Grahamstown Journal 1885 09 September
Monday 7 September 1885
We regret to hear of the death of Mrs. Philip POWELL of Peddie district, which sad event occurred on the farm of Mr. POWELL on Thursday last. The deceased lady was widely known in the district as well as in Grahamstown, and much respected. Her death will be lamented by a wide circle of friends.
Tuesday 8 September 1885
In the Testate Estate of the late Richard HOPKINS and his spouse Elizabeth HOPKINS
The Undersigned having been appointed Executor Dative in the above Estate requests that all Claims be filed with him at his office, Church-square, within six weeks from date, and all Accounts due to the Estate must be paid within the same period.
R.J. COGAN, Executor Dative
Grahamstown Aug 25 1885
Mr. RIVENHALL has removed from Hill-street to Beaufort-street, nearly opposite Dr. Guybon ATHERSTONE’s. Pianos tuned in town or country. Agent for Knauss’ celebrated Iron Frame Pianos.
We are sorry to hear of an accident to Mr. Dan BOWLES, who lives near Aylesbury’s half-way house to the Kowie. It appears that the buffaloes have taken a fancy of late to Mr. BOWLES’s crops and have done much damage there. Mr. BOWLES accordingly has been on the watch and the other day came within range of the game, but at the critical moment his cap snapped and, as we learn, he received a knock-down blow from a passing bull. On Sunday the herd had paid him another visit and he went on the trail again, determined to save his crops. He went out in the morning and was not found until evening, when his friends having been alarmed and gone out in search, found him lying in the veld with a deep hole bored in his side. The unfortunate man, who was in a critical condition, was taken to the house, and a messenger immediately sent into town for Dr. GREATHEAD, who left last night for the farm.
Wednesday 8 September 1885
On Thursday last Somerset presented a lively scene on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. Albert NIEKERK, grandson of Mr. John NIEKERK, to Miss Ada LE ROUX, daughter of Mr. LE ROUX of Pearson district. The wedding took place in the Dutch Church, which was crowded with guests and spectators, and on this occasion Mr. J. ROOME presided at the organ and played the “Wedding March”. It is a long time since such a young and handsome couple have been seen in Somerset. After the ceremony the happy pair were driven to the residence of her father, where there was a sumptuous breakfast provided. At two o’clock the happy couple left for Cookhouse on their way to Capetown with the best wishes of all their friends. A ball took place in the evening, and dancing was kept up till the early hours.
The account of Mr. D. BOWLES’ adventure with a buffalo, which was published yesterday, was not correct in every particular. It appears that Mr. BOWLES with two companions went out early on Monday morning, having seen the spoor of buffalo in the lands. Mr. BOWLES went into a thicket of bush where he believed the game was, while the others took up their position outside to get a running shot when the beast broke cover. Mr. BOWLES came upon the game and immediately let him have it, bringing the buffalo down. He then walked towards it, when the infuriated beast got up and charged. It appears that Mr. BOWLES has not sufficient respect for these formidable animals, and held his ground, with the result that the buffalo caught him fairly, one horn sticking against the thigh and the other entering the stomach. The buffalo was killed and Mr. BOWLES taken to his house, whence a messenger was at once despatched for Dr. GREATHEAD. The doctor went out post haste on Monday evening, and found he was just in time to prevent the protrusion of the intestines, the wound having penetrated to the inner lining of the stomach. The wound was skilfully bound up, and the patient, we are glad to learn, is out of danger. It appears that Mr. BOWLES has been on the track of buffalo before, and was tossed by a cow through his disinclination to seek cover.
Thursday 10 September 1885
We take the following from a Capetown contemporary: On Saturday afternoon an accident occurred at Stellenbosch, which was attended with fatal consequences. The Villagers’ Football Team had gone out to Stellenbosch to play against teams at that place. On the return to the station in the afternoon twelve young men got into one of the “cab-carts”; and on the way to the station some portion of the cab broke. Several of the occupants were precipitated on the hard road. Two of them – Mr. J.J. ZONDERBURG and Mr. G. McMILLAN – fell on their heads and were stunned. ZONDERBURG was at once removed to Dr. MALAN’s house, and was attended by that gentleman and by DR. SMUTS, but notwithstanding all their efforts to bring him round, he died on the following morning. McMILLAN was brought to the station; but when he arrived there it was found that he was speechless, although able to sit up. He had, therefore, also to be left behind under the care of some friends, and only recovered complete consciousness on the following morning, and is not now out of danger. The medical men will not allow him to be removed. A special train was dispatched yesterday morning for the body of Mr. ZONDERBERG, and brought it to Mowbray yesterday afternoon. It was conveyed to his mother’s residence, Bloemendaal Cottage, Mowbray, whence the funeral takes place at four this afternoon. Mr. ZONDERBERG, who was in the cashier’s office in the Railway Department, was a most popular young fellow and his death will cause much sorrow to many friends.
Monday 14 September 1885
Cape Argus September 10 1885
Frederick William HARRIS, a man about fifty years of age, who had been arrested at Kimberley on a warrant, was brought before Mr. J. [obscured] R.M. yesterday charged with bigamy, in having on or about the 13th February, at St.Philip’s Church, Port Elizabeth, gone through the ceremony with Jacoba Fredrika [BARNSFORD], his first wife being alive at the time. Mr. J.C. O’RILEY appeared to watch the case for the accused.
The first witness called was Aletta BIRT, whose affidavit was read over as follows: I live at Mowbray and am the wife of William BIRT. I know Wilhelmina PRESTWICH and was at her wedding. My husband was also present. She was married at Claremont Church to Frederick HARRIS. This was a good long time ago, about thirteen years. I was living at Claremont then. Shortly after the marriage her husband left for the Fields. About three or four months ago I saw him at my place. I saw a woman at [his] mother’s place at Claremont, where he stayed while he was [home]. I was introduced to her [by] his mother. She had three children with her. I did not ask her whether he was married to her. The woman now present, Wilhelmina PRESTWICH, was married to him in my presence and signed the register. The witness said she adhered to that statement.
Mr. O’RILEY said he had no questions to ask. The accused had married both women, but had done so in ignorance, believing that as he had been away from his wife for about fourteen years he was at perfect liberty to get married again.
Jacoba Fredericka BARNSFORD, called and sworn, deposed that she first met the prisoner about six years ago in Port Elizabeth. He was working there at the time as [a coachman]. About five months ago he went to the Diamond Fields. Witness was a widow; her husband died about eight years ago. On the 8th February last she was married to the prisoner at St.Philip’s Church by the Rev. Mr. MOFFET. Annie BIRT and Samuel BIRT were present at the marriage and signed the register.
Prisoner was then cautioned, and asked if he had anything to say. He said he had not seen his wife for going on fourteen years and thought, not having seen her in so long, he was at liberty to marry again. He was then duly committed for trial.
Mr. O’RILEY asked if the Magistrate would take bail, as there were three children by the woman he had married at Port Elizabeth who were dependent on prisoner. The Magistrate intimated that he would accept the prisoner’s recognizance in […obscured]. Both were at once forthcoming.
Wednesday 16 September 1885
MARRIED at Commemoration Chapel Sept. 16th 1885, by Rev. R. Matterson, Bertha, second daughter of Mr. T.J. COCKCROFT [sic, should be T.I. COCKCROFT] of Myrtle Grove, to Wm. Burnett, eldest son of the late Mr. Wm. STOCKS, Lansdown Terrace, Devizes, Wiltshire.
This morning at Commemoration Chapel Mr. W.B. STOCKS and Miss COCKCROFT, second daughter of Mr. T.J. COCKCROFT, were married by the Rev. Mr. MATTERSON. The wedding march was played by Mr. W. HOWSE.
Thursday 17 September 1885
The Funeral of the late Mrs. MOSWORTHY will leave the residence of her Father, Mr. William PARKINS, Oatlands Road, tomorrow (Friday) afternoon at 4 o’clock. Friends are invited to attend.
A. WILL, Undertaker.
(D.F. Advertiser Sept 14)
Weeping women and men bowed down with grief clustered round the doors of the Roman Catholic Church and priests’ residences on Saturday evening. Good cause had they for sorrow. At five o’clock the spirit of a brave and good man had passed away from earth, leaving a void in all that is noble and pure in Kimberley, which it will be hard to fill up. Andrew Francis WALSH had not only gone through the form of setting apart his life for the service of others, but up to the last had performed the vows of that high servitude to the letter. Born in County Tipperary in 1839, he evinced at an early age strong aspirations after spiritual life, and his determination to enter the priesthood was but the outcome of an inward conviction that therein lay his path of duty. His collegiate studies began at Carlow, and subsequently he passed some time at Bruges, Belgium. Having completed his training for the sacred calling, he was stationed for a period in England, chiefly at Nottingham. He allied himself with one of his religious brotherhoods of his Church, and he was dispatched to South Africa in March 1875. Several Sisters, amongst whom was the Rev. Mother now in Kimberley, accompanied him to the Cape. Father WALSH was located in various parts of South Africa. He was the first Roman Catholic minister at Pretoria. Afterwards he opened up a mission at Lyndenburg, which for a time proved a busy field for religious work, and only declined when the place fell away as a gold bearing region. He was the pioneer priest of Jagersfontein, where he laboured with great acceptance for three years. He was transferred to Kimberley about two years ago. This is a brief and imperfect sketch of the various spheres of ministerial service in which Father WALSH worked earnestly and lovingly. But it is in another field of duty that he earned name and fame. Wherever in South Africa British soldier or volunteer has been called upon during the last seven years to fight the battles of his Queen, there Father WALSH considered it was his place to be. In the Zulu War and the Transvaal War he attached himself to the British troops as chaplain and invariably contrived to gain the love and respect of the soldiers no matter what creed they professed. He was fearless in administering rebuke, and unflinching in giving caution and advice; the tenderest of nurses, the most unselfish of comrades. Often and often has he been known to break through the lines and go foraging around in the enemy’s country in quest of fruits and vegetables or other succulent herbs for the fever stricken or wounded patients with whom he felt all a brother’s sympathy. Laden with these spoils of a dangerous expedition – conducted all alone – he would return to camp, doff his coat, chop up sufficient wood for a fire and then cook the delicacies he had gathered with so solicitous a hand, serving them to the sick with a touching tenderness that proved in many a case more than half the cure. When reminded of the danger to which he had exposed himself, he would simply say “Others must not do it, but I must. I cannot see these poor men suffering without doing something for them”. In the hour of battle he presented an example of calm, cool courage almost heroic. Ever watchful that the wounded were not left to be trampled down or ruthlessly done to death, he has been known time after time to have rushed from the shelter of a laager towards some fallen soldier pierced by bullet or assegai and borne him swiftly and safely away beyond the reach of further danger. He was one of the numerous subjects of Her Majesty who in many an engagement has won the right to the Victoria Cross, if ever true valour won it; but the innate modesty of this truly brave and thoroughly unselfish man made him shrink from anything like a trumpeting of his deeds. “My Duty” was his motto, and never did priest militant or loving pastor do that duty more loyally. In the Bechuanaland Expedition, to which he was attached as Chaplain, he was simply idolised by the soldiers. No duty was too arduous, no service too menial for him when called upon amid the exigencies of camp life. In Kimberley the record of his pure and useful career will be long remembered. His faith went beyond the boundaries of his own Church, his charity recognised no creed, the poor and sick knew him only as a ministrant of good. Stricken down last Sunday – just after he had been assisting in public worship – with inflammation of the lungs, he gradually sank, notwithstanding the constant attentions of Dr. JAMESON, combined latterly with those of Dr. MATTHEWS, until as we have said he breathed his last about five o’clock on Saturday evening. Let those who mourn his departure remember, with Petrarch, that
“Death betimes is comfort, not dismay:
And who can rightly die needs no delay.”
Monday 21 September 1885
A Reuter’s telegram states that DR. KIRKWOOD died at Vryburg on the 15th. His death was caused by an overdose of hydrate of chloral, taken while in an unsound state of mind. He was buried with military honours.
DIED at his residence in Grahamstown on Sunday 20th Sept, William HUGHES, aged 37 years, deeply regretted.
Death has been busy in Grahamstown of late. It is our melancholy duty to record the death of another of our leading citizens; Mr. R. BERTRAM, who died very suddenly on Saturday night. The news of his death came like a shock to most yesterday, so unexpected it was, for he was up and about on Saturday, and transacting his business as usual. On Thursday evening he attended the banquet given to his countryman, and one time brother officer, Col. SCHERNBRUCKER, and on Friday was present at the Feather Sale. On Saturday night, as has been his wont for some time, he attended the Club to play an accustomed round of whist with an old circle of friends, and left apparently in his usual health for his residence in Oatlands. Arrived at home, he spoke to his wife, and asked her how she had enjoyed the picnic that day, and then retired, feeling, it appears, rather unwell. He had been in bed some time when he called out for Mrs. BERTRAM, and speaking in German, said he was dying. A doctor could be sent for, but it would be of no use. A messenger was immediately sent for a doctor, but the presage of death was only too true. Mr. BERTRAM repeated the Lord’s Prayer, said farewell to his wife, and was dead before the messenger returned with the doctor. The intimate friends of Mr. BERTRAM say that he had not been very well lately and had complained of bilious attacks and neuralgia. Mr. BERTRAM has been a well-known figure in Grahamstown for many years. He came out in 1857 with the German Legion, of which he was an officer. When the Legion was disbanded he entered the large mercantile firm of BIRKENRUTH & Co, as manager, and on the retirement of the head partner went into business on the same premises in Hill Street under the style of BERTRAM, WHITNALL & Co. This business was succeeded by that of BERTRAM, GAU & Co, until recently when Mr. BERTRAM retired and carried on a broker and agency business. He entered the Town Council in 1874 for the first time, and has been several times a Councillor. He was from his shrewd business capacities appointed on the Finance Committee, which he served with great activity. He married a daughter of Mr. LEE, and leaves a wife and large family to mourn his loss. Yesterday the Cathedral bell was tolled, and today the flags are half-mast high. The cause of death was heart disease.
We have also to record the death of Mr. W. HUGHES, late proprietor of Wood’s Hotel, but who recently has kept a well-established boarding-house near the railway station, where he dies yesterday. Mr. HUGHES has been in a very low state of health for some time. He was for some time a member of the Town Council.
Tuesday 22 September 1885
BIRTH – FARADAY. The wife of the Rev. John W. FARADAY of a daughter (Irene Parkington) at the Wesleyan Parsonage, Fort Beaufort, Sept. 16 1885
DIED at his residence, “Fair View”, Oatlands, Robert Louis BERTRAM, aged 58 years and 5 months.
Wednesday 23 September 1885
BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 21st inst, the wife of Mr. T. Barry VAN DER RIET of a daughter.
The Volkstem writes: A sad accident occurred here last Tuesday afternoon in Market Street, Pretoria. A little boy of Mrs. McKENZIE’s, 3 or 4 years old, seems to have got, or been put on the trap of a passing wagon. An elder brother sat with him on the trap and wanted to put him on his lap, but unfortunately the little urchin fell off and the hind wheels of the wagon passed over his head, fracturing his skull and scattering his brains in the street. Death was, of course, instantaneous. The accident seems not to have been noticed immediately. At any rate the wagon drove on and Mr. FIELDs servants, seeing the child lying in the street, carried it in to their master’s house. Dr. CROW was sent for but he could do nothing as the poor little thing was already dead.
Friday 25 September 1885
The following is from the E.L. Dispatch: The week is somewhat prolific in weddings, and we do not know what could be a better set-off for the general depression. On Monday the Rev. Henry W. DAVIS BA, of Clarkebury, Tembuland, was united at the Wesleyan Church to a bride from England, and on Tuesday the Rev. Samuel CLARKE, the highly esteemed resident Wesleyan minister, followed suit. Both events were very interesting, especially the latter, which was witnessed by a crowded company of friends and well-wishers of the rev. gentleman concerned. The path of the happy pair from the church door to the carriage was strewn with flowers, and we hope it will rove emblematic of their passage through a long and prosperous life. The Rev. R. LAMPLOUGH, Secretary to the Wesleyan Conference, was privileged to tie the knot on both these occasions. The guests were entertained by Mr. G.B. ATTWELL at his residence in Park Avenue, and the newly wedded pair left by the afternoon train en route for Queenstown, taking with them the best wishes of a large company of friends.
Monday 28 September 1885
DIED at Oatlands at the residence of her late son-in-law, Robert Louis BERTRAM, on the 28th September, Maria Louisa LEE, relict of the late Elisha LEE. Aged 68 years 8 months.
“The memory of the just is blessed”.
Wednesday 30 September 1885
MARRIED by the Rev. Brook Deedes at Nowgong, Bundelhand, East India on the 5th August 1885, Crossley SUTCLIFFE MD, Surgeon E.I.R. to Ada Worth HOOLE, youngest daughter of the late A.W. HOOLE of Grahamstown.
In our advertisement columns today will be noticed the announcement of the marriage of DR. SUTCLIFFE and Miss Ada HOOLE. This lady is the youngest daughter of the late Mr. A.W. HOOLE of Grahamstown, and has many friends in the Colony who will join with us in wishing her and her husband happiness and prosperity in their distant Indian home.
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