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Grahamstown Journal

Grahamstown Journal 1888 09 September

Saturday 1 September 1888

We (Mercury) learn that on Thursday night last a fire broke out on the homestead of Mr. Charles BROOKES, on the Ghulu, Fort Pato, commonly known as Need’s Camp. The contents of three rooms were burnt out and, in fact, the rooms completely gutted. It is supposed to have originated in the kitchen, where a native boy was sleeping. We offer a sincere sympathy to Mr. BROOKES in the loss sustained.

Mr. HYLAND of Somerset-road dropped down in the Metropolitan Wesleyan Church, Capetown during the earlier part of the service on Sunday morning. Dr. ABERCROMBIE was called to attend, and pronounced him dead. The Resident Magistrate viewed the body, and allowed the relatives to remove it to the residence. The sad incident caused a painful feeling to those at service, which was temporarily stopped. Mr. HYLAND (the Argus says) was well advanced in years.

Monday 3 September 1888

We (Dispatch) learn that Mr. PAGE, who was recently shot accidentally through the neck in the Komgha district is convalescent.

At a quarter to two on Wednesday morning William HOLMES, Capetown, reported at the Police Station that a man named William LAMBERT had attempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat with a razor. It appears, says the Cape Times, that LAMBERT proceeded to No.2 Lamb’s-lane, where he wrote several letters, after which he went into the kitchen, where he cut his throat with a razor. Inspector LUCAS immediately proceeded to the house, and on entering the kitchen he found LAMBERT extended upon the floor on his right side, with the blood oozing from his throat, and a razor lying close to him. Dr. FALKNER was called in to attend to the man, whose wounds he bandaged up, and whom he ordered to be conveyed to the Police Station. Later on in the morning he was conveyed to the New Somerset Hospital, where he now lies in a very precarious condition. The child of the injured man is now in the care of Mr. William HOLMES, who first reported the circumstances.

A respectable dressed young man named BOCKELMANN was arrested on Friday, says the Argus, on a charge of manslaughter. The affidavits on which he was arrested commenced with one from Louisa EDWARDS, who deposed that she lived at No.10 Marquard’s-lane. She had lived with Chas. EDWARDS, who died at seven o’clock that morning, for two years. About nine o’clock in the evening of the 27th inst, Chas. EDWARDS came home with his left eye much injured. It was bleeding, and he appeared confused and faint. Deponent put him to bed. He said he had been hit in the eye by the man who had thrown stones at their place on Sunday. He also said “He”, meaning accused, “hit me with his fist.” The man was a white man; she thought a Hollander or a German. He was a painter. In a second affidavit she said the prisoner now present was the man. He worked with deceased. They were painters at a house in Stuckerie-street. This was about three months ago.

Tuesday 4 September 1888

BIRTH at “Hillside Cottage” on the 2nd instant, the wife of Mr. Stephen THORNE of a daughter.

BIRTH at Francisville, Grahamstown, on the 3rd September 1888, the wife of Mr.Lorimer B. DOLD of a son.

We are informed that the young man, EVERETT, formerly occupying a respectable position in the service in Cradock, and who was indicted at the Circuit Court for two indecent assaults on minors, was sentenced by the Judge President to two years’ imprisonment with hard labour.

Wednesday 5 September 1888

BIRTH at Grahamstown on September 5th, the wife of John M. BOWKER, Riebeck, of a daughter.

Saturday 8 September 1888

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 6th inst, the wife of James H. POWELL of a son.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 1st September 1888, the wife of T.A. FARMER of a son.

(Before P.B.BORCHERDS Esq, C.C. and R.M.)
Monday September 3rd
(Specially reported)
Michael McGRATH was brought up to answer to a charge against him of culpable homicide.
John HANNAH Jun. deposed: I am a son of John HANNAH Sen. and reside with my father in Bergman’s Hoek. My sister, Maria Susannah, died on the 20th August last. She had been subject to fits since childhood. She has had them frequently lately. The prisoner, Dr. McGRATH, attended her about three weeks before she died. I know the large bottle produced. I know the pills also. The medicine and pills are the same as he gave my sister. He might have given my sister other medicine without my knowledge. She has had the fits more often since the treatment of Mr. McGRATH, but they were not of long duration. The prisoner was present when my sister died. Prisoner said the fits overpowered her. As soon as my sister died the prisoner left. He took his saddle bags and a bottle. I do not know if the bottle was full or empty. After he left I met him the same evening in the village. He said he wanted a horse from me to go the CHINN’s, as he had got a telegram and was in a hurry. Prisoner then said a cart would be at CHINN’s next day for him. Prisoner told me that he attended other people in this district. I know my father wanted to send for a doctor, and prisoner said it was too much expense, and it was no use as she was so weak. He said nothing else; I then left. I do not know where the prisoner got his medicine. Dr. PEARSON and Dr. LUNAN held a post-mortem examination on the 13th August last. [sic] I heard my sister complain of pains in the chest after she had taken prisoner’s medicine. She also complained of pains in the neck and head.
John HANNAH Sen. deposed: I am a farmer residing at Bergman’s Hoek in this district. My daughter Maria Susannah died on the 20th of last month at my residence. The prisoner attended her and gave her medicine until she died........
I swear my daughters Jane and Nancy gave deceased medicine out of a bottle just like the one produced.....
My daughter was buried on the 31st August last. The prisoner did not attend the funeral....
[Deposition from Jane HANNAH confirming that she administered the medicine provided by McGRATH]
John C. PEARSON MD and District Surgeon deposed: I accompanied the Magistrate on the 30th August last to hold a post-mortem examination on the body of Maria HANNAH at the residence of John HANNAH, her father. I found the body in one of the rooms, dressed for burial. I then examined the body in the presence of Dr. LUNAN, who accompanied me. I found no marks of violence externally, except four bruises below the knees; they were recent bruises but very slight. I have opened the body and examined all the internal organs as well as the brain. I came to the conclusion that the cause of death was an irritant poison. I collected the fluids of the different internal organs, which, after collection, were placed in different bottles and sealed. I now put in portions of them sealed with Dr. LUNAN’s seal. I analysed portions of these fluids, and found them all to contain iodine, which is an irritant poison. I have reason to believe that this iodine was administered in the form of iodide of potassium. It was administered in large doses, so that deceased was not able to eliminate all the iodine that was taken, so that the iodine increased in the blood and tissues, so causing death. It is my opinion that there was no due care shown in the administration. If due care had been shown it is my opinion that death would not have taken place. I am of the opinion that the death of Maria HANNAH was caused through taking overdoses of iodine and no other cause......
After the post-mortem examination I asked if there were any bottles of medicine left behind, and was told prisoner had taken them away. I now refer to the Gazette and find that prisoner is not a duly qualified medical practitioner. His name is not on the list. I live within five or six miles of HANNAH’s residence and it was an easy thing for him to have engaged me. ....
An elaborate report by Dr. PEARSON and Dr. LUNAN was then put in. ....
Tuesday morning: Prisoner’s Statement.
My full name is Michael McGRATH. My age 57 years. I was born in Dublin, Ireland. My occupation a farmer, residing at Fort Jackson, district of East London. I have nothing to say. I shall reserve my defence until I am tried by the Court.
The magistrate then said: From the evidence I have before me I must commit you for trial. The charge is not a capital one, and I will therefore accept bail.....
Bail bonds were entered into as follows: Prisoner in person £500; William BRADLEY Esq £250; and Edward CONNELLY Esq £250.
The court rose at 11 o’clock.

Tuesday 11 September 1888

MARRIED by Special Licence at St.Peter’s, Hilton, by the Rev. Canon Mullins, Sept. 4th 1888, Charles Edward, youngest son of W. ROBINSON-LAWFORD, Oerly Hall, [sic, should be Oerley] Oswestry, England, to Agnes Damant, eldest daughter of T.C. WHITE, Table Farm, Grahamstown.

Grahamstown Fire and Marine Assurance & Trust Company
In the Insolvent Estate of C.J. LEPPAN
In terms of Section 166 of Insolvent Ordinance No.6 of 1846, a Special General Meeting of Creditors in the above Estate will be held before the Resident Magistrate, Grahamstown, on Wednesday September 12th at 10 o’clock am, for the purpose of considering an offer made on behalf of the Insolvent of 3s in the £, payable as by law provided, and instructing the Trustee with reference thereto.
Sole Trustee
Grahamstown, July 23 1888.

Thursday 13 September 1888

MARRIED at St.George’s Cathedral on the 12th inst by the Rev. William Impey, assisted by Canon Wharton B. Smith and the Ven. Archdeacon White, Robert Byrne BRYCE, of Glasgow, to Susan Helen, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Jonathan AYLIFF and widow of the Rev. H.F.MACDONALD.

All the fashionable inhabitants of Grahamstown were present at the Cathedral yesterday afternoon to witness the marriage of Mr. R.B. BRYCE, of Glasgow, to Susan Helen MACDONALD, eldest daughter of the late Hon. Jonathan AYLIFF of this City. The bride was tastefully arrayed in cardinal silk, and was given away by her uncle, Mr. Reuben AYLIFF, while the bridegroom was supported by Mr. Chas. AYLIFF, son of the respected C.C. and R.M. of Cradock. The service was conducted by the Rev. W. IMPEY, assisted by the Ven. Archdeacon WHITE and the Rev. Wharton B. SMITH. Mr. H. WINNEY presided at the organ, and the old Wedding March has seldom sounded better than it did under his execution, as the bridal party proceeded down the aisle. After the ceremony the happy couple were entertained at a garden party at Greystone, the residence of Mrs. Jonathan AYLIFF, over two hundred guests being present. We hear that the presents were unusually numerous and costly. Last night Mr. and Mrs. BRYCE left by train for Kimberley. We wish them every happiness in their new relations.

Saturday 15 September 1888

A private telegram has been received in Port Elizabeth stating that Mr. Graham BARBER died at Johannesburg on the 10th inst, after a short illness from inflammation of the lungs.

A cable message was received on Tuesday informing Mr. WEIR of the death of Mrs. J.M. PEACOCK, which took place at her home near London. The deceased lady lived for some short time in Kingwilliamstown (says the Mercury) and Mr. PEACOCK has many friends in the Colony who will sympathise with him in his sorrow.

Particulars have reached Kimberley of the sad accident by which Mrs. DIXON and her three children were drowned in the Vaal on Thursday last. The Independent hears that Mrs. DIXON and her children left Kimberley on that morning in charge of a native driver, bound for Cronstadt, at which place Dr. DIXON was to join her in a few days, to take part in a Cricket Match between our local team and Cronstadt C.C. On arrival at the Vaal River it was found to be running strong, but not impassable, and the boy ventured in, got safely over more than half the water when the cart-wheel caught a stone, and the horse getting restive, the boy got out to take the horses’ heads, and endeavoured to get them past the stone, in which he succeeded, and continuing to lead the horses they got into a deep hole, when the unfortunate lady and her children either jumped out or were washed out of the cart, and immediately carried away out of reach of all human aid. Several circumstances are very suspicious, and it seems strange that the boy, who is a strong, able-bodied man, could render no assistance whatever. He has been arrested, and further particulars are anxiously looked for. Up to the time of writing only one of the children’s bodies had been discovered.

Tuesday 18 September 1888

Mrs. Jas. WEBB of Rokeby Park, having removed to Grahamstown, proposes following the above profession. Good Testimonials given if required. 13 years’ experience.
Mrs. W. is also prepared to take in Ladies from the Country, who will receive the best attention. Suburban Residence, and pleasantly situated.
Charges moderate.
Address: Mrs. Jas. WEBB, King Williamstown Road.

BIRTH at Grahamstown on the 17th inst, at the residence of Mrs. James WEBB, on the Kingwilliamstown Road, the wife of Ebenezer COCKCROFT of a daughter.

MARRIED at Green Fountain, near Port Alfred, on the 10th Sept 1888, by the Rev. Carey of Bathurst, Richard Edward, eldest son of the late Charles PENNY of Wolf’s Crag, to Martha Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Joseph WALKER Esq of Green Fountain.

DIED on Sunday 16th inst at Grahamstown, Thomas NORTON, aged 66 years 9 months and 7 days.

It is our melancholy duty to record the death of an old and esteemed fellow citizen, Mr. Thomas NORTON, who departed this life in his 67th year, early on Sunday morning last. Mr. NORTON had been ailing for some time, but the end came more quickly than was expected, and two sons and a daughter were unable to reach Grahamstown in time to be present at the last moments of their father’s life. The funeral took place yesterday afternoon.

We very much regret to hear of the sad and sudden decease of Mrs. HENWICK of Oak Terrace, who died in child birth on Sunday evening. It was seen that she could not survive, and a telegram was at once dispatched to the Bay to Mr. HENWICK, but she had passed away before her husband arrived in town. We tender our sincerest sympathy to the widower, and the children thus mournfully deprived of their mother. We also hear that Mr. T. CLACK, late of Seven Fountains, is dead.

Wednesday 20 September 1888

Mr. W. PATMORE, one of the oldest inhabitants of Bloemfontein, breathed his last on September 5th, succumbing to a painful disease from which he had long suffered. Mr. PATMORE fought (the Express says) in the 45th Regiment at Boomplaats forty years ago, and after making a competency at transport riding, took up his residence in Bloemfontein, where he has remained ever since.

On Saturday morning a white man named John DENNIS, miner, met with a shocking death at the De Beer’s Mine. He was engaged working at some new pumping-gear at a level in the shaft, when a piece of hot water piping burst, and scalding water poured upon DENNIS, who was carried up in fearful agony, and died within an hour. Deceased (says the D.F. Advertiser) was a married man with a family.

Saturday 22 September 1888

BIRTH at Grahamstown, Sept 21st, the wife of T.F. HUTCHINSON of a son.

The Friend regrets to have to announce the sad news that Mrs. STENSON, the wife of the Rev. E.W. STENSON, of Wepener, has died suddenly of heart disease.

Tuesday 25 September 1888

BIRTH at Burnham House on Friday, the wife of Mr. B. PREW of a son.

A melancholy affair is reported to have occurred in Surbiton, Surrey, lately. A young man named Gordon HARE, whilst of unsound mind, shot his father and afterwards committed suicide. The deceased, Major HARE, was formerly in the 27th Regiment and subsequently in the Cape Mounted Rifles.

Detective R.M. MURRAY, stationed at Beaconsfield, met with a fearful death in Kimberley on Friday morning. Deceased had been engaged with other detectives in watching a prisoner in gaol there, and last night, instead of going home, slept in a house in Barkly-road with detective HUMAN and a man named BORWICK. They retired to rest early, and between twelve and one HUMAN woke and found the house in flames, and without thinking of the other men inside he rushed out in his night-shirt, and commenced to play on the fire with a garden hose. BRINCK managed to get out without injury; when HUMAN thought of MURRAY. He went into the room and pulled him out almost suffocated. MURRAY, whose face and hands were burnt, was conveyed to Chief Detective CHADWICK’s house, where, after suffering agonies, he expired about eight o’clock. Everything inside the house was burnt. How the fire originated is unknown. Deceased is 30 years of age and leaves a wife and three children. He was buried on Friday afternoon. An inquest will be held.

Thursday 27 September 1888

In a divorce case, MULLER vs MULLER, in the High Court of Pretoria a few days since, the Court, in giving a decree for the dissolution of the marriage, assigned the custody of the children to the plaintiff, Mr. MULLER, and also held that the defendant (the parties having been married in community of property) forfeits in favour of the plaintiff all dowry and property brought into the marriage by her.

Saturday 29 September 1888

Miss WATERSON MD, formerly a student at the London School of Medicine for Women, has won a certificate from the Psychological Society in the examination in mental diseases. Miss WATERSTON, who has already been practising for many years in South Africa, is at present residing in Capetown.

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