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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1887 08 August

Tuesday 2 August 1887

DIED at East London on Sunday 24th instant, Kenneth Munro MORRISON, aged 36, late of the Royal Hotel. Deeply regretted by all who knew him.

DIED at Bathurst on July 27th 1887, Agnes Ruth, aged 22 years, the beloved wife of John LANSDELL and eldest daughter of Levi and Rachel GRADWELL of Bathurst.

The marriage of Mr. Wm. NELSON of Beaconsfield and Miss Lucy Maud IRVING of this city was solemnised in St.George’s Cathedral yesterday morning by the Rev. Canon SMITH. The bride is the third daughter of the late Mr. Edward IRVINE [sic], one of the engineers under whose direction the Kowie Harbour Works were carried on in their early stage, and one of whose daughters was married to Mr. Charles NELSON, a brother of the bridegroom. The bride was attended by her nieces, the daughters of Mr. Advocate BROWN and Mr. Charles NELSON. Mr. Robert IRVINE acted as groomsman. The dress of the bride was of bronze plush and cashmere with cream lace front. The bonnet was of plush to match the dress, and was ornamented with cream feathers. The little bridesmaids wore dresses of brown jersey cloth trimmed with plush, and faced with cream satin, the fronts being of lace. It scarcely needs saying that the wedding group was a very pretty one. At the conclusion of the ceremony the party drove to the house of the bride’s mother, where lunch was provided, after which the happy couple left town. We wish them long life and happiness.

It was with much surprise as well as regret that the news was received here by telegram on Saturday of the death of Mr. Justice DWYER in Capetown, for though for some time past his health was known to have been indifferent, no intimation had been given of his condition being so serious. The Judge’s birthplace was in Ireland, and he was a member of the Roman Catholic Church, but the more active sphere of his life, previous to leaving the old country, was in the county of Lancashire. The first post he occupied on his arrival in the colony was on the bench of the Eastern Districts’ Court, of which he was for some years a judge, previous to his removal to the bench of the Supreme Court. He was a man who in various ways made his presence felt in Grahamstown. Beside the high professional reputation which he bore, he interested himself in many matters of local concern, and possessed a geniality of disposition which is remembered by friends far and near who met at his hospitable board. We tender our sincere sympathy to the widow and family who are thus bereaved.

Thursday 4 August 1887

The following is a list of the candidates who have passed the Civil Service law Examination:-
C.R.VAUGHAN, Namaqualand
H.M.E. ORPEN, Uitenhage
W.F. LEFFLER, Kimberley
J.H. GATELY, East London
L. NEETHLING, Worcester
F.W. ROBERTS, Capetown
H. TUCKER, Seymour
G.B. WILLIAMS, Kimberley
G.J. BOYES, Umtata
C.S. NICHOLSON, Dordrecht
W.W. THOMPSON, Capetown
A.W.H.R. PRESTON, Uitenhage

Saturday 6 August 1887

BIRTH on July 12 at Antananarivo, Madagascar, the wife of J.C. THORNE of a daughter.

Much regret was expressed in the City today at the painful news of the suicide of Mr. J. GORDON of Port Elizabeth. The deceased was much respected, and liked, not only at the Bay but by a wide circle of business friends throughout the Colony.

It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. TALBOT (relict of the late Mr. Charles TALBOT of Grahamstown) which occurred at Sidbury on Monday last, at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. Isaac SHORT. Mrs. TALBOT was a daughter of the late Mr. William MILLER, who took a prominent part in establishing the Baptist Church in the Colony. She was in her 77th year, having arrived with the British Settlers at the age of six. The funeral service, which took place at Sidbury on Wednesday afternoon, was conducted by the Revs. J. WHITESIDE, W. COTTON and G.W. CROSS, the followers numbering over a hundred. We sincerely sympathise with the bereaved family.

Yesterday afternoon, reports the Cape Times, while a workman named Christian PAULSE was employed on a building in course of construction at the corner of Plein and Mostert streets, opposite Messrs. Scott Brothers’ establishment, he slipped from the scaffolding and fell a distance of some twenty feet on to some iron pillars which had been laid outside for the purposes of the building. He was picked up, fearfully injured about the head and lower part of the spine, and was at once conveyed to the New Somerset Hospital, where he lies in a precarious condition.

The last mail brought the news of the death of the Rev. Matthew GODMAN, for nearly thirty years a Wesleyan missionary in South Africa. He passed away suddenly on Saturday evening, June 26th, at the age of 71 and in the 44th year of his ministry.

A sad case of drowning occurred on Monday night, says the E.L. Dispatch, the unfortunate victim being Mr. Peter McNEIL, a young [man] of 27 or 28, who was well known by the frequenters of the Central Hotel as the obliging barman there for a considerable period. The body was found floating in the Buffalo near the export wool shed, close to where the Dolphin is moored, early on Tuesday morning, when life had been some time extinct. Deceased had been seen at the jetty at a quarter to six on the evening before. He had unfortunately given way to drink of late, and his death is naturally associated with the fact. Some persons, however, who saw him during Monday, do not appear to have noticed anything specially remarkable about him then, though on Sunday night and early on Monday morning he had been seen wandering in a confused condition.

Tuesday 9 August 1887

FELL ASLEEP at her residence, Cradock, on 31st July 1887, Everilda, beloved wife of George Lincoln ASPINALL, and eldest daughter of N. BROWN of Hell Poort, aged 29 years and 7 days.
The family tender their sincere thanks to the friends who visited deceased during her illness, more especially to Mr. and Mrs.Edward ASPINALL.

We have to record with much regret the death of one of the oldest residents of Grahamstown, Mr. William BEADLE. After an illness of many months, he at last passed away somewhat suddenly on Sunday afternoon. The funeral, which took place this morning, was largely attended.
Again today the Cathedral bell tolled for the aged and respected widow of the late Mr. George PALMER, who died early this morning, at her residence in African-street. The deceased lady, who arrived in the Colony with the British Settlers, had lived nearly ever since in Grahamstown.
To the numerous relatives of both families we tender our sincere sympathy.

Thursday 11 August 1887

DIED at Grahamstown on Tuesday August 9th 1887, Ann, relict of George PALMER Sen., aged 72 years and 11 months, deeply regretted by a numerous family circle.

It is our sad duty to record the death of Mrs. KNOWLES, the wife of Dr. KNOWLES of this city, which occurred early this morning. The deceased lady, who was widely respected, has been for years in very feeble health. Though no immediate fear was entertained regarding her, for the greater part of three days preceding her death she has been unconscious. We tender our sincere condolence to the bereaved husband and family.

Saturday 13 August 1887

DIED this morning at her residence in Bathurst-street, Louisa Simmons KNOWLES, the beloved wife of Henry KNOWLES, aged 71 years.

MARRIED on the 11th August by special licence, at St.George’s Cathedral by the Rev. Canon Wharton B. Smith, David STEPHEN, Telegraph Dept, Capetown, to Hilda Mary, youngest daughter of T.R. PRATT Esq. of Grahamstown.

It is with much regret that we (Friend) chronicle the death of this well known and highly respected gentleman. The melancholy event took place at Smithfield, at 5 o’clock in the morning on Thursday last. The cause of death was inflammation of the lungs, which made such rapid progress that we only heard of his dangerous illness one day and of his death two days later. He was ill but a week. On Wednesday evening we received a telegram, saying that he was “slightly better, although still dangerously ill”. On Friday he was buried, everybody in the town of Smithfield following his remains to the grave. Several farmers and townsmen from Rouxville came over to be present at the last sad rites; and we are informed that there would have been a larger gathering of farmers at the grave, had they but known that the sad event had taken place. His death is a blow not only to Smithfield, where he had lived for more than a third of a century, but to the State and to South Africa generally. Mr. ORPEN was, we believe, born in Dublin in the year 1826, and was the second son of the late Rev. Dr. ORPEN of Colesberg, and came out with his brother Francis in the year 1844. In his younger days Mr. ORPEN followed the sea, and made several voyages. He was brother to Mr. F.H. ORPEN, formerly Surveyor-General of Griqualand West; to the Hon Mr. J.M. ORPEN, formerly Governor’s Agent in Basutoland; to Mr. H.M. ORPEN, Under Treasurer-General of the Cape Colony; and to Mr. A.R. ORPEN, Sub-collector of Customs at Port Elizabeth. His wife, who died about twelve years ago, was a sister to Mrs. EVERY, Mrs. HAMELBERG and Mrs. HOLMES, all of whom have been at one time or another residents of this town. He leaves behind him four children – two daughters, Mrs. WALLACE and Mrs. WOHLER; and two sons, the elder of whom is at the Gold-fields and the younger is farming in this State – with whom we condole in their bereavement. Mr. ORPEN accompanied the celebrated Gordon CUMMING into the Interior during 1848-9, and was nearly killed by a wounded leopard – the marks of the death-conflict Mr. ORPEN carried to his grave. So mangled was he by the infuriated animal that little or no hopes were entertained of his recovery, but his robust constitution helped him in the emergency. The name of Charles ORPEN, of Smithfield, is known by thousands who never looked upon his face, as a labourer in the fields of geological investigation, geographical researchers and expositions of native customs, geology and government…..He was an indefatigable worker. Although up to the time of his death engaged in an extensive business, which took up much of his time, yet he always found spare moments to carry on a correspondence upon all subjects of interest – political, social and scientific. Only those who have been in constant communication with Mr. ORPEN can fully recognise the extent and versatility of his genius.
Mr. ORPEN was a Pastmaster of the Lodge Caledonia, being for years and years the Worshipful Master of the Lodge, and, it will be remembered by many Freemasons, was present in the Lodge Rising Star when Sir Charles WARREN attended it in 1885. He was a consistent and devoted member of the Anglican Church, and was for many years past a Churchwarden of St.John the Divine, Smithfield, and represented that parish at the Synod in February last, in which he took an important part, and it will be remembered voluntarily undertook to draw up a precis of the Marriage Laws of the Orange Free State, Cape Colony, Basutoland and Bechuanaland, for the guidance of the clergy, which must have taken him a considerable time.

Thursday 18 August 1887

DIED at Spitzkop, near Highlands, on August 15th 1887, William NICOL in his 70th year.

It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mr. Wm. NICOLL in the 70th year of his age, which occurred on Monday last at Spitzkop, near Highlands, where he has for many years been farming. Mr. NICOLL was a native of Scotland, and was married to a daughter of the late Mr. A.G. BAIN F.R.G.S. of Grahamstown. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved widow and family.

Tuesday 23 August 1887

We regret to hear, says the Herald, that Mr. Samuel NATHAN of the firm of Samuel NATHAN & Co, Main-street, received a telegram yesterday morning informing him that his brother, Mr. John NATHAN, had been killed by an accident to the post-cart near Pretoria. We understand that the cart capsized, throwing Mr. John NATHAN out on his head, and inflicting such terrible injury that death must have been almost if not quite instantaneous. Mr. John NATHAN was quite a young man, and his terribly sudden death has caused a great shock to his many friends in Port Elizabeth.

Thursday 25 August 1887

DIED at Truro Villa, Grahamstown, on the 25th day of August, Edith Maude Irving, youngest daughter of Mr. Advocate and Mrs. BROWN, aged 5 years.

Tuesday 30 August 1887

It is with much regret that we have to record the death of Mrs. HUNTLY, the wife of C.H. HUNTLY Esq, late Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate of Grahamstown, which occurred this morning after an illness of several weeks, from which partial recovery had been made, followed by a sudden relapse. The deceased lady was the only daughter of the late Mr. John BAILIE, a near connection of the HOPE family, who came to this Colony at the head of a party of the British Settlers, and was the only child born after the arrival of her parents in the Colony. There were several brothers, one of whom was killed by the Kafirs in the war of 1835. We tender our sincere sympathy to the bereaved widower and family.

Typhoid fever has been raging in some parts of Stockenstrom. No less than four young children have succumbed to it during the last three weeks; and some grown up persons are still prostrated from its effects. Parents close to Balfour seemed to have suffered most.


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