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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1863 3 July - September

Saturday, July 4, 1863

Mr. John HUDSON,
Clerk of the Peace,
Fort Beaufort, Stockenstrom, Victoria, and Queenstown,
Undertakes any business connected with General Agency: - including Transfers of Land, Effecting of Loans, Drawing up of Wills, Declaration of Sale and Purchase, Collecting of Debts, Conducting of Cases in Magistrate’s Courts, and preparing Cases for the Circuit Court, &c. & c.
OFFICE – Clerk of the Peace Office, Campbell Street.

Kept by J. MIDGLEY, is now finished.
The Proprietor has spared neither pains nor expense in having this Hotel comfortably fitted up for Travellers, and all such coming to or passing through Adelaide, will find every accommodation and convenience at The Adelaide Hotel. A Suite of Rooms is always in reserve for Private families, and Good Stabling, with Good Grooms in constant attendance. The best of Foreign and Colonial WINES and SPIRITS on hand. The Proprietor takes the present opportunity of returning thanks for past favors during a period of 4 years.
Observe the address – The Adelaide Hotel, Market Square.

Takes the present opportunity of informing the inhabitants of Adelaide and surrounding country, that he has commenced Business as
Carpenter, Cabinet Maker, and Undertaker,
In all their branches, and he trusts to receive a share of public patronage.
All orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. The Business will be conducted on the same Erf as J. MIDGLEY’s Adelaide Hotel.

The Undersigned having taken over the HOTEL, lately kept by Mr. JAMES CAMPBELL, begs to inform his Friends and the Public generally, that they will now find it replete with every comfort. The Stock of FOREIGN and CAPE WINES will be found unrivalled.
Charges Moderate, and good Grooms always in attendance.

Important Additions to Stock, consisting of
20 cases assorted Sweetmeats
40 bags Bark Sugar
50 bags Letterstedt’s best Flour
30 casks American Flour
Australian Wheat, Oat Seed, Coarse and Fine Oatmeal, Blue Starch, Mustard, Pearl Barley, Composite Candles, Sweetmilk Cheese, London Soap.
Wagon Makers’ Iron.
Large Additions to the Drapery Department have also been made – In Royal Corsets; Dresses, Ball and Wedding; Children’s Trimmed Frocks, Worsted Hose, Children’s Turbans, All-wool Plaids, Punjums, Calicos, Mantle Cloth, etc. etc.
Military Hose and Shirts.
Gentlemen’s Palmerston Hats, Ragatta Shirts, Collars, and Neckties.
A variety of Useful Things, Consisting of – GILT VASES, and other CHINA GOODS, Earrings, Brooches, Guards, Scarf Pins, Watches, Hair Brushes, Smelling Salts, Beads in Crystal, Pink, etc., Work boxes, Cricket Balls, etc. etc.
A SPLENDID Horse Pump or Irrigator, such as would render all Irrigation Companies unnecessary. This pump being portable, may be used wherever there is Water, and will raise from 5 to 4000 gallons per hour.
American Ploughs
Newest pattern rifles, Powder, Shot, Lead,
Recently added to stock.
Fort Beaufort, July 2, 1863

Draught Beer always on hand.
Fort Beaufort Feb. 4, 1861. [sic]


ASSAULT. – A Kafir in the service of Mr. Andreas BOTHA, Winterberg, has been severely beaten by another Kafir in Kaal Hoek. The injuries inflicted are said to be dangerous.

A WARRANT has been issued for the apprehension of the Insolvent S. J. MEINTJES of Graaff-Reinet, on a charge of culpable insolvency.


Mr. N. MEYER, M.P., was taken seriously ill shortly after his arrival in Cape Town. We are glad to learn, that he was convalescent when the last mail left, and it was probable he would be able to reoccupy his seat in a few days.

We are sorry to hear that the Rev. W. C. HOLDEN is again dangerously ill. He was taken bad on his
way to Dordrecht and brought home. – Ibid.

All persons are hereby warned against Hunting, Shooting, Travelling over bye-roads, or in any manner trespassing on the farm “Upper Linton,” Mancazana, as after this notice, all persons so trespassing, will be proceeded against according to law.
June 20, 1863.

The Rev. Mr NORTON, Curate of Christ Church, Adelaide, will Re-open his SCHOOL, on
Monday, July 13, 1863. He has vacancies for Two or Three BOARDERS. He offers a thoroughly good English Education; also Latin, Euclid, &c &c.
TERMS: - £40 per annum. No Extra Charges whatever, except for Books.

TENDERS will be received by the Undersigned, for the Lease for 3 or more Years, of the
Hotel, Canteen, Bakehouse, and Shop,
Situated in Fort Beaufort, and known as Farrell’s Hotel. It is admitted to be one of the Best Business Stands in Fort Beaufort, and there is at present a good business done in it. Immediate possession can be given. Tenders to be sent in not late than
MONDAY, the 6th JULY, 1863.
Tenders to be addressed to, and all particulars obtained from G. WALSH.
Fort Beaufort, June 20, 1863.

Saturday, July 11, 1863

Boarding School for Young Ladies,
Conducted by Mrs. EEDES.
Re-opens 23rd July,
The duties of this Establishment, for completing the Education of Young Ladies, upon the principle of Schools of eminence in England, comprise the following Accomplishments, viz: - The Piano Forte and Harp, Singing, Ancient and Modern History French and English Literature, Landscape Drawing, Flower Painting, Astronomy with the Maps and use of the Globes, &c.
The Garden Grounds and Home are spacious. The Pupils under the care of Mrs. EEDES, with moral training and the regularity of school discipline, enjoy the comforts of home.
Prince Alfred Street, Graham’s Town.

A YOUNG GENTLEMAN, aged 29, of high classical attainments (“which he is a B. C.”) is desirous of corresponding with a Young Lady, whose age does not exceed 21 years, with a view to Matrimony. The Advertiser is of genteel appearance, fair, of middle height, and has a moderate income. For the furtherance of his infinitesimally small views, it will be necessary for the Lady to possess an independent fortune, fascinating manners, pleasing address, and superior mental qualifications.
Address ‘Diogenes, A.S.S.,’ Post Office, Fort Beaufort.


The public will be glad to learn that Mr. A. G. BARN, is progressing favourably. He may now be pronounced convalescent, and in a short time, we trust will be able to resume his duties.

Mr. STANTON, M.L.A., arrived in Cape Town on the 2nd inst. The vessel in which he took his passage was upwards of a fortnight on the voyage. He took his seat on the day following.

SALE OF PROPERTY. – On Wednesday the property in Campbell Street, belonging to Mr. J. SHEWARD and the estate of Mr. F. O’NEIL, was sold by auction by Mr. ESTMENT, to Messrs. SHAW & Co., for the sum of £390, ay a credit of 6, 12, 18 and 24 months. The price is considered a very good one, the buildings being rather out of repair.

(Written expressly for the Kaffrarian Recorder.)
Whoever lives in Kaffraria must needs have hears tell of the pretty village of Maclean; perhaps some of my readers may have visited it, or even have resided there for a time. It will probably therefore not be uninteresting to many of you to read this little sketch, which, as an impartial historian, I will endeavour to give correctly; and perhaps you may learn from it that though as our English proverb says ”all work and no play makes Jock a dull boy,” all play and no work makes no rich man. In it you will read of the rise and decay of that short-lived village – of the formation of that memorable cricket club which played so much and s badly – of the temperance society, and its downfall – of the library – and, in short, if you want to know all I shall write of, you must have patience with me and read this history itself.
In the year of grace 1861 our Dutch fellow citizens began to reflect upon the propriety of establishing a place of worship of their own, and this reflection led to their purchasing a farm and getting it laid out into erven for a village. They calculated that the proceeds of the sale of the erven would be sufficient to pay for the farm and build a church besides, and in this calculation they were not far mistaken. They chose church-wardens, and these selected a farm on the direct line between East London and Queenstown, about five-and-twenty miles from East London, and the same distance from King William’s Town. The farm had been a grant from government to a Dutch colonist, and he being dead, they purchased it from his widow for £1,000. The Impongo River, not a very mighty stream, runs through the centre of the village and supplies the inhabitants with water, and the hills around are covered with mimosa bushes which serve for fuel. After the purchase of the farm, the next thing was to have the village laid out. Accordingly Mr. MURRAY, a surveyor, took up his residence in a small tower, (since known as MURRAY’s castle) on the site of the village. The tower was only a small one, and was hardly high enough for a man to stand erect in; it had been built originally as a storeroom for mealies, but in this domicile the village was planned. On the day of the sale of the erven the chart of the village (a beautiful one, exemplifying Mr. Murray’s energy and perseverance while a resident in the tower) was produced, and did not the erven bring a price? Why, one alone realized £100, and the churchwardens were in extacy at the success of the undertaking. The erven were not the only things that brought a good price that day, for I am credibly informed that ginger beer was sold at six-pence per wine glass, and as the Impongo was at the time unfortunately dried up, and the day unusually warm, I fancy something considerable must also have been made by that spec. The village was called after the Lieutenant Governor, and henceforth was among the places that are. Malicious people whispered that no greater insult could have been offered to His Honor, but of this anon. And thus the village of Maclean was planned, laid out, and sold.
Now in these days I write of the good city of King William’s Town, as well as divers other places in Kaffraria, was filled with people seeking employment and finding none – with men who would fain have bettered their circumstances, provided it could be accomplished without labour, and they looked to Maclean as the El Dorado of their wishes, where they could obtain food and raiment (not omitting good liquors) without exertion. So hither they flocked in a body and pitched their tents, and they hired labourers and built themselves houses, and they opened shops – and there came butchers and bakers, photographers and lemonade makers, carpenters and artizans of every description, not forgetting printers, and they established a newspaper, and trade in all its branches was advertised therein, and men thought they were growing rich, their bills were taken, and their credit was high in the land. So the village became populated, and trade was established, and Maclean became known far and wide.
About this time the men began to consider that it was beneath their dignity to attend to business with their wives might look after, and, as the mind of a man must be engaged, they began to consider how they might beguile the hours that now seemed all too long. A happy thought was that – a cricket club! So they gave each a sum and bought for them bats and balls, and they chose a ground, and pitched their stumps, and the first game of cricket in Maclean was played. And the love of play took a deep hold in their minds, and when they found that goods and all the necessaries of life could be obtained on their bills, they left business to the women, and repaired to the cricket ground, and played married against single one day, single against married next, and they invented a new oath and swore by their cricket caps, and they challenged and lost and then challenged again. Among the inhabitants were yet some who thought otherwise, and among such I may make note of a disciple of Tubal-Cain, and one who followed the calling of our English Caxton whose name yet lives in that empire of talent, learning, and wit, he helped to raise, and one whom misfortune has since grasped with an iron hand, and yet one or two who thought labour no shame. But the souls of the rest were on the cricket ground; and thus, day by day, as the sun approached the meridian, they arose from their rest and pitched their stumps and beguiled the hours with that famous English game till the shades of night gathered over them, and then they played cards till the bright Southern cross, high in the heavens above their heads, began to wane; and then they slept.
(To be continued)

THE DEPUTY SHERIFF OF GRAHAM’s TOWN. - We were misinformed as to the appointment of Mr. D. CLOETE to the office of deputy sheriff of Graham’s Town. Mr. Edward CHIAPPINI, of all other people in the world, has been invited to come down from Natal and take it. What next? – Argus.

ACCIDENTS. – We are sorry to hear that Capt. HUDSON of the 10 Regt, received a fall the other day from a horse, by which he dislocated two of his fingers, and received some severe contusions. Dr. GRAY of the 96th was also thrown yesterday, and dislocated his right arm. – K. W. T. GAZETTE.

A SINGULAR AFFAIR. – We have been informed of a very strange affair which occurred at Uitenhage during the week. A young lady and gentleman, after a long courtship, determined to become man and wife. The young man, Mr. D------------, represented himself as being in a good situation, and well able to support a wife, and obtained the consent of the parents of the lady to her marriage. Matters being so far arranged, he produced to the girl’s satisfaction a marriage license, and a day was appointed for the ceremony to take place. The intended bride had her dress and everything prepared to array herself in the gayest manner for the occasion. Friends were invited from the Bay, and grand preparations made on the one side to make it as imposing an affair as possible. Suspicious, however, were raised in the minds of the parents of the young lady as to whether the tales told by the intended bridegroom were to be relied upon. He had not only represented himself as being in good circumstances, but had said that he had taken a house and furnished it with every regard to comfort and luxury, yet, nevertheless always made excuses when the friends of his intended wished to inspect it. The evening before the morning intended for the wedding, however, some of them surreptitiously gained admission, and instead of a finely furnished house found nothing but the bare walls. To crown the matter, a letter was received from the father of the young man, informing those concerned that his son was involved and no position whatever to keep a wife. It also appears that the pretended marriage certificate was a document carefully prepared by himself. The matter has created much excitement in Uitenhage, where both the parties are well known. As may be supposed, the hero of the story has bolted. – Telegraph.

For Sale by the Undersigned a large quantity of
Plank and Quartering,
Lying at the Bush near the Hog’s Back, close to the new road from Alice to Queen’s Town. Apply to
Yellowwoods, near Alice.

Saturday, July 18, 1863

This school will be re-opened (D.V.) on Thursday, the 23rd inst.,
TERMS for Board & Tuition, £35 per annum.
The Rev, J. R. WILSON.

In the Estate of the late Charles WINKWORTH, and surviving spouse Sarah Ann WINKWORTH.
All parties having claims against the above Estate are requested to file the same with Mr. BERRANGE, Eland’s Post, within Six Weeks, from this date, and those indebted to the Estate, to pay the same within the same period, also to Mr. BERRANGE.
W. H. BATES, Executor Testy.
Eland’s Post,
14th July, 1863.

The Kraals of the undersigned having been repeatedly entered, and stock stolen despite the greatest vigilance on his part, - he hereby give notice that he will in future set spring guns in all his kraals, and let the thieves take the consequence.
Mountain Top, July 15, 1863.

All Persons indebted to the Estate of the late James SAVORY, are requested to pay their debts to Mr. W. F. GATONBY, of Fort Beaufort, without delay, or proceedings at Law will be instituted against them.
Exors. Testy.
Fort Beaufort,
10th July, 1863.

The Undersigned hereby offers for Private Sale, his well known and valuable Farm,
“Vaders Poort,” 833 morgen,
Situated in the Mancazana, half an hour from Adelaide.
A small portion of the Farm is at present let for £60 per annum, the lessee to build in addition, a good Dwelling House of six rooms on the part occupied by him. There are extensive arable lands under water, all fenced in, and the Veldt is of the best description for all kinds of Stock, 200 morgens being enclosed as a run for Horses and Cattle. The position is well suited for an Hotel. A Credit of EIGHT or more years will be given, and Transfer given on payment of Final Instalment. Apply at this office, or to JOSEPH VAN DYK.
Mancazana, July 14, 1863.


We are glad to state that Mr. A. G. BAIN has so far recovered, as to be able to travel about. He is at present on sick leave, and in a short time, it is to be hoped, will be entirely re-established in health.

On Tuesday, the 7th inst., the Rev. J. R. WILSON was formally inducted by the Bishop of Grahamstown as Incumbent of the Parish of Alice.

The Bishop of Cape Town has cited Bishop COLENSE to appear before him on the 17th November next.

SIR WALTER CURRIE. – We are glad to see that this gallant officer is able to get about again. – Ibid.

Mr. HENRY FRASER has resigned as Accountant in the Colesberg Bank.

WONDERFUL PRESERVATION. – Last week, a dog belonging to Capt. FOWLER, of the Kadie, rescued Mrs. FOWLER and child from drowning. The child had fallen into a clay-pit filled with water, and the mother rushed in to the rescue, but owing to the depth of the water both would have been lost had it not been for the dog, which plunged into the pond, seized Mrs. FOWLER by her dress, and succeeded in drawing her and the child to the bank. – Adv. & Mail.

THE FIRST MARTYR TO RE-ANNEXATION. – We understand that Mr. DOUTHWAITE has been summarily dismissed from his post as custodier of the Fort, in consequence of the active share he took in the recent meetings. Mr. DOUTHWAITE is the proprietor of a farm in the Wittebergen, and felt keenly the insufficiency of the Government.

LANDED PROPERTY. – On Friday the landed property in the Insolvent Estate of David ARNOT was put up for sale by public auction. For the farm “Roeste Kraal,” situate in the Division of Colesberg, and in extent about 7,200 morgen, only £1,700 was bid. The Trustee, not wishing to sacrifice the property, did not let it go for that price. In 1860 Mr. ARNOT gave for the farm £3,000. We attribute this fall in the price of property, in a great measure, to the scarcity of money at present. – Colesberg Advertiser.

The steamer Arabia brings news of the sad loss of the Anglo-Saxon, one of the Canadian Steamers. She was bound out for Quebec, and on the 27th March went ashore in a thick fog four miles east of Cape Race. She broke up very shortly afterwards, and her captain and 237 passengers, out of a total of 445, are supposed to have been drowned. Before she went to pieces, several of the passengers and some of the crew had got into boats and made their way to shore. Some of the boats and a raft was missing. Apart from the fearful loss of life the unwriters will suffer to the extent of £100,000. The Anglo-Saxon was the first mail steamer direct to the St. Lawrence this season.

Mr. Alfred JUBBER of Post Victoria, having assigned his Estate, all persons indebted to the said ALFRED JUBBER, are hereby required to settle their accounts with the first Undersigned without delay.
Trusteed in the Estate of A. JUBBER,
July, 1863.

Saturday, July 25, 1863

NOTICE is hereby given to all parties holding Erven in the town of Adelaide, and indebted to the Dutch Reformed Church for Quitrents thereon, that the amounts due are to be paid to
Mr. H. J. ORCHARD, of Adelaide, within FOURTEEN DAYS from this date, otherwise Legal Proceedings will be instituted for the recovery of the same.
By order of the Kerk Raad of the Dutch Reformed Church, Adelaide.
Adelaide, 23d July, 1863.

PORT ELIZABETH. – A meeting of Mr. C. E. FRAME’s creditors was held on Wednesday last, - Mr. PATERSON in the chair. A large number of creditors was present, and it was resolved that the best course to adopt was to “surrender” the estate, which will be done. The liabilities appear to be upwards of £22,000, and the assets are set down at £18,000 odd, leaving the deficien about £4,500. Neither the liabilities nor assets are so large as they appear, as some £4,000 will have to be deducted from each side of the account, being transactions in landed property and shares will probably be cancelled. The management of this estate was vested temporarily with the London Trust and Agency Company, assisted by Mr. M. BENJAMIN, whose services as trustee in Mr. MEINTJES’s estate at Graaff-Reinet were very likely spoken of and specially referred to. This insolvency will cause others. In connection with it, it is said that Mr. Alexander BUCHANAN, book-keeper and dealer, has sent down his papers to the Master of the Supreme Court. The liabilities are said to exceed £5,000, and there will be a considerable deficiency. Mr. Henry DRURY, snuff-maker of Uitenhage, has assigned his estate, for the benefit of his creditors to Messrs. Jno. E. VARDY, R. M. du TOIT, and O. CRAWFORD. It is thought if well managed, the assignees will have sufficient to pay 20s in the pound. The liabilities are put down at about £5,300.


ACCIDENT. – On Friday morning, Major CAMPBELL, C.M.R. met with a severe accident on the Rifle Range, having been thrown from his horse, by which one of his legs was broken.

Col. STANTON, C.M.R., has visited Fort Beaufort during the present week, to hold an inspection of the C. Mounted Riflemen.

MILITARY. – Col. RENWICK if the Royal Engineers, is, we understand, ordered home; and Col. DONOVAN, of the C.M. Rifles, is about to retire by the sale of his commission. – K. W. T. Gazette.

General WYNYARD returns home by the Mail Steamer Briton.

RETURN OF M.P.’s TO THEIR EASTERN HOMES. – The following eastern members have returned by the Norman, Messrs. SLATER, MUNDY, and MEYER.

Saturday, August 1, 1863

Duly authorised by Mr. Johannes Jacobus NEL, of the Division of Somerset, has instructed
Mr. H. van RENEN
To sell by Public Auction on Thursday and Friday, the 13th and 14th August next,
On the farm Klipplaat, Bruintjies Hoogte,
The undermentioned moveable and immoveable property,
First, The Farm Klipplaat, with adjoining ground, in extent 3,300 morgen.
Second, The farm “Vogel Rivier,” extent 5,000 morgen.
Third, 2-3rds of the farm Vogel Fontein, extent 2,300 morgen.
2000 good Woolled Sheep, chiefly Ewes,
160 Kapaters,
650 Goat Ewes,
80 head of Breeding Cattle,
50 Trek Oxen,
40 Horses, including 1 Stallion,
2 Buck Wagon, 1 Tent Wagon,
And a quantity of Furniture.
Everything advertised will be positively brought forward on the days of Sale, and sold to the highest bidder. WITHOUT THE LEAST RESERVE.
The Farms, Sheep, and Goats, will be sold on the first day, the remaining stock, etc., on the second day.
Sale to commence at half-past 10 o’clock.
Somerset, July 22, 1863.

Half and hour’s drive from Fort Beaufort.
The Undersigned has received instructions from Mr. B. BOOTH, to sell by Public Auction, on the spot, on Wednesday, 2nd of September, 1863, that excellent farm “Highlands,” in extent 912 acres. Situated on the Kat River, in the Division of Victoria, near Fort Beaufort, and nearly adjoining the Farm to be sold off the town commonage, by the Municipality, for the purpose of leading out the Kat River. This very desirable property is situated in the heart of the country best adapted for Sheep and Cattle breeding, the veldt being wholesome, nutritious, and abundant, and the farm being bounded by the Kat River, a never-failing supply of the purest water is always available. There is a comfortable house on the place, and extensive kraals; and a passable road tenders the approach easy and safe.
Title clear, and liberal credit.
At the same time will be sold, some breeding ewes, and hamels, and a lot of fine-bred fatherland cows and young stock.
Sale to commence at 12 o’clock.

The Officers Cape Mounted Riflemen will not hold themselves responsible for any debts contracted by the Messman, Mr. BELLEW.
Capt. C.M.R.
Fort Beaufort,
Messhouse, Aug. [illegible]

Begs to inform the public of Fort Beaufort that she has commenced butchering, in Somerset Street, and will be prepared to supply meat at the lowest rates – Mutton 5½d per lb.
Fort Beaufort, Aug. 1, 1863.

The District Surgeon requests that in future private patients requiring his services will comply with the well known English mode of remuneration. There is an Apothecary’s Establishment in the village, where prescriptions can be prepared.

I, the Undersigned, (a duly qualified Medical Practitioner, and legally authorised to act as such in England, and the British Colonies of South Africa,) most respectfully informs all patients of “The District Surgeon” of Alice, that, not any prescriptions of his will be attended to, at my Dispensary in the Market Square.
James MACK,
Alice, July 29, 1863.

Boot and Shoe Warehouse.
Every description of Boots and Shoes made to order on the shortest notice, - English work of all descriptions.
Also Saddlery repaired. – Gigs and Carts trimmed. – Mattresses stuffed, etc., etc.,
Adelaide, Jun. 1863.


The ESTATE of William BEST, of Queen’s Town, has been compulsorily sequestrated.

We are glad to learn that the ACCIDENT which occurred to Major CAMPBELL on Friday week, turned out on examination not to be serious as was at first supposed. Although no limbs were actually broken, he sustained so severe a shock that he will be unfit for active service for some time.

FAURESMITH BANK. – This institution is, at last, in working order. Mr. Henry Joseph BARRETT, of the firm of REED & BARRETT, has been appointed Acting Cashier. The following gentlemen have been elected Directors: T. RADLOFF (Chairman) J. SCHICKERLING, H. J. BARRETT, C. W. NEEBE, P. J. LOUW SR., J. ROOS, S. W. VAN WYK, G. P. VISSER, and J. J. RABIE. The deed of settlement will lay for signature, for sixty days from the first Proximo.

Mr. WILMOT, the postmaster of Port Elizabeth, has returned from England, after leave of absence, by the Colleen Bawn.

SINGULAR COINCIDENCE. – The following rather remarkable coincidence, and which perhaps is unexampled in the British Army, deserves to be noticed: - Mrs. Widow WHITTY, of Baltinglass, county of Wicklow, in Ireland, has four sons, three of whom are Officers in the Army, and now stationed in different regiments in the South of Africa – one belonging to the 5th, at Natal, another belonging to the 10th, at Algoa Bay, and the third son belonging to the 96th, at Cape Town. It is a singular circumstance that the three brothers should be at the same time and in the same part of the world together. – Commercial Gazette.

MR. R. M. BOWKER’S LAST. – In the Assembly on Monday afternoon, Mr. FAIRBAIRN proposed that the House at its rising should adjourn until 4 p.m. instead of 2 p.m. on the following day, so as to enable the members of the Executive to be present at the embarkation of His Excellency Lieut.-General WYNARD. Mr. R. M. BOWKER with grimmest gravity submitted as an amendment, that the Governor and the Executive should keep company to the gallant General on the whole voyage home. To which Mr. CHABAUD suggested that the present Parliament should be added. Mr. Speaker, who is slightly deaf and did not hear the amendment, politely requested the honourable member to repeat the motion, whereupon another Hon. Member stepped into the rescue, and declared it was only the inveterate joker of Somerset East at his old tricks again. The amendment therefore had not the honor of figuring on the votes and Proceedings of the Honourable House.

(Continued from Kaffrarian Recorder.)
Time rolled on, yet the cricketers dreamed of nought beyond their play; they had forgotten the wants and cares of life when they found all its comforts flow in without any exertion of theirs; they ate, drank, played, slept, and were happy. At last the storm broke. Its approach was heralded by sundry requests from the gentlemen of the law in King William’s Town, stating that different bills had become due and desiring a settlement, but they were to wrapt in play to pay any attention to these, and they ran away with the idea that al would be right in the end, and the most they attempted to do was to seek further “uitstel.” But their creditors attended not to their requests, but pressed them sore, and as their bills became dishonoured they were required to appear at court, and then followed the sheriff close behind their heels, and their goods were seized and sold-all save the cricket bats and balls – and these they buried carefully in the earth when they saw the sheriff approach, lest he might attach them also. Then they considered among themselves and thought to appease the fury of their persecutors by putting on a new appearance and doing like other men, so they formed a Temperance Society and a Library. Concerning the latter, it will be sufficient if I say that its members met twice and passed resolutions and promised to amend, but a day spent on the cricket ground ill fitted them for an evening of study, so with the second meeting the Library ended. The Temperance Society flourished long, but I may not that the sales of Wines and Orange Bitters increased greatly at this time, and sundry teetotallers were seen to hold on doors when they departed from a house, and carefully to examine both sides of the street when they left, which strangers took note of and wondered at. But these reforms came too late. Neither their arch enemy, the sheriff, nor their creditors were to be appeased, but annoyed them with various legal documents whereon the expenses were well nigh more than their original debts, at least, so said they, and I believe that in this they spoke the truth. Then they blamed each man his neighbour for the altered appearance if thing, and they concluded that Maclean was good for nought, and their conversation was of other times and other places. They began also to sue each other, and when the strangers came to the village they thought that the residents were preparing in a body for the law, so fierce had the spirit of contention and litigation grown. Then one resolved to remove to another clime, and so he purchased horses on credit from those ignorant of the mysteries of Maclean, and when he had collected eighteen or twenty, he departed and the village knew him no more. This was the first of a series of departures in the same style, and at length it became customary when a man arose to enquire who had emigrated during the night. And thus the village lost one third of its inhabitants and its ill fame was spread far and wife. Those that remained, with the exception of the few aforesaid who were not seen on the cricket ground, had now become so skilled in the law as to think of combating their persecutors with their own weapons and doing the sheriff out of his fees. Then commenced the sequestration of estates, which sequestration soon was practised on a grand scale, and in all parts of the village might be seen houses and goods, cattle and waggons, set apart for the benefit of creditors. One would have thought that with so much experience of the folly of devoting their whole time and attention to play, they would now have reformed in right earnest, but no, such an idea was far from their thoughts, and they strove to outdo if possible all that they before had done, and whereas the cricket ground was the only place where they met on amicable terms, they might be sworn brothers so constant were they there to be seen. But one by one they departed, for the necessaries of life were no longer attainable without toil, and to this their aversion was unconquerable. At last there were too few left to play, and thus was the game of months ended. They left, blaming not themselves but the village for what had happened, attributing their misfortunes not to their own idleness but to the village which with other men would have been one of the most prosperous in the land. The newspaper too was taken away, and then Maclean might be said to have been deserted. Caesar, in his dispatches to Rome referring to some victories he had gained, wrote but three words, (veni, vidi, vici,) and the refugees from Maclean might describe their sojourn there in terms almost as brief, “I came, I played cricket, I left.”
A brighter day is dawning on our village. The generality of those that left have done the place no harm by leaving. Of course among the number some good men were to be found who had got involved in trouble through the wilfulness of the rest and were obliged in consequence to leave to try and better their fortunes elsewhere, but. Taken as a whole, the departure of the former inhabitants will do the village more good than harm. It is now the seat of a magistracy, and very shortly will have a resident clergyman. Its position for trade must cause it sooner or later to be noticed by merchants of standing, and, without doubt, before the fine buildings that have been erected here had had time to fall to decay, they will be tenanted by industrious persevering men, to whom as great inducement officer in Maclean as in any other town in Kaffraria.
The streets are not of gold, ‘tis true, but gold Is not to be had without struggling for in any part of Africa. Those who have left have given the village a bad name, but I venture to say that had they gone to any town in the wide world and acted the same as they did here the results would have been the same. The place could not enrich the men who were to indolent to help themselves. The future of Maclean will be as bright as its past has been dark, as the day cannot be far distant when it must rank as the first village in Kaffraria.


Mr. G. K. JACKSON has been authorised to issue passes and attest contracts of service for the division of Victoria East.

Jeremiah Frederik ZIERVOGEL, Esq. has been APPOINTED District Surgeon of Burghersdorp.

INSOLVENCIES DECLARED. – Thomas James RORKE, clerk of Fort Beaufort, assets, £47 10s. ; liabilities, £315; deficiency, £267 10s.
Henry PAXTON, senr., of the district of Albany, carrier; assets, £501 1s. 2d.; liabilities, £985 17s. 9 d.; deficiency, £484 16s. 1d.

STANDARD BANK. – M. H. BENJAMIN, Esq., who arrived in town from Port Elizabeth on Saturday evening last, is, we understand, entrusted with powers to make the preliminary arrangements for opening a branch of this bank here. – G. R. Herald.

We understand that Mr. George BARKER formerly a resident of this town is about to return here as accountant to the local branch of the London and South African Bank. – Ibid.

THE LATE LIEUT. DAMANT. – Lieut. DAMANT, whose DEATH we regret to record, came out to this colony as head of a party in 1820. The deceased gentleman formerly held a commission in her Majesty’s 38th Regiment. He took part in the Peninsular Campaign, and was present at Salamanca, Cuidad Rodrigo, and Badajoz. At the siege of Badajoz, the company to which he belonged formed part of the forlorn hope, and, as two of his brother officers were shot from the storming ladders, it fell to his lot to lead his men into the final breach. He himself was wounded in the head, and out of fifty men who followed him only six answered to the roll-call. Lieut. DAMANT was in his 80th year when he died. – Journal.

We regret to learn the sudden death of Mr. Edward IRVING, Engineer of the Kowie Harbor works, and son-in-law of Mr. COCK, which event occurred at Port Alfred on Tuesday afternoon last. – Anglo African.

TREASURE FOUND. – On Friday last, Mr. Daniel van JAARSVELDT was digging clay on a portion of the unenclosed municipal land near the village of Middleburg, when one spadeful of the earth was found to contain sixteen half crowns, one hundred and seven shillings, ninety-three sixpences, and two hundred and fifty-seven threepenny pieces, all in silver coins, whose tarnished appearance gave evidence that they might have been buried many years back. Mr. van JAARSVELDT voluntarily handed over the treasure to the civil commissioner, an instance of honesty and patriotism that the Government in its present financial difficulty ought fully to appreciate.

ANOTHER CAPE TRADER CAPTURED BY THE CONFEDERATE PRIVATEERS. – On Thursday we reported the capture of the Bark Good Hope, bound from Boston to the Cape, by the Confederate privateer Georgia. We now learn from a New York paper, handed to us by Capt. CHALLIS, that the barque M. J. Colcord Harriman, from New York March 12, for Cape Town, was captured by the privateer Plerida on the 30th March, in lat. 28 N., long. 33 W., and probably burned. “The vessel captured by the Alabama off the Brazilian coast was the Joseph Griswold (not Criscold, as printed in our last issue. – Adv. & Mail.

In the Estate of the late Andries PRETORIUS, of the District of Stockenstrom.
All persons having any claims or demands against the above Estate, are requested to file the same with the undersigned at his office at Elands Post, within six weeks from this date, and those indebted to pay their debts forthwith.
Executive Dative.
Elands Post, July 22, 1863.

Saturday, August 8, 1863

C. M. R. Ethiopian Minstrels,
Will give a grand Negro Entertainment,
Under the Patronage of Col. TINLEY,
And the Officers of the Garrison,
On Tuesday Evening, 11th Aug.,
In the New Sanatarium Hut
Erected in the Cavalry Square, Fort Beaufort.
For full particulars see Hand Bills.
N.B. – The building is capable of containing 300 people.
Tickets to be obtained at the Brigade Office, and at Messrs. Shaw & Co’s.


Messrs. PETERSON & Co., of K. W. Town have obtained a conditional order for the sequestration of their Estate.

THE KOWIE. – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Captain W. JOSS to be Harbour Master at Port Alfred, Kowie Mouth.

LIBERALITY. – Mr. ATTWELL, of Battleden, near Alice, has presented the town with a hundred oak trees for the Prince’s Park, if the inhabitants will only be at the expense of digging them out and bringing them from his place. Of course Fort Beaufort has accepted Mr. ATTWELL’s offer with thanks.

NEW BUILDINGS. – Although the times are hard, and money matters generally rather tight, building goes on briskly here. The Zetland Lodge will be finished in two or three weeks, and its inauguration, we believe, will be celebrated by a grand ball. The new bank premises are also in a fair way to completion.

We regret to record the death, on Friday morning of Mr. W. G. BRYANT, late assistant cashier in the British Kaffraria Bank. The deceased was a young man of considerable promise and ability, and had in the above department acquitted himself with satisfaction to his employers and with credit to himself. Unfortunately, however, he was afflicted with pulmonary consumption of the worst character, the progress of which it would seem neither change of climate nor medical skill could arrest; and after a few months’ residence here he sunk under its effects on the day above stated. The deceased was deservedly respected by all who knew him. – K. W. T. Gazette.

ASSIGNED ESTATE OF MR. JAMES O’SHEA. – The liquidation of this Estate, we glad to observe, proceeds most satisfactorily. When it is considered that Mr. O’SHEA’s losses during the last four years amounted to the large sum of £38,000, including £8,000 since stoppage, tho report below from the Herald must be most gratifying to all concerned: - “A meeting of creditors in the assigned estate of Mr, James O’SHEA was held at his store on Wednesday last, the 29th inst., Jno. PATERSON, Esq., in the chair. A report, which was considered to be a satisfactory one, was submitted to the meeting by the assignees. From the report we gathered that of the stock, which was value at £9,349, upwards of £6,890 had been realised, and that the remaining stock, taken at cost price, amounted to £3,296, showing a profit on the merchandise account of £837. This result was attributable mainly to creditors being allowed to take out the amount of their claims at shop prices, for, had the stock been forced on the market or sold by public auction, it would not have realised one half the amount it has done. Had the loss on the live stock not been so great, the result would have shown still more favourably. The statement of liabilities and assets submitted showed that as the accounts now stand, there was about 17s. in the pound; but from this must be deducted the expenses of working the estate, and, as in all such cases, some allowance must be made upon the value of “good debts.” After making these deductions, however, there is every reason to look for an ultimate dividend of form 12s. 6d. to 15s. in the pound. After the report was read, it was discussed, and several matters connected with the management of the estate disposed of. – It was resolved that the landed property in the estate should be sold subject to this, among other conditions, that the purchaser should be allowed to set against his purchase any claims on the estate at the rate of 15s. (fifteen shillings) in the pound. It was also resolved that the assignees should be authorised to pay a dividend of 5s. in the pound, (or as much more as they thought) such dividend to be payable on the 10th August next. In order to put all creditors on an equal footing, it was resolved that all bills or promissory notes not due on the date of assignment should be subject to a rebate of interest, reckoning to that date. -
With reference to the consignments of wool to London, on which advances had been made at the rate of 1s. 1d. per lb., account sales were produced, the result being that the net proceeds had barely covered the amount advanced. The loss on this article was very heavy, and, had the wool realised anything like invoice cost, the estate would have shown a very small deficiency. – The Creditors resolved that Mr. O’SHEA’s furniture and Life Policy be allowed him. – When it is take into consideration that in the statement submitted, the assignees have not reckoned anything for about £6,000 of bad or doubtful debts, it is surprising that the affairs have turned out so well as they have. The thanks of the creditors in this estate are due to the assignees, Messrs. OGILVIE, CHRISTIAN, and DEARE, for the manner in which they have managed the estate. Had the estate been either voluntarily or compulsorily surrendered, the result would have been very different. – E. P. Herald.


His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to approve of the appointment of Mr. George William MORRIS to be Field-cornet of the ward Lower Tyumie, in the division of Victoria East, in the room of Mr. W. KEYS, resigned.

Messrs. MEYER and SCOTT, M.L.A’s have returned home.

Mrs. FLEMING, previous to leaving for England, presented the magnificent sum of £250 to the Port Elizabeth Hospital.

Saturday, August 15, 1863

ANNIVERSARY of the Fort Beaufort Wesleyan Sunday School (English.)
Two sermons will be preached in the Wesleyan Chapel, in aid of the funds of this institution on Sunday the 23rd inst., Morning and Evening.
By the Rev. E. D. HEPBURN.
Collections will be made at the close of each of these service.

The Undersigned has been authorised by the Proprietor, Mr. W. W. SCROOBY, to offer for sale privately, that valuable farm “Mount Pleasant,” situate in the Fieldcornetcy of Blinkwater, Ft. Beaufort, in extent 1750 acres.
This is one of the most valuable farms in the District, being adapted for both agricultural operations and stock farming. There is abundance of water, supplied from never-failing springs. A liberal credit will be given. Title clear. The farm will be for sale privately, until the 13th September.
15th August, 1863.

R.W. Stumbles Ad
Begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort and its vicinity, that he has just taken over the entire stock of Chemicals and Apparatus of the most successful Photographic Artist in the Eastern Province, and is prepared to take Portraits and Carte de Visites daily, at his residence in Church-street.
A Life-size Portrait & case from 5s.
Specimens may be seen. – No Portrait passed unless approved of.

The Undersigned offers for Private Sale, that well known Farm called THORN HILL, in extent 1826 Morgen, situated in Kaal Hoek, Winterberg. For particulars apply to G. W. WIGGILL.
The Undersiged has received instructions to sell by Public Auction, on the Spot, at Noon precisely, on Wednesday, 26th inst., Eligibly-situated Premises, in D’Urban-st., now occupued by Mr. T. RORKE.
These premises are excellently situated, facing the Prince’s Grove, and are in a state of good repair. The Yard, in which are Kitchen, Outhouses, etc., is enclosed by a well-built wall. There is a considerable extent of Ground attached, suited for Gardening purposes. Terms Easy – Title Clear.

The Undersigned has been favoured with instructions from Mr. James SCOTT, to sell by Public Auction, on Tuesday, 25th of August, at 12 o’clock precisely, on the Spot.
First, that valuable plot of ground, situated at the corner of Church Street and Campbell Street, Fort Beaufort. As a business stand, this erf is unsurpassed, if not unequalled, in the town, it being in the Main Street, which is now fast filling up.
Second, that comfortable family residence, in Bear Street, Fort Beaufort, Containing four rooms, besides out houses, with large yard enclosed, at present occupied by Mr. W. ELLIOT.
W. ESTMENT, jun.
Fort Beaufort, 15th August, 1863.

DIED, at Zuiwer Fontein on Friday, the 7th August, 1863, John Barton, third son of James and E. SWEETNAM, aged 14 years and 6 months.


GARRISON BALL. – On Wednesday evening a Ball was given by the Officers of the Garrison, in the Mess House of the Cape Mounted Riflemen. The assemblage was large and brilliant, and the rooms tastefully ornamented, and the arrangements in every respect admirably adapted to minister to the enjoyment of the company.

THE AFFAIRS OF MR. ANDRIES BRINK. – The adjourned meeting of the creditors of Mr. Andries BRINK was held yesterday, at the office of the Board of Executors. As Mr. BRINK had no further proposal to make, and remained firm not to give security to pay 20s. in the pound, it was resolved that the estate should be sequestrated.

MURDER AT ALICE. – On Monday night a herd in the employ of Capt. D. DAVIES residing near Alice, was murdered, it is supposed by a thief whom he had seized in attempting to break into his master’s kraal. It appears that some time in the night, Mr. DAVIES’ servant hearing a noise near the kraals went out and succeeded in pinioning the robber from behind. The latter resisted, and getting one hand free repeatedly stabbed the arm and side of the man holding him, and at length succeeded in giving him a fatal stroke which penetrated the heart and caused death. The manner of the death is partly surmised, as the unfortunate man did not live to tell the tale.

LAMENTABLE ACCIDENT. – On Friday last, a fine lad about 15 years, son of Mr. James SWEETNAM, of Zuiver Fontein, Winterberg, met with his death in a sudden and distressing manner. Much sympathy is felt for the afflicted parents. The particulars of the accident have been communicated to us as follows: - “Mr. SWEETNAM’s wagon returned from Fort Beaufort about 9 o’clock on Friday evening. When the wagon halted, with the management of which he had nothing to do, the youth got out, and was met by a younger brother , and began eagerly to tell him of his journey to Beaufort, at the same time catching hold of a loaded gun which happened to be in the wagon, for the purpose of taking it inside. The muzzle of the gun being nearest to him, he was in the act of pulling it out, when it exploded, the contents passing through his head, causing instant death. The lad had been laying in a blanket in the wagon, near to where the gun was, and it is supposed, that in pulling the gun out, the hammer caught in the blanket. The brother of the unfortunate youth was standing so close to him at the time, that he was stunned by the shot. The remains of the deceased were interred at 12 o’clock, on Monday the 10th, there being about a hundred people present at the funeral. The sympathizing kindness of the neighbours on this occasion was a source of consolation to the parents of the youth, in their affliction.”

The Lady Jocelyn, screw-steamer, 2,242 tons. Capt. R. W. KER, arrived in Table Bay on the 5th inst. From London 30th June, to this port, Madras, and Calcutta. Cargo, sundries. THOMSON, WATSON, & Co., agents. Passengers for this port, Hon. Charles ELIS, Col. And Mrs. KIRKLAND, and two Misses KIRKLAND, and female servant; Capt. PEREIRA; Mr. MORTON; MR. LEVEISSUN; Mr. and MRS> JORDON and servant; Mrs ARMITAGE; Mr. NEINTJES. For Madras; Dr. and Mrs. NURRAY; Dr. MACKENZIE; Mr. W. OTTLEY; Lieut. BEGBIE; Ensign IRVING. For Calcutta: Major and Mrs. HAMMOND; Capt. ALDRIDGE; Lieut. and Mrs. BICHNELL; Lieut. RIDGWAY; Ensigns BOARRU, O’DRISCOLL, TYRON, RYLAND, LYNCH, and PHILLIPS; Mr. HOLBROW; Miss HOLBROW; Mr. and Mrs. PEMLEITEN; Mr. HANDFORD.

The Union Company’s Cape Royal Mail Steamship Cambrian will sail from Plymouth, July 7. The following have taken passage in her: - Miss. BEHIR, Mr. PRINGLE, Bishop TWELLS, Orange River Free State; Mrs. NOKE, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. SHAPCOTT. Rev. Mr. CLEWLIE, Mr. and Mrs. BELL, Mr. and Mrs. CLEGG, Mr. and Mrs. BURNBARN and child. Mrs. FINNCANE, two children, and female servant, Miss. ANDREWS.

Saturday, August 22, 1863

Late Sergeant Saddler of the Royal Artillery,
Saddler and Harness Maker, etc.,
On his premises in D’Urban Street,
Opposite WRAGG’s Bakery.
Gigs and Carts trimmed, - Wagon Sails made
To order on the shortest notice. – Mattrasses made
To any size, etc. etc.

SEQUESTRATION. – Philip Richard MARILLIER, of Somerset East, storekeeper; assets, £2,573 1s 9d.; liabilities, £2,881 19s. 11d.; deficiency, £300 18s. 6d.

Will be sold by auction at Elands Post, at Mr. BATES’ sale in September, (date hereafter)
Valuable Erf, No. 23,
Situated in the Location of Phillipton, District of Stockenstrom, in extent 10 morgen and 150 square roods. This is admittedly one of the largest and best erven in the whole of the Kat River Settlement. It is bounded on the N.E. by the extensive commonage of Phillipton; S.E. and S.W. by the Phillipton River; N.W. by the allotments Nos. 21 & 23, [I think it should read 22] - Terms favorable.


Mr. CLOUGH and Mr. G. WOOD, jun., are spoken of as candidates for Graham’s Town in the Assembly. Mr. Jonathan AYLIFFE is to be invited to stand for Victoria. – there are thus already three candidates for the representation of the latter district.

A female begging imposter importuning a gentleman to give her a “copper,” the benevolent gentleman said she should have one if she would only leave off begging and take in washing.

Saturday, August 29, 1863

Market Square, Fort Beaufort.
Having become the Proprietor of the Hotel and Premises, formerly occupied by the late J. FARRELL, begs to inform the Public that he will continue the business under the above name.
Good attendance, Moderate Charges, and uniform civility will be the characteristic marks of this Hotel.
N.B. – Cart and Horses to be had for hire.

OLD LOVE. – About fourteen days ago the Paarl parsonage was the scene of a singular and interesting wedding. A certain old Mr. HUGO, of Val Josaphat, lost his wife last February. But he was hale and active, and having been a married man for fifty years, found it impossible to bear his weeds. He therefore ceased to mourn and recommenced to love; and at seventy-eight years of age he took unto himself another “help meet” who was past her sixtieth summer. – Argus.

WESLEYAN ANNIVERSARY. – The Wesleyan School Anniversary was held on Monday last. The day was very favourable for the outdoor pleasures of the children, who assembled on the hill to the south-eastward of the town. In the evening the usual tea meeting was held, at which instead of the customary speeches, the company was entertained by vocal and instrumental music, embracing both sacred and secular subjects, appropriate to the occasion. Several of the solos, duets, and quartets, elicited great applause, and at the close thanks were unanimously voted to the ladies and gentlemen, who had contributed by their musical talents, to the enjoyment of the evening. On the following day the native anniversary was held.

HOPE TOWN. – The G. R. Herald publishes under the head of “Justice’s Justice at Hope Town,” an account of some strange proceedings in the Magistrate’s Court. Mr. MOSELY, surgeon dentist, who was at Hope Town professionally, was summoned by the Magistrate Mr. DELY, on a charge of breach of the peace, by posting on the market a placard purporting to be copy of a letter addressed by him to Mr. DELY, threatening to sue for the amount due for professional attendance on Mrs. DELY. The singular part of the affair was that Mr. DELY appeared as prosecutor in his own court, his clerk Mr. MADER occupying he bench, in his capacity as Justice of the Peace. The legality of the court was objected to by the defendant, but all objections were overruled, and the trial proceeded. The evidence was considered conclusive by Mr. MADER that the placard complained of was put up by Mr. MOSELY. The latter denied the legality of the court, & the sufficiency of the proof, and further contended that even if it had been proved that he was the author of the placard which gave offence to Mr. DELY, it would not amount to a breach of the peace. The justice, however, was of a different opinion, and quoted the law of libel, affirming that a libel was a breach of the peace (!), and wound up by sentencing Mr. MOSELY to pay a fine of £10, and to find two securities in £50 each to keep the peace! The illegality of these proceedings is so glaring, that they can hardly escape attracting the attention of the Government.

A VERY SAD ACCIDENT occurred at Panmure on Thursday last. Two little children, son and daughter of Mr. WALLACE, the episcopal clergyman of East London, were on a visit to some friends at Panmure, and in the course of the afternoonm were taken out for a ride to Cambridge. The little boy, seeing some flowers by the roadside, expressed a wish to get them. The carriage was accordingly stopped, and a servant sent to pluck the flowers. The child in his eagerness to get them reached too far out of the carriage and overbalanced himself, falling upon his head and breaking his neck. His death was instantaneous. A lady who was in the carriage at the time was so much affected by the sad accident that she went into a succession of fainting fits and is still lying, we hear, in a precarious state. The effect of the tidings upon Mrs. WALLACE, the mother of the little boy, was similar, and she remains still completely prostrated. The child was only four or five years of age. The funeral took place this morning. The greatest sympathy is expressed by the inhabitants of East London for the bereaved parents. – Kaf. Recorder.

SHOCKING DEATH. – Two children (Kaffirs) were burnt to death on Tuesday last, on MR. VORSTER’s farm, near Maclean. It appears from the account obtained by Fieldcornet NORTON that the children were sleeping in a hut, when it accidentally took fire and they were burnt to cinders, before assistance could be had to extinguish it. – Communicated. – Ibid.

SCHOOL RETURNS. – The usual quarterly returns of schools, either Government or those in the receipt of aid from the general revenue, is published in Tuesday’s Gazette. The number of Government schools at present in existence is 30, with 732 pupils on the books, and an ordinary attendance of 545. Of aided schools there are 252, and the total number of children on the books is 18,445, and the average attendance 11,262.


The Commissioners of the Municipality have just received the title to the portion of the commonage granted for the purpose of bringing out the Kat River. We presume there will now be no obstacle in the way of the land being at once advertised for sale.

Saturday, September 5, 1863

Off the Fort Beaufort Commonage.
A Rare chance for Capitalists.
The Commissioners of the Municipality of Fort Beaufort having obtained from His Excellency the Governor a grant of a portion of the Extensive Town Commonage, with full permission to dispose of the same, for the purpose of raising funds for leading out the Kat River into the Township of Fort Beaufort; and a Diagram thereof having been correctly framed and title in freehold thereto duly issued, hereby notify that on Tuesday, the 3rd November next, the land aforesaid in extent 4,125 acres or thereabout, will be sold on Public Auction on the Market Square of Fort Beaufort, at noon precisely.
Upset Price £4,000.
This Farm is within a mile of Fort Beaufort, and is bounded on the North by Town Lands, South East by the Umdala River, and otherwise by the Kat River. It is indisputable that there is not in the whole district, nor in any part of the frontier, a piece of Land to be at all compared to that in question either for Sheep or Cattle grazing, or for agricultural purposes generally.
It is well watered, well wooded, and has abundance of luxuriant pasturage, with a diversified aspect of hill and dale, at one picturesque to the eye and of utility I sheltering stock from the severity of the seasons. Nearly three-fourths of the farm being bounded by the Umdala and Kat Rivers, it would be an easy work to enclose the whole extent at a trifling expense, and thus enable the purchaser to rest in security while his flocks and herds roamed at large night and day over the park-like country included within the limits of this invaluable farm. From its proximity to the town of Fort Beaufort, all the advantages of a Town. Residence might be combined with the profits and pleasures of country life. Such an opportunity as is now afforded to obtain a Farm of the extent and innate worth of this now advertised, will probably never again occur in this district.
Title Clear.
A credit of 3 years will be given.
Conditions of Sale will be made known on the day of the Sale.
Municipal Office,
Fort Beaufort, Sept 1, 1863.

To be sold, that well-built and Commodious place of Business at Maclean, used as A General Store and Residence by George BISSET.
There is an Hotel Licence attached to this House, which standing in the principal corner of Church-square, offers a good opportunity for continuing the Business already attached to the House.
Also that Well-watered Farm, No. 150, within 5 miles of Maclean, comprising about 1300 acres. Clear title given. Particulars can be in the interim obtained of the undersigned.
Notice by advertisement will be given of the day of Sale.

The Undersigned having received instructions from Mr. W. H. WEBSTER, will sell by Public Auction, at the farm ‘WELVERDENED,’ situate in the Klipplaat River, within half and hour’s ride from Whittlesea. On Friday, 18th inst.,
The following very valuable Stock, namely: -
1200 First Class Merino Ewes, with lamb by thoroughbred imported stock.
200 Thoroughbred Ewes, with lambs
200 Prime slaughter Hamels,
50 Healthy Goats
6 superior Fatherland Cows with calves, warranted the best milkers in the District.
10 Riding and Draught Horses
8 Mares (Well Bred)
1 superior buck wagon with gear complete
1 double-seated Spider, silver-plated Harness
6 Spans heavy trek Oxen, in regular spans, and well-matched.
At the same time and place, will be sold that truly valuable estate, WELVERDENED, together with a portion of NEWCASTLE.
The whole making a very valuable farm well shaped, well Wooded, and surrounded by that over-flowing and beautiful river the Klipplaat, besides dams and never-failing fountains.
The Erf comprises everything necessary, a large and well-built dwelling, extensive out houses, large store kraals, &c. &c. and is within three miles of Whittlesea.
This sale being unreserved and bona-fide selling off, parties at a distance may rely upon meeting with Bargains. Particular attention is called to this very valuable collection of stock, the Sheep well bred, in good order, and now lambing to the best blood ever imported. This choice flock of thoroughbreds only need to be seem to be admired (and it is to be hoped appreciated). The Oxen are free from disease, well-trained, and in good working order.
Mark the date and place of sale!
On Friday, Sept. 18, 1863,
At the farm Welverdened,
Originally granted to John BARNARD, situate between Mr. Geo. Van GASS and Mr. Alexander MCDONALD, on the banks of the river Klipplaat.
John H. PARKER, Auctioneer.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A young Fingo in the employ of Mr. SIMS, was crushed to death by a wagon last week at STANTON’s drift. The wagon was ascending the drift, when the Fingo leaped out to keep the oxen clear of the side wall, when unfortunately he was caught by the wheel and killed on the spot.

THE FINE imposed upon Mr. MOSELY at Hopetown, was 40s., not £10, as formerly stated.

TWO LARGE INSOLVENCIES have taken place in the Worcester district. One, a Mr. HEATLIE, farmer, for £22,561; the other, a Mr. KEYTER, shopkeeper, for £24,064.

NEW INSOLVENCIES. – Charles ELLIOT, of Cradock, shopkeeper and Kafir trader; assets, £80 11s. 9d.; liabilities, £115.; deficiency, £35 8s. 3d.
Peter HILL, of Graham’s Town, tailor,; assets, £917 4s. 9d.; liabilities, £1079 14s. 1d.. deficiency, £162 9s. 4d.
Augustus Frederick TANERED, of Port Elizabeth, clerk; assets, £73 15s.; liabilities, £623 13s. 5d.; deficiency, £549 18 5d.
Jan Adriaan ENSLIN, junr., of the division Graaff-Reinet, agriculturist; assets, £817; liabilities, £1370; deficiency, £553.

It is reported in town this morning that the murder of a Kaffir has been committed on Mr. ALISON’s farm in the East London district, and an English named D. EARLY has been apprehended on the charge. – K. W. T. Gazette.

Mr. P. BOUWER, of Petersburg, farmer has called a meeting of his creditors. It should have been held last Thursday; but very few attended, and it was postponed. We learn that the liabilities are nearly £10,000 as given up, and probably much more. The estimated deficiency as shown by the draft schedules is said to be £1,900; but there is a general impression that the true amount cannot be less than £2500. - G. R. Herald.

It is said that Mr. J. J. H. STONE is likely to be one of the representative for Somerset, and Mr. J. E. WOOD for Albany, in the next parliament. There are about half-a-dozen candidates in the field for Somerset.

MEETING OF CREDITORS. – A meeting of Mr. Alfred TAYLOR’s creditors was held at his office, Jetty Street, on Wednesday morning last, Mr. T. W. GUBB in the chair. There was large attendance. A statement of Mr. Taylor’s affairs was laid before the meeting, from which it appeared that the liabilities amounted to £8,779, besides a further sum of £1,463 for acceptance or endorsements falling due, making a total of £10,242. The assets were put down at £6, 232, showing a deficiency of £4,010. It appeared that at a more private meeting of some of the larger creditors, held a few weeks ago, a compromise was proposed of 10s. in the pound, and two of Mr. TAYLOR’s friends had consented to become security for this amount. This arrangement, however, was not carried out, and as certain parties were pushing him, Mr. TAYLOR very properly called a meeting of his creditors, and laid before them a statement of his affairs. There was no definite proposition before the meeting, and after a good deal of desultory conversation it was resolved that the best course to adopt would be to accept of an ASSIGNMENT, if the creditors who were pushing would agree to such a course. If not, there was evidently no alternative but to surrender the estate. It was ultimately decided that Mr. TAYLOR and his friend should ascertain if such an arrangement could be carried out, and they were requested to report the result at an adjourned meeting, to be held next Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock, at the same place. – E. P. Herald.

NEWS has been received of the DEATH, in Scotland, of the Rev. Mr. CASSY, formerly minister of the Dutch Reformed Church at Caledon. He is said to have left a large fortune, some of which he has bequeathed for missionary purposes in South Africa.

Mr. MUNNIK’s AFFAIRS. – On Tuesday, the adjourned meeting of creditors of Mr. J. H. MUNNIK was held at the office of Messrs. FAIRBRIDGE and HULL. Messrs. PORTER and JONES, appointed at the last meeting to investigate the estate, reported that it might yield 10s. in the pound. Mr. MUNNIK, however, only offered 5s. with security. The meeting refused to accept that sum, and an opinion was expressed that no offer of less than 7s. 6d. should be entertained. It was agreed to adjourn until the 31st inst. In order to allow Mr. MUNNIK time to arrange the matter.


ZETLAND LODGE. – The Zetland Lodge is nearly finished and will be formally inaugurated on the 14th October next.

C. M. R. MINSTRELS. – The Concert given by the C. M. R. Ethiopian Minstrels on Thursday evening, in the Sanatarium Hut, was most successful in every respect. The hut was crowded in every part long before the performance commenced, there being at least 300 present. Punctuality is one of the characteristics of the Minstrels, accordingly as the stroke of the minute hand pointed to 8 o’clock, they made their appearance on the tastefully decorated stage, and were warmly greeted. The whole of the programme was performed in admirable style, and drew repeated applause from the gratified audience. “Bones” (Sergt. CASTREE) and Tambourine (Corpl. HOBBS) are perfect in their parts – indeed the whole of the minstrels performed with more than their accustomed spirit. No less than twelve Negro melodies were sung some of them with great effect- “Good bye Sally dear,” by Mr. MORIN, “Such a getting’ up Stairs,” by Mr. GILBERT, “Do long tail fly,” by Mr. HOBBS and “Old Dan Tucker,” by Mr. CASTREE, were especially good. The Grand Parliamentary Speech by the Great Cicero afforded much diversion. The coherent and lucid style in which the Matrimonial and many other cognate questions were handled, would serve as model for Parliamentary aspirants – or any other man, “Old Bob Ridley” (ROWLAND) drew down the unbounded applause of the gods – it was acted in first rate style. The gems of the evening, however, were the “Mocking Bird” (MORIN) “De Ole Wood pile,” (ROWLAND) “I’d chosed to be a daisy,” “Ellen Bayne,” “Somebody courting Somebody,” and “Come where my love lies dreaming,” – the latter arranged for four voices, was very effective. The musical accompaniments were by the C.M.R. Band. To the taste of many, however, the Minstrel’s String Band is far preferable as an accompaniment to the voice. The string band of the Minstrels is itself worth a visit. Dixies Land concluded the performance and sent the company home in good humour with themselves and every one.

Saturday, September 12, 1863

Will take place at Fort Beaufort, at high 12 noon.
On Wednesday, the 14th October, 1863.
Bro. WARD,
“ KAY,
Tickets for the Members of the Zetland Lodge £2 2.
Do for the Members of the Craft, £1 1.
To be had from the Stewards, where Subscription lists lie for signature.
It is particularly requested, that Subscribers will be kind enough to secure Tickets by the 28th INST. To enable the Stewards to complete their arrangement.
By order of W. M.
Arthur KAY,
P. M. & Secretary, 884
Zetland Lodge, 884.
Fort Beaufort, 12th September, 1863.

In the Assigned Estate of Thomas INGRAM, of Adelaide, Shopkeeper.
The Undersigned has received instructions from the Assignees of the above Estate to sell by Public Auction at Adelaide, on the 15th September, the Landed Property belonging to the said Estate, consisting of a well-built Cottage, containing 4 rooms and out-buildings and situate in the Market Square, Adelaide.
N. MEYER, Auctioneer.
Adelaide, Sept. 1863.

DR. MACK, of Alice, late of Queen’s Town, has been duly authorised by the Lieut. Governor of British Kaffraria, to practice therein as a Medical Practitioner.

KATBERG. – The new road over the Katberg, we understand, is now so far completed as to admit of the post-cart between this place and Queen’s Town travelling over it. The road, however, will not be open for general traffic for some months yet, as there is still a good deal of work to be done.

THE SWELLENDAM PAPER reports a case of a very horrible character from that quarter; which was briefly alluded to in our Wednesday’s issue. The particulars are as follows: - “On Thursday last, Hendrik Jacobus JUNN, formerly a resident of this village, and a man well known, was placed before the magistrate on a charge of incest, when several witnesses were examined, in order to ascertain, if possible, his guilt, and in how far he had been concerned in his daughter’s death, which took place some months ago in the Free State. The details elicited were perfectly astounding, showing that the father had been in the habit, while travelling on togt, of sleeping in the wagon with his daughters, while the mother and the other children were compelled to sleep in an adjoining tent. It further appeared in evidence that the mother had undergone most brutal treatment from KUNN, and three of the witnesses swore, to their belief, that the daughter was far advanced in pregnancy, when, after a few days’ illness, and under very suspicious circumstances, she died at a place called Ramah, a little beyond Hope Town, but in the Free State. The principal witnesses in the case were the coloured men who were drivers, and a Bushboy, who acted as leader – the latter gave his evidence in a straight-forward, intelligent manner. The Rev. Dr. ROBERTSON was also examined, and he stated that when the family lived in Swellendam, and shortly before they proceeded on togt, the daughter came to him for protection, in consequence of the improper liberties which her father attempted to take with her, on which occasion he spoke seriously on the subject to both the father and mother. The case which has caused considerable excitement, was adjourned for further hearing till the 14th September next.”


Mr. T. H. BOWKER has accepted a requisition to become a candidate for the Presidentship of the Free State.

MURDER. – A report was made to the authorities on Sunday last, that a bastard girl about 13 years of age had been violated and strangled at the farm of Mr. ILIAD. The murderer was not known. The magistrate and District Surgeon started off immediately to investigate the circumstances of the case. – G. R. Herald.

ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH. – It is said the line of telegraph from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth will be finished by the 1st November, and by the close of that month the line to Grahamstown will likewise be complete.

A correspondent of the G. R. Herald says; Mr. GARCIA, our lately appointed Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate, is promoted to fill the same officers at Riversdale, in the place of Mr. INNES, who is promoted to Uitenhage. Mr. GARCIA has, during his short period of office amongst us, earned the respect and esteem of everyone, and his removal from our midst is therefore deeply felt and regretted. Report says that he is likely to be succeeded by Mr. TRUTER, of Calvinia, or Mr. W. DELY, of Hope Town.

MISTAKEN ORNITHOLOGICAL MEANING. – Young lady: “Oh, I’m so glad you like birds; which kind do you admire most?” – “Well, I think a good turkey with plenty of dressing, is about as nice as any.”

Saturday, September 19, 1863

The undersigned hereby gives Notice, that from the repeated losses of sheep from his Kraals, he will in future be compelled to fasten the Gate with a spring Gun.
Post Retief,
16th Sept. 1863.

List of Licences issued from date of last return, (June 30th).
Retail Wine Licence, for 9 months
Alfred B. KIDWELL, Foot of Blinkwater Hill
Retail Shop Licence,
F. GODDARD, D’Urban Street, Fort Beaufort,
Game Licence,
Robert BOVEY, Baddaford
Dist. Of Stamps.
Stamp Office,
Fort Beaufort, Sept. 9, 1863.


CRADOCK. – Mr. W. M. HARRIES declines to stand as candidate for the representation of Cradock, in order to make room for Mr. TUCKER. The latter, however, it is believed is equally courteous, and insists upon Mr. HARRIES retaining his seat. A meeting is to be held to decide the knotty point.

PARLIAMENTARY. – A requisition is in course of signature to Mr. N. MEYER, one of the present members for this district to become a representative in the ensuing Parliament. We also learn that
Mr. PAINTER will be requested to become a candidate for the representation of Somerset.
Mr. Carey HOBSON has received a re-requisition to become a candidate for Graaff-Reinet district.
QUEENSTOWN. – Mr. F. SUTHERLAND has declined to become a candidate for the representation of this district, on the grounds of ill health, and other preventing circumstances. Mr. E. R. BELL has received a requisition, and has accepted it. He avows his opinions manfully, and invites the electors to hear a further exposition at a public meeting. The Free Press, opposes the return of Mr. Jonathan AYLIFF for Queen’s Town. It holds it to be impolite to return other than men whose interests are identical with those of the district. A Graham’s Town Parliament, the Free Press properly regards as objectionable as a Cape Town Parliament. It is said that Capt. DAVIES of Alice will be requested to become a candidate for Victoria. Mr. Charles SLATER has declined to resume his seat in the House of Assembly.

FORGERY. – A warrant of apprehension has been issued against Robert PRINGLE, on a charge of Forgery. It is said that law proceedings, arising from this will be likely to excite considerable attention, from the belief that some parties, have known forgeries to have been previously committed, and to have connived at their being hushes up. Mr. PRINGLE is supposed to have crossed over to some other continent. – Free Press.

By the “Saxon” the Rev. Mr. MCMAHON, of the R. C. Church, has received advices of his being raised to the title of Monsignieur by the Pope. – Ibid.

RETRENCHMENT. – Certain changes in the Colonial Civil Service are about to be immediately carried into effect. Mr. CAREY, of the Deeds Office, is to go home, and leave the Colonial Service. Mr. MONTAGU, will take his place. Mr. OVERBEEK, of the Stamp Office, is to be pensioned, and the Stamps Department placed under the supervision of the Controller-General of Revenue. By these changes a saving of £500 per year in salaries alone will be effected.

DIED on Thursday, the 3rd inst., at his residence in Colesberg, Dr. ARP WILMANS, District Surgeon for Colesberg, (and formerly District Surgeon of Fort Beaufort) Dr. WILMANS was 37 years of age, and was originally from Hanover in Germany. He came to the Colony as Surgeon in the British German Legion, in the commencement of 1857. He died of inflammation of the lungs brought on by influenza. He was a remarkable strong and healthy man, but has nevertheless fallen a victim to the prevailing epidemic. Courteous, bland, and kind in his manners, he had won the respect and esteem of the inhabitants of Colesberg and the District generally, and will long be missed. He has left a widow, the daughter of Colonel HUMPHREYS, and a little son, about 4 years of age, to lament the sudden loss of a kind husband, and tender father. – Colesberg Advertiser.

THE FRIENDS OF THE REV. MS. SPYKER, who, a few weeks, ago, presented £50 to the Rev. Mr. SCHOLTZ for the assistance rendered by him to Mr. SPYKER during his indisposition, and now again presented a purse containing £150, together with a silver salver and some other tokens of regard, to the Rev. Mr. N. K. van WARMELO, in acknowledgment of the services conducted by him for the Rev. Mr. SPYKER.

WESLEYAN BAZAAR. – The Bazaar at the Commercial Exchange yesterday was opened at eleven o’clock precisely, by His Excellency the Governor. Lady WODEHOUSE was in attendance. It was held in the large hall was very tastefully decorated, and the contributions were very large and could not have been less in value than £600. The wares were of great variety, ranging from baby linen to woman’s night caps; there were curiosities, South Africa, Japan, and Indian, and of manufactured goods every kind that the colony can produce. There was a bachelors’ department and a Bachelors’ Badge. There were refreshments of all kinds, and the bazaar altogether was most complete. The proceeds amounted to about £250. – Ibid.

CONVENT IN CAPE TOWN. – By the Baaron, the very Rev. Monsigneur MCMAHON returned to the colony, accompanied by six ladies for the convent recently established in Cape Town. Of the ladies four are nuns and two lay-sisters. After a week’s reserve they will at once commence a girl’s school for the children of the poor; and shortly after the return of Bishop GRIMLEY who is expected by the Dane, will open a seminary for the education of young ladies. It is gratifying to be able to add that the entire expense of fitting up the convent amounting to more than £200, has been subscribed by the congregation of the cathedral. We are informed that the education which will be provided is of a big order, and that pupils are admissible irrespective of the sect to which their friends belong. 0 Adv. & Mail.

MURDER. – Two Kaffirs were apprehended on Friday last, on suspicion of having murdered a Fingo. Report says the deceased had lost a goat, and that on searching a spot in the vicinity of the Buffalo, he came upon the accused in possession of the animal, that the two Kafirs on finding themselves discovered, seized the Fingo, murdered him, and sunk his body in the river, with large stones. By some means or other, the indefatigable police Superintendent BIRCH, got a clue to the circumstance, and has succeeded in apprehending the suspected criminals, against whom, we believe, he has got good proof. – K. W. T. Gazette.

THE REV. ARTHUR MCCARTHY, formerly of St. Helena, but later of George Town, has been appointed as Roman Catholic Military Chaplain at Keiskamma Hoek.


Mr. FRANKLIN has received a requisition to represent Albany in the Assembly, and has accepted it.

FORGERIES. – Some extravagant stories, we understand, have been set afloat in Graham’s Town respecting the extent of recent forgeries, and losses sustained by public institutions in consequence. The whole amount of the forgeries, as ascertained up to the present time, does not exceed £1050, and the forged bills representing this amount are divided amongst some half a dozen wealthy individuals and banking companies.

Mr. Thomas Wheatly GIBSON, has been appointed Justice of the Peace for the district of Fort Beaufort, Victoria East, Queen’s Town and Stockenstrom.

HOUSE TO LET AT ALICE on lease for a term of years.
The new premises lately erected by Mr. W. C. J. BEZUIDENHOUT, suitable for Stores, Hotel, or accommodation House, or a comfortable residence for a large Family.
For terms – Apply to the Owner or J. B. TEMLETT,
Alice, September, 10th, 1863.

Saturday, September 26, 1863

PARLIAMENTARY. Fort Beaufort, 16th Sept. 1863
F.W. POHL., Esq.
Welcome Home, Koonap.
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, Electors of the Town and District of Fort Beaufort, respectfully request you to allow us to put your name in nomination as one of our Representatives in the new House of Assembly. His Excellency the Governor, impressed with the injustice under which the Eastern Province has long labored, has exercised his Constitutional right to call the next Parliament in Graham’s Town. It becomes our duty as Electors to respond to his views by soliciting men well qualified to deal with the important questions which will come under review in the next Session. Your career both as a public & private individual has inspired us with confidence in your talents and judgement. Your unflinching independence in the assertion and maintenance of right is a qualification which eminently adapts you for a position in which we feel assured you will do honor to yourself and justice to us. Your experience on the Frontier will enable you to bring a matured judgement to bear on the long vexed and harassing question of the treatment of the Natives. While on the questions which affect a District mainly dependent on Agricultural and Pastoral pursuits, we believe that your views will be in consonance with those generally held. We refer socially to the proposed Land Tax, and the construction of Railways.
Without expressing an opinion in the desirability of Railways, it is a question which occupies some attention, how far it is politic and justifiable in the serious financial difficulty under which the Colonial Government labours, to carry them out at the present time, involving the Colonial guarantee and the sub-guarantee.
We shall appreciated some explanation of your views on these subjects, and beg to subscribe ourselves.
Your’s very respectfully.
Jesse SHAW,
Robert SPARKS,
Charles MALLETT,
Joseph O’GARA,
Robert BOVEY,
George MILLER,
Charles HIGGS,
James SMITH,
Henry KEYS,
H. ORCHARD, sen.,
Gilbert W. AYTON,

Welcome Home,
21st Sept., 1863
To the Electors of the Town and District of Fort Beaufort.
Gentlemen, - I duly received your kind requisition of the 16th inst., asking me to allow myself to become a Candidate for the representation in the House of Assembly of the Town and District of Fort Beaufort.
I return you my warmest thanks for kindness and honor you have thus shown me,
The trying circumstances in which the Colony is now placed – especially the Eastern portion of it – are well known to me. The times are, indeed, critical, and our prosperity and safety depend much on the measures which may be adopted by this coming Parliament. It would afford me great pleasure to be one of your Representatives in that Honorable House.
Your grievances are my own; and so are your interests. You may therefore fancy with what zeal I should make known the one, and to defend the other. But however I much might desire to be one of your representatives, and to plead your cause, I am sorry to say, my present situation will not allow me to accept the honor.
This decision, I assure you, Gentlemen, I have not come to rashly, not without good reasons. You, in your kindness, mighty reject as a sufficient reason my unfitness for the responsible office, but I have others, the force of which you will readily acknowledge. I could not be present in Graham’s Town the whole session of Parliament, which certainly I should consider my bounden duty, were I chosen your Representative. Further, absence from home during a very limited time, involves me in very great losses; and the certain knowledge of this would entirely unfit me for the discharge of Parliamentary duties.
Assuring myself, that notwithstanding the present trying circumstances in which we are placed, that some one much better qualified than myself for the office, and who has not the same potent reasons for declining it, will speedily be found, and again thanking you most cordially for your kindness, and for the confidence you repose ion me, in calling me to wear such a responsible honor.
I remain, Gentlemen,
Your Most Obdt. Servant,

Market-Square, Fort Beaufort.
The undersigned takes this opportunity of returning his thanks to the public for the liberal support he has received since he opened the above Hotel, and having now completed several alterations and repairs to the above he is enabled to offer increased comfort and accommodation to those who may favor him with a visit. Parties visiting the above Hotel may enjoy the comforts of a Private Dwelling. Good Wines, Spirits and Draught Beer always on hand.
Charges Reasonable.
Extensive Stabling and Cart Sheds.

Sworn Governt. Surveyor,
Is willing to undertake Surveys in the Beaufort District.


Mr. and Mrs. FINLAYSON of Cape vocal celebrity, have arrived in Port Elizabeth, and have announced a grand concert. It is their intention to proceed to Graham’s Town.

Bishop TWEILS, had arrived in Aliwal, on his way to Bloemfontein.

The proprietors of the G. R, Herald have received from the Prince and Princess of Wales, an acknowledgement of the gratification with which they accepted a presentation copy of that paper, printed on satin, containing the account of the festivities at Graaff-Reinet in honour of the royal marriage.

A Memorial signed by 32 inhabitants of Whittlesea, has been forwarded to His Excellency the Governor, praying for the exercise of clemency in favor of William BUTLER, of Queen’s Town District, who had been sentenced by the Resident Magistrate to two months hard labor, for an assault on one Jona VAN JAFFA, a Hottentot. Memorialists are of opinion that the sentence was excessive, and that some great provocation must have been given, and further think that the audacity and insubordination of the natives should be taken into account.

PORT ELIZABETH. – The sale of land granted by Government for the benefit of “St. George’s Park,” was very successful. The land sold surrounded the Park, and varied in size from 100 x 200 to 300 x 600 feet. The credit extended over ten years, and one of the conditions of sale was that the plots were not to be subdivided. The number of lots sold was 72 and the total amount realized £6,018 = the highest price per lot being £223, the lowest £73, and the average £83 11s.

THEIR ROYAL HIGHNESSES the Prince and Princess of Wales have honoured Mr. Henry W. BIDWELL of Grahamstown with a letter expressive of the pleasure with which their Royal Highnesses read the ode written by Mr BIDWELL, and published in the Journal, on the occasion of their marriage.

At Mr. WEBSTER’s sale at Welverdened on Friday last, says the Free Press, there was one of the largest attended public sales ever held in the district. Visitors from Fort Beaufort, Cradock, and the Tarka being there in large numbers. The biddings were not so spirited as might have been expected from the large company, yet taking the hard time into consideration the prices were a fair average, oxen in spans sold from £7 to £10 15s.; a mixed lot at £5 15s. ; thorough-bred ewes with lambs, at £1 5s. ; merino ewes, from 12s to 13s ; hamels 14s ; cows from £7 5s to £10 10s ; riding horses, from £7 10s to £12 ; a pair of carriage horses realized the handsome sum of £72.

THE GRAAFF-REINET MURDER. – The man charge with the crimes names in the warrant is the man who brought the intelligence of the murder to the Clerk of the Peace. When the magistrate arrived at Weltevreden and had begun the enquiry, this man whose evidence as to the finding of the body was wanted, was not to be found, and though he had not arrived when the Magistrate started from town on Tuesday morning suspicion did not fall upon him. At length Mr. HIND suspected for some reason that he was the murderer. He went to the man’s wife and asked to see his clothes. He saw them, and found them torn as if in a struggle. He at once came into town and informed the Clerk of the Peace of this. Mr. BUYSKES at once proceed to Weltevreden, and there some circumstances were brought to his notice which pointed to this man as the criminal. It appears that this Jan SMITH, or whatever his name may be, had been lodged and provided for about 3 months by the man whose child he is accused of murdering. He passes or the farm as a remarkably pious man holding service every evening for the colours people. When he left for town to give information, the mother of the murdered child gave him a sovereign to buy her a mourning dress piece, the father gave him 10s. to get forage for the horses, and Mrs. HIND gave a sovereign to get her some things in town. The Clerk of the Peace has offered on his own account £25 for the apprehension of the accused. It is to be hoped the government will offer a handsome reward for the apprehension of the one charged with such dreadful crimes. – G. R. Advertiser.

A most brutal MURDER was committed on a white man named ROUX on Friday or Saturday last, a short distance from East. London, The corpse was found on Sunday, with marks of fearful bruises upon it, and with the head nearly severed from the body. Through the indefatigable exertions of the chief constable, five Kaffirs, who are suspected of having committed the deed, have been apprehended, and are now in prison. – Recorder.

SWELLENDAM SUNDAY. – Another of those sad melancholy occurrences took place this morning which have twice before happened in this place. A few minutes after the second bell had rang for the morning service at the Dutch Reformed Church, a fine, apparently healthy, young girl, about fifteen, dropped down in the porch of the church, as was supposed in a fainting fit. She was carried to a room at the rear of the parsonage, and before Dr. WEHR, who was promptly in attendance, and who attempted to bleed her, could arrive, she was DEAD. It was a sister who a few years back died as suddenly; but that was during the service in the “Lower Chapel.” Then, as now the parents had brought an infant to be baptised; and I leave it to your readers to imagine the distress of them, and more especially that of the mother. She was so heart broken that Dr. ROBERTSON thought it best to baptise the infant in his house, whither the afflicted parents had gone.

The London Art Journal for the current month has a very pleasing obituary notice of the late Mr. STEWART, of Alice, who was a member of the House of Assembly in the first Parliament: -
Recent intelligence from the Cape of Good Hope brings information of the death of Mr. James STEWART, well known in Edinburgh in former years as one of the original members of the Royal Scottish Academy, in which he took rank as a painter; but he is better known to the public generally as one of the most accomplished line engravers which this country has produced.
Mr. STEWART was born in Edinburgh about the end of October or beginning of November, 1721, and in 1804 entered as apprentice with Mr. Robert SCOTT, then the first landscape engraver In Scotland, and the father of the late David SCOTT, R.S.A. At this time John BURNET was also an apprentice with Mr. SCOTT, and having nearly completed the term of his engagement, we have the authority of Mr. HORSBURGH, the eminent engraver – who was apprenticed at the same time with STEWART – for stating, that it was to the valuable instructions received from Mr. BARNET that they both owed that careful training which was destined to yield such good fruits at a subsequent period. Mr. STEWART learned to draw at the Trustees’ Academy, under GRAHAM, where WILKIE and BURNET had been pupils some years before him. After the expiration of his apprenticeship, the first work of any consequence which he produced was from ALLAN’s painting of ‘Tartar Robbers dividing the Spoil.” The engraving was considered so excellent, as to lead to his being engaged upon the more important picture of ‘THE CIRCASSIAN CAPTIVES,’ also by ALLAN. In this his refined and vigorous style and free scope, afforded him the opportunity of showing his power as an accomplished line engraver. The next large work upon which he was engaged was the ‘Death of Archbishop Sharpe,’ after the same painter, and considered one of the best he ever engraved. For this he received one thousand guineas, which was deemed a large sum of that period. Then followed the firm and tasteful work of ‘Mary signing her Abdication,’ being the last engravings after ALLAN. Subsequently, having been for a time engaged upon some subordinate subjects, he was induced to accept a situation in an academy, established in Edinburgh for instructing young ladies in drawing and painting. This appointment he afterwards relinquished, having engaged with WILKIE to engrave several of his paintings: two small companion subjects from the “Gentle Shepherd” being the earliest of his renderings from his excellent master, and one of which, that of ‘Roger piping to Jenny on an evening all aglow,’ is considered by many as one of the most delicious engravings of the British school. Then came his great and truly excellent work, ‘The Penny Wedding,’ in which has been translated, with extraordinary taste and power, all WILKIE’s wide range of character. Having finished this large plate, he removed with his family to London in 1830, where he engraved another of WILKIEs’ pictures, ‘The Pedlar,’ and also a sweet engraving from a painting by himself, named ‘Hide and Seek.’ This plate, when completed, was seen by an eminent publishing house, and was purchased from him at his own price; subsequently, however, one of the partners chancing to say to Mr. STEWART, “By-the-bye, when did WILKIE paint this picture?” he replied, “WILKIE did not paint it, I did it myself.” “Oh, Ho!” rejoined the trader, “is that it? Then we throw up our bargain!” and so, to his sad disappointment, the engraving was thrown upon his hands. This circumstance, along with others occurring about the same time, and especially that of an increasing family, led him to think of emigrating to one of the British colonies and in this he was much influenced to make choice of the Cape of Good Hope by his friend Mr. Thomas PRINGLE, the author of “African Sketches.” Leaving his country somewhere in 1833, he arrived with his family at Algoa Bay, and journeying into the interior, invested his limited savings – somewhat about £500 – in the purchase of a Dutch farm of nearly fifteen hundred acres, which he named Glen-Cullen, after an old friend. This property, however, being on the Eastern Frontier, and the Caffre insurrection of 1834 breaking out within twelve months of his possession, he was the first settler attacked, his farm steading being fired, and he himself and family, being obliged to fly, were closely pursued by the Caffres, until, after many exciting and hairbreadth escapes, they all arrived at Somerset. In this city of refuge he turned his talents for Art to account, by painting portraits and teaching drawing, until, in course of time, becoming again prosperous, he purchased another property, which he named Cullendale, and which remains still in possession of the family.
Mt. STEWART was appointed a Government Commissioner at the close of the war, also a magistrate, and for some years a member of the Colonial Legislature; and as the duties connected with the appointment took him frequently to Cape Town, he was well known there, and much respected as an upright, intelligent, and most honourable man.
To all who knew James STEWART, it seemed strange that one so entirely loveable, and holding, by universal consent, a foremost rank in his profession, should be driven into regions where he was called upon to grapple with the circumstances of a life which all who knew him in his earlier years deemed him, of all men, least qualified to meet; and yet, when it came to the trial he was seen to assume, with as much complacent resignation, the duties of emigrant and bush farmer, as if he never had any other object in life.


The murderers of Mr. KIDWELL, of Bedford district, it is reported, have been revealed. One of them, a white man, impelled by a troublous conscience has delivered himself into the hands of justice, and states that he with two other men committed the murder. They were induced to kill their victim in the hope of finding money on him, but in this they were disappointed. Measures have been taken to secure the two accomplices of the murderer in custody.

DIVISIONAL COUNCIL ALICE – Messrs. F. PRIOR, Barend WOEST, William MORRIS, J. A. HARTMAN, ELS, and NAUDE, have been elected members of Council for the Alice district.

Dr. GILL, of Somerset, recently DECEASED, is said to have left the whole of his property, some twenty thousand pounds, for the purpose of endowing an educational establishment for the youth of this province. This is princely munificence.

The Rev. Mr. SHAND, of Tulbagh, has denounced cricket as a sinful amusement, and attributes the numerous insolvencies, &c., to indulgence in the vices of the willow. He considers Tulbagh and Ceres people “as lost beyond redemption” for having participated in this sinful pastime and as a proof of the viciousness of cricket, and does the lamentable fact that the cricketers of these places returned from the match in “vehicle with flags flying, all the inmates cheering and shouting in a most thoughtless manner.” O tempore! O murea!

Mr. LEEB of Graaff-Reinet, has consented to become a candidate for the Council. He looks upon Separation, Removal, Federation, and other “notions” as botheration, and thinks retrenchment the key stone of the political arch.

William LANGLY, lately of Graham’s Town, in the early part of the present year a patient in Somerset Hospital, is requested to call at the Colonial Office, where he will hear of something to his advantage.

THE ENGLISH HORSE “NUGGET,” lately imported by Mr. J. H. MUNNIK, has been purchased by Mr. BEHR, for Mr. FARMER, of Port Elizabeth, and is to be sent up per steamer. “NUGGET” is a very fine animal, and stands 16.1.

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