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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1863 4 October - December

Saturday, October 3, 1863

Fort Beaufort, 16th Sept. 1863
W. M. AYLIFF Esq.,
Wardens, Fort Beaufort,
Dear Sir, - We, the undersigned, Electors of the Town and District of Fort Beaufort, respectfully request that you will allow your name to be put in nomination as one of our Representatives in the House of Assembly, which His Excellency the Governor, from a sense of justice due to the Eastern Province, has ordered to assemble next year in Graham’s Town.
Without implying any disrespect to those Gentlemen who have so generously sacrificed their time in looking after our interest in previous Sessions in Cape Town, we are anxious to realize in practice the wish that has been often expressed, to send our best qualified men and the best exponents of the views which find favour in this district, to represent us in the Parliament about to assemble within a convenient distance.
Keeping this in view, and having frequent opportunities of observing your readiness to promote the public welfare, we confidently ask you to make a still greater sacrifice of your time, and to devote your talents to the public good and our special interests in the new Parliament.
While we fully admit the impolicy of pledging our representatives too closely on general subjects, there are a few of such practical interest to a Pastoral and Agricultural District, that some exposition of your views is desirable, and would probably conduce to increase the confidence we feel in your judgement. We refer specially to the treatment of the Native question, the proposed Land Tax, the Colonial guarantee and sub-guarantee on Railways. These questions have engaged the public attention both in and out of Parliament to a considerable extent, but hitherto without satisfactory results.
We beg to subscribe ourselves,
Your’s very respectfully.
L. A. NEL,
J. H. NEL,
O. T. NEL,
R. P. NEL,
J. J. D. NEL,
N. T. F. NEL,
F. A. ELS,
P. T. NEL,
L. T. NEL,

26 September, 1863.
Gentlemen. – I have to acknowledge the receipt of your numerously signed requisition asking me to allow myself to be named as a candidate for a seat in the next Parliament.
In reply, I beg to state that my name and services are at your disposal for such purpose, and if returned engage to do all I can for the promotion of the interests of this district, tho’ I very much fear that my willingness to forward such has been mistaken for ability.
I fully admit the claim of the returning to the views of their proposed representative, though objecting to give a pledge on any general question. I look upon the settlement of the Native question as of first importance to the welfare of the Eastern portion of the Colony, and on its satisfactory disposal depends in a great measure the progress and prosperity of its inhabitants. The disorganized state of Native Society, I attribute chiefly to the incomplete supervision exercised by the Government over the Natives, and unless a direct influence is exerted on them, this state of things will continue to prevail. I shall be prepared to advocate the appropriation of large sums of money to the purpose of paying a larger staff of suitable men to whom would be entrusted the care of natives in smaller communities than those at present entrusted to the agents. I am averse to the constant use of the lash for sheep stealing or any other crime, as being as degrading to those flogged as those flogging, but at the same time will advocate a system of punishment equally as severe, and would appeal to the native’s sense of honesty thro’ his social and national ties and feelings, and by removing him from these and their contaminating influence to some distance, and amongst strangers, a greater check would be given to sheep stealing than any other mode of punishment proposed would do.
I am opposed to a Land Tax as being so very partial in its application, affecting only a portion of the community to the entire exclusion of a large proportion equally benefiting by the objects attained in taxation; at the same time, I admit the necessity for raising revenue suitable to the want of the Government and country, and shall be prepared to advocate that system which to my mind is most impartial in its application.
I am of opinion that the trade of the country would be greatly increased and its resources developed by means of a trunk line of Railway connecting the interior with the seaboard, but with our uncertain seasons and thin population, I should be careful how I pledged the Revenue of the colony and the property of individuals for such purpose, and should be guided by Petitions in support of or remonstrating against such measure, in giving my vote.
I have referred briefly to the subjects mentioned in your requisition, and shall be prepared if necessary, to give my views on other subjects.
Thanking you for this fresh instance of your confidence, I am, Gentlemen, your’s respectfully
To Messrs. STRINGFELLOW, HAYCRAFT, HOLLIDAY, BAIN, ROBERTS, QUIN, and the other gentlemen who signed the requisition.

To all whom it may concern.
It having come to my knowledge of the undersigned ROBERT PRINGLE of Easterstead, division of Queenstown, has passed a number of Promissory Notes purporting to be made and signed by the undersigned in favour of the said Robert PRINGLE and also in favour of other parties. Notice is hereby given to all whom it may concern, that any Promissory Notes so passed by Robert PRINGLE, purporting to bear my signature, are FORGERIES.
Farm Rockwood, division of Queenstown.
As Witnesses –
Nea. H. JONES,
September 11th, 1863.

LIEUWFONTEIN ROAD. – We understand that the old road to Graham’s Town via Lieuwfontein is now in excellent condition, having been repaired entirely at the expense of Mr. SCHOEMAN, the proprietor of the farm Lieuwfontein. Mr. SCHOEMAN in this undertaking has set an example which might be imitated with profit in many other places in the colony. Though of course, his primary object in repairing the old road was to bring custom and traffic to his hotel at Lieuwfontein, the public is not less benefitted than of the road were repaired expressly for its convenience. Mr. SCHOEMAN deserves the patronage of the public for the enlightened spirit of enterprise, and we have no doubt he will receive his share as long as he maintains the road in its present good condition, as independent of excellent hotel accommodation at Lieuwfontein, the distance to Graham’s Town by that road is said to be four or five miles shorter than the present road. The passenger cart, travels via Lieuwfontein, which would have been a feat dangerous, if possible, some time ago.

We are glad to observe that preparations are making for aquatic amusements during the coming summer. Two boats built in the town have been launched during the week, and from the interest excited we expect to see half a dozen more in the river before many weeks. There is a splendid reach of about three quarters of a mile from the bridge to the woolwashing establishment and tannery, which affords abundant scope for the healthful exercise of boating.

THEFTS. – There is no sign of a cessation of the losses daily sustained by farmers. They are now almost looked upon as a matter of course, and hardly deserving of remark. Mr. STRYDOM of Paarde Fontein has lost within the last ten days eight valuable head of cattle, well bred, and his brother-in-law, two horses. In the Magistrates Court, cases of sheep stealing are as common as ever. Between 40 and 50 prisoners are for trial at the Circuit, the majority being accused of stock thefts. On Monday last, some half a dozen natives were marched into court, each with a load of stolen mutton on his head, having been detected by the police.

Mr. J. POWELL of Queen’s Town, who has received a requisition for the Assembly, is now spoken of as a probable candidate for one of the vacant seats in the Legislative Council. It appears to be likely that a great effort will be made to prevent this body being composed of men from one locality.

THE CASH SALE held on the 23rd. inst., by J. D. van DYK, auctioneer, on the farm “Beeste Kraal,” belonging to Mr. Josias de WET, realized upwards of Eight Thousand Pounds sterling. – Cradock Register.

CAPTURE OF TWO RUNAWAYS FROM THE CAPE COLONY. – ROBERT SMITH, for whose apprehension a reward of £50 was offered, is now lodged in the Bloemfontein gaol, and will be forwarded to the Colony without delay. He is charged, as our readers may perhaps remember, with stealing a wagon laden with merchandize, and had proceeded to the S. A. Republic in the vain hope of escaping from justice. Information has also reached us during the week of the apprehension and incarceration in the Smithfield prison, of one WILSON, accused of absconding with £200 belonging to a transport rider named ALLISON. He was captured near Platberg, by a part of police acting under Commandant EVERY. Rogues, we imagine, will soon be impressed with a conviction, that making their way to the North of the Orange River, after the commitment of a dishonest action is no safeguard to them; but that it is, in fact, merely jumping form the warming-pan into the fire. – Friend.

The Colesberg Advertiser reports that the Rev. Mr. LUCKHOFF has met with a severe accident, the driver of his cart having struck him in the eye with the lash of his whip.

An extensive raffle is being got up at Bethulie. The first prize is a farm, “Merino,” value at £3,200. The second is a water erf, with the buildings thereon. The third is a cart. The fourth is one bag of coffee, 1 bag of sugar, 1 bag of rice, and I bag of flour. The fifth is a melodium. There are 200 tickets at £20 each.


ANOTHER BANK. – A correspondent sends the Argus the following: “The Standard Bank is about to open a branch in Middelburg, of which James COWARD, Esq., district surgeon is to be chairman, and Messrs. W. A. WENTZEL, A. ROSENTHAL, J. MARKUS, and C. von BRATT, the directors.”

Sir William HODGES is accompanied on Circuit by Lady HODGES and his son Mr. F. HODGES who is registrar. The advocates on circuit are Messrs. BRAND, COLE, and BARRY.

Mr. LEONARD of Somerset according to the “Frontier Times” is one of the candidates for the representation of that district.

It is said that neither Mr. WALTER nor Mr. PRINCE is likely to keep their seats for George. It is also said that candidates for the representation of this district may be counted by the dozen. Two new names are mentioned, - those of Messrs. BARNES and PIEMAN.

BUXTON, July 29, 1863.
Ik, de Ondergeteknde, THOMAS ENGENATIUS MARX P. zoen, verklaar hiermede alle beledegende woorden den myn gezegt tegen de Karakter van de jonge Heer JAN DAVID WENTZEL, Carel zoen, terug te treken en verklaren hiermede dat niets verder aan de saak sal gedoen warden om dat ik hem niets van dien aard kan bewyzes.

DIED at Alice, on the 23rd September, after a brief illness, DANIEL KEARNEY, aged 60 years. Deceased arrived in the Colony with his Regiment in 1830, and served in the Kafir Wars of ’47 and ’50. He leaves a Wife and a large Family to lament his irreparable loss.
Alice, 25th Sept. 1863.

A Kaffir child, named “STOFFEL” about a year old having been left destitute by the death of its mother, MIETJE, Notice is hereby given that the said child will be indentured to Hans LAS, of Mancazana, unless claimed within six weeks from this date.
William T. L. EMETT,
R. Mag.
Resident Magistrate’s Office,
Elands Post, 30th September, 1863.

Saturday, October 10, 1863

Valuable House and Garden to be sold at the above Sale.
The Undersigned has been instructed by the proprietor to sell by Auction on the same day as the above sale on Tuesday, 13th October next, the Premises at present in the occupation of Lieut. MARSHALL, Adjutant C.M.R. at a rental of £60 per annum, situated in Holliday street, commanding one of the most pleasant views in the vicinity. The premises are well known to be unsurpassed for comfort and convenience. There is a good Garden, well stocked with the choicest fruit trees, besides a number of Ornamental Trees of large size planted around the grounds, which enhance the appearance of the property, while they tend materially to keep off the rays of a sultry sun, an advantage only to be appreciated by a summer’s residence in Fort Beaufort.
The property will be put up at 1 o’clock precisely.
Title Clear – Terms Liberal.
S. H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer.
Fort Beaufort, Oct. 3, 1863.


SUDDEN DEATH. – On Saturday morning last a soldier of the 96th Regt., was found dead in the shoemaker’s shop of the regiment. The unfortunate deceased with a comrade was out at night on “a spree,” and death it is supposed was the consequence of excess.

MR. JOHN HENRY, formerly Saddler Sergeant of the Royal Artillery, and for some years a respectable and respected resident of Fort Beaufort, died on Sunday after a long and painful illness. He was buried on Tuesday, his remains being followed by a considerable number of the inhabitants and military. Military honors were accorded to the deceased by the Commandant, in consequence of meritorious service while in the army.

The Hon. Mr. Samuel CAWOOD, one of the retiring members of the Legislative Council, we understand, will again become a candidate for that chamber. We think it would be advisable for his Excellency to dissolve both Houses of Parliament, and allow the country free to choose a new one. On the score of expense, nothing will be saved to the country by allowing the ten years’ members to retain their seats. It will be just as costly to elect four members of Council as the whole body, and now that important changes are anticipated it would be more satisfactory, if the electors had an opportunity to influence future policy through both branches of the legislature. Mr. S. CAWOOD we understand is an annexationist and an anti-railway-on-the-guarantee-principle man.

CIRCUIT COURT. – The next Circuit Court will be unusually heavy, in both Criminal and Civil branches. Arrangements, we believe, have been made for holding the Court in Zetland Lodge which will be a vast improvement over the Schoolroom, which is altogether too limited and inconvenient for a Court of public justice.

GARRISON RACES. – On Monday, the Garrison Race meeting comes off on the new Race Ground. Seven races in all are to be run, the entries for which are pretty full. Programmes have been printed, and may be obtained on application to Com. Staff Sergeant RAWBONE, or on the ground.

SALE OF PROPERTY. – The dwelling house and garden, the property of Mr. EGAN, Commissariat, in the occupation of Adjutant MARSHALL, is to be sold by Mr. ROBERTS on Tuesday next, at the same time as Vet. Surgeon PATON’s effects. With reference to the later, we have been authorized to say that there is no truth in the report that the thorough-bred horse SULTAN and the pony TAP, advertised for sale, have been disposed of privately. All the horses will be brought to the hammer.

MR. SELKIRK STEWART, Purveyor to Her Majesty’s forces in King William’s Town has been elected Cashier of the Albert Bank.

COLESBERG ELECTION NEWS. – We hear that requisitions are being got up to the Hon. L. von MALTITZ to allow himself to be put in nomination as a candidate for the Legislative Council, and to Messrs. R. A. GREEN and M. C. LOUW to allow themselves to be put in nomination as candidates for the House of Assembly. – Colesberg Advertiser.

DISAPPOINTMENT. – Last Monday two couples were to be married by the Minister of the Dutch Reformed Church, but a few minutes before the ceremony was to take place one if the bridegrooms came to the sexton and said that” the bride had changed her mind” and, therefore, the Minister need not wait for him. On Sunday (the day before this occurred) they were seen walking lovingly (?) arm in arm, down the street. – Colesberg Advertiser.

We hear that two Kaffirs have lately been shot near Windvogelberg. It appears that a short time ago Mr. W. HART lost some cattle, and while he and two others were searching for them, they came upon two Kaffirs armed with assegais. One of the Europeans was armed with a gun, the others having a revolver, which they kept concealed about their persons. On asking the Kaffirs for their passes, they admitted they had none, when Mr. HART’s party told them they must go with them to the Magistrate. This the Kaffirs refused to do, and, we believe, attempted to make off, but were prevented. They then marched with the party some distance, until they came near Thomas River, when they again tried to escape. They were called upon to stop or they would be shot, when one them hurled his assegai at the European with the gun who in return fired upon his assailant, and severely wounded him. The other continuing his flight, was also fire upon and wounded; but both succeeded in plunging into the river, which was swollen at the time. One of the fugitives was seen to cross to the opposite side, but his companion was observed to sink, and is supposed to have been drowned as he was shot in the arm. K. W. T. Gazette.

THE GLANDERS. – At a meeting of Managers of the Provincial Hospital, held on Monday last, the following letter from Dr. RUBIDGE was read.
Port Elizabeth, Sept. 26, 1863.
The Secretary of the Provincial Hospital.
SIR. – I have to report for the information of the Board of Managers the death, yesterday, of a patient afflicted with glanders. I think it necessary to bring this case to notice and to remind proprietors of horses affected with the disease that in not destroying them they not only expose valuable property to risks, but subject their fellow men to the dangers of contracting one of the most fearful diseases for which the human frame is liable. – I have, &c.,
The Board, considering this a very serious matter, decided on taking steps to prevent the evil consequences to be apprehended from the cause stated.

The Colesberg Advertiser states that the remains of Mr. Theodore ORPEN, who was drowned some months ago in the Orange River, have recently been found and interred. It appears that several persons knew that the body had drifted on a small island, but concealed the fact, hoping that a reward would be offered for the recovery of the bod.

THE SUSPECTED MURDERER, James CONNOR, a man of color, whose warrant of apprehension has been advertised lately in our columns, has been traced as far as Victoria West; and there are good hopes that he will be apprehended.


A requisition is being got up to Mr. H. BLAINE, of Graham’s Town, to stand for the Council.

Mr. E. D. WIENAND of Somerset has accepted a requisition to become a candidate for the representation of that district in the Assembly.

We are sorry to learn that a severe ACCIDENT befell Mr. John SHORT, of this town, while out shooting yesterday with a friend. The latter, it appears, was in the act of aiming at some game, when Mr. S. inadvertently came within range, and received a charge of partridge shot in his legs and shoulders. The sufferer is doing well. – K.W.T.Gazette.

ABSCONDED from the service of the Undersigned, on the morning of the 6th September, 1863 his apprentice EDWIN BISHOP, aged about 18 years. Description, stout made, slow of utterance, about 5ft. 2 in. in height, fresh complexion, hair dark brown. Supposed to have gone in the direction of Graham’s Town. All persons are hereby warned against employing said Apprentice after this notice. – and Field Cornets, Constables and others are hereby authorized to lodge the said Apprentice in prison, or return him to his Master, by whom necessary expenses will be paid.
JAMES SMITH, Painter & Glaizer.
Fort Beaufort, 8th Oct. 1863.

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 2nd instant, Mrs. Jno. QUIN, of a daughter.
Oct. 0, 1863.

DIED at Fort Beaufort, on the morning of the 4th inst., of Consumption, after a long and painful illness, John HENRY, aged 43 years. – Friends at a distance please accept this notice. – R. I. P
Mr. James HENRY returns his most sincere thanks to the Commandant and Gentlemen, for the respect shown towards his deceased father, which can never be forgotten by him. As also to the ladies who so kindly assisted Mrs. J. HENRY, in the time of her affliction.

Saturday, October 17, 1863 (Missing)

Saturday, October 23, 1863.

Fort Beaufort, 12th Oct. 1863
To Samuel CAWOOD, Esq.,
Sir, - The time having arrived when those that take an interest in the prosperity of the Eastern Province should look around them for the purpose of securing the services of its leading men to maintain their interests in the Assemblies of our Senators, - We the subscribers, in the execution of our duty as Electors, respectfully request that you will allow us to nominate you as a Candidate for one of the vacancies in the Legislative Council of this Colony.
While fully aware that there are other Gentlemen of high status and qualifications who may likewise be called upon by our fellow Electors, and whose duty it may be as the natural Representatives and Guardians of our common rights to respond to such call, eager to fight the good fight whether in or out of the Legislative Assemblies, yet we feel assured that the great and varied experience which you have gained both as a Colonist and as a member of the Legislature in past sessions, unite very especially in inspiring such confidence in your ability to represent this Province as will secure your return to the high position, which you have already so well occupied.
We the subscribers would appreciate an exposition of your views on the more important Questions which at present engage the attention of the whole colony.
We remain your obedient servants.
Joseph O’GARA,
Maurice BARRY,
Thomas WARD,
Thos. YORK,
Henry KEYS,

Grahamstown, 14th Oct. 1863.
GENTLEMEN, - I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter dated 12th inst., enclosing a requisition expressive of a wish that I should become a Candidate for re-election to a seat in the Legislative Council, and expressing your approbation of my conduct as a representative of the Eastern Province of this Colony for the last several sessions.
Although I am conscious my services may be over estimated, I have ever felt the interests of our advancing Province demanded my every exertion and which I have endeavoured to devote conscientiously to this great end.
In reference to my views on the important questions of the day, - I feel the present movement in obtaining a removal of Parliament to the Eastern Province is only the beginning of a great end; and I most decidedly approve the Annexation of Kaffraria as being most important for the benefit of that Province and of the Grantees now placed on the extreme borders and exposed to the depredations of Natives in and beyond the Colony. I feel satisfied that the fearful and ruinous exposure of our Farmers within the colony must call forth some effective measures from the Legislature to suppress the continuous robbery of Stock. I also deem it important for the extension of our internal trade that we should encourage the erection of Bridges improvement of roads, and a considerable increase to the Police Force. But as my political sentiments are so well known, and my past course of action has gained your approval, I deem it necessary to give further explanation of my views respecting the future Legislation for the Colony.
I therefore willingly place my services at your disposal, and should I have the honor to be re-elected you may depend upon my best ability and exertion being used to promote the welfare and interests of the Eastern Province.
I have the honor to be, Gentlemen,
Your Obed’t Servant.
To T. STRINGFELLOW, C.C. Esq., W. H. RAWSTORNE, Esq., T. J. RORKE, Esq., W. EWING, Esq., J. VIGNE, Esq., W. ESTMENT, jr. Esq., A. MACGILLEWIE, Esq., and other 35 Gentlemen who have signed the Requisition.

All Persons indebted to the undersigned, are requested to settle their accounts on or before Thursday next; - and all persons having claims against him will be good enough to settle them within the said period.

JAMES HENRY, Saddle & Harness Maker
D’Urban –street, For Beaufort.
Begs respectfully to inform the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort, and District, that the business hitherto conducted by the late JOHN HENRY, will in future be carried on by him, and hopes by strict attention to business to merit a share of public patronage.
Carts trimmed and roofed.
Matrasses, &c. made to order.

DIED at Fort Beaufort, on Sunday, the 11th October, 1863, after a severe illness of upwards of 6 months, Mr. Henry James LLOYD, aged 72 years, 9 months, and 9 days. The Deceased came to this colony with the Original Settles of 1820, and with them had to bear with the many losses from the repeated inroads of the Kafir hordes on their immediate border. He leaves a large circle of friends, relatives, and descendant to mourn his loss.


It is said a branch of the Standard Bank is contemplated to be established in this town, and another at Bedford.

Mr. Joshua CAWOOD, M.L.A., has received a numerously signed requisition from the electors of Port Elizabeth, to become a candidate for the representation of that district in the Assembly.

Mr. R. A. GREEN, of Colesberg, has been invited to become a candidate for the Council and for the Assembly. The Hon. Mr. von MALTITZ, has consented to become a candidate for re-election to the Council.

A Requisition from this district to the Hon. S. CAWOOD, to be become a candidate for re-election in the Council, together with that gentleman’s reply, acceding to the request, will be found in another column. Mr. CAWOOD in compliance with the wish of requisitionists has briefly but succinctly placed on record his views on the principal subjects likely to engage the attention of the next Parliament, and they are in conformity with those which obtain in this district. He has said nothing on the subject of Railways, although he alludes to the importance of encouraging our inland trade by the erection of bridges and the improvement of roads. We learn from other sources, however, that he is as much opposed as ever to railway being constructed on the guarantee, or sub-guarantee principle, although of course he would be pleased to see them undertaken by public companies at their own risk and for their own profit, like banking or any other speculation.

THEFT. – While Mr. PRINGLE of Mancazana was in Fort Beaufort last week, three oxen were slaughtered on his place by natives in the vicinity. The owner of the oxen is not at present known, neither have the thieves been discovered. Mr. T. NILAND during his absence from home last week also lost eight hamels, which were taken from his flocks and slaughtered by natives. Mr. W. ANDREWS also had five sheep slaughtered during his visit to town on Wednesday. Advantage seem to have been taken of the attendance to witness the Dedication of the Zetland Lodge to plunder the flocks.

ANOTHER BOAT was launched in the Kat on Saturday, - a regular clipper, full rigged, of rather a rakish appearance. She is far more capacious than any craft previously launched from the dry docks of this “Fort.” She is something like 20 cwt. registered tonnage, to judge from the number and weight of the crew and passengers aboard on her trial trip. The Saucy Sally goes beautifully in stays, and can tack without the needle within three points of the wind’s eye, and weather any storm that old Boreas is ever likely to blow on the Kat. A great number of knots were made within the hour on her first trip, but by skilful management they were speedily unravelled, without subjecting them to the same treatment as the Gordian knot. She was built by the eminent shipwright and Engineer Mr. BALDWIN. Notwithstanding several rumours that she was intended for a confederate cruiser, the “authorities,” never attempted to interfere or make impertinent enquiries regarding her destination. The Saucy Sally, Commodore DAVIDSON, C. M. R., we believe, intends to challenge all the vessels on the coast between the tannery and the bridge, to a test of sailing qualities and sea-worthiness, in the first chopping sea for any stakes. – (Communicated)

MAJOR-GENERAL SIR R. P. DOUGLAS, BART., is mentioned in the Naval and Military Gazette of August 29 as likely to succeed Lieut.-General WYNYARD as Lieut.-Governor of the Cape of Good Hope. General WYNYARD had arrived in England, and his health was much improved.

WOBURN. – An old discharged soldier named Michael FLYNN, was buried in Woburn the other day. The deceased with two others had been drinking for about three weeks at a farm in the neighborhood which so disgusted the proprietor that he ordered them off. Two of them left the same night, the body of the other, FLYNN, was found in the water furrow about ten days after. It is supposed that the unfortunate man fell in, and was too drunk to get out again. The body when found was much disfigured, having been eaten by crabs. A pit was dug, and the body was put into it like that of “any other dog.” Oh! What a death. – (Communicated)

THE PRINCE’SMARRIAGE. – Copies of the sermon (says one of the Cape Town newspapers) preached by the Rev. Mr. GOHL, of the Lutheran Church, Cape Town was presented to the Queen and Prince and Princess of Wales by the Hon. Mr. De ROUBAIZ, who received kind notes of acknowledgment from Col. PHIPPS and Lieutenant-General KNOLLYS. What next? – Argus.

REFUSING TO BAPTISE. – An action has been instituted against the Rev. A. MURRAY, the resident minister of Worcester, to compel him to baptize an infant child, the offspring of Mr. W. KEYTER, of this place.

GENERAL WYNYARD. – Our readers will be delighted to hear that the medical men of London who have been consulted have pronounced: Lieutenant-General WYNYARD’s illness to be no way attributable to disease of the heart. It is only congestion of the liver, which the air of England will, no doubt, correct. – Argus.

HIGHWAY ROBBERY. – A man names STEWART was knocked down in the Hexagon on Friday evening last, and robbed of £6 10s, by two native lads. They came upon him unawares, the one seizing him by the shoulders from behind, kicking the knees forward and so pulling him down. They then rifled him, though not without a severe struggle. In the melee STEWART managed to draw his clasped knife and stabbed one of the miscreants. The wound led to their detection, and both are now safe in gaol. – Free Press.

ACCIDENT. – What was likely to have been a severe accident, occurred on Friday last, as the Free masons were returning from Fort Beaufort, whither they had been to the dedication of the “Zetland Lodge.” When at Balfour, the horse that Mr. J. D. NORDEN was riding slipped, and in the effort to pull him up the saddle came upon the neck, Mr NORDEN falling over on his head, and was taken up insensible. Dr. KRAUSE was promptly in attendance, and thought the case very serious. After lying six hours insensible, Mr. N. suddenly woke to consciousness, and the next day rode into Queenstown. – Ibid.

Eland’s Post, Oct. 19th 1863.
A most daring attempted Murder, and highway Robbery was committed within 4 or 5 miles of this place on Saturday Evening last. As T. CULLUM, Esq., Field Cornet was proceeding home, he was attacked by two ruffians (Natives) when within a short distance from his own residence. In passing a narrow defile of the road one of the ruffians sprang out to seize his horse, while the other made a blow at his head from behind with some heavy weapon; the horse fortunately shied as the first one tried to seize the bridle and the blow aimed at his head fortunately fell between his shoulders, almost unhorsing him. They made a second attempt but the speed of the horse happily frustrated them. A Mr. BOTHA who was riding some distance behind, and out of sight at the time of the attack, came up in time to pursue the villains, but they unfortunately regained the bush, before he could come up to them, so that they are now at large in the neighbourhood, and I am sorry to hear that Mr. CULLUM is so severely bruised as to be compelled to keep his bed. It is surely time we had some protection sent up here, our lives while travelling are insecure, and our property is a taking away wholesale; there is scarcely a day I do not hear, of some of my neighbours loosing either, Horses, Cattle, or Sheep, and that in a most audacious manner. The herds are seized by the depredators, and threatened with death if they give any alarm till once the party is at a safe distance with his booty, this too is no hearsay, it happened to one of the farmers in the district not many days ago. The herd is an old tried servant of many years whose veracity there is no occasion to doubt. In such cases, where are we to find the necessary protection at Blinkwater, a distance of some 20 or 22 miles from this.
I think the inhabitants of this district ought to petition Sir Walter CURRIE, to station a party of his Police at this place; it was a station once before, and I see by an advertisement in your paper, that the Imperial govt., wishes to lease the Barracks, which would make splendid quarters for a police force, and it is truly a pity to see such splendid buildings go to ruin, as they are doing at present, its present inmates keeping it on no sort of repair, and I think they ought, for I believe their rent if not much, (one wing is occupied by a travelling tinker) Whereas if they were occupied by the Police, and in charge of an Officer, he for his own and his men’s comfort, would see they were kept in that repair in which they were intended to be kept when leased.
I trust that with such advantages for a Police Station as there is here, and the everyday depredations that are occurring in our neighbourhood, especially this last attempt at Murder and Robbery, may be the means of inducing the inhabitants to memorialize Sir Walter CURRIE for that protection, which is every day becoming more essential for our lives and property.

Fort Beaufort Oct. 21, 1863.
The Circuit Court was opened in the Masonic Lodge on Wednesday at ½ past 10 by Sir William HODGES, Chief Justice. The Court presented amore seemly appearance that it used to exhibit when held in the School Room. The Hall of the Lodge is a noble room, well proportion, and well ventilated, and the arrangements for the convenience of the Judge, the officer of the Court, the advocates, and the public, were more complete than it was possible to make then in the old hall of justice. There is no danger of suffocation at all events, in the Masonic Hall. The Criminal Roll was pretty heavy, but His Honour bestowed the greatest patience in the various trials. Sir William never allows his equanimity to be ruffled by any circumstance. Towards all his demeanour is most indulgent and gentlemanly.

Saturday, October 31, 1863


Mr. DARNELL, it is reported, has resolved on becoming a candidate for Queen’s Town District.

THE FREE STATE. – As the presidential election approached the chances of every candidate except Mr. BRAND are rapidly becoming less. The Friend fell in love at first thought with Mr. R. M. BOWKER, but seeing that there was not a ghost of a chance for the new favourite it politely warned him off, though a orevious leader demonstrated that the man of destructive ideas was just the man to build up the Free State. So heavily does the fear of the Basutos press upon some of the Free Staters that they can see no fitness for the presidentship in any one who is not able to slay his thousands with the jaw-bone of a wildebeest, should no more effectual weapon be at hand. Surely among the lions that fought at Cathcart Drift a Joab can be found to command the President’s fighting men. – Graf. R. Advertiser.

R. C. CHURCH, FAURESMITH. – The Rev. Mr. HOENDERVANGER left for Fauresmith, on 14th inst., to open the new Catholic Church, which, we are informed, is a very handsome building, being ornament to that town, and a credit to the Catholics. The Rev. gentleman will remain there a fortnight. The Rt. Rev. Dr. ALLARD will be at Fauresmith in December next, to consecrate the above church. – Friend.

ELECTION. – The meeting of the No. 9 Ward for the election of a councillor in the room of MR. F. C. WEBB, resigned, took place on Friday last, when Mr. James COGHLAN was unanimously returned, - K. W. T. Gazette.

FATAL AND MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. – We regret to learn that on Wednesday evening last Mr. R. C. SYMES, late of the Commissariat Department, met with an untimely fate through being run over by his wagon. From what we can gather it appears that the unfortunate deceased was returning from a trip with a load of mealies, and that while passing between Draai Bush and the top of Gonubie, the wagon gave a sudden and violent jolt, precipitating him to the ground, and before he could extricate himself, the wheel passed over his body, and killed him on the spot. His remains were interred on Mr. KELLY’s farm. His friends here had sent out to have them removed to town for sepulture, but were too late, as decomposition had taken place, rendering interment on the spot necessary. We are informed, however, that it is the intention of his friends at a future day to exhume the body, and bring it to the town cemetery. – Ibid.

THE LIBEL CASE. – A public subscription, we understand, has been got up to defray the cost of defendants in the case of PAINTER vs. AINSLIE and ROUX for Libel.
People anywhere, have but little sympathy now-a-days with actions for libel; and in this particular case, arising out of a subject which the public has been nauseated with for the last two years, that termed the Yellowwood Outspan, in the discussion of which strong language has been used by both sides, and strong feeling evoked, it would have been just as well if the plaintiff had been content to fight his battle out without appealing to the law of libel. The same means were open to the plaintiff for defence, if he considered his character required it, which were used by the defendants in the alleged attack: - and ten times more libellous language than that complained of in the report, had been used in the course of the discussions on the unpleasant subject. However, we are told, it is without any reference to the merits of the case in itself, that the subscription has been got up, - it is simply, that it is considered a hard case that defendants, appointed to a public duty by the Divisional Council under an Act of Parliament, should be mulcted in costs for doing what they believed to be their duty. The defendants may have deduced erroneous conclusions from the evidence on which their report was founded, but by the ruling of the Judge they were deprived of an opportunity of justifying their report. If this opportunity had been given them, and it had been show that they had exhibited either carelessness in their language or malice in design against the plaintiff, no sympathy whatever would have been felt for them, and they would deservedly have been left to suffer whatever penalty the court might have thought fit to inflict. The Divisional Council from the commencement, took upon itself by formal resolution the responsibility of investigating the boundaries of the Yellowwood Outspan and appointed a Commission of which the defendants were two of the members, to take evidence in the manner prescribed by Act of Parliament – the evidence was taken, - (whether legally or illegally, whether correctly or incorrectly is not the question, since the Court refused to hear evidence on the point) – the report was made, and the action instituted. Now if the Divisional Council has discovered that it meddled with a matter beyond its powers, or that it proceeded on incorrect information, - it should bear the cost, and not the agents which it appointed. If men appointed to public duties like those exercised by the defendants are not to be allowed to make their reports, without running the risk of being mulcted in damages, - there will be an end to all public usefulness and veracity. We do not hold that men in the circumstances of defendants, should be allowed to avail themselves of their position to gratify private feelings against anyone; - if they do so, they become justly amenable to the law, - but it is hard if they are to be condemned without being allowed to show that they have not been actuated by sinister motives.


The Hon. Mr. TACKER, has received a numerously signed requisition to stand for the Council, and has accepted it. The election for these Council are to take place in January next, after which the elections for the Assembly will come off.

The Rev. Mr. KOTZE, D. R. C. has been suspended by the Synod, for his pertinatious adherence to what it consideres an unorthodox interpretation of a dogma in the Heidelberg Catechism.

Sir Percy DOUGLAS, Bart., the new commander of the Forces in South Africa, will be a passenger by the next mail steamer, the Briton.

Saturday, November 7, 1863

In the Insolvent Estate of Gert Stephanus NELL, of Gonzana in the Division of Stockenstrom.
The insolvent having at the third meeting of creditors in this estate, held before the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, on the 31st of October, 1863, made the following proposal to the Meeting, viz: -
“To pay to all Concurrent Creditors, viz., holders of Promissory Notes drawn by Insolvent for value, and open accounts, the sum of Seven shillings and Sixpence in the £, holders of the same to exonerate Insolvent from any further liability, and payable in Three equal Instalments, at 12, 18, and 24 months, and the Estate to be released from Sequestration upon Insolvent passing joint bills with William van de VENTER and Gert van de VENTER, and which bills Gert NELL, the father of the Insolvent will endorse, payable in equal Instalments as above mentioned, and the said proposal having been agreed to by nine-tenths of the Creditors in number and value then present.”
NOTICE is hereby given that A SPECIAL MEETING of Creditors will be held before the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, on Tuesday, the 22nd Day of December, next, at 10 a.m., for deciding upon the said offer and for the proof of debts.
Sole Trustee,
Fort Beaufort,
31st October, 1863.


THEFT. – A Kafir in the employ of Mr. PETZER, has been committed for trial on a charge of stealing 53 goats from Mr. SCHOEMAN, of Lieuwfontein. The accused was apprehended while driving the stolen goats through the main street of Fort Beaufort.

MUNICIPAL FARM. – The farm off the Municipal Commonage, was offered to public competition on Tuesday last on the public market, and although there were a good many present, the competition was confined to two or three residents of the district. The highest price offered was £2 11s. per morgen, at which sum it was knocked down to Mr. C. HOLLIDAY, when the Commissioners declared the ground not sold. As an inducement to bidders, it was decided by the Commissioners to extend the credit over four years. The sum total at £2 11s. per morgen, amounted to £5209 13s.- for the 2043 morgen, exclusive of transfer dues, expenses, &c. which would probably bring the purchase amount to nearly £5600 – the transfer dues being now 4 per cent.

A paper is shortly to be established at Somerset East, under the management of Mr. T. E. ROWLES, late of K. W. Town. Mr. ROWLES passed through Fort Beaufort a few days ago to the scene of his future labors, where no doubt his energetic talents will be rewarded by success.

Bishop TWELLS of the Free State passed through Fort Beaufort, en route for Cape Town, on Thursday last. He is proceeding to take part in the trial of Bishop COLENSO, which is to come off on the 10th in Cape Town.

PARLIAMENTARY. – The electors of Upper and Lower Victoria will be glad to learn that their old representative B. H. DARNELL, Esq., is again a candidate for their suffrages.

We notice the arrival in town of Colonel BISSET, D.Q.M.G., from Capetown; Colonel FENWICK, C.B., 10th Foot, from England, en route to resume command of his regiment; and Major HARE, C.M. R., also from England, to join his regiment. – Anglo African.

Mr. Woodford PILKINGTON, who is engaged in surveying for the Government, has made this city his head-quarters, pro tem. Mr. BOURNE, Colonial Railway Engineer, is also expected in town on the like business. – Ibid.

A SEVERE LOSS. – A correspondent residing at Rietfontein has sent us the particulars of an accident which occurred there on Saturday week. He says: - “A Dutchman, named LIEBENBERG, a poor, hardworking man, came to Rietfontein about dusk with a load of coffee, sugar, rice, &c., and had to cross a small dry river, about 800 yards from the house. It so happened that his wagon, in crossing, struck against a bank, and the oxen could not pull it out, when an unexpected rush of water came down, sweeping away the wagon with its load some 25 yards further on, and throwing it over a waterfall 18 or 20 feet high. The wagon was smashed, and of the load nothing has been recovered but a few bags of rice. From the time he entered the drift until everything had been swept away scarcely half an hour had elapsed, and no human hand could help him. The load was consigned to Messrs. GOLDMAN Brothers, of Burghersdorp.” – Cradock Register.

It is said that the Rev. Mr. KOTZE purposes bringing his case before the Supreme Court, in appeal from the judgement of the Synod.

THE AFFAIRS OF MR. PILKINGTON. – On Tuesday a meeting of the creditors of Mr. G. W. PILKINGTON was held at the office of Messrs, FAIRBRIDGE and HULL. From the statements submitted, it appeared that the liabilities were £11,943, exclusive of liabilities for Marcus’s bills to the amount of £7,572, and preferent bonds to the amount of £6,720. The assets were £14,792. The losses lately sustained by Mr. PILKINGTON have amounted to £9,079, including the £7,500 of liability for Marcus. It was resolved (not unanimously) to assign the estate to Messrs. H. M. ARDERNE and W. SMITH, for the benefit of the creditors.


The Hon. Mr. GODLONTON has received a requisition from Port Elizabeth, to become again a candidate for his seat in the Council.

Nov. 4 - Grahamstown, James THOMAS, first.
Nov. 6 - Fort Beaufort, Gerrard WALSH, first.
Nov. 9 - Stockenstrom, Okker Johannes Hendrik HATTINGH, second.
Nov. 11 - Grahamstown, James THOMAS, second.
Nov. 13 - Fort Beaufort, Gerrard WALSH, second.
Nov. 16 - Queenstown, CROMPTON and SCOPNICK, second.
Nov. 16 - Queenstown, William GRAHAM, third.
Nov. 16 - Queenstown, Morgan READ, special.

Nov. 6 - Queenstown, Aletta Gertrude DEGNER, and surviving spouse, Hendrik Petrus ORDENTAL.
Nov. 6 - Bedford, Mary WILLIAMS, born PRINGLE.
Nov. 13 - Stockenstrom, William Vincent STURMAN, and subsequently deceased spouse Janetjie.

Saturday, November 14, 1863 (Missing)

Saturday, November 21, 1863.

To W. H. BATES, Esq.,
Eland’s Post,
SIR, We, the undersigned, Electors of the Division of Stockenstrom, request you will allow yourself to be placed in nomination as one of the candidates for a seat in the House of Assembly at the forthcoming election.
We have never yet returned a Member direct from the District, and during the time we have known you as a resident in our midst, we have every reason to believe, judging from the zeal and energy you have shown on all occasions, where the interest of this district were more particularly concerned, that we shall have the surest guarantee for being faithfully served in the future. At this crisis of our affairs, it is absolutely necessary that we should elect men in whom we have entire confidence.
We therefore trust you will allow yourself to be placed in nomination, assuring you of our support,
We remain, &c.
W. T. L. EMETT, C.C.
Thomas CULLUM, F.C.
Henry HEYN,
James READ,
James GREEN,

In the Estate of George Arthur MOORCROFT, deceased.
All persons indebted to the above estate are hereby required to pay the amount of their respective accounts within six weeks from this date to the second undersigned at his residence “Rautenbach’s Rust” – and all persons having claims against the said Estate are requested to send the same in within the said period.
Exors. Dative.
Fort Beaufort,
Nov. 19, 1863.

DIED at Eland’s Post, on the 3rd November, 1863, after a painful illness, John ROBERTSON, sen. Aged 53 years. Leaving a large Family and circle of Friends, to lament his loss. The deceased was a native of Scotland.


LIBERAL DONATION. – Mr. Sydney MOORCROFT has very liberally presented the amount of the Third Prize for Wool (£7 10) awarded to him at the last annual Agricultural Show, as a donation to the Society for the purchase of hurdles, &c.

A correspondent at Eland’s Post, informs us that a requisition is being signed in the Stockenstrom district, to Barend WOEST, Esq., of the Tyumie, to become one of the candidates for the representation of Fort Beaufort in the Assembly.

Veterinary Surgeon PATON, C.M.R., and family left for England on a temporary visit on Monday last. Mr. PATON expects to return about April or May next.

Mr. A. G. BAIN passed through Fort Beaufort on Monday, en route to Cape Town, on business connected with his department.

The Hon’ble H. TUCKER, has received a numerously and influentially signed Requisition to stand for the Council. A requisition in the same district is being got up to the Hon. Mr. GODLONTON. The Cradock Register complains that supporters of the latter are resorting to unjustifiable electioneering dodges to prejudice the former with the boers, which it sure would not be countenanced by their principal.

The Hon’ble Mr. GODLONTON, in his reply to a requisition from Graham’s Town, accepts the invitation to stand for re-election, - and states: -
You have not required, and, I am persuaded, do not expect from me an exposition of my political principles, - stamped as they are so legibly upon the Public Records of the Colony during so many eventful years. It will be sufficient, therefore, for me to say, that the motto adopted by me at the outset of my public career, has never for an instant been departed from. That while I have endeavoured, as I best could, to conserve the interest of the Eastern Province, it has been my aim, under every circumstance, to promote that healthy progress which is so essential to the development of its great and varied resources.
There is one subject, however, of great public importance, upon which, it is being comparatively new to the Colony, it is due to you and to myself I should be perfectly explicit. That subject is the introduction of Railways, in respect to which there exists great diversity of opinion. For myself, after having given it the most earnest consideration in its inevitable bearing upon the industrial resources and social condition of the Colony, I am driven to the conviction that Railways are essential to its substantial welfare and its satisfactory and continuous progress. While, however, I offer this as my decided opinion on the general question, I am no less firmly persuaded that the sub-guarantee, with which we have encumbered it, is erroneous in principle, unequal in its pressure, and detrimental in many respects to the general interests. The fact that all our main roads are, and have been, constructed and maintained at the public expense is of itself a powerful argument why Railways, when carried along the great arteries of commerce or of agriculture, should be dealt with in precisely the same way – Parliament being responsible, as in all other cases of public expenditure, for the just application of the public money to the public needs. That great caution should be exercised in such appropriations, is too obvious to need remark, and hence the very serious responsibility that will rest upon Parliament so to regulate the expenditure under this head as that it may not embarrass the revenue on the one hand, or be unproductive of decided public advantage on the other. Steam is a might engine for good when rightly applied, - but is equally potent for harm when unskilfully or improvidently handled.

Mr. C. SCANLEN has received a numerously signed requisition from Cradock to retain his seat in the Assembly for that district. Mr. SCANLEN agrees to the request, and in his own reply gives his views on the principal questions of the day, which are thoroughly orthodox in a frontier light. He believes that neither “Railways nor progress,” as the cry has been set up by some, with all the benefits that might arise from them, would bear comparison with the benefits and progress that would follow Separation or local self Government. He is an advocate for some great change as to the criminal law of the colony regarding the mode of punishing thieves and robbers. He is in favour of a change of the law of inheritance, and will support the Voluntary Principle. And would be glad to effect annexation with Kaffraria, provided both that colony and the East could be free from Cape Town bondage.

R. CAMPBELL, Fort Beaufort district, hotelkeeper, liabilities, £442 10s 2d; deficiency £84 12s 2d.
R. W. STUMBLES, Fort Beaufort, general agent, liabilities, £2065 8s 8d,; deficiency, £148 12s 4d.

THE COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. – Sir Percy DOUGLAS, Governor of the Island of Jersey, will, it is understood, succeed General WYNYARD as Commander of the Forces at the Cape.

ROYAL MAIL STEAMER “BRITON.” – The Union Company’s magnificent steamer Briton, Captain BOXER, arrived in Table Bay on Tuesday, bringing the following passengers: MR. and MRS. SMITH; Mr. BLACK, son, and servant; Mr. BLACK jun.; Miss BLACK; Miss DUNCAN; Miss PRATT; Mr. HAW; Capt. And Mrs. ELLIOT and servant; Mr. & Mrs. PRIESTLY; Mr. & MRs. GOOCH, four children and servant; Miss. WATERMEYER; Mrs. WATERMEYER; Mr. WATERMEYER, sen.; Mr. WATERMEYER jun.; Mr. MARRIOTT; Mrs. GURNEY; Miss GURNEY; Mr. PAGE; Surgeon and Mrs. BELL (5th Regt.;) Mr. de BARREY; Mr. DICKENSON; Mr. BRANDON; Rev. Mr. ZINN; Mr. THIKMORTON; Mr. SMITH; Mr. SAXON, senr.; Mr. SAXON, jun.; and Master SAXON; Mr. and Mrs. CAITHNESS; Mr. PIGOTT; Mr. von BENSHERKEN; Mr. BENJAMIN.


PURVEYING DEPARTMENT. – We understand that Mr. C. B. HUTCHINS has relieved Mr. A. MCDONALD in the charge of this District: - the latter officer having been ordered back to K. W. Town for duty.

A Requisition from the Electors of Stockenstrom to W. H. BATES, Esq., of Eland’s Post, to become a candidate for a seat in the House of Assembly, will be found in our advertising columns.

Saturday, November 28, 1863.

To N. MEYER, Esq., J. P.,
Sir, - We the undersigned, Electors of the Electoral Division of Fort Beaufort, respectfully request that you will consent to become a candidate for the representation of this district in the House of Assembly, at the ensuing general election. As Parliament is to assemble in the city of Graham’s Town, in the Eastern Province, we require men of sterling character to represent our interests and we are confident that with your ability and uncompromising honesty and great vigilance, the interests of Fort Beaufort and Stockenstrom districts may be safely placed in your hands, and that you will prove as you have hitherto done, during the last two years in Parliament, a friend to the Eastern Province, by voting for all measures which are calculated to benefit this portion of the Colony: - and we further believe you are altogether adverse to measures calculated to impoverish the Colony, such as Railways under the sub-guarantee, and taxes on our only exportable article of any value, namely Wool. Should your reply be favourable to our wishes, we pledge ourselves to use our best efforts to secure your return.
We have the honor to be, Sir,
Your Obedt. Servants.
H. C. LEE,

Eland’s Post,
18th Nov. 1863.
To Barend WOEST, Esq.,
Sir, - We the undersigned, Electors of the District of Fort Beaufort, respectfully request that you will allow us to put your name in nomination as our Representative in the House of Assembly. Your long experience of Frontier affairs, together with your knowledge of the wants and requirements of the districts around you, lead us to believe that in trying to secure your Election, we are only performing a duty we owe to ourselves.
It is quite unnecessary for us to comment on your career both as a public and private individual for the knowledge possessed of you by all classes, sufficient.
Pledging ourselves in the event of your agreeing to stand, to use our best endeavours to secure your election.
We beg to subscribe ourselves,
Your very respectfully,
J. O. F. LAING, J. P.
G. G. MEURANT, R.M. Clerk,
C. I. BERRANGE, Deputy Sheriff,
Gabriel LOOTS,
G. S. NEL,

MARRIED, by Special Licence, on the 24th November, 1863, in the Wesleyan Chapel, Eland’s Post, by the Rev. Mr. THOMPSON. J. C. BERRANGE, son of Anthony BERRANGE, Esq., Civil Commissioner of Graaff Reinet, to Emily Locke LAMONT, daughter of W. T. L. EMETT, Esq., Civil Commissioner of Stockenstrom. – NO CARDS.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Sunday, 22nd November, 1863, Mr. Robert LAWRIE, aged 47. Deceased was a native of Edinburgh, and established himself many years ago as a Chemist and Druggist in Fort Beaufort, by the inhabitants of which, as well as by the residents of the surrounding country, he was generally respected both in his professional line and as a private citizen. Deceased leaves a Widow and numerous family, together with a large circle of friends to deplore his loss.
Fort Beaufort,
November 28, 1863.


FREE STATE. – Mr. Advocate BRAND has been elected President by a large majority. The official returns of the voting is as follows: - For BRAND, 2251 votes; VENTER, 884; BOWKER, 365; ALLISON, 27.

A son of old TOISE, one of the Lesseyton head men, broke a bloodvessel while in attendance at public worship, and died in a quarter of an hour afterwards.

The trial of Bishop COLENSO for false and erroneous teaching in his published works on the Epistle to the Romans and Pentateuch, was commenced on Tuesday morning in St. George’s Cathedral, Cape Town, before the Metropolitan Bishop of Cape Town, and two suffragans, the Bishop of Graham’s Town and Bishop of the Orange Free State. The accusing Clergy, the Dean of Cape Town and the Archdeacons of Graham’s Town and George, were present to support the charges they had preferred; and Dr. BLECK, the Curator of the Grey Library, attended on behalf of Bishop COLENSO, read a letter from the Bishop denying a jurisdiction of the Court, and handed in a formal protest against the proceedings. The speech of the Dean of Cape Town in support of the charges preferred was very eloquent and forcible, and characterised by deep research and great ability. The trial is reported verbatim in the Cape Argus.

THE SCALE TURNED. – In our issue of the 29th September last we stated that a young farmer was told by his intended bride, a few minutes before they were to be married, that she had “changed her mind,” and consequently they were not married. Since then, the said young lady engaged herself to another young farmer, and their banns have already been called twice in the church. The disappointed lover hearing this, thought he would try what effort an action for damages would have, goes to an Agent, who puts a stop to the banns twice published, and sues for £300 damages. The father of the young lady comes forward, and tenders £100 damages, and costs, amounting we believe to £40, which was accepted. This is the first time that we have heard of a young man sueing a young woman for damages for breach of promise of marriage. – Colesberg Adv.

Quite a gloom has been cast over the town by the sudden and melancholy death of Mr. Robert LAWRIE, on Sunday last. The deceased was a resident of the town for the last 14 years, and was generally respected, both in private life and in the public offices he had filled during that period. During the many years he held office as a Commissioner of the Municipality, and treasurer to that body, he was indefatigable in his endeavors to serve the public faithfully, sparing neither time nor exertion in his zeal for the welfare of the town: - while he was ever liberal with his purse in the promotion of any object of generally utility. It is, however, not only as a public-spirited individual that the deceased will be missed. In his professional walk he did much good unostentatiously, and laid many in the community under deep obligations, by the attention and skill which in emergencies he was ever ready to bestow, particularly in the case of sick children. Universal sympathy is felt for the afflicted family of the deceased.


Mr. PAINTER, has accepted an influentially signed Requisition from the electors of Somerset, to stand as a candidate for the representation of that division in the Assembly.

A CHEAP BARGAIN. – It is said that the pension allowed to Mr. Scott TUCKER in retiring from the office of colonial engineer is fixed at £150 a year.

The Council of India have granted Sir George CLERK a PENSION of a thousand pounds per annum – “to mark the sense entertained of the character of his services during the period of upwards of forty years.”

Saturday, December 5, 1863.

(Established 15 Years.)
The Undersigned, in returning thanks to the inhabitants of the Town and District at large for the liberal patronage bestowed on his Father (the late Mr. Robert LAWRIE), during the fifteen years he practised as Dispensing Chemist and Druggist in Fort Beaufort, begs to announce that the old Establishment will be carried on by him as usual, under the kind supervision of Dr. BENBOW, F.R.C.S. (District Surg.) – Prescriptions, as hitherto, carefully prepared, and all orders from town or country promptly attended to.
Petrus LAWRIE.
A large supply of Fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and Patent Medicines, kept in stock.
Also—Perfumery, &c. &c.

To Requisition from Electors of the District of Fort Beaufort.
Graham’s Town,
November 11, 1863.
GENTLEMEN, - I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your Requisition, conveying the request that I should be again a Candidate for one of the Seats which will shortly be vacant in the Legislative Council.
I have much pleasure in complying with your request, and I feel it my duty at the same time to state how much I appreciate the general recognition of my past services in the colonial Parliament by the Electors of the Eastern Province, conveyed in the numerous requisitions addressed to me, especially as I am convinced that there is a period approaching when the Political affairs of the Eastern Province will demand the most vigilant and experienced representatives which can be found to carry out the measures in the next Parliament which will place us in an unfettered and independent position.
My associations and connections in the colony are such, from my long residence in the Eastern Province, as to render what service I can give to its interest a pleasing duty, and I trust maybe accepted as a token of my full appreciation of the great trust confided to its representatives.
My political action and views have been long before you, and my sentiments on various points having been recently conveyed to the Fort Beaufort (town) Electors, I can only repeat should I have the honor to be re-elected I shall continue the same policy which you have so highly honoured with your approval.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant.
To Messrs. J. J. VAN AARDT, J.P., J. D. INGRAM, J UPTON, F.C., W. AINSLIE, and the other Gentlemen who signed the Requisition from the District of Fort Beaufort.

Licensed Chemist and Druggist.
Begs to inform the inhabitants of the Town and District of Fort Beaufort that he has made arrangements to open an establishment in the above line forthwith where will be kept a large supply of Fresh Drugs and Chemicals of every kind.
Prescriptions will be carefully prepared by himself personally.
Fort Beaufort,
Dec. 5, 1863.

Valuable house & ground for Sale.
The Undersigned having receive instructions from the Proprietor, Mr. PRITCHARD, of Australia, will sell by Public Auction, on Wednesday, 9th Dec., next, without reserve at a credit of six months,
A certain piece of land, with buildings thereon, situate in Campbell-street, Fort Beaufort, at present in the occupation of Mr. John DUFFY, being the Eastern half of Erf, No. 15, in extent 255 square roods 30 sq. feet.
On this property is built a substantial dwelling house, containing 5 rooms, besides out houses. There is a splendid stone quarry on the ground which of itself will realise a handsome sum per annum.
Title Clear.
S. H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer.

“ 7. – At Queenstown, in re W. BEST, second.
“ 8. – At Uitenhage, in re N. W. KLEINHANS, special. – for proof of debts.
“ 8. – At Uitenhage, in re T. L. TOLMAY, special. – for proof of debts.
“ 8. – At Uitenhage, in re G. L. VAN NIEKERK, third.
“ 8. – At Uitenhage, in re A. KENAU, third.
“ 10. – At Burghersdorp, in re P. J. KRUGER, second.
“ 11. – At Fort Beaufort, in re R. W. STUMBLES, second.
“ 15. – At Graaff-Reinet, in re P. F. BOUWER, third.
“ 15. – At Graaff-Reinet, in re M. J. PRETORIUS, third.
“ 21. – At Fort Beaufort, in re G. S. NEL, special. – offer of composition.

Dec. 3. – At Uitenhage, in re H. ALLISON, and predeceased spouse Anna Phillis Maria GATES.
“ 8. – At Uitenhage, in re C. M. ROWE, deceased
“ 23. – At Grahamstown, in re A. F. BRANDT, and surviving spouse, Charlotte BRAND.
“ 23. – At Grahamstown, in re J. JOHNSON, and surviving spouse, Harriet JOHNSON.


SACRILEGE. – The native Jan, charged with breaking into the Dutch Reformed Church at Adelaide and committing sacrilege by drinking some of the wine appropriated to sacramental purposes, was brought up before the Resident Magistrate on Monday, and convicted of the crime laid to his charge. – Sentence 3 months imprisonment with hard labor.

HAIL STORM. – On Tuesday afternoon, a severe storm of hail broke in this district in the neighbourhood of Mr. PEDLAR’s Farm. Much damage to regret to learn, resulted to Mr. PEDLAR’s crops, and the crops of neighboring farmers. Poultry were killed by the hail.

COLENSO TRIAL. – The pleadings in the Colenso trial closed last Saturday. The Bishop of Cape Town, Dr. GREY, intimated that time would be required to consider the bearings of the case before judgement was pronounced, of which due notice would be given.

THE ESTATE OF MR. H. DE LANGE VOS. – To-day a meeting of creditors of Mr. H. de Lange VOS was called and held at the office of the Colonial Orphan Chamber, Church square. Mr. de VOS stated that owing to the heavy losses since the beginning of the year he had been temporarily embarrassed, and as many untrue and absurd rumours were in circulation regarding his affairs he had resolved to call his creditors together at once to explain his true position to them. He estimated his liabilities, direct and indirect, at £23,000, and his assets at about £30,000. He proposed to give his creditors 20s. in the pound, the first 10s. to be payable in three months, under good security; and this he would do in respect of everything for which he was liable as principal or guarantee. His landed property was unmortgaged, and he had many bonds and shares which were not pledged for their value. He would be prepared with a statement of all his assets and liabilities on Saturday next, at noon. The meeting accordingly was adjourned to that day. – Adv. & Mail.

HAVING “A BURST.” – A travelling mason Charles ROBINSON, after being engaged nearly six months on the farm Jackalsvley, was enabled to purchase a saddle and bridle for £12, a gold watch and chain for £18, and excellent suit of clothes, and a good horse, and still retain upwards of £37 in his purse. Being thus provided, he started to the village of Middelburg, to have what he called “a burst,” and put up at Mrs. NAUFE’s hotel. Getting gloriously drunk the first night, he awoke the following morning to find the whole of his money gone out of his purse and the horse from the stable. He then sold the watch and saddle for £6, and afterwards got into a row with a man named Patrick BRYNS, who pommelled his head and face with a large stone, and for which they were both committed to gaol for twenty-four hours on spare diet. A day or two afterwards ROBINSON was seen walking out the village looking very melancholy, with all his worldly property contained in two small bundles over his shoulder, one hanging in front and the other behind.

THE REV. A MURRAY’S RECEPTION AT DARLING. – As we mentioned yesterday morning, this rev. gentleman was refused admittance into the church upon his arrival at Darling on Sunday last. The Volksblad of this morning gives the following particulars. According to the arrangements made by the Synod, the Rev. Mr. SHAND ought to have visited and preached at Darling on the 22nd. He was prevented from some cause or other, and the Rev. Mr. MURRAY went in his stead. It seems that as soon as it was known at Darling that the Synod had suspended Rev. Mr. KOTZE, the trustees of the Darling Church resolved to admit none of the ministers appointed to preach to their pulpit. They gave notice of this by sending a copy of the following letter to every one of the Clergymen nominated. -
“Rev. Sir. – We, as trustees of the Darling Church, have the honor to inform you that we have resolved to allow no minister appointed by the Synod to that duty to preach in our church. With esteem, we are &c. &C., trustees of Darling Church.”
In spite of this letter, the Rev. A. MURRAY arrived at Darling on Sunday morning, accompanied by Mr. Lambert LOCHNER, retired elder of the church at Wellington. Upon his requesting the use of the church, it was refused in accordance with the resolution come to. After this refusal he tried to get the use of the court-room, and then of another room; but his every endeavour failed, and he left the village and conducted a private service at the house of Mr. BASSON, of Oudeport. Before leaving he had requested to a have a meeting with the trustees next morning, which request was acceded to. At that meeting the trustees unanimously adhered to their previous resolution, and protested that they would on no account whatever depart form it, nor suffer any clergyman appointed by the Synod to officiate in the church. One of the trustees asked him why he had brought Mr. Lambert LOCHNER with him? The Volksblad adds, that in consequence of this determined refusal, the Rev. Mr. MURRAY has abandoned his intention to remain three weeks in the parish of Darling. The Zuid-Afrikaan gives a somewhat different account. It says that upon his arrival Mr. MURRAY first went to Mr. DUCKITT, junr., one of the deacons, and asked him if he would be allowed to preach. Mr. DUCKITT said that he could not tell, as it depended upon the conclusion come to by the trustees of the church. He then went to Grootepost and Gansenkraal, but failed in his endeavours to induce the trustees to yield. Upon asking Mr. F. DUKKITT with what right the church was closed, that gentleman answered, “with the same right by which the Synod lately closed the church in Cape Town against its proprietors.” With the exception of this refusal Mr. MURRAY was most courteously treated. The Zuid-Afrikaan says that he intimated his intention shortly to visit every family in the parish. The Rev. Mr. KOTZE has been in town during all these proceedings, and is not expected at Darling before next week. – Adv. & Mail.


A PROCLAMATION in yesterday’s Gazette declares that the following members of the Legislative Council have by effluxion of time vacated their seats, that is to say, of those elected for the Western Districts. – Hercules Cross JARVIS, Johan Henrik WICHT, Dirk Gysbert van BREDA, Francis William REITZ; and of those elected for the Eastern Districts, Robert GODLONTON, Samuel CAWOOD, Ludwig Johan Frederik von MARTITZ, Henry TUCKER; and calls upon all persons who have been invited to become candidates for the vacant seats, who have accepted, to transmit their requisitions and their acceptance thereof to the Colonial Secretary on or before the 22nd December next.

Mr. R. M. BOWKER has accepted two requisitions from Somerset, asking him to resume his seat as one of the representatives of that division, and says that, if returned, his “humble services will be devoted in furthering the interests of all who have placed their confidence to him, and also of those who do not.”

A BRANCH of the Mortgage and Investment Company is to be opened at once at Graaff-Reinet, under the management of J. L. BERRANGE, Esq., (Dep. Sheriff of Stockenstrom) son of the much respected Civil Commissioner of that place, and an influential Board of Directors.

EXTRACT from letter of Mr. R. BAIN dated Aberdeen, 28th November, 1863: - “Myself and a party of Camdeboo Boers left for the sale he day before yesterday of W. S. van HEERDER, on the Sneeuwbergen, and nearly lost our lives on the great Camdeboo mountain in the thick fog and the cold rain. I was 4½ hours in the saddle, it raining all the time and had no greatcoat. The Camdeboo rivers are still very full. The post boy got in about half an hour ago and will leave again presently.
I have lost no sheep with the rains although it was very cold. Things brought fair prices at the sale. – Merino ewes, 15s., with wool on; Merino Hamels 15s; pure bred ewes good, £1 10s each; pure bred rams £1 10s. to £2 10s. ; Horses, and horned cattle averaged very fair prices indeed.” – G. R> Advertiser.

List of Licences issued by the Distributor of Stamps, at Fort Beaufort, during the month of November, 1863.
Auctioneer’s Licence, to expire 26th November, 1863. Samuel H. ROBERTS, Fort Beaufort.
Gunpowder Licence, to expire 11th November, 1863. Charles HOLLIDAY, Fort Beaufort.
Retail Shop Licences, to expire 31st December, 1864. Mary CAVANAGH,Blinkwater; A. COUTTES, Fort Beaufort.
Game Licences, to expire 30th June 1864. William STAPLES, Winterberg; George WINGHAM, Fort Beaufort; F. P. BERRY, Adelaide.
Dis. Of Stamps.
Stamp Office,
Fort Beaufort, Dec. 2, 1863.

Saturday, December 12, 1863.

All Persons are hereby warned against Hunting, Shooting, Cattle grazing, Cutting Wood, or in any other way trespassing on the Farm Endwell, Winterberg, - as after this notice all offenders will be prosecuted to the utmost rigor of the law.
Dec. 12, 1863.

By a respectable young Woman not long from England, a situation as nurse. She understands management of a Baby from its birth, 0 also the management of children generally. Is a good needle woman, and would be found willing and obliging. For character apply to Mrs. BRAY. Please address quickly, “M.M.D,” with Major BRAY, 96th Regiment.
Fort Beaufort,
Dec. 12, 1863.

The Celebrated Italian Family of FERONI just arriving in Fort Beaufort, will give their First Performance on Tuesday night next, the 15th instant in the rear of the Masonic Hall,
When will be exhibited a great variety of Surprising Feats in tight rope dancing, gymnastics, &c.

Henrietta-street, Fort Beaufort.
Well-aired Beds, Private Rooms for families,
Wines, Spirits, and Draught Ale of the best quality.
Dec. 12, 1863.

The contractor for the conveyance of the mails between Port Elizabeth and Sundays River, has been FINED £290 for the detention of the mail packet that was lost some time ago in the Coega Bush; - and the Government have further given notice for the cessation of the contract, in consequence of the unsatisfactory way in which the mail serve is performed.
Joseph Hardcastle WINDELL, of Queen’s Town, baker, assets, £2554 12s. 4d.; liabilities, £4249 14s. 1d.; deficiency, £1695 1s. 9d.
William Christian DURAND, of Queen’s Town, assets, £2408; liabilities, £3585 15s. 9d.; deficiency, £1177 15s. 9d.
J. D. and D. BARNES, of Queen’s Town, wagonmakers, assets, £232 3d.; deficiency, £287 4s. 6d.; deficiency, £55 4s. 3d.

AN ACCIDENT occurred just beyond Appies Drie [Apies Draai] last week, through the carelessness of a wagon driver, which was very nearly terminating seriously. Mr. J. VIGNE was driving a cart with a spirited pair of horses, in which himself and four children were seated. And in a part of the road he met a wagon coming along without either leader or driver being visible. The road was too narrow to allowed him to get past on either side of the wagon, and the oxen kept the middle of the road. The position did not allow of the cart being turned round, and the consequence was that an attempt was made to pass, in the hope that the oxen might be driven a little towards the side. The space was only sufficient to permit the naves of the wheels passing clear of each other, but just as this feat was accomplished the break of the wagon came in to contact with a wheel of the cart, Mr. VIGNE being thrown out by the shock and the axle of the cart bent and otherwise damaged. Fortunately, he preserved his presence of mind, and kept the horse in check at this critical moment, or the lives of the children in the cart, might have been in serious jeopardy. As it was, the damage to cart and harness was such that assistance had to be obtained from the wagoner and leader of the wagon causing the injury, before a move homeward could be made. The worthies belonging to the wagon were asleep it seems inside, and were aroused by the concussion, and after they had had time to rub their eyes came to Mr. VIGNE’s assistance. It is a wonder that accidents from the carelessness of drivers and leaders, especially natives, are not of more frequent occurrence. The greatest nonchalance is manifested frequently by driver and leaders at the prospect of collisions on the road. – In very critical place oxen are allowed to take their own course. At the last Circuit Court held in Graham’s Town, heavy damages were obtained by a passenger in the mail cart for injuries sustained by being thrown out, through the oxen belonging to Mr. GARDINER not having a leader at their head.

THE COMMANDANT OF THE FORCES. – Major-General Sir R. P. DOUGLAS, Bart., Lieut-General commanding the Forces at the Cape of Good Hope, is a gentleman who has seen a great deal of service in various capacities. So long since as 1830, when a captain in the 29th Regiment, he was on the staff of the Sir Charles COLVILLE at Mauritius. Going home with Sir Charles he afterwards joined his regiment in India, and subsequently served upon the staff of his father, Sir R. DOUGLAS, C.B., when High Commissioner of the Ionian Islands. After a protracted period of service in several subordinate grades, on the 26th October, 1858, Sir R. P. DOUGLAS became a Major-General, and was subsequently appointed Commandant of the Forces and Lieutenant-Governor of the Island of Jersey, in which capacity he remained until promoted to the command of the forces at the Cape of Good Hope. Whether Sir Percy Douglas is commissioned as Lieut.-Governor, as well as Commandant of the Forces at the Cape, is not yet known but it is understood that he has taken a residence at Mowbray for a period of six months, and from that circumstance it is interred that he does not contemplate an early removal to the Frontier. – Argus.

DUTCHMAN DROWNED. – A Dutch farmer named GROBBELAAR, living near Breakfast Vley, and the father of 7 children, was drowned in the Fish River on Wednesday last, in attempting to swim through on horseback.

Just as we were going to press some excitement was caused by the occurrence of what is known as a “wolkbreuk,” or bursting of a water-cloud on the mountain, above the farm of Mr. REITZ at Eenzaamheid, Buffeljagte River. As seen by the naked eye from the village, the corner of the mountain appeared deluged with a vast sheet of water, and fears were entertained that some disaster might happen by its sudden descent into the river. In the village itself we had only a light shower or two, accompanying some heavy thunder peals, but the sky is still overcast with dark ominous looking clouds. – Overberg Courant.

REPRESENTATION OF PORT ELIZABETH. – The Telegraph says: “It is positively affirmed that our respected fellow-townsman, Mr. George REED, will be requested to represent the interests of this town in the next Parliament, to be held in Graham’s Town. Mr. REED, no doubt, will consent to be nominated.”


FORT BEAUFORT RACES. – A meeting was held at HIGGS’ Hotel on Thursday last, of Gentlemen interested in the Turf, at which Stewards and Office bearers for the ensuing meeting were appointed. It was settled that the Races are to be held on the 5th and 6th of May next.

ACROBATS. – It will be seen by an advertisement in another column, that the celebrated FERONI family have paid Fort Beaufort a visit, and will give the first exhibition of their astonishing gymnastic feats on Tuesday next, in the rear of the Masonic Hall.

INSOLVENT MEETING. – The second meeting in the Estate of R. W. STUMBLES, was held before the Resident Magistrate yesterday. Mr. S. H. ROBERTS was elected to trustee,

DIED of Hooping Cough, at Hertzog, on the 5th December 1863, Marchant, youngest son of George and Marta GREEN, Aged 1 year and 7 months.

Edited, Printed, and Published by the Proprietor, Jno. QUIN, on his premises, Market Square, Fort Beaufort.

Saturday, December 19, 1863.

Sale of valuable erf in Kat River.
In the Insolvent Estate of John STANTON.
The Undersigned, duly authorised, will sell by Public Auction in front of his Commission Stores, on Thursday, the 8th Jan., 1831, an erf, 12 morgen in extent.
In the Block Fort Armstrong, Fieldcornetcy of Balfour, District of Stockenstrom.
This erf is one of the largest and most valuable in the whole district, and has an extensive commonage of 3,500 morgen:
Sale to commence at 12 o’ clock.

In the Estate of the late Alexander MCKENZIE,
The Undersigned in his capacity as Executive Dative to the above Estate, will sell by Auction at Adelaide, on Friday, 15th January, 1864, an erf with buildings thereon.
Situated in Adelaide, belonging to the said Estate.
Full particulars can be obtained on application to the Undersigned, or to Mr. John HUDSON, of Fort Beaufort.

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on Saturday morning, 12th instant, Catherina Jacoba Rosins, Daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Henry WIENAND, - age 10 months and 12 days.
December 14, 1863.

“ 21. - At Bedford, in re F. MEAKER, second.
‘’ 21. - At Queenstown, in re J. H. WINDELL, first.
“ 21. - At Queenstown, in re J. D. & G. BARNES, first.
“ 21. - At Queenstown, in re W. C. DURAND, first.
“ 21. - At Queenstown, in re R. B. EVA, first.
“ 22. - At Graaff Reinet, in re J. A. ENSLIN, jun., third.
“ 22. - At Graaff Reinet, in re J. B. ENSLIN, J. A, sen., third.
“ 22. - At Graaff Reinet, in re SOLOMON & MALLO, special, - for proof of debts.
“ 22. - At Graaff Reinet, in re G. SOLOMON, special, - for proof of debts.
“ 22. - At Graaff Reinet, in re J. A. ENSLIN, SEN., third.
“ 22. - At Graaff Reinet, in re G. N. WALDEK, third.
“ 24. – At Burghersdorp, in re J. HOWATT, first.
“ 28. – At Queenstown, in re J. H. LINDELL, second.
“ 28. – At Queenstown, in re J. D. & G. BARNES, second.
“ 28. – At Queenstown, in re W. C. DURAND, second.
“ 29. – At Queenstown, in re R. B. EVA, second.
“ 30. – At Burghersdorp, in re J. HOWATT, second.
Jan 5. – At Graaff Reinet, in re J. P. PIENAAR, special, - for proof of debts.
“ 6. - At Port Elizabeth, in re A. EHRHARD, third.

Jan. 6 – At Grahamstown, in re Elizabeth Agatha CORNIN.
“ 6 – At Grahamstown, in re Thomas LANHAM.
“ 19 – At Graaff Reinet, in re Nicholaas Jacobus SMIT, and surviving spouse, M. C. van der VYVER


STORM. – On Friday last a severe thunderstorm swept over the country from the north-west, doing considerable injury to the crops on the farms of Mr. PAINTER, Mr. BLAKEWAY, Mr. ANDREWS and others. At the Yellowwood Hotel, the force of the wind was so great, that a wagon was blown over. A building of Mr. BLAKEWAY’s farm was struck by the electric fluid, but fortunately not much injured.
The STORM of wind and rain which passed near the Yellowwoods on Friday was exceedingly heavy. A wagon and oxen of Mr. JONES containing his family, was unluckily caught by the wind, and completely capsized, and strange to say, immediately raised by the wind and turned over again in the contrary direction. – (Communicated)

Mr. W. SMITH has been ELECTED Mayor of Port Elizabeth, for the fourth time. A very interesting discussion took place on the occasion relative to the most suitable manner of doing honor to the head of the corporation. Something was said about a piece of plate, but eventually it was decided that plates for the councillors to be filled at the expense of the burgesses, was the most suitable way to honor the Mayor, at least in the first instance. Mr. George REID was averse to the Councillor feeding themselves out of the ratepayers pockets, particularly as on the former occasion, he and other Councillors had not been invited to share in the “feast of mutton and the flow of ale.”


Mr. J. QUIN was elected yesterday as a Municipal Commissioner, in the room of the late Mr. R. LAWRIE.

The FERONI family have their first performance on Thursday evening. The C.M.R. Band was in attendance, and everything went off with éclat. Another performance takes place to-night.

INSOLVENCY. – The estate of Mr. G. A. WATERMEYER has been surrendered before the Chief Justice, at Graaff-Reinet. The liabilities are £38,000, the assets £28,000.

The Club-house at the top of High-Street, belonging to the insolvent estate of J. STYLES, was sold yesterday morning at auction by Mr. Peter POTE, for £1,896, the Grahamstown Club being the purchaser, - Frontier Times.

VALUE OF A VOTE. – At the assessment committee meeting held in Graham’s Town last week William FRASER and another, two colored rate-payers residing at the location, consented to have their assessment raised from £6 to £10 per annum, in order that they might secure the privilege of voting for Parliamentary and Municipal representatives.

Saturday, December 26, 1863.

Agency in all it branches, including Cases in the Court of the Resident Magistrate.
Administration of Estates – transfer of landed property
Mortgages &c. &c.
Undertaken by the Undersigned,
November 18, 1863.

ON DIT. – We hear on a very good authority that J. G. J. RAWSTORNE, Esq., of the Civil Commissioner’s Department of Uitenhage, is to go to Richmond as Resident Magistrate and Civil Commissioner, VICE – GARCIA, Esq., and that T. GIE, Esq., will succeed Mr. RAWSTORNE.

THE TRIAL OF BISHOP COLENSO. – OPINIONS OF THE ASSESSORS. – Bishop GRAY presided in the Cathedral to-day, when the opinion of his assessors in the trial of Bishop COLENSO were delivered. The Bishop of Grahamstown was the first who spoke. In his opening observations he expressed his readiness to take his full share in the responsibility of this judgement. The Bishop of the Free State followed, both finding all the charges proved against COLENSO. The Lord Bishop of Cape Town will give judgement in the case on Wednesday. – Adv. & Mail.

BRUTAL MURDER. – A correspondent writes as follows: - “A brutal murder was committed on Sunday last the 13th inst., on the farm of Mr. Philip FERREIRA, Gonubie district. The victim is a boy named SCHEEPERS, aged 15 years, and the murderer or murderers supposed to be Kafir, altho’ from the evidence elicited by Mr. G. BISSET, P. ERASMUS, J.P., and other boers on the spot, it does not appear what motive could have prompted the murderer to perpetrate the atrocious crime.
The poor boy was living with his parents, who are very respectable and industrious people. He was an only son, and his shocking death has nearly broken their hearts. He left home on Sunday morning and was not seen again alive. Upwards of 50 boers, including P. ERASMUS, J.P., Fieldcornet BIRT and Commandant BISSET, have been searching for him for four days. Today (Thursday) they found the body, quite naked in a deep portion of the river, about a mile from the house. His face was brutally disfigured and marks of violence were discovered on other portions of the body. Several Kaffirs were apprehended by Mr. BISSET and sent into Maclean, where they were examined by the Magistrate, Capt. HUNT, but the evidence obtained does not very strongly convict any of the prisoners, altho’ from admissions made by one Kaffir to some of the Dutchman who were searching for the body there is no doubt the parties in custody, of not guilty of the actual murder, have had some hand in it. – K. W. T. Gazette.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT. – As some Fingoes were crossing the Tyumie with a wagon load of goods, the disselboom broke but instead of outspanning until another could be procured, they hooked the trek chain to the wagon, and it going through a dry drift, the wagon fell to pieces, one man being killed and another seriously injured. An Irishman ran to the rescue and rendered all the assistant in his power. A native happened to be passing and was asked to call on the dead man’s friends – but, of course, Fingo like, he wanted first to know who was to pay him and how much he was to get for it. In this dilemma, Mr. Barend WOEST instantly lent his wagon to convey the dead man and the wounded man to where their friends resided. – (Communicated)

EXECUTION. - The Kaffir UMPELISEN, for the murder of T’SHETCHE, underwent the extreme penalty of the law at half past 6 o’clock on Saturday morning. There was a gathering of about a thousand people present. Detachments of the Cape Mounted Rifles, and 2nd 10th Regt. Formed a semicircle about the gallows, and kept the crowd at proper distance. The whole of the prisoners in gaol (some forty) were brought out to witness the consequences of crime. After the arrival of the High Sheriff, the victim appeared, accompanied by the Rev. KAYSER and the hangman, in a hideous disguise. The culprit did not speak, but trembled violently during the adjustment of the rope; the fatal bolt was, however, soon drawn and the murderer launched into eternity. – Ibid.

SUDDEN DEATH. – A Mr. HORN, who resided a few miles from this place, suddenly fell down dead at his residence, on Saturday last, and was buried at East London the next afternoon.

THE MORTAL REMAINS of a man named CORBETT were found in the veldt at Amalinda on Wednesday last. He was struck dead by lightning during the heavy thunderstorm which passed over that part of the country on the previous Friday. When the body was found, it presented a horrible appearance, having been preyed upon by vultures. – Kaf. Recorder.

The trial of Bishop COLENSO before the Lord Bishop of Cape Town was brought to a close yesterday in St. George’s Cathedral. The Lord Bishop, in a lengthy address, which occupied about three hours in delivery, reviewed the charges and defence which had been made in the case, and stated that he had found the Bishop of Natal guilty on every point. He then proceeded to pronounce sentence in the following words: - “Now, therefore, we, in the exercise of our jurisdiction, do hereby sentence, adjudge, and decree the said Bishop of Natal to be deposed from the said office as such Bishop, and to be further prohibited from the exercise of any divine office within any part of the Metropolitan Province of Cape Town. But inasmuch as the said Bishop of Natal is not personally present, and we desire to afford him sufficient opportunity of retracting and recalling the extracts aforesaid, before this sentence shall take effect, we do suspend the retraction until the 16th day of April next; and we hereby decree and order, that if on or before the 4th day of March next the said Bishop of Natal shall have filed of record with Douglas DUBOIS, of Doctor’s Commons, in the city of London, proctor, solicitor, and notary public, our commissary in England, at his office, 7, Godleman street, Doctors’ Commons, London, a full, unconditional, and absolute retraction, in writing, of all the extracts aforesaid; or otherwise shall have, before the 16th day of April next, filed with the Registrar of this Diocese, at his office in Cape Town, such full, unconditional, and absolute retraction and recall of the said extracts, then, in either case, on the 16th day of April next, no such retraction shall have been recorded in manner above set firth, then the said sentence shall be of full force and effect, and shall be published, so soon as convenient after the said 16th day of April, in all the Churches of the Diocese of Natal, and in the several Cathedral Churches of the province of Cape Town.”
Dr. BLECK, the representative of Dr. COLENSO, then handed in the following protest:
“On behalf of the Right Reverence the Lord Bishop of Natal, I again protest against the legality of the present proceedings, and the validity of this judgement; and with all respect towards your Lordship personally, I, on the Bishop’s behalf, give you formal notice that the said proceedings and judgment are and will be regarded and treated by him as a nullity, void of all force and effect. And I, in like manner, further give notice that the Bishop of Natal will, if the same shall be expedient or necessary, and, if he shall be thereunto advised, appeal from or otherwise contest the lawfulness of these proceedings, and will, if need be, resist any attempt to enforce and carry out the execution of this judgement, in such manner and by such lawful ways and process as he shall be advised to be proper.”
The Bishop of Cape Town said, - I cannot recognise any appeal, except to His Grace, the Archbishop of Canterbury, and I must require that appeal to be made within fifteen days from the present time.

PARLIAMENTARY. – It will be seen from the reply of Mr. W. H. BATES, in another column that he has declined the influentially signed requisition addressed to him, to become a candidate for a seat in the Assembly. The ostensible candidates are thus reduced to three – Messrs. N. MEYER, W. AYLIFF, and B. WOEST; but we are informed that other gentlemen are likely to contest the representation of the district, and among then one who, though a colonist by birth, and a gentleman of education will probably not prove generally acceptable as a frontier representative. The gentleman we refer to, to whom we understand a numerously signed requisition has been got up in the Kat River, is at present, and has been for some time a resident of Cape Town, and is closely connected with the press of that city, facts which may not unreasonably raise a suspicion that his sympathies have a Western twist. We may be mistaken, the gentleman may be thoroughly unprejudiced towards either province, but the presumption is not extravagant that a bias has been contracted in favour of that portion of the Colony with which he has been personally almost entirely associated, and with which his interests directly and indirectly have hitherto, to all appearance been identified. While refraining from prejudicing a gentleman whose sentiments are as yet unavowed, and who may possess all the qualities which this constituency would value in a representative, - we have no hesitation in stating our own opinion generally, - that it would be wiser under the circumstances in which the colony is now situated, for frontier district to entrust their interests to the hands of men whom they know, and whose antecedents afford them a security that their votes will be registered on the right side of the great questions which will engage Parliament, even though such representatives may not possess in perfection all the qualifications which we would expect to see in finished statesman, - than to risk their future welfare and the political rights for which they have so long struggled, to the keeping of men, who however accomplished and estimable, may be very inefficient advocates and luke warm supporters, even if they are not downright opponents, of these vital measures upon which our future prosperity depends.

MILITARY. – There are several reports of intended changes in the distribution of the Military force on the frontier. The headquarters of the C. M. Rifles, it is said, will shortly proceed to K. W. Town, only one troop remaining in Fort Beaufort. The headquarters of the 11th Regt. Will be stationed here, and one company in Port Elizabeth. Some of the troops near K. W. Town, will be pushed further to the front. The changes are for the most part only conjectural as yet, and no movement will take place probably until after the Commander-in-Chief has paid the frontier a personal visit. Sir P. DOUGLAS may be expected in two or three weeks.

THEFT OF STOCK. – We regret to hear that there is no cessation of thefts in the district. Several large lots of sheep have been lately stolen. In the Kat River Settlement, also the farmers are severe sufferers. In one ward alone of the district, Mancazana, within a circle with a radius of three miles, the following losses from thefts, within the, past six months, have been ascertained. The list we are informed is rather under than over estimated: - Hans PIETERS, 44 bucks; A. FERGUSEN, 77 sheep, 1 ox, 1 mare; J. BOOYSEN, 2 cows, 50 sheep, - CARELSE, 8 oxen; N. van der MEULEN, 60 sheep; - COESTER, 110 bucks; J. JANSEN, 50 bucks; Hans MAGERMAN, 2 horses, 20 bucks; Isaac ARENDS, 20 bucks, 1 ox, 2 sheep; Alie ARENDS, 1 horse, 1 ox; Bard WINDVOGEL, 2 oxen, 15 bucks; - SMIT, 75 sheep; M. STUURMAN, 1 ox.

Mr. M. H. BENJAMIN has consented to be nominated as one of the candidates for the representation of Port Elizabeth.

Seymour, Stockenstrom,
22nd Dec. 1863.
Gentlemen, - I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your Requisition, inviting me to become a candidate for a seat in the Legislative Assembly, at the forthcoming Election, for the Division of Fort Beaufort, of which Stockenstrom forms a part, for electoral purposes.
I can assure you that it has given me great satisfaction to receive such an expression of confidence from the people among whom my lot has been cast for the last 13 years, - and however overrated these expressions may have been, I shall feel it a pleasing task to endeavour to retain the good feeling and respect manifested towards me, and to promote by every means in my power the wellbeing of those by whom I am, or may in future be surrounded.
I feel fully impressed with the importance of the measures that will be submitted to the first Frontier Parliament. Separation, Federation, Annexation, or any other scheme of reform which the Government may have in reserve, will require the ablest and best men that can be found to discuss and carry them out, - while other important subjects, such as the Law of Inheritance, (which its present state is distasteful to the sons of old England) Education, Emigration, Taxation, &c., will also need the fullest amount of talent and experience which can be brought to bear on them.
It is in the full conviction that abler men than myself are in the field as candidates for your suffrages, whose knowledge and experience in Parliamentary duties are greater than I can pretend to, and whose service I trust will be more conducive to your interests than mine could be expected to be, that I beg respectfully decline the proffered honor.
Thanking you once more for your kind expressions in my regard.
I have the honor to be, Gentlemen,
Your most Obdt. Servant.
To W. T. L. EMETT, ESQ.,
And the other Gentlemen who signed the Requisition.

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