graham’s Town, has left for the diamond fields.

HIS HONOR MR. JUSTICE DWYER has received from Trinity College, Dublin, the honorary degree of L.L.D.

TIT for TAT. – A student of medicine, having courted a girl for a year, and got dismissed, has turned round and sued the father for “the visits” he paid her.

THE LATE MR. TUDHOPE. – A telegram was received yesterday announcing the decease of Mr. F. TUDHOPE, of King Williamstown, many years teacher of the government school in Grahamstown. During his residence here deceased identified himself intimately with literary and philanthropic institutions, was a deacon of Trinity Church, and enjoyed the respect and esteem of every one. – Journal.

Saturday, September 3, 1870.


SEVERAL mean of the Frontier Police have deserted during the past fortnight.

The carpenters of Graham’s Town are agitating for an increased rate of wages.

Mr. P. MORKEL’S PARTY leaves Alice for the Diamonds-fields on Monday. It will consist of seven. Mr. MORKEL intends to go via Graaff-Reinet.

Charles BRISLIN of Vogelzang, near Alice.
Edward WHYTE (deceased), hotel-keeper, King William’s Town.

SUICIDE AT Cape Town – We regret to have to report that a young man named J.D. de VILLIERS, of very respectable connection, committed suicide this morning by stabbing himself in the abdomen and cutting his throat. He had been summoned as a witness in a case before the Supreme Court, which it is supposed caused the nervous anxiety that led to the commission of the act. – Cape Chronicle.

Thursday, September 8, 1870.


We regret exceedingly to have to record the death of Mrs. SHAW, wife of Mr. Jesse SHAW, of this town, which occurred in child-birth on Tuesday last. Mrs. SHAW will be very much missed very much in the community, especially by the needy and indigent, whom she was ready most liberally, but without the slightest ostentation. Her loss will be lamented by a wide circle of friends; and we offer our sincere sympathies and condolements to the bereaved husband in his severe affliction. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon when the remains of the lamented deceased were followed to their last resting place by nearly all the inhabitants of the place.

STARTLING RUMOUR. – A rumour is current that two French Privateers have been seen cruising about the Cape coast on the look out for German Crafts.

STEAMER FOR THE VAAL RIVER. – It is stated that Mr. FORSEMAN, of Potchestroom, has ordered from Europe two small steamers for ferrying the diamond diggers across the Vaal River. – G.R. Herald.

(By private hand.)
The “Friend of the Free State” has received authentic intelligence from the Diamond Fields of the finding of four large diamonds – one of nineteen carats, one of twenty-six, one of fifty-four, and one fifty-six. The first, a perfect gem, was washed out by Mr. DICKEN, Mr. BAUMANN’S party. The second, valued at £1600 to £2000, by the party of Thos. WEBSTER. The third, a real beauty, by Mr. N.M. DEKOKS’S party. And the fourth by Mr. Jesse PARKES and party; perfect in shape, and of first water. Mr. Jesse PARKES and party came from Victoria West, and have, it is said already started for England with their treasure, to which they have given the appropriate name of “The King of the Vaal.” The stone is without blemish, and is valued at £8,000, some say £11,000. Mr. N.M. DEKOK, the lucky finder of the other large diamond, is an Attorney of the Supreme Court Cape Town, and was for a time Landrost of Jacobsdal, in this State. The stone is said to be pyramid shaped, and equally valuable with that of Mr. J. PARKES’. Mr. WEBSTER, the other fortunate individual, is our late well known Commandant, who raised a corps Volunteers in the Basuto war.

Saturday, September 10, 1870.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort on the 6th September 1870, Mary Anne, the beloved wife of Jesse SHAW, aged 34 years and 9 months.
DIED, on the 8th September, 1870, Jesse Eliezer, infant son of the above, aged 3 days.
Mr. SHAW begs to tender his public acknowledgements, and warmest thanks to his numerous friends for their many manifestations of kindness and sympathy during his very heavy affliction; and particularly as to Dr. HALL, he desires to testify his grateful appreciation and thanks for his assiduity, skilful treatment and tender attention to the departed whilst under his professional care.

TOM and JACK became members of a Sunday-school. The teachers inquires their names, ages, &c.
“Well, my lad what is your name?” he asks one.
“Tom” promptly answers the juvenile.
“Tom” said the teacher, “that does not sound well. Remember always to speak the full name. You should have said Thom-as.
“Now my son,” turning to the other boy, “tell me what your name is?”
“Jack-ass!” replied the lad, in a tone of confident decision.
The teacher desired the lads to take their seats.

A YOUNG GENTLEMAN recently found himself in company with three young ladies, and generously divided an orange between them – “You will rob yourself,” exclaimed one of the damsels. “Not at all replied the innocent, “I have three or four more in my pocket.”


A NOVEL BULLOCK-LEADER. – On Saturday last a countryman came to town with a wagon load of charcoal, having for the leader of his bullocks, instead of a boy, a baboon. The novelty, as may be imagined, caused a good deal of excitement. The baboon was exceedingly well trained, and steered the bullocks to the right or left as was directed. When called on to stop the team, his antics, as he jumped about in front of the oxen, with his paws stretched out, were most ludicrous, and an amusing burlesque on those small specimens of humanity, the Hottentots, who are generally seen acting in the capacity which the baboon had usurped. - Standard and Mail.

Thursday, September 15, 1870.

“Advocate” Office,
Fort Beaufort,
Sept. 14, 1870.
“Norseman” arrived at one yesterday.
Prussia is victorious on the Rhine.
McMAHON’S corps has suffered two serious defeats.
Great excitement in Paris.
A cry has been raised in Paris for CHANGARNIER.
Another defeat is expected to imperil the BONAPARTE dynasty.
The Prussians are elated at their fortune.
First engagement at Saarbruck, French victorious.
At Woerth, McMAHON again defeated by the Crown Prince.
Four thousand prisoners, thirty cannons, six mitrailleuse and two eagles captured. Two generals and over two thousand men killed.
Strasbourg defended by eighteen thousand men; preparing for a siege. Hombourg garrisoned by thirty thousand men.
French Ministry urging upon nations of Europe, the necessity of checking the ambition of Prussia.
The latest telegrams state that many supporters of the French empire have left Paris, and that preparations are being made for the flight of the Empress and Prince.
Transports have been provided to take the troops from “Rome,” the evacuation commenced July 29th.
The 44th Regt. not to be sent to the Cape.

Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Mrs. EBDEN, the Misses EBDEN (three) female servant; Mr. GEARD; Mr. C. GEARD; Rev. Mr. SMITH; the Rev. A. GLYNN; Mr. ADAMS; Mrs. ADAMS, and two children; Miss ELLWOOD and nurse; Mr. TWEEN; Mr. DAVIES.

The following Telegram was issued to our town subscriber’s yesterday morning:-
“Advocate” Office, Fort Beaufort,
Sept. 13, 1870.
First encounter France was Victorious. The Prussians under the command of the Crown Prince, defeated McMAHON’S army in two battles.

Emperor’s head-quarters change to Chalons.
Another defeat expected to upset NAPOLEON.
MANY SUPPORTERS ALREADY LEFT Paris, and preparations made for flight of Empress and son.


LUCKY MAN. – A letter received in town this morning states that Mr. Edward JACKSON, of Victoria West, has 137 diamonds in his possession. – Herald.

SUCCESSFUL DIGGERS FROM PORT ELIZABETH. – From letters received by Wednesday morning’s post, we learn that a party of four sailors, who tramped up to the diggings from this town, under the leadership of an individual named Edward STIMPSIN, alias, “Shandy-gaff Ned,” has been successful in disinterring a diamond valued at £5,000. Mr. John COXEN, of this town, is said to have been also eminently successful. – The Port Elizabeth diggers, as a body, write very hopefully of their prospects, and evince no anxiety to return at present. – Ibid.

GOLD! GOLD! GOLD! – Mr. E. PARKER, who has just come down from Queenstown, reports that one of Mr. RIDGEWAY’S natives, while excavating for an underground tank, is supposed to have come upon a vein of alluvial gold, and at once went into Queenstown to inform his master of the circumstances. The report created great excitement in Queenstown, and a regular crowd pressed, it is said upon the Kafir, but his master, being absent, he refused to show where he found it until Mr. RIDGEWAY returned. This gentleman is in King William’s Town, but we believe returns immediately to his farm. – Watchman.
On this subject, Mr PARKER, WRITES TO THE Watchman as follows: sir, I was quite alarmed at the excitement caused in your town by the rumour of “Gold found near Queenstown,” which originated in my telling Mr. RIDGWAY of a rumour which I had heard in Queenstown as follows:-
“A native working on Mr. RIDGEWAY’S farm had found something supposed to be gold, which he refused to show or deliver up to anyone until Mr. RIDGWAY’S return.”
I had almost forgotten the matter until seeing Mr. R. here, to whom I mentioned it in a casual way. I write this fearing exaggerated reports may get about, coupled with my name. The matter is, I am sure, forgotten in Queenstown by this time.

Saturday, September 17, 1870.

Three one-eyed men have left Cape Town in company for the diamond fields.

CAPE BRANDY is now realising from £28 to £30 per leaguer on the Cape Town market. One firm is demanding as much as £38 per leaguer.

Hartwich Johs. LOUW, of Aliwal North.

In the Estate of the late George VALENTINE, of Fort Beaufort.
ALL persons claiming to be Creditors are required to file their claims with the first undersigned, at his Store in Fort Beaufort, with SIX WEEKS from this date; and those indebted, to pay their debts within the same period.
Wm. ESTMENT, Exors. Testamentary.
Wm. CARTWRIGHT, Exors. Testamentary.
Fort Beaufort,
Sept. 16, 1870.

A great law suit is being tried before the digger’s committee, in which Mr. MYERS is the plaintiff. It appears that a certain diamond of 26½ carats, an old stager, which has been seen on the Parade at Capetown, where, it is said, 40 was offered for and refused, has again made its appearance at the diggings, and having ben refound, was sold to Mr. MYERS for a large sum. Report says £600, the seller stating that it had been found on the same day. Mr. MYERS finding that he, as well as the diamond had been sold, brought the case before the committee, with what results still remains to be seen. In spite of the enormous finds, hundreds of diggers are despairing of success, and wish themselves safe at home.

Thursday, September 22, 1870.


Mr. R. ROBINSON, Esq., Chief Inspector of Roads, and Dr. W.G. ATHERSTONE, passed through here last Monday. They had several diamonds with them.

PARLIAMENTARY. – J.R. ROSS Esq., has been elected a member of the Assembly for the division of Namaqualand in the place of W. FOSTER, Esq., resigned.

32nd FOOT. – Lieut. W.D.F. CHCORANE to be Adjutant, vice Lieut. J.J. GLASSCOTT who has resigned.

Saturday, September 24, 1870.

A gentleman from this town in a private letter to a friend here, says that fever and rheumatism are prevalent at the Diamond Fields; and when the hot weather sets in it is expected that numbers will be laid up with these diseases.

DIAMOND FINDS. – We have this week but little of any consequence to report in the above line. A Dutch boer has recently unearthed, close to the private tent of Mr. C. HOLLOWAY, a large diamond, weighing 77 or 79 carats, but of very inferior quality. A rush was at once made to the spot, and very soon about one hundred persons had taken claims in that locality, not far from the original kopje. Many of these have been fortunate, most of them finding small diamonds. The party of Mr. S.W. GREEN, late of this town, have been successful, their last find being a 7¼ carat diamond of first water, worth on the Fields over £200. Mr. W. MILLER, the wagonmaker of this town, has once more it is said, turned out a diamond of 20 odd carats.

A correspondent writes, under date Fauresmith, 13th inst: - “I suppose you have heard of the beautiful diamond weighing 21½ carats, dug out by Mr. van BUUREN, who is working Mr. Gert VISSER’S claim. It is a beautiful stone of the first water, and was valued by the committee at £1,000. Two small diamonds were found yesterday.


At the Plymouth Church picnic Mr. BEECHER was tried for Romanticism, found guilty, and sentenced to kiss six ladies who composed the jury.

A Michigan man recently separated from his wife and advertised for another one. His letter was answered, a meeting arranged, and behold, it was his wife. They made it up, and went together.


THEFT. – The night before last Mr. NEL of the Koonap, had stolen from his place, 13 head of cattle. This is but one of several thefts committed in the same neighbourhood.

MR. ATTORNEY BLAKEWAY has been appointed Deputy Sheriff of the division of Uitenhage.

SACRILEGE. – The “poor box” was stolen from St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, recently and its contents abstracted.

Mr. Thomas GYFFORD, one of the Settlers of 1820, who resided at Somerset East, was found dead in his house last week. He had reached the advanced aged of 83 years.

Mr. GOUS passed through this place on Thursday with the RICKETT’S diamonds in his possession. It is 26 carats, and said by good judges to be a valuable stone, but it did not look particularly fine to the uninitiated. It is said £2,000, have been given for it. Mr. GOUS had several smaller diamonds also with him. Mr. BABE who arrived with Mr. GOUS, favoured us with a sight of fifty diamonds weighing from half a carat to five carats in size. Some of them were exceedingly pretty.

Our new Governor, Sir Henry BARKLY, will leave England for the Cape on the 25th November.

There is a rumour in legal circles that Sir Sydney Smith BELL intends to retire at the end of the year, and that the Hon. Mr. GRIFFITH will succeed him on the bench as Chief Justice.

Thursday, September 29, 1870.

A LONDON CORRESPONDENT, writing on July 25, says: - “The news about your diamonds has quite upset the people here. A great stream of emigration will be directed to the banks of the Vaal ere long.

Tuesday, Sept. 27, 1870
“Natal” arrived this morning from Natal.
“Bismarck” detained in Natal for safety, Captain and crew on board of “Natal.”

Diamond fever has attacked officials in Natal. Several have started for the Fields, having obtained leave.

News of war between France and Prussia caused great regret. Sympathy of Natal with France.

Durban Gold Prospecting Co. struck a reef with is valued at £9,000.

“Northam” arrived yesterday at 1 p.m.
Passengers for Algoa Bay:
Dr. and Mrs. DALZELL, Mrs. JAMES and 1 child, Mrs. Joseph GATES, Mr. LUSCOMBE, and Sergt. TURNBULL.


THE HON. D.G. van BREDA, M.L.C., our readers will regret to learn is dangerously ill at his residence in the Gardens.

Mr. KAY, the well-known farrier of Graham’s Town, was seriously assaulted and stabbed, on Tuesday evening, by a Dutchman named Van NIEKERK.

The rush to the diggings. – A correspondent of the Argus writing from Karoopoort on the 14th instant, says:-
“It may be interesting to your readers to know how many persons have passed here on their way to the diamond-fields since the rage commenced. From the 9th August last, 670 mean have passed to date; 152 on foot, and the remainder in 98 carts and 33 wagons, besides those who may have passed in the night, if any.”

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