Grahamstown Journal 1883 04 April
Tuesday 3 April 1883
DIED at Yellow Wood Trees on the 22nd March, after a few hours’ illness, Agnes Josephine, aged 18 months and 11 days, the beloved child of Walter and Emma PAINTER.
Mr. J.T. MORRIS’s little boy, who met with serious injuries by falling from a tree on Easter Sunday, although not yet out of danger, is, we are glad to learn, slowly improving. We make this statement because a rumour had got about that the poor little sufferer succumbed to his injuries last evening.
Wednesday 4 April 1883
A Memorial to the Fallen
(Cape Mercury)
The memorial tablet in memory of the fallen during the recent Basuto war, and which has been fixed in the Kingwilliamstown Town Hall, is of classic design; constructed of Painswick stone, the pilasters being of deep red Devonshire marble enriched and incised, and filled in with gold leaf. The carved caps are of alabaster, and the moulded […..] of Carrara veined marble. The panel is formed of a memorial brass, which bears the inscription: “How can man died better than facing fearful odds” together with the names of those who fell, which we give below.
The tablet as a whole is rich and effective, though simple and unostentatious. It is from the design of Mr. Sydney STENT, of Grahamstown, the stone and marble portion being the work of Mr. Joseph CHAPMAN of Frome, Somerset, and the brass plate from the art metal works of Messrs. SINGER & Sons of the same town. The cost complete has been somewhat under £75.
A similar tablet, but of Gothic design, has been provided for Grahamstown. The funds of the memorial are, however, we understand, insufficient by some few pounds to secure the fixing of this, a fact which, when known to subscribers, will, we make no doubt, soon result in supplementary subscriptions to the required amount.
Troop A: Troopers T.G.V. HEPTON and J. FIELDING
Troop C: Trooper W.A. RANDALL
Troop D: 2nd Lieut C.D.C. SMITH
Troop F: Sergt J.R, BLAINE
Troop I: Trooper R. BAUER
Troop F: Sergt. C. ROSS
Thursday 5 April 1883
BIRTH at Doren Berg on the 26th March, the wife of Mr. D.E. TROLLIP of a daughter.
DIED on the 30th March at [….] near Middelburg, Wilfred, only son of Mr. and Mrs. F.R. SOUTHEY
MARRIED in St.Bartholomew’s Church, Grahamstown, on Thursday the 5th instant, by the Rev. W. Turpin, Thomas Woodford GILBERT, Attorney-at-Law, of Kimberley, to Lydia Winnifred, second daughter of J.G. WOOD Esq M.L.A., of Grahamstown.
This morning at St.Bartholomew’s Church there was a large and fashionable assemblage to witness the marriage of Miss Winnie WOOD, second daughter of Joseph G. WOOD Esq, M.L.A., and T.C. GILBERT Esq, son of the late ? GILBERT Esq, and now of Kimberley, where he is known as a rising solicitor. The ceremony was conducted at 9 o’clock by the Rev. W. Turpin, and, as stated above, the church was crowded, guests arriving in carriages from all parts of the town. As the bridal procession advanced up the aisle between the spectators, it was admitted by the ladies, who are the best judges in these affairs, to be one of the most beautiful spectacles of the kind ever seen in Grahamstown. The bride wore a most superb dress of ivory poult de soie. The style was of the latest. A deep-pointed basque was thickly edged with pearls; a skirt composed of alternate flounces of the silk and ruchings of tulle and pearls, and a very long square train, extending from the waist, fully puffed from the centre, and edged with rows of boxed plaitings and ruchings of tulle, garnished with pearls. It was supported by Masters WOOD and CROZIER, the brother and cousin of the bride, who looked most effective as pages in their suits of black velvet and white satin. The bride also wore a veil, and a very handsome wreath of orange blossoms and myrtle. The bridesmaids were Miss WOOD and the Misses Lucy, Lilian and Beatrice WOOD, sisters of the bride, Miss DRAKE, Miss May COLE and the Misses SMITH. They wore charming dresses of Surah silk, two in salmon, two in eau de ville, two in ecru and two in ciel. The two Misses SMITH had very pretty Granny bonnets, and the remainder had cream lace Spanish turbans. We understand that the bride’s dress, and the salmon dresses worn by Miss WOOD and Miss Lucy WOOD, were made in the West End, London, by Messrs. MUIRHEAD & GOWIE’s dressmakers. The bride was given away by her father. The wedding march was played by Mr. WINNEY. As the number of guests invited was so large the customary wedding breakfast was waived in favour of a ball this evening to be given in the Assembly Rooms, which have been tastefully decorated by the fair bride herself, assisted by the bridegroom and many of his friends. A large number of guests notwithstanding adjourned to Mr. Joseph WOOD’s residence, where they wished every prosperity to the bride and bridegroom, who left by the noon train.
Monday 9 April 1883
DIED at Oatlands Park House, Grahamstown, on the evening of the 8th inst, Alexander GOWIE, formerly of New Deer, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, aged 66 years.
The Funeral of the late Alexander GOWIE will move from Oatlands park House tomorrow (Tuesday) afternoon at 3 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker
We are grieved to hear of the death of an old resident, Mr. Alexander GOWIE, who has lived in Grahamstown a quiet but useful life ever since the year 1860, when he came to the Colony from Aberdeenshire. A year ago he was seized with paralysis, which gradually in spite of every medical assistance has grown worse, until for the past six months he has been obliged to take to his bed, suffering all the time from acute pains in the head. He died yesterday evening at his son’s residence in Oatlands, having for four days previously not tasted a particle of food.
Tuesday 10 April 1883
DIED at Grahamstown on Monday 9th April 1883, John BLACKWELL, in the 64th year of his age.
The family of the deceased tender their heartfelt thanks to the Rev. Father FANNING, Drs. ATHERSTONE and PEMBERTON, and the many friends for their unremitting attention during their sad bereavement.
The Funeral of the late John BLACKWELL will move from his residence, Fort England Road, tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at 8 o’clock. Friends are respectfully invited to attend.
A.WILL, Undertaker
Wednesday 11 April 1883
The Mercury says: The town was startled this (Monday) morning by the report of the death of Mr. A.J. RANDELL, the coach builder, which took place suddenly last night at Blaney. Mr. RANDELL resided many years in this town, and was famous for his enterprise, and for the quality of his work. He was also known for a long time as an active politician, and exercised very considerable influence in Parliamentary and other elections. Failing health, however, compelled him to retire from all public effort, and for some time he has resided at Blaney, where at first he seemed to grow strong again: and indeed on Saturday afternoon, when returning from business, he appeared well enough to those who rode in the train with him. He was seized suddenly last night, we understand, and expired in a few moments. It is hardly necessary to say that widespread sympathy exists for the family who have thus been bereaved.
Thursday 12 April 1883
MARRIED by Special Licence at the Congregational Church, Port Elizabeth, on 12th April 1883, by the Rev. J.C. Macintosh, George A. LEGGE M.A., M.D., C.M., of Somerset East, to Jeanie Mackay FERGUSON, of Aberdeen, Scotland, daughter of the late Rev. Fergus FERGUSON.
On Tuesday morning early the body of a man was found in the Braaken’s River, he having been drowned. The deceased, says the Herald, was Michael SULLIVAN, a mason, and the body was [obscured] in the river and brought to the [obscured] by ganger CALTON, in the employ of the Municipality. The deceased resided in the [obscured] and CALTON had the body removed to his lodgings, where during the [obscured] it was viewed by the Resident magistrate and DR. ENSOR. The deceased was last seen alive at half past eleven on Monday night when passing the Police Station, apparently suffering from the effects of strong drink. He was then carrying some liquor in a bottle.
Saturday 14 April 1883
A quarrel about some beer resulted in a dreadful murder on the railway line, near Victoria West, about a week ago. A man named WOLHUTER, lately living at Beaufort West, was receiving goods at the Triangle, about 25 miles from Victoria West, where the material train stops at present. He missed a case of beer, and went to the ganger, named WILSON, to ask about it. WILSON pushed him away from his tent and said he had nothing to do with it, upon which WOLHUTER said he would shoot him, and immediately did so, through the head. The District-Surgeon, Dr. BOGLE, examined the body and removed the bullet from the back of the head. An enquiry, held before the Magistrate, has resulted in the man being committed for trial at the next assizes. The exasperated railway men nearly lynched WOLHUTER on his way to gaol.
We are indebted to the courtesy of the Editor of the Dutoitspan Herald for the following particulars. Mr. SCHOLZ had for some time been suffering from dyspepsia, and on Friday passed a very bad night through that distressing malady. The next morning he got up about breakfast time and went into his dressing-room a few minutes afterwards. His wife and her nurse heard the report of a pistol, and immediately rushed into the room, where a shocking and extremely painful sight met their view. Lying on a bed was the lifeless body of Mr. SCHOLZ, holding the revolver in his right hand, the left being pressed over it as if to steady it; the muzzle of the weapon was thrust far into his mouth, from which blood was issuing. A doctor was called in, who pronounced his opinion that death must have been instantaneous. The course taken by the shot retraced by him was through the hard palate and the base of the skull, passing out at the summit of the head. An inquest was held at about ten o’clock the same day by Mr. J.L. TRUTER, who returned a verdict of death during temporary insanity. The funeral on Sunday morning was very largely attended, the President of the High Court, Justice BUCHANAN, and Justice LAWRENCE being amongst those who paid their last respects to the deceased.
Tuesday 17 April 1883
BIRTH at Rose Cottage, Grahamstown, April 13th, the wife of Mr. C.J. STIRK of a daughter.
The date fixed for the execution of LEPPAN has been definitely fixed for Tuesday next, the 24th. The Governor’s fiat is expected up in a few days, a warrant will be drawn out here, and then follows the just punishment of a dastardly and ferocious deed.
Wednesday 25 April 1883
MARRIED at Wesley in the Division of Peddie, by the father of the bridegroom, and assisted by the Rev. J.W. Thompson, Mr. James Wakinshaw SHAW to Miss Olivia ELLIOTT, daughter of John ELLIOTT, of Orange Grove.
Somerset East, April 24th 1883
Executions of murderers in this colony have surely not been proportionately greater than those of other colonies, although it might have been reasonably supposed that such would have been the case when it is remembered that we have both within and beyond the bounds of the colony, in the territories of heathendom adjacent to us, so vast a population of barbarous tribes, from among which it is more easy to conceive those may be found who are guilty of the most heinous sins. And it is from such, the heathen and barbarous, that the crime roll has been mainly made up, and especially the statistics of murderers; but rarely has it happened that a white man of some education, of good social standing, and of good connexion, has had to expiate for his crime on the gallows. Such a man, in the person of Wm. Oliver LEPPAN, has this day – April 24th 1883 – suffered the extreme penalty of the law at Somerset East for the murder of his wife less than two months ago. While the superior advantages and standing of the man, together with his nationality, were sufficient reasons why a thrill of horror should have passed through the minds of thousands when first it became known that he had committed murder, this feeling of horror combined with a feeling of intense anger grew to wondrous intensity when the details of the foul deed became known: and so few apparently (if any at all) have been the mitigating circumstances in connection with this awful tragedy, with the lapse of time there has hardly been an abatement of the original feeling, and hardly a faint desire with the most humane to memorialise His Excellency for a commutation of the sentence: the underlying feeling being that no substantial ground could be found on which to base a prayer for mercy, and coupled with a sense of the justice of the sentence. The culprit had from time to time been visited by members of his own family, and some others who had known, and associated with him in life, and during his career in this town. He had also been regularly visited by some of the ministers of the place, viz. the Revs. LEITH, OATES and LONGDEN, who strove to lead him to a true conception of the greatness of his guilt, and make a faithful statement of the details of the dreadful tragedy, and to trust in the infinite mercy of an All-loving Saviour. But whether the statements made respecting the details of that dark deed, and those previously leading up to it, be true, and his declaration of true repentance and trust in the Redeemer be as true, are things known fully to the Searcher of hearts. On the evening previous to the execution he was visited by the above-named ministers, and Mr. S.J. ANNEAR (who had also frequently visited him before) who conversed and prayed with the prisoner. The last morning dawned, and from 6:30 till a quarter to [8?], two of the ministers and the friend before mentioned were with the prisoner conversing and praying with him, the prisoner also praying very earnestly, and during the whole time up to the entrance of the Executioner and the officials he was remarkably calm and composed. On the entrance of the Sheriff he rose and calmly listened to the reading of the warrant. This over, the prisoner was pinioned, and before its completion he shook hands with all present. The Executioner then finished the pinioning and proceeded to lead the way to the scaffold, which he at once ascended followed by the prisoner and the Revs. LEITH and OATES, who both quoted a few appropriate passages of scripture, and then commended him to God’s mercy. They then immediately left. The culprit then said: “I only wish to say to those who are here that I am going to a better world, and I hope that all here will also prepare for eternity.” And now “Glory to God in the highest and on Earth peace and good will towards men.” The Executioner then adjusted the cap and rope, and a minute or two later the drop fell, and the spirit of Wm. Oliver LEPPAN had passed into eternity.
Friday 27 April 1883
(Cape Mercury)
The town was grieved yesterday (Tuesday) to hear that this gallant and well-known officer was dead, though the news had been expected, the medical reports for some time having been very unsatisfactory. Much sympathy is felt for those who have thus lost a beloved relative and an honoured friend.
Major BAILIE joined the Frontier Armed and Mounted Police, under Sir Walter CURRIE, in the year 1855, and was promoted sub-inspector in 1858, and inspector in 1871; doing good service in the Districts of Albany, Fort Beaufort, Queenstown, Peddie and various other parts of the colony. He commanded No. 6 troop for many years, and in testimony of their esteem for him, the non-commissioned officers and men of the troop presented him with a valuable silver service. In 1873 he marched through the Maluties to Basutoland, to assist in the interception and capture of the notorious rebel, Chief Langalabillele, and was fortunate enough to personally arrest him in Basutoland in presence of Colonel GRIFFITHS, then Governor’s agent in Basutoland. At the outbreak of the Gcaleka war in 1877 he was stationed in Tembuland and it is well known to everyone acquainted with the history of it, of what value his services were to the Government during that war. For months together he never knew what it was to have any covering but his blanket, which no doubt laid the foundations of the disease that has brought him to a premature death. (This we learn has been certified by three medical men by post mortem examination, which was held at the dying request of Major BAILIE). At this time his family was at Fort Beaufort and he never had a chance of getting out of the field to see them for sixteen months, during which time his younger children had quite forgotten him, and upon his arrival fled from him instead of running to him and embracing him, and we are told repeatedly asked when ‘that man’ was going away again. In July 1880 he marched at the head of the Right Wing of the C.M. R. under Colonel BAYLY to Basutoland, where he was again absent from his family for eighteen months, and during those trying times and exposures his health thoroughly broke down, and he consequently died after a painful illness on Tuesday morning last at the early age of 48. He leaves a widow and seven children, only one of which is yet capable of earning anything for himself or his mother and her little ones. A life like this has been sacrificed for the country. The same energy and devotion to business would have earned a fortune and it is the duty of the country to see that the family are comfortably provided for. What the colony owes cannot be estimated in money, and we trust the Government will next session follow well established precedents and provide such a pension as will allow Mrs. BAILIE to educate her family, some of whom may probably enter the civil or military service.
Saturday 28 April 1883
It is with extreme regret that we (Argus) have to announce the fatal termination of the illness under which Mr. Donald ROSS (Inspector General of Colleges and Schools) had been lying prostrate for the past month. The sad even took place at Diep River, shortly after six yesterday evening. From the time when a [case] of extreme exhaustion set in a few days ago, little hope was entertained of Mr. ROSS’s recovery, and he gradually sank to his end. Mr. ROSS was not in robust health when he reached this country, close upon twelve months ago; but he had no [reason] to suppose that he had not many years of work before him. It was, however, part of his enthusiastic nature to know of no moderation when educational work had to be done. He would not have come to this country at all, but that he rightly believed that a special work lay to his hand; and it was not long before he threw himself into the task with an ardour which is testified by the marvellous view of our education system contained in his report, which was [recently] received with praise by almost the whole of the colonial Press. There can be no doubt that the concentrated labours of this [obscured] tour of inspection and investigation cost Mr. ROSS his very life; and if this be so the colony has paid very dearly for one of the most remarkable monuments of energy and insight which any man has ever left behind him. Mr. ROSS’s report was but a preliminary sketch; his more mature proposals must be buried with him, to the [misfortune] of the entire colony. Mr. ROSS was a comparatively young man. He was the first student of his year in his University of Edinburgh, where he received the degree of Master of Arts. He was also a [obscured] Edin, a distinction which is only [obscured] to men of the highest literary achievements. He as a competent French and German scholar, and had studied the educational system of Germany on the spot. Mr. ROSS was of a most companionable nature, and made a remarkable number of friends in this country, whose grief at his death will be great, and although he had [necessarily] to assume an attitude of criticism, it is [important], now he has been taken away from us, to know that there was not a shade of personal ill-will in any of his acts. It is [inexpressibly] sad to know that he leaves a wife and infant son in a strange land under the most terrible of all bereavements. It may be noted that His Excellency the Governor heard of Mr. ROSS’s illness with much concern, sending daily to enquire as to his condition.
Monday 30 April 1883
MARRIED on the 25th April at Wesley, in the District of Peddie, by the father of the bride, Mr. Samuel Charles SHAW to Miss Mildred Amelia ELLIOTT, daughter of Thomas ELLIOTT Esq, of Freshwater Poort.
(Cape Mercury)
The Funeral of this deceased, popular and able officer was one of the largest witnessed here, and showed how widely Major BAILIE was known, and how much he was respected. The procession moved from the barracks in the following order:
Firing party C.M.R. under Capt. WARING and Lieut. STEWART
Band of the Volunteer Artillery
Band of the Volunteer Rifles, playing alternate funeral dirges.
The Body on a gun carriage, driven by Volunteer Artillery
The supporters being Capt. LEATHERLAND C.M.R., Capt. GILES C.F.A., Capt. DALGETTY C.I., Capt. BOWERS C.M.R..
Chief Mourners:
The deceased’s sons, Mr. T.H. CUMMING, Mr. C. HUNTLY
Troops in Garrison under Col. FFOLIOTT
Volunteer Rifles under Capt. A.B. HAY
Volunteer Artillery under Capt. TROUNCER
Officers of the Garrison, Heads of Departments, a large number of Civilians, representing all classes of the Community.
The body was taken to Trinity Church, and thence to the Graveyard, the service being conducted by the Rev. John GORDON; after which the usual military honours were given. A number of beautiful wreaths were placed upon the coffin before it was lowered into the grave.
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