Grahamstown Journal 1881 - 3 - July to September
Friday 1 July 1881
MARRIED on the 29th June at Christ Church by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev Mr. Norton, Arthur Gellibrand, third son of the Right Hon. J.G. HUBBARD MP, London, to Amy D’Esterre, third daughter of C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, Civil Commissioner of Albany.
On Wednesday last Mr. HUBBARD, third son of the Right Hon. Mr. HUBBARD MP, London, and grandson of the late Lord NAPIER of Merchistoun, was married to Miss HUNTLEY, daughter of C.H. HUNTLEY Esq, Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate for the Division of Albany. The ceremony was performed at Christ Church, Oatlands, by the Lord Bishop of Grahamstown, assisted by the Rev. Mr. NORTON. Notwithstanding the early hour of 9am, a large number of persons were assembled from all parts of the city. The service was partly choral, two hymns, Nos. 242 and 250, were sung. The bride’s dress was of plain and broche satin, and of the bridesmaids, seven in number, three were in cream cashmere and ruby velvet, and four in pink cashmere and velvet. At the conclusion of the service the wedding march was played by Herr EBERLEIN, and the party adjourned to Government House, where a recherché breakfast was prepared for a large number of guests. The wedding presents were numerous and handsome. The health of the bride and bridegroom was proposed by Bishop MERRIMAN, and the absent parents of the bridegroom by Mr. HUNTLEY. The bridegroom was attended by Mr. [MANGEAM] and the bridesmaids were: Miss HUNTLEY, Miss MERRIMAN, Miss GORDON, Miss MERCIER, Miss BLAKEWAY, Miss PHILPOTT and Miss NESBITT. The bride and bridegroom started for Coerney by the noon train, and after a short return visit will leave for England by the Drummond Castle on the 22nd inst.
Saturday 2 July 1881
TROWER, Mrs. R., a son, at Grahamstown, June 17.
SUTTON, Mrs. W., a daughter, at Clarkebury, June 21.
WICKS, Mrs. J.R., a son, at Kingwilliamstown, June 21.
DIFFORD, Mrs. A., a daughter, at East London, June 13.
MALTMAN, Mrs. W., a daughter, at Graaff-Reinet, June 23.
FORSTER, Mrs. J.D., a son, at Kimberley, June 18.
Vivian ARNOLD of East London to Miss S. MOORCROFT of Stormberg, at Queenstown, June 21.
Henry STORMS to Miss E. TEHRING of Bloemfontein, at Kimberley, June 16.
William A. WINKLER to Miss E.A. KEARNS, at Kimberley, June [15]
TITTERTON, Fanny, youngest daughter of Isaiah TITTERTON of Port Elizabeth, June 17.
KLEIN, C., aged 39, at Amalinda, June 23.
McDONALD. Mrs. M., at Tsojana, March 25.
WILTER, J.P., of Capetown, at Kimberley, June 18.
LIDDELL, Mrs. E., aged 61, at Bethel O.F.S, June 14.
RIDDELL, A., aged 23, of Glasgow, at Kraalfontein O.F.S., June 7.
WARNER, T.G., aged 26, at Burghersdorp, June 6.
RAMPF, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. RAMPF, at Tarkastad, June 20.
HODSON, Lisa Jane, aged 2, at Port Elizabeth, June 26.
PHILIPS, Edward T., aged 11, of Bontebok Flats, at Kingwilliamstown, June 17.
KING, Melville A., infant son of Mr. and Mrs. KING, of Bontebok Flats, at Kingwilliamstown, June 17.
ELSE, Maud E. and Alice, the only children of Mr. and Mrs. J. ELSE, at Kimberley, June 9.
Monday 4 July 1881
BIRTH on the 3rd inst at West Hill, Mrs. Robert MUNDY of a son.
Tuesday 5 July 1881
This morning Mr. ANDREWS, of the Customs Department, Port Elizabeth, was married to Miss E. HOOLE, the youngest daughter of the late James C. HOOLE Esq of this city. The ceremony was performed in St.Bartholomew’s Church by the Rev Canon ESPLIN, when a large number of guests were present. The bride looked lovely in a rich dress of moire-antique, trimmed with white satin, and festooned with orange blossoms. The bridesmaids were five in number, viz: Miss WOOD, Miss F. WOOD, Miss K. WOOD, Miss B. HOOLE and Miss J. WOOD, while the bridegroom was attended by Mr. T. HOOLE. Geo. WOOD Jun Esq gave the bride away, and after the ceremony the bridal party and a large number of guests adjourned to his house, where they sat down to a breakfast prepared by Messrs. GOWLE & BOWLES. The newly married pair left by the 12 o’clock train for Uitenhage.
Wednesday 6 July 1881
MARRIED at Maraisburg on 29th June 1881 by the Rev J.G. Krige, W. Rabbeth TAYLOR, youngest son of the late Rev. R.R. TAYLOR, to Elizabeth Ann, eldest daughter of Mr. R.J. MANCE of Maraisburg.
DIED at Zwartwater Poort on the 19th June 1881, Archibald James Mitford, second son of J. Wilmot and Mary A. BOWKER, aged 3 years and 4 months.
DIED at the residence of his parents, Milness Farm, District of Bedford, on June 28th, the beloved son of Charles and Penelope PEARSON, aged 24 years and 11 months. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
MARRIED on the 5th inst at Grahamstown, by the Rev Canon Esplin MA, James Henry ANDREWS of Her Majesty’s Customs, Port Elizabeth, to Elizabeth, second daughter of the late J.C.HOOLE of this City.
The mournful intelligence was received in town yesterday that this esteemed magistrate had died at Leribe of inflammation of the lungs after only four days’ illness. It is painful to think that after the gallant defence of his post all through the war, Major BELL should now, when peace and better times seem to be in prospect, have succumbed to the sudden attack of disease. We offer our heartfelt sympathies to the relatives of the deceased both in this town and elsewhere. The sad information was communicated by Col. GRIFFITHS to the Civil Commissioner, Mr. HUNTLEY.
On Sunday morning a melancholy and fatal accident occurred at Uitenhage to a young man named CLEMENTS, by the accidental firing of a gun by a companion. It appears, says the Herald, that CLEMENTS, with two companions, went out with the object of shooting game, when, on arriving at the Flats, the one who carried the gun by some means caught the trigger and immediately discharged the contents into the back of CLEMENTS. Dr. VANNS was immediately in attendance, and rendered all the aid he could, but the shot was fatal, and the poor fellow expired about three hours after the occurrence. Deceased was a comparative stranger in the colony, having only arrived from England some three weeks ago, leaving there a wife and three children, He was employed in the workshops of Uitenhage as a carpenter.
The Mercury has the following: The news of the death of Jerry BENNING cast quite a gloom over Kingwilliamstown on Saturday morning, for a more popular Kaffrarian was not known. As a companion, a cricketer, or a football-player, Jerry BENNING was always “Hail fellow, well met!”. Friday night was unusually dark, and Mr. BENNING had occasion to cross Fleet Ditch. He made for one of the footbridges that cross the gully, which gully was fenced in, all but about one yard on one side of this bridge. It is supposed, as he was perfectly familiar with every part of the town that he walked through this gap in the fence, sure that he was making for the bridge, and then fell into the ravine, a depth of some twelve feet, striking his head against a stone, which caused instant death. The extraordinarily large funeral on Sunday showed how many friends Mr. BENNING had, and we need hardly add that sympathy for the bereaved is both intense and widespread.
Friday 8 July 1881
We are sorry to hear that diphtheria has been very prevalent of late in the Victoria West district. The complaint, remarks a local contemporary, has bereft many a family of their loving offspring. Mr. Jan HUMAN, of Murraydale, lost within a month five children from 4 to 15 years of age through this dire disease. Mr. Jan LOOTS also lost five children, and in several other families one or more children have died from it.
Monday 11 July 1881
DIED at 29 Orsett Terrace, Hyde Park, London on the 2nd July, Frances Margaret MAYNARD (wife of Mr. C.H. MAYNARD) in her 42nd year.
Tuesday 12 July 1881
In the Insolvent Estate of Charles LEAR, Trader, Alice
All Persons claiming to be Creditors in the above Estate are requested to take notice that the Undersigned have been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Joint Trustees in the said Estate, and that the Master has appointed the Third Meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, at his office, on Wednesday 20th July 1881 at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the Proof of Debts, for receiving the Trustees Report, and for the purpose of giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate; and all Persons indebted to the said Estate are required to pay the same to the Undersigned forthwith, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Joint Trustees
MARRIED on the 7th instant at Sidbury by the Rev G.W. Wood, Ambrose George DANIELL to Caroline Glover BERRINGTON
DIED at Kimberley on 9th July 1881, Annie, the beloved wife of Mr. W. VICARY, and second daughter of the late Mr. J.E. THACKWRAY of Cradock. Friends at a distance kindly accept this notice.
DIED at Grahamstown at the residence of Mr. Henry WOOD, on the 12th July 1881, Charles J.C. IMPEY, aged 29 years, third son of the Rev. W. IMPEY.
The Funeral will move from Mr. H. WOOD’s house tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at half past 8 o’clock.
A very serious accident occurred on the morning of Monday last at Seacow River, near Colesberg, to Mr. W. HEATHCOTE of Brakhoek. It appears, says the Colesberg Advertiser, that Mr. HEATHCOTE had repaired to the banks of the river for the purpose of taking fish by means of dynamite, and having prepared a charge and ignited the fuse, walking towards the river’s brink, and with the arm extended, was in the act of throwing the charge into the water when it exploded, carrying the right hand completely away. As soon as possible Mr. HEATHCOTE was conveyed homewards, and with great presence of mind partially checked the flow of blood from the wounded arm by clasping it tightly with the left hand, until on meeting Mr. A. ROSS, that gentleman bound it up. Medical aid was at once sent for, and in as short a time as possible Drs. REID and RIORDAN proceeded to the farm, and the wounded hand was amputated about two inches above the wrist. We are glad to hear that Mr. HEATHCOTE is progressing favourably.
The termination of the Basuto War, says the Friend’s correspondent, must ever be associated, in these parts, with the sad event which took place this morning of the death of Colonel BELL. It is so sudden that we can, as yet, hardly recognise the fact; though, alas! we know it to be too true. Colonel, better known as Major BELL, has for many years been Magistrate of the Leribe district, and has, since the commencement of hostilities, been also in command of the forces at Thlotsi Heights. Everyone has remarked how well he has stuck to his post, and how little relaxation he has allowed himself. It seems almost as though he was determined to hold out as long as the war lasted, and that he is now taking the rest he so much needed. His power of enduring pain was well-known, and he would not give in till he was fairly overpowered. Not until within twenty four hours of his death was the command of the garrison given over to Colonel FERREIRA, his next in command. The following was read out in Garrison Orders at Thlotsi Heights on July 2nd, which alone will testify to the esteem in which deceased was held by all classes of the community here, and from it will also be seen that Lieut-Colonel FERREIRA has assumed the command here. - Lieut-Colonel FERREIRA C.M.G., Commanding the Leribe District, has the painful duty of informing the officers, non-commissioned officers and men under his command of the decease of Lieut-Col. BELL, who has, from the outbreak of hostilities in Basutoland, been in military command of this district. The death of this officer causes a blank which is not easily filled; he was one of the most prominent and successful administrators in Basutoland, and during his command he has been beloved and respected by both officers and men. Lieut-Col. BELL entered the army as an Ensign in the 63rd Foot in 1843, and was nominated to a Captaincy in the C.M. Rifles in 1855; and promoted to Major in 1856. He served throughout the Kafir War 1850-1852 (medal), and was present in every engagement with Major General SOMERSET’s Division; he commanded a detachment of C.M.R. at the Kafir attack on Fort Hare and Alice 21st January 1851, when the enemy was repulsed with great loss. Appointed Magistrate of Leribe District, Basutoland, 1871, and command of Leribe District on 21st September 1880, and every confidence has been placed in this officer by the Colonial Government during the time he has been in office. His death will be lamented by the Natives as well as Europeans, and deeply regretted by all who knew him.
On Wednesday last Mr. ELKSTEEN, proprietor of an hotel at the Somerset West Strand, near Capetown, received a kick from a vicious ostrich, which caused instantaneous death.
We regret to announce the decease of Mr. Charles J.C. IMPEY, third son of the Rev. William IMPEY. He has died at the early age of 29 years, through the formation of internal abscesses, brought on by exposure and hardship whilst at the front during the late war. Universal sympathy will be felt in this city, and indeed throughout the province, in the bereavement sustained by the widow, by the parents of the deceased, and by other relatives, The funeral will proceed from Mr. Henry WOOD’s residence, Oatlands, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at half past eight o’clock.
Wednesday 13 July 1881
MARRIED on the 5th July 1881, at Hilton Church, near Whittlesea, district of Queenstown, by the Rev George Weaver, Alfred Miles, eldest son of the Hon. Thomas BROWN MLC of “Guildford”, to Cecilia Maude, third daughter of William MILLER Esq of “Newstead”.
DIED while administering the Lord’s Supper at the United Communion last evening, July 12th 1881, at the Baptist Church, Grahamstown, the Rev N.H. SMIT, the beloved pastor of the Union Church, Bathurst-street.
The Funeral of the late Rev N.H. SMIT will take place tomorrow (Thursday). Friends will meet at his residence at 8pm to proceed to his Church and thence to the Cemetery.
Last night the Rev N.H. SMIT, the venerable Baptist Pastor, and Superintendent of the Hottentot Location*, died suddenly from heart disease whilst taking part in the united communion at the Baptist Church. Mr. SMIT was speaking from the words “We would see Jesus”, and it was remarked that his language was unusually forcible, and his utterance distinct and clear. He had been speaking for about five minutes when he suddenly paused and made an almost inaudible request for a glass of water. These were the last words he uttered, for he immediately fell back into the arms of the Rev Mr. NUTTALL, who saw that something was wrong. Death was almost instantaneous, and when Dr. E. ATHERSTONE arrived soon after he pronounced life to be extinct. Dr. GREATHEAD was also sent for and attended. Mr. SMIT’s death will be a severe loss to a large section of the population of Grahamstown, by whom he was well beloved, and among whom he had laboured for many years. The deceased pastor we believe had resided and worked in Grahamstown as a schoolmaster and minister of the gospel for 40 years. To his family and many friends we tender our deep sympathy. [*see entry for 15 July]
Friday 15 July 1881
DIED at Karroo Fontein, Cradock, July 5th 1881, (at the residence of her son P.K. WRIGHT), Mrs. Benjamin SARGEANT, relic of the late John Cecil WRIGHT of Grahamstown, aged 73 years and 2 months. One of the original Settlers of 1820.
DIED at Grahamstown on Thursday 14th July 1881, after a painful illness, Andrew KING, at the age of 67 years. He was the son of a Settler of 1820 and brother of the late Richard KING of Natal. Loved and respected by all who knew him.
The funeral of this highly respected minister took place yesterday afternoon, and was attended by a great number of citizens. The procession moved from Beaufort-street to the Chapel in Bathurst-street, where the rev. gentleman had ministered for many years. In an address given by the Rev. Mr. McINTOSH, of Port Elizabeth, an eloquent tribute was paid to the character and work of the deceased pastor. Afterwards the procession made its way to the cemetery, where a large number of Mr. SMIT’s congregation were awaiting the mournful cortege. The service at the grave was read by the Rev. J. CHALMERS, a short address followed from the Rev. Mr. NUTTALL, and the Rev. J. WALTON MA offered the closing prayer. The great numbers in attendance at the funeral testified to the universal respect in which the deceased clergyman was held, while none who were present could doubt the affection entertained for him by his own people.
In our hasty account of the decease of this esteemed minister it was unfortunately stated in error that he was pastor of the Baptist Church. It should of course have been the coloured (Independent) Church. Nor was Mr. SMIT in any way connected with the superintendency of the Hottentot Location, as stated in that account. We regret these inaccuracies, caused by the brief [space] available for our reporter to prepare his notice.
Friday 22 July 1881
Mrs. Jane KUTCHER, maiden name Jane BRYANT, of Colchester, first husband’s name Thomas JARMAN, a butcher. H. KUTCHER, her second husband, was a German, and Overseer at the Convict Station, Port Alfred.
Also Wanted to Find, Thomas JARMAN, son of said Thomas JARMAN, who married a widow and resided at Diva (Driver’s?) Bush. They will hear of something to their benefit by applying to
Journal Office, Grahamstown.
Mr. J.C. STIRK has retired from the rifle competition, having been called away to Peddie, where his aged father, we regret to hear, is seriously ill. Mr. STIRK Sen. is one of the Settlers of 1820, and we trust he will recover to live many years, and to witness the completion of the Jubilee Memorial Hall.
Monday 25 July 1881
Intelligence has been received at Port Elizabeth by telegram of the death of Mr. Isaac BAUMANN. The sad event, says the Telegraph, occurred at Bloemfontein on Wednesday morning. The deceased was well known in the Bay, having resided at Port Elizabeth some years since as the representative and senior partner of the firm of BAUMANN Bros, and the news of his death was received with feelings of most profound regret by all who had known him. He was a man of sterling qualities, and of benevolent disposition. In Bloemfontein, where he had resided many years, he will be much missed.
Thursday 28 July 1881
BIRTH at West Hill Station, Grahamstown, on Monday 25th July 1881, the wife of John A. SAUNDERS of a daughter.
DIED at her residence, Kafir’s Kloof, on Tuesday the 19th July, after a long and protracted illness, Sarah Cornelia WESSELS, the beloved wife of F.H. WESSELS, aged 64 years 10 months and 24 days.
“Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”. Matt. Xi 28
The family desire to tender their sincere and heartfelt thanks to Dr. MOOLMAN and the many kind friends who assisted them in their trouble.
Friday 29 July 1881
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Friday July 29th, the wife of John Henry WOOD of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 28th July, the wife of Mr. James E. BARNES of a daughter.
DIED at Peddie on the 22nd July, Mr. Joseph STIRK JP, aged 79 years. One of the British Settlers of 1820.
Saturday 30 July 1881
Another example of the danger of the incautious use of firearms is reported from Diep River. On Friday week a lad named Edward MURPHY was playing with a loaded gun when a coloured girl named Mary MEYER, aged 12 years, entered the room. The charge accidentally exploded, and the contents of the barrel were lodged in Mary’s head, causing instantaneous death.
Monday 1 August 1881
BIRTH on the 19th inst at “Belvidere”, Knysna, the wife of Mr. A.H. DUTHIE of a daughter.
DIED on Sunday evening, July 31st, Thomas BRENNAN, in the 49th year of his age, after many years suffering. Deeply mourned by wife and sisters.
Expressions of gratitude to Father FANNING for his unremitting attention; to the Attendants at the Hospital; and to people who kindly sympathised. May his soul rest in peace.
The Funeral will leave the Albany Hospital at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
Tuesday 2 August 1881
DIED at Grahamstown on July 29 1881, at the residence of Mr. Joseph HUDSON, Alfred John BRISLIN, fifth son of John BRISLIN of Grahamstown, aged 26 years and 3 months.
The brother of the deceased tenders his sincere thanks to the kind friends who assisted him in his brother’s late illness.
The Queen has been graciously pleased to signify her intention to confer the decoration of the Victoria Cross upon Surgeon John Frederick McCREA, of the 1st Regiment of Cape Mounted Yeomanry, for his conspicuous bravery during the severely contested engagement with the Basutos on January 14 1881 at Tweefontein, near Thaba Tsen. Had it not been for his gallantry and devotion to his duty, the sufferings of the wounded would undoubtedly have been much aggravated, and greater loss of life might very probably have ensued.
The murder of the young Governess near Mossel Bay occurred more than two months back, and though an arrest was immediately made of the young farmer to whom the lady had been engaged, the preliminary examination is still dragging on. The Magistrate apparently sets apart a day in each week for the examination of a witness. On Thursday last two witnesses were examined and deposed that they met the prisoner on the night of the murder, and that when a scrutiny was made of his room a short time after the body was discovered, a pair of blood-stained trousers were found under the pillow. Gert RAUTENBACH, the prisoner, was again remanded.
THACKER, Mrs. T.J., at Kingwilliamstown, July 23, a daughter.
SHEARD, Mrs. J.W., at East London, July [23], a daughter.
LEWIN, Mrs. R., at Port Elizabeth, July 29, a son.
DREYER, Mrs. J., at Dordrecht, a son.
JONES, Mrs. J.M., at Somerset East, July 18, a daughter.
HAMILTON, Mrs. J.M., at Umtata, July 5, a son.
TARR, Mrs. N.G., at the farm Hamilton, Peddie District, July 17, a son.
TROLLIP, Mrs. C.H., at Cradock, July 5, a daughter.
CROSS, John to Miss A. BROWN, of Fort Grey, at East London, July [24].
ADKINS, B.J. to Miss M.M. CROSBIE, of East London, at Newlands, July 26.
BRISTOW, L. to Miss C.A. MARDON, late of Grahamstown, at Kingwilliamstown, July [26].
BROWN, A.M., eldest son of the Hon. T. BROWN, to Miss C.M. MILLER, of Newstead, at Hilton Church, July 5.
PEGSON, D. to Miss R. [RANDS] of Queenstown, at Kingwilliamstown, July 8.
DE VILLIERS, Stephen Henry, aged 28 years, of Aberdeen, July [15]
THACKER, Catherine, aged 4 days, at King Williamstown, July 27.
CROOK, J.W. aged [47] at Port Alfred, July [14].
FLANNERY, Margaret, aged 62, at Port Elizabeth, July 27.
JUDD, Mrs. G. […. At Clifton] July [..]
VICARY, Mrs. W., second daughter of the late Mr. J.E. THACKWRAY, at Kimberley, July 9.
Friday 5 August 1881
BIRTH at Oatlands Road, Grahamstown on the 5th inst, the wife of Mr. C.J. ROBERTS of a son.
A groom in the employ of SEARLE Bros., post-contractors, Humansdorp, was found lying dead in the veld about a mile from the post-station at Diep River on Tuesday afternoon. It appears, says the G.R. Herald, from the evidence taken by the Field Cornet, who proceeded to hold an inquest on the body, that the boy mounted a rather vicious horse to collect his post horses, and the animal shying, the rider’s left foot got entangled in the reins. From the marks on the body, and the trampled state of the grass and bush in the vicinity, it appears that the horse must have dragged him about for a considerable time, within a circle of about one hundred yards, From the appearance of the grass and shrubs in the vicinity, he must have struggled desperately, whilst in the loop of the reins. He died from concussion of the brain, and leaves a widow and five children.
Saturday 6 August 1881
In a recent issue there appeared a brief notice of the death of Joseph STIRK Esq., JP, on the 22nd July, at the age of 79 years. His death takes another name off the brief roll of surviving settlers, for Mr. STIRK was one of the band of 1820, and in his time did his share in laying the foundation of a prosperous community in the Eastern Province. Joseph STIRK was born in Headingly, Yorkshire, and came out to this colony in 1820, in the ship John, with WAINWRIGHT’s party of settlers. He occupied his allotment in Lower Albany for some time, when he removed to Grahamstown. After a [obscured] here he accompanied the SOUTHEYs to Southey’s Hoek, near Trumpeter’s Drift, where he made his home. He had not however time to settle down when the Kafir War of 1835 broke out, and himself with wife and family had to fly for their lives to Grahamstown. Many of his friends were overtaken by the Kafirs and killed. At the conclusion of the war Mr. STIRK moved to [Go….ton], in the Peddie district, where, however, he only remained for a short time, and in 1838 he moved into Peddie. Here he made his home and continued to live until the day of his death. He was there when the war of 1846 broke out, and here the great esteem in which he was deservedly held by the Kafirs stood him in good stead, for he, together with his eldest son, Mr. C.J. STIRK of this town*, were taken prisoners by the enemy. When the Kafirs found out who their prisoners were they treated them with respect and gave them a safe return to Peddie. Mr. STIRK, however, lost heavily in stock, and it took him some years to recover lost ground. He was Justice of the Peace for Peddie, and for some time a member of the Divisional Council, and always took a lively interest in public and social matters. He was always ready to help the poor and needy, and gave liberally of his means to every good cause. He was beloved in the Peddie district, and it can well be said of him that he leaves many friends behind, but not one enemy.
[* see correction notice for 9 August]
Tuesday 9 August 1881
DIED at Doorn Kloof, division of Somerset East, J.H. VAN DER VYVER Sen. at the age of 86 years 6 months and 22 days, leaving descendants in children, grandchildren and great grandchildren numbering 408 souls.
DIED at Grahamstown on the 8th day of August 1881, Jemima Croft, the dearly beloved wife of Mr. O.E. ESTMENT, in the 32nd year of her age, after a protracted and painful illness which she bore with Christian fortitude and resignation, leaving a disconsolate husband and five young children to mourn their irreparable loss.
[illegible Biblical quotation]
Mr. ESTMENT takes this opportunity to thank Mrs. [NORTH] and all the other kind friends who assisted during her protracted illness. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
In our brief memorial of the life of the late Mr. STIRK we were in error in saying that Mr. C.J. STIRK of this town was captured by the Kafirs. It was the eldest son who was thus captured, and not as we stated Mr. C.J. STIRK, who is the youngest son of the family.
Wednesday 10 August 1881
BIRTH on the 8th inst, the wife of F.H. KELLY of a son.
Last Saturday evening it was discovered that on the last journey from the Market-square to the North-end of the tramcar in Port Elizabeth that the conductor Richard SWATTS, a German, had absconded with the proceeds of the day’s receipts, amounting from £10 to £12. Saturday being a holiday, the traffic in the trams was pretty brisk, and it is believed the conductor availed himself of such an opportunity of running off with a considerable sum of money. The matter is in the hands of the police.
Monday 15 August 1881
BIRTH on Sunday August 14th, the wife of Rev. C. PETTMAN of a son (still born)
Thursday 18 August 1881
MARRIED by Special Licence on Thursday 18th August 1881, at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, Edward Henry WESTCOTT to Sarah Jane RANDALL, of Fort Peddie District.
DIED at Grahamstown (suddenly) on Tuesday August 16th 1881, Kezia Elizabeth, eldest daughter of J.S. and M.E. WILLCOX, aged 16 years and 7 months.
“Safe in the arms of Jesus”
DIED at Grahamstown, August 17 1881, James O’TOOLE, aged 64 years 4 months and [21] days.
Friends are invited to attend the Funeral, which will move from his late residence at West Hill tomorrow afternoon at 3:30pm.
Friday 19 August 1881
DIED yesterday at Grahamstown in her 77th year, Mrs. Ann HAW, relict of the late Mr. S. HAW.
Monday 22 August 1881
We (Cradock Register) regret to learn that an accident of a very serious nature occurred to a little daughter of Dr. LEA’s on Tuesday last. It appears that through some sudden movement of the horses she was thrown out of a cart, and her head came in contact with some timber, causing such severe injuries that it is doubtful she will survive.
It has been determined (says the Dispatch) that a fund shall be raised and presented to Mrs. WYCHE, to give those wishing to do so an opportunity of showing their regard for the late Rev. Cecil WYCHE, who was recently drowned in the Chalumna River whilst in discharge of his duties as rector of this parish, and also of testifying to their appreciation of the valuable service of Mr. and Mrs. WYCHE during the few years they have resided here.
Friday 26 August 1881
MARRIED on the 22nd inst by Special Licence, at St.Paul’s Church, Port Alfred, by the Rev Douglas Dodd, Augustus William Hillary Rich’d PRESTON, only son of Augustus W.H. Rich’d PRESTON, District Surgeon, to Florence May, third daughter of William CANNELL, Port Alfred.
On Monday morning last Port Alfred witnessed the marriage of Mr. A.W.H.R. PRESTON, only son of Dr. PRESTON, District Surgeon, to Florence May, third daughter (says the Budget) of our respected and highly esteemed townsman, W. CANNELL Esq. The ceremony took place in St.Paul’s Church, at an early hour in the morning, the Rev. D. DODD conducting the marriage service, which was witnessed by a large number of friends. Little girls lined the walk from the gate to the church door, and strewed flowers as the bride passed into church.
Saturday 27 August 1881
A correspondent of a Western paper writes:
Britstown, August 13. A sad accident happened here on a farm about four miles from the village. A young girl, about 15 years of age, daughter of Mr. [Ja.s] KRUGER, of Donkerhoek, whilst dressing her hair at a window in her dressing room, received a shot in her side from a gun which was standing in the same room, loaded with small shot. Her little brother, a child of about five years, in playing with the gun allowed it to drop on the ground, when it went off, and the unfortunate child received the whole charge into her body below the right breast. At a post mortem examination it was found that some of the shot penetrated through the lungs and others through the liver. Strange to say, the poor child lived for seventeen hours after the accident happened. Dr. SMART, who was immediately called in, did all that was in his power to do, but soon found that all human aid was in vain. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon. The parents of the deceased are inconsolable.
The Argus regrets to record another fatal accident on the Western line. On Sunday morning the inhabitants living in the vicinity of Tulbagh were shocked by the intelligence that Thomas ABRAHAMS had been killed by No. [?] down train. [rest of report almost impossible to read due to worn away type face]
Wednesday 31 August 1881
DIED at Capetown on Friday 26th August 1881, Livett Connor FRANK, aged 45, deeply regretted.
DIED at Griffen Street, Port Elizabeth on 27th August 1881, William POWELL, native of Pontypool, Monmouthshire, aged [50] years, deeply regretted.
DIED at Cradock on August 27th, our sweet and only daughter Marianne Selina Mary DE BEER (Queenie), of croup, aged 3 years 8 months and 12 days, deeply regretted.
She never will be weary, nor yet shed a tear,
Nor ever know a sorrow, nor ever feel a fear,
But blessed, pure and holy she’ll dwell in Jesus’ sight,
And with ten thousand angels praise Him both day and night.
*A few hours before her death she said “I’m very tired”.
Poor old RICKARDS, the British Settler of 1820 for whom we (Cape Mercury) solicited aid the other day, died at Maclean on Saturday last, aged 83. The appeal we made was tolerably well responded to by men who had no connection with the British Settlers, but we are sorry to say that the descendants of the pioneer colonists ignored the affair, though we took special pains that the paragraph should be seen by the 1820 families. A Jew was the largest donor, and he was not asked to contribute. RICKARDS requires no help now, but we believe that he leaves a helpless old wife.
Friday 2 September 1881
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 31st inst, the wife of Mr. Joseph LAWRENCE of a son.
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 31st August, Mrs. W. WENTWORTH, of Collingham, of a daughter.
Monday 5 September 1881
BIRTH at Grahamstown on Monday September 5th 1881, the wife of Mr. M. ANDREWS of a son.
DIED at Craggie Burn, near East London, on Friday 2nd September 1881, Eliza, beloved wife of Thomas KEEN, aged 57 years. Deeply regretted by a large circle of relatives and friends.
Thursday 8 September 1881
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st September 1881, the wife of Mr. D.G. BRENNAN of a daughter.
MARRIED at Trinity Church, Grahamstown, on the 30th August by the Rev J.A. Chalmers, Henry Edward James LUSTED No.51 Clapham Park Crescent, Surrey, England, to Margaret Jane, youngest daughter of G. MAGUIRE of this city.
English papers please copy.
(O.F.S. Friend)
On Monday week the sad tidings reached Bloemfontein of the death of the Landdrost of Bloemfontein, for in the evening of that day the President received a cable message, dated Coblenz, informing him of the melancholy fact. On Tuesday morning, upon the news being made known, flags were half-masted at the Fort, The Government Office, the post-office and at several private residences, and the bell at the Government Office was tolled.
Mr. TRUTER was born in Capetown in the year 1829 and was the second son of the late Oloff Johannes TRUTER, who was for many tears Consol for the Kingdom of the Netherlands. He was a grandson of Sir John TRUTER, who [was] Chief Justice in the early days of the British settlement at the Cape. In 1851, during the gold fever, Mr. TRUTER left with a party of young men from Capetown for Australia, and worked for some considerable length of time in the diggings at Ballarat. There he married his wife. A few years after he visited the Dutch possessions in Java, but finally returned to his native land. In 1864 he first came to this State, and soon after obtained the Landdrostship of Constadt [sic], rendered vacant by the resignation of the late Mr. L.J. PAPENFUS, who was afterwards appointed State Attorney. Mr. TRUTER ruled this district, which was in those days people with burghers very much like those of the Transvaal men who could not brook authority with much success and when a Commission had to be appointed for the Diamond Fields, at Patel and the River Diggings, in 1870, everyone looked to Mr. TRUTER as the only man at the disposal of our Government who could govern the diggers and keep the native population at the mines in their place. History now testifies that the voice of the people was right for Mr. TRUTER’s administration at the Diamond Fields is spoken of at Dutoitspan and Kimberley to this day as being exceedingly good. In October 1871, when the British Government annexed the Fields, Mr. TRUTER protested and withdrew. He returned to Cronstadt as Landdrost for some time, and was appointed Landdrost of Bloemfontein in 1872, on the death of the late Mr. F. McCABE. Mr. TRUTER was conscientious in the discharge of his duties as a magistrate, was exceedingly hospitable and generous, and kept up the high position in which he was placed with much dignity. Although at times [impetuous] he was good at heart, and his many friends all over South Africa are now mourning one who was true to them. Mr. TRUTER was a Freemason of many years standing, and was a Paymaster of the Lodge here, which he presided over for three or four years. To the bereaved widow and family we beg to tender our heartfelt condolence in their affliction.
Friday 9 September 1881
Notice is hereby given that the partnership hitherto existing between the undersigned, trading under the Firm of SUCKOW & CAPPER, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due to the late Firm must be settled forthwith with the first undersigned.
Grahamstown, Sept 6th 1881.
The Watchman says Kingwilliamstown was terribly shocked yesterday afternoon when it became known that a fatal accident had occurred in the Railway Yard by which the life of Mr. William DREDGE had been sacrificed. The engine and tender for the [3:30 pm] train was on its backward way from the engine shed when the deceased, who was standing close to the metals, was observed to pitch forward sent falling in a fit, and before the locomotive could be stopped the body of the unfortunate gentleman had been pushed nearly forty yards along the roadway and had become crushed almost severed just above the hips by the hind wheels of the tender. The body of the unfortunate gentleman was frightfully mutilated. No blame whatever attaches to the driver of the engine, or to any of the other railway servants at work at the time of the catastrophe. Cold and insufficient as human sympathy must seem under such an overwhelming affliction as this, yet we venture respectfully on our own behalf and on that of the community at large to offer it to the bereaved.
Saturday 10 September 1881
The Undersigned, by mutual consent, have this day dissolved the Co-Partnership heretofore carried on by them in Grahamstown under the Style of JACKSON, BARNSLEY & Co. All Debts due by their late Firm will be paid and adjusted by the first undersigned, Thomas Carr JACKSON, to whom all Debts and Claims due to the late Firm must be paid. The Business will in future be carried on by the first undersigned.
Grahamstown, 9th Sept 1881.
Wednesday 14 September 1881
DIED at Grahamstown on Saturday September 10 1881, Elizabeth, the relict of the late Matthew SWAN, aged 82 years and 5 months.
Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
Friday 16 September 1881
MARRIED at Port Alfred by Special Licence, on the 12th inst, Edward Peregrine TOWNLEY, late Captain [69]th Regt, and youngest son of the late Jonathan TOWNLEY Esq, Chandos Lodge, Eye, Suffolk, England, to Mary Ann Smith, eldest daughter of Mr. R. BRETTON, Somerset East, South Africa.
DIED at King Williamstown on the 6th September 1881, William DREDGE, aged 54 years.
On Saturday, reports the Argus, Messrs. STEELE & WATTS, of the Union Steamship Company, proceeded to a place called Witte Sands, about 15 miles from Simon’s Bay, for the purpose of viewing a body which they were informed was washed up there, supposed to be that of Capt. MANNING, the ill-fated commander of the Teuton. The features were not recognisable, but the linen was marked “M”. The identity of the body having been ascertained, the funeral took place at the English cemetery, Simonstown, yesterday afternoon, at three o’clock. Many of the inhabitants of Simonstown followed the remains. The Rev. Canon BAKER officiated in the absence of the Rev H.M.M. WILLIAMS, who is in England. The pall bearers were Mr. T.E. FULLER, Mr. STEELE and Mr. WATTS of the Union Steamship Company, and Mr. RUNCIMAN, representative of the Company at Simon’s Bay. All the flags were half-mast high. At the place of interment, Canon BAKER delivered a very impressive and appropriate address.
Tuesday 20 September 1881
DIED at Kingwilliamstown on the 6th September 1881, William DREDGE, aged 54 years 11 months and 19 days, leaving a wife and 8 children and a large circle of friends to mourn their irreparable loss.
The family take this opportunity of thanking the public for their kindness in the time of their affliction. Friends at a distance please accept this notice.
Three weddings took place last week at Queenstown. On Tuesday afternoon (says the Free Press), Mrs. HULL, widow of the late Dr. HULL, was united to Mr. BUTTERS. The wedding was so very quiet that only a few friends were aware when it really took place. The ceremony was performed at the English Church by The Rev. Mr. VYVIAN. On Wednesday morning a very pretty wedding took place at the Wesleyan Church, when Mr. PARSONSON was united to Miss H.C. LAMPLOUGH, second daughter of our respected Wesleyan Minister, the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH. The bride was attended by her sister, Miss LAMPLOUGH, and Miss HALL, and the bridegroom by Messrs. BESTALL and MALLETT. The ceremony was performed by the bride’s father and the Rev H.H. DUGMORE, and the Wesleyan Schoolroom, where the ceremony was performed, was filled with invited friends and a large number of ladies and gentlemen. The next interesting event took place at the Congregational Church yesterday (Thursday) morning, and was certainly in many respects one of the grandest weddings that has ever taken place in Queenstown. The happy couple on this occasion were Mr. Daniel EDKINS, of the firm of EDKINS Brothers, and Miss FORDHAM, eldest daughter of Mr. FORDHAM of the “Central Hall”. The bride was attended by no less than eight young ladies who officiated as bridesmaids: among these we noticed Miss FORDHAM, Miss GODDARD and Miss CROUCH, and the bridegroom was attended by his two brothers and Mr. CROUCH. Besides these there were five little flower-girls who looked very pretty with their flower baskets. The Rev. W.B. PHILLIP very impressively read the marriage service.
Wednesday 21 September 1881
MARRIED on the 14th September 1881 in the new Wesleyan Schoolroom, Queenstown, by the Father of the Bride, assisted by the Rev. H.H. Dugmore, Joseph Marsden PARSONSON, son of the late Rev. George PARSONSON, to Charlotte Helen, second daughter of the Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH.
DIED at Bedford on the 19th inst, John McGREGOR of Glen Gregor, Division of Bedford, aged 84 years. Deceased was one of the old Pioneer Colonists and arrived in this part of South Africa three years before the [Settlers].
We have this week to record the death of Mr. John McGREGOR of Bedford, a gentleman well-known and widely respected on the frontier. He was born in the parish of Drymen, on the banks of Loch Lomond in Stirlingshire, Scotland, in the year 1797. For his native country he ever cherished a warm affection: he was always pleased to hear of the prosperity of a “brither Scot” and nothing vexed him more than to hear of a Scotchman being engaged in bad or questionable transactions. In the year 1817 he left his native country for Capetown, where he stayed for about two years. Thence he proceeded to Port Elizabeth and for twenty years he resided either in that neighbourhood or in the vicinity of Grahamstown. In the year 1840 he bought a farm in the Cowie valley in the division of Bedford: and there by honest labour he acquired a competence. By his labours, and those of his contemporaries and neighbours, that valley has become one of the most productive grain-producing districts in this part of the Colony. For some years he lived at Robert’s Kraal, near Goba, Bedford division; but almost fifteen years ago he took up his residence in the village of Bedford. There he has since resided. He always took a lively interest in the welfare of the place. As the infirmities of age manifested themselves he retired from his position in the Municipality a few years ago. In his time he took part in four wars – those of 1828, ’35, ’46, ‘’51. It was observable that he never grudged a full [word of praise] to those who had fought alongside of him. He was himself by universal testimony a keen and sturdy fighting man. The Kafirs for miles around knew him well and still tell tales of his prowess.
He died after a fortnight’s illness on the 19th September. He leaves no family, but a widow remains to mourn his loss. He will be missed by the whole community, to whom his stalwart figure was that best known of all, especially to the poor, to whom he was always liberal and kind. As a generous donor to charitable and religious objects his place will not easily be supplied.
Friday 23 September 1881
MARRIED at [Spibury] on Sept 19 1881, by the Rev. Mullins, Diana Matilda BERRINGTON to Captain William HOWARTH.
Wednesday 28 September 1881
BIRTH at Port Elizabeth on Sept 26th, the wife of the Rev T.H. WATKIN of a son.
MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral, Grahamstown, on the 21st September by the Very Rev the Dean, John Richard, third son of Mr. C. EMSLIE of [Road] Krantz to Lydia Maria, eldest surviving daughter of Mr. H.S. DENTON of Mount Pleasant, Bushman’s River.
The Funeral of the late Mrs. WHITNALL Sen will leave her late residence, Beaufort-street, tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
September 28th 1881.
The Herald regrets to hear that a child of Mr. BRENNAN, of Uitenhage, died in Port Elizabeth under rather strange circumstances on Saturday last. The little one had been eating some mealies when suddenly it showed symptoms of being choked. Mrs. BRENNAN was present at the time, and took the child in her arms, but in a very short space of time it died from the effects of choking. On Monday the remains of the child were removed to Uitenhage to be interred there.
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