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Fort Beaufort Advocate 1864 1 January - March

Saturday, January 2, 1864

In the Estate of the late Johannes Hendrik BOTHA, of Winterberg, District of Fort Beaufort.
The Undersigned, duly authorised, will sell by Public Auction, on the Farm “LOUW’S KRAAL,” Winterberg, on Monday, 25th January, 1864, all the moveable and immoveable property belonging to the above Estate, consisting of –
Household Furniture, beds, bedsteads, sofas, tables, chairs, crockery and kitchen utensils, &c. &c.
1 superior Horse Wagon and Harness for six horses
1       “    Buck Wagon with gear complete
706   “    Hamels
2994 “    Merino Ewes
700   “    Goats
20     “    Oxen
85     “    Cows and Calves
22     “    Horses and Mares, &c. &c. &c.
  “      “       DUBBEL DRAAY
  “      “       HARTEBEEST HOEK
  “      “       SCHURFDE KOP
The several Farms adjoin each other, situated along the Koonap, in the Winterberg, and known too well to require further description.
Sale to commence at 10 o’clock precisely.
Refreshments will be provided.
N. MEYER, Auctioneer.
Adelaide, December, 1863.

The Store adjoining the Dispensary of Mr. Petrus LAWRIE in Campbell-Street. The situation renders suitable either for a Store of Office. For particulars apply to the undersigned.
Petrus LAWRIE,
Fort Beaufort, Jan. 2, 1864.

Jan. 5. - At Graaff Reinet, in re J. P. PIENAAR, special, - for proof of debts.
Jan. 6. - At Port Elizabeth, in re A. EHRHARD, third.
Jan. 6. - Port Elizabeth, A. C. E. PLACLETT, second.
Jan.8th - Cradock John Henry AVAUN, special.
Jan.8th - At King Williamstown, in re Alexander MILLER, special.
Jan. 13th - At Port Elizabeth, in re Fred. R. DAMANT, third.
Jan. 15th - At King Williamstown, in re George BISSET, special.
Jan. 15th - At King Williamstown, in re William HALL, special.

Jan. 6. - At Grahamstown, in re Elizabeth Agatha CURNIN.
Jan. 6. - At Grahamstown, in re Thomas LANHAM.
Jan. 19. - At Graaff Reinet, in re Nicholas Jacobus SMIT, and surviving spouse, M. C. van der VYVER.
Jan. 8 - Stockenstrom, John ROBERTSON, and predeceased spouse Bridget ROBERTSON.
Jan. 12 - East London, Mary Ann DUFFIELD, born MOON, formerly widow of the late James TROW, married without community of property to William Durham DUFFIELD.
Jan. 13 - Port Elizabeth, William BUCKLEY, special.
Jan. 13 - Grahamstown, Theunis C. J. GOOSEN.
Jan. 27 - Burghersdorp, Robert JOHNSON, and surviving spouse Mary Ann KILROE.
Jan. 8th - Fort Beaufort, in re Arend de WAAL, deceased.
Jan. 8th - At Frazerberg, in re Rietze GAMBOER (ESTERHUYSEN) deceased.
Jan. 12th - At East London, in re Mary Anse DUFFIELD, deceased.
Jan. 15th – At Riversdale, in re Pieter Wienand G. STEYN, deceased.
Jan. 19th - At Graaff-Reinet, in re Nicholis SMIT, deceased.
Jan. 19th - At Capetown, in re James GREY, deceased.
Jan. 20th - At Albert, in re Thomas HEAZLE , deceased.
Jan. 20th - At Albert, in re Robert Chas. SHILLER, deceased.
Jan. 29th - At Albert, in re Robert JOHNSTON, deceased.
Jan. 29th - At Somerset East, in re Maria J. ERASMUS, deceased.


EXTRAORDINARY PROCEEDING. – The East London Recorder relates an extraordinary freak of the Captain of the coasting steamer Norman. On last Wednesday this steamer came in sight of East London, and hove to for half an hour. Instant preparations were made by intending passengers to Natal to get themselves and luggage on board, and the boat with passengers was got off without delay, and was within a hundred yards of the Norman, when the latter suddenly ran up the blue peter, and steered off under sail and steam, leaving the passengers literally in the lurch. No cause can be imagined for this strange conduct, and much indignation is felt. An investigation will be demanded. The following are the passengers who were ready to embark in the Norman: - Mr. E. GRIFFITHS, Mr. BROWNLOW, Govt. Sec., Mr. A. MCLEAN, Mr. ATWELL, 1 in the forecabin, 6 in the steerage, and 8 soldiers – 19 in all.

A DISTRICT SURGEON, according to the Recorder, is sadly needed at East London since the departure of Dr. VIX for Peddie.

POSTMASTER AT SUNDAYS RIVER FERRY. – His Excellency has decided to abolish the postmastership at Sunday River Ferry from the first of next month.

WRECK. – The schooner Eyeline bound from Table Bay to Natal, was totally wrecked off Danger Point, on the 19th inst. Two children of Mrs. REED, and the cook were drowned, and Mr. T. W. BOWLER, son of the artist, has had a narrow escape. The whole of the valuable cargo was lost. The vessel was insured in the Equitable for £1000, a sum much below her value.

BANKRUPTCY COURT. – Insolvent estates placed under sequestration in the hands of the Master of the Supreme Court: 19th December,
Alfred Benjamin KIDWELL, of the division of Fort Beaufort, farmer;
Assets, £103 18s.; liabilities, £379; deficiency, £275 2s.
William PARRINGTON, of Port Elizabeth, woolwasher (adjudicated order of sequestration);
Assets and liabilities unknown.
Joseph BOND, of Colesberg, hotelkeeper:
Assets, £1,482 5s.; liabilities £1,608 1s. 6d.; deficiency, £125 16s. 6d.

COMMISSARIAT. – We understand that Commissary, General DRAKE has been transferred to New Zealand on special service, during the continuance of the war, and will leave here in the course of two or three weeks. We believe he intends returning to the frontier by the steamer Dane, which is to leave Cape Town on the 26th inst. The department is handed over temporarily to the care of Assistant Commissary-General ATKINSON, at Cape Town, who will make a tour of the frontier, in company of Sir Percy DOUGLAS.

MR. SOLOMON, thinking it possible that he may be prevented from returning to the Cape in time to take his place in Parliament at the opening of the session has issued an address to the electors of Cape Town withdrawing from the candidature. We, however, presume that those who sympathize with his political views will still put him in nomination, on the ground that it will be better that he should be returned, even with a contingency that he may not be in Graham’s Town within a month or so after the opening of the session, that that “Western interests” should be deprived of an advocate so able and experienced. We should regret his exclusion from the Parliament on other grounds. There are few men so competent to deal worthily with the great questions that will have to be discussed in the Parliamentary session of 1864, and none that are able can be spared whatever their opinions may be upon the subjects that will require consideration. – Argus.

LETTERS from St. Helena state that Capt. BALDWIN had held a court of enquiry on board the Vanderbilt respecting the death of Mr. GRAY, chief mate of the Saxon. The evidence went to show that it was accidental, but Capt. BALDWIN considered that a fuller investigation into the affair should be made when the Saxon reached New York.

THE ATTORNEY-GENERAL. – A notice in the Gazette announces that Honourable William PORTER, having returned to the colony, has resumed his duties as Attorney-General from the 14th instant.

THE REPORTED DEATH OF DR. LIVINGSTONE. – We have learnt from Dr. MELLER who is now at Simon’s Town, the source of the alarming information about the death of Dr. LIVINGSTONE. After Dr. MELLER had left Quillimane, the Governor of that place sent a message after him, a distance of ninety miles, with the intelligence received from the Governor of Senna that a report had come down from the neighbourhood of Lake Nyassa that Dr. Livingstone had been murdered by the natives of the Lake, but the report wanted confirmation. This was all the news received. There were some natives coming down the River Zambezi, who said they had also heard the Doctor had been killed or wounded at the Lake. – Adv. & Mail.


BEST’s ESTATE. – The second meeting in this Estate took place in the Magistrate’s Officer a few days ago, when Bonds, Promissory Notes, &c., were proved to the tune of nearly £16,000, and it is expected at the third meeting that another £10,000 will turn up. Mr. J. E. NELSON of Cradock, and Mr. A. L. BENJAMIN were elected the Joint Trustees. From what we hear, we do not think the Estate will pay 6d. in the £. The first general Bond of £600, passed by the Insolvent in favor of Mr. Henry HUTTON, will take what little there is. – Free Press.

STANDARD BANK. – Mr. ASHBURNHAM, of the Eastern Province Bank, has been appointed accountant to this Institution.

Saturday, January 9, 1864

MUNICIPAL RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURE From Sept. 1862, to 31st December, 1863.





August 31st 1862

£    s.   d.


 £     s.   d.

To Balance brought forward

25  3  2

By Salary to Master and Town Clerk

232  0   0

To Market Dues

260 13 7

By Water Man, Street Keeper and labour

201  5   6

To Grazing on the Commonage

46  13 6

By Stationery

2    4   3

To Water Rates

69  10  0

By Prince’s Grove

15  8   0

To Quit Rent

113  0  0

By Building Materials

14  1   0

To Fines

  9   17 0

By Mr. HOGGAR for Plans

75  0   0

To Licences

12   0   0

By Mr. GREAVES for Surveying Farm

48  0   0

To Pound Dues

7   15   4

By Title Deeds

 7   5   3

To Money Borrowed

220 0  0

By Festivities Prince’s Marriage

20  0   0

To Balance Debtor 31 Dec 1863

 5  11 11

By Mr. QUIN for Advertising and Printing

14  12  0


By GODLONTON & WHITE Advertising

2   18   6


By Repairing Tools

19  8   0


By Municipal Cart

17  5   0


By Gun Fire

43  17 6


By Interest

10  16  0


By Incidental Charges

2    8    3


By Mr. HEPBURN for Beacons

4   0   0


By Mr. LAWRIE, Balance of Account

6  13  3


By 24 Months Office Rent

36  0  0


770 4  6


770 4  6

In the Insolvent Estate of Robert Washington STUMBLES of Fort Beaufort, Auctioneer and General Agent.
All Persons claiming to be Creditors under this Estate, are required to take notice, that the undersigned has been duly elected and confirmed in the appointment of Sole Trustee of the said Estate, and that the Master has approved the Third meeting to be held before the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, at his office, on Saturday, the 13th day of February, 1864, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, for the proof of Debts; for receiving the Trustee’s Report; for giving directions to the said Trustee as to the management of the said Estate. And all persons indebted to the said Estate, are required to pay the same to the Undersigned on or before the above date, or proceedings will be instituted against them.
Samuel H. ROBERTS,
Sole Trustee.
Fort Beaufort,
2nd January, 1863.

BIRTH at Fort Beaufort, on the 7th January, 1864, the wife of Qr. M. Sergt. DAVIDSON, C.M.R., of a Son.

DIED at Fort Beaufort, on the 8th January, 1864, Thomas Robert DAVIDSON, aged 2 days.


THE ELECTIONS FOR THE LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL. – The 22nd was the last day for requisitions to intending candidates for seats in the Legislative Council being sent in to the Council Office. There were only four requisitions sent in for the Western Province, - those of Messrs. JARVIS, WICHT, BREDA, and BUSK. For the Eastern Province requisitions addresses to all the candidates, with the exception of Mr. POWELL, have been sent in, and there will be a contest for the representation. The Gazette of the 25th contains a proclamation that the four candidates for the Western Province are elected; and that Messrs. S. CAWOOD, CHASE, GODLONTON, LEEB, von MALTITZ and TUCKER are the candidates for the Eastern districts.

THE COUNCIL ELECTIONS. – By proclamation in the Government Gazette of yesterday, the polling places and returning officers for the election of members of the Legislative Council are appointed, and the polling is fixed to take place on the 29th January next, to commence at eight o’clock in the morning, and close at five o’clock in the afternoon.

DEPUTY SHERIFF OF ALBANY. – We are informed that the appointment of Deputy Sheriff for Albany is at last to be filled up, Mr. Sidney CARLISLE, eldest son of the late F. CARLISLE, Esq., being the fortunate candidate. This appointment will give great satisfaction to the family and friends of the lamented deceased, and its duties will, no doubt, be discharge to the satisfaction of the public.

THE NEW CIVIL COMMISSIONER OF ROBERTSON. – His Excellency the Governor has been pleased to appoint Johannes Adriaan le SUEUR, J. J. Son, Esq. to be Civil Commissioner and Resident Magistrate for the division and district of Robertson, from the 11st January, 1864.

NEW PAPER. - We have received the first number of the “Somerset and Bedford Courant,” published at Somerset East. It is very neatly got up, and promises to be of much utility to the local interests of the divisions which it represents.

FAREWELL DINNER TO ADV. BRAND. – A farewell dinner to Advocate BRAND President elect of the Free State, was given on the eve of his departure for the scene of his future labors. Mr. PORTER the Attorney General, presided, and was unusually lavished in flummerising the guest of the evening. Advocate BRAND, everyone admits is a clever man, a learned man, and an honest man, but we dare say he will be ready to admit, in spite of the Attorney General’s extravagant eulogies, that he is not the symbol of perfected human nature. Advocate BRAND in reply made a very unaffected and sensible speech, concluding by proposing in consistent terms the health of the chairman. The Attorney General is a very amiable man, as good and honest as a lawyer can be expected to be, very eloquent, but altogether too fund of the “blarney stone.”

SUSPECTED FORGERY. – Some interest has been excited by the report that a farmer, named KLEINHANS, has been passing forged promissory notes in this town, and also at Middelburg. His plan seems to have been to purchase goods at the stores, and then to settle by handing over a note and taking the balance in change. Messrs. WIMBLE, DIXON, and PAVIOUR have each been favoured with his patronage, and at Middelburg, Mr. MARCUS took a note for £75, bearing the name of Mr. JOUBERT, living in Bourke Street, Graaff Reinet. The other notes were for smaller sums, - £20 to £30. It seems that enquiry was made by Mr. MARCUS respecting the presumed signer of the note, when Mr. JOUBERT denied that he had ever drawn such a note; and on the affidavit of Mr. MARCUS, a warrant was granted to apprehend KLEINHANS, who was then pursued beyond Middelburg, and brought back there. He will probably be sent down here for examination. – G. R. Herald.

MILITARY FUNERAL. – A native soldier of the C.M. Rifles was buried on Tuesday morning with military honours. His remains had been conveyed to the cemetery on the previous afternoon in the usual manner, but the no minister being present to conduct the service, and the officer attending not being acquainted with the Dutch Reformed Church formula, the corpse was taken back again, and interred the following morning. – K.W.T. Gazette.

FIRE AND DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY. – On Friday night about twelve o’clock the dwelling house and smithy of Mr. John WHEELDON, on Gariep-kop farm, Chalumna, were totally destroyed by fire. The family were in King William’s Town at the time, and the only occupant of the premises was a blind European man about seventy years of age, who is utterly helpless and unable to move without assistance. – Ibid.

FOUND DROWNED. – About midnight on Thursday, two young men named MCINTYRE and SOUTHGATE, who were walking on the beach near the old laboratory, Cape Town, saw, the body of a man in the water. They got it out and communicated with the police, by whom the body was removed to Somerset Hospital. The deceased has been identified as James O’BRIEN, formerly a sergeant in the 27th regiment, who attempted to commit suicide some years ago by shooting himself, when he shot off his nose. From the fact that the deceased was dressed, coupled with the previous attempt, it seems most probable that he has committed suicide.

DARING ASSAULT. – Last Tuesday, Mr. H. DENISON of Donnybrook, had requested one of his men to look out for some reapers. In the course of the day two strangers came to the Kraal close by, and were engaged to come the next morning. Instead of being there at daylight they did not make their appearance till about ten o’clock in the forenoon, when after about twenty minutes work in the field, the two strangers (mere lads) with another started off to the house, and finding Mrs. DENISON in the Kitchen, demanded in a most insolent manner “Breakfast.” She told them they had not earned a breakfast, and that if they went to work, the dinner was on the fire, and they would soon have it, but they persisted in their demands with increasing impudence. Mr. DENISON seeing them leave the lands, suspected their purpose and followed to the house, as they had already given him some trouble in the land. Finding them so impudent to Mrs. DENISON, he ordered them out of the kitchen, when they again refused without breakfast. He took up the cart whip thinking to intimidate them, and gave the spokesman a slight tap, which he had no sooner done, than the fellow flew at him, grappled with him, and pitched him out of the kitchen door, tearing his clothes, and severely shaking him. Mr. DENISON finding himself free from the villain’s grasp, naturally looked around for something wherewith to defend himself, as the three seemed bent on mischief, the other two standing by and chuckling over the prowess of their mate. Before Mr. DENISON had time to defend himself, the fellow had picked the front hand of the nave of a wheel, a piece of iron weighing some six pounds, and hurling it with all his force, struck Mr. DENISON on the lower part of the left side, breaking the lower rib, and causing a severe contusion. Mr. DENISON was at once disabled, and up to the present time lies in a precarious state, not having been out of bed since, and serious consequences may yet ensue. Thus, an active, energetic farmer, in the most busy season of the year is laid by through an act of savage violence, and his family harassed with his imminent danger, and though of his possible death. – Free Press.


ATTEMPTED POISONING. – A Fingo girl in the employ of Mr. GARRETT, made an attempt to poison herself on Thursday last. Medical Aid, however, having been promptly obtained, the poison was subdued, and the girl recovered, Her statement is, that she obtained from a Kafir some snuff and a powder to eat, which she tool accordingly, but further than this she refuses to divulge. When medical assistance was called, the symptoms exhibited were similar to those produced by an irritant poison, such as strychnine.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – A Kafir girl, about 15 years, nurse in the family of Mr. van der VYFER, was killed on New Year’s day under painful circumstances. It appears that a son of Mr. van der VYFER, a child of 3 years, and a little Kafir boy were playing together, where they observed a gun in the corner of a room. Both children were anxious to get possession of the weapon, and a struggle ensued, when the gun, which had most reprehensibly been left in the house loaded, capped, and cocked, went off, and the contents struck the girl in the head, carrying away the upper part of the scull. The District Surgeon was at once sent for, but the girl was past aid. Strange to say she lived 20 hours after the injury, and expired only while the District Surgeon was removing the pieces of fractured skull from the substance of the brain.

SALE OF PROPERTY. – On Thursday last, the erf at Balfour belonging to the estate of John STANTON, was sold at auction, by Mr. S. H. Roberts, to Mr. W. H. STANTON, for £250.

Saturday, January 16, 1864

Elands Post
18 Nov. 1863.
To Barend WOEST, Esq.,
Sir, - We the undersigned, Electors of the district of Fort Beaufort, respectfully request that you will allow us to put your name in nomination as our representative in the House of Assembly.
Your long experience of Frontier affairs, together with your knowledge of the wants and requirements of the district around you, lead us to believe that in trying to secure your election, we are only performing a duty we owe ourselves.
It is quite unnecessary for us to comment on your career as a public and private individual for the knowledge possessed of you, by all classes of the community, is sufficient.
Pledging ourselves, in the event of your agreeing to stand, to use our best endeavours to secure your election.
We beg to subscribe ourselves, yours very respectfully.
H. GOOLD, and 91 other gentlemen.

Chumie, January 12th, 1864.
Gentlemen, - I thank you for your numerously signed requisition calling on me to allow myself to be put in nomination as a Candidate for a Member of the House of Assembly for the division of Fort Beaufort.
Being a plain spoken Frontier Farmer, I at once proceed to inform you that I have no ambition at my time of life to become a Legislator – but in the present state of the Frontier Districts, and considering that several important questions affecting the Easter Province, must be decided during the next session of Parliament, I feel that I have no right to withhold any assistance I may be able to give, to extricate the country from the slough of despond in which it appears now to be fixed.
I therefore accept your call, with the express understanding, that if elected I will attend any and all sessions held at Graham’s Town, (or in the Eastern Province,) but I do not bind myself to go to Cape Town. If this does not suit you, I shall not be displeased if I am not elected.
Upwards of forty years experience as an Eastern Province Farmer, and a by no means inactive life during that period. May perhaps entitle my opinions to some weight, especially on questions regarding the Farming interests. I consider that one of the first acts of the first Frontier Parliament should be to enact a law protecting every man in the full possession of his property. – Without such a law or laws, Frontier and Colonial property cannot be safe, so long as the Farmers are suffered to be robbed with impunity, as at present, so long will the Colonial Coffers remain in a state of emptiness. It is notorious that our present Criminal Code does not afford the protection of which I speak. Passes and Certificates of Citizenship issued to thousands of men who will not work, are neither more nor less than licences to steal, and the consequence is that our district gaols are crammed with Sheep and Cattle Stealers awaiting trial for months and months at an enormous cost to the country. It is a wonder that the Colonial Coffers are empty? This question, I repeat, must be dealt with at once in a firm practical manner. Punishment adequate and deterring must follow immediately after the commission of crime, and thieved must be disabused of the idea that our district gaols are huge fattening establishments.
I have little to say regarding what are called the other great questions of the day. My views coincide with those of our most experienced Frontier men. Then I desire to see a Removal of the seat of Government to a more central position, and rather than that it should continue at Cape Town, the shank end of the leg of mutton, I should vote for Separation,
Responsible Government as it is called, and as I understand it, would make confusion more confounded, - it will not have my support.
Railways are splendid appliances to progress, and should be prized by all communities that can pay for them. My present opinion is that we have too many irons in the fire already, and I should like to see the Treasurer’s financial statement with the balance on the right side, before I go in for such undertakings, desirable though they be. The sub-guarantee I would never sanction by my vote.
I think I have now said quite enough for a plain farmer, and remain gentlemen your most obedient humble servant.
To J. R. LAING Esq., J. P.,
J. J. van AARDT, J.P., 
H. GOOLD, and the other 91 gentlemen who signed the requisition.
BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 13th inst., the Wife of Captain R. F. RORKE, H.M. 11th Regt., of a Son.

DIED, on the morning of the 8th January, 1864, at her residence Bergmans Hoek, District of Stockenstrom, Maria, the beloved Wife of John HANNAH, at the age of 40 years and 15 days, deeply regretted by her family and friends.


Jan. 18 - At Queenstown, in re Herman SIMMERMAN, first.
Jan. 19 - At Graaff-Reinet, in re G. A. WATERMEYER, second.
Jan. 23 - At Burghersdorp, in re P. J. KRUGER, third.
Jan. 26th - At King Williamstown, in re Charles Edward WILLIAMS, special.
Jan. 28th - At King Williamstown, in re Robert KIRK, deceased, third.
Jan. 28th - At King Williamstown, in re G. A. WENEKELL, special.
Jan. 28th - At Uitenhage, in re T. D. VERMAAK, third.
Jan. 28th - At Kind Williamstown, in re C. E. WILLIAMS, special.


Jan. 29th - At Riverdale, in re Maria E. LOMBAARD, deceased.
Feb. 2nd - At Uitenhage, in re D. J. TERBLANS, deceased.
Feb. 9th - At Uitenhage, in re B. F. DORFLIN, deceased.

THE ELECTRIC TELEGRAPH between Graham’s Town and Cape Town, was formally opened last week by the exchange of messages between the Governor and the Municipality of the Cape city, and the corporation of Graham’s Town. The interchange of compliments on this occasion, was “flat, stale, and unprofitable” in the extreme. The hitch which occurred at the respective ends of the wire, owing to the difference between the watches of the Mayor of Graham’s Town and the Chairman of the Cape Town Municipality, probably added a little to the stiffness and brevity of the messages. The Governor contrived to get his message within the limit of twenty words. The corporation of Graham’s Town were necessarily a little more prolix, having to defend themselves from the ironical compliment of His Excellency as to the value of time in the East. The corporation of Graham’s Town, however, took ample satisfaction for the Governor’s curtness in the neat hit they made when they informed him that after waiting for three quarters of an hour, and being informed that His Excellency was not prepared with his message, there had determined to adjourn a couple of hours in order to afford ample time for the concoction of that important document! Fancy His Excellency taking three hours to compose three lines complimentary to the corporation of the city. Joking aside, however, we congratulate the inhabitants of the Province on the completion of the telegraph, - we particular reciprocate the kind expressions which the Western City has uttered for the “material prosperity” of the Eastern city, - and we hope we shall hear no more about the “shank end of the leg of mutton.” When the Telegraph was first projected, the interests of this Province had no small weight with its promoters. They proposed to confer on us by its means all the advantages of local government. Things have taken a different turn since then, however, and we ought to feel gratified that the telegraph will afford us the opportunity of giving to the West some of the benefits which they would have been deprived of by the removal of the seat of government Eastward. Thus has been verified, in a remarkable manner, the remarkable words of Cape Town’s greatest statesman, that “we seek most effectually our own good, in seeking to do good to others.” The Cape sought the good of the East through the telegraph, and now the very benefits which it intended for us have fallen upon its own head; We hope to see the line to K. W. Town via Fort Beaufort finished before the end of the present year.


Wheat. – We understand that Mr. J. PRINGLE, of Mancazana, has a magnificent crop of a new species of wheat now ready for the sickle. The grain is plump and adapted for making a good flour, and the yield is enormous. Best of all, however, it is quite free from rust, while other wheat grown on the same farm are much injured by this scourge. Mr. PRINGLE obtained the seed from Mr. HART of Glen Avon, Somerset, but is not aware from whence it was originally obtained. We trust further enquiries will be made this important subject, in order that a supply of seed may be secured. Perhaps it would be well if farmers requested from Mr. PRINGLE a portion of the grain referred to above, for a trial next year.

LIEUT-GENERAL ROBERT WYNYARD, C.B., late Lieut-Governor and the Commander of the Forces serving in this command, has been appointed to the colonelcy of the 98th Regt.

PROFESSOR CAMERON was presented on old year’s night with a purse containing seventy sovereigns, by the congregation worshipping in the Green Point Chapel, Cape Town, in recognition of that gentleman’s ministerial services during the past year.

PARLIAMENTARY. – Mr. W. R. THOMPSON, of this city, has received a numerously signed requisition from Stockenstrom to stand as a candidate for the electoral division of Fort Beaufort. – Adv. & Mail.

SIR WALTER CURRIE passed through Fort Beaufort during the present week, on a tour through the country, to inspect the several police stations, and to make observations on the state of affairs among the native tribes.

SALES OF CROWN LANDS. – The following is the result of the sales which took place at Calvinia a few days ago: -



Bought By




J.S. DISTEN & Co, Cradock








J.P.A. THERON, Calvinia












J.P. HOUGH  A.s., Do.




J.S. DISTEN & Co, Cradock




E.A. NEL, Calvinia












E.A. NEL, Do.









MR. ADVOCATE BRAND, the President elect of the Free State, with his family, left Cape Town yesterday morning with the 11 o’clock train. A number of his personal friends and well-wishers were congregated at the station, and bade him a most cordial and affectionate farewell. We again heartily wish him a God-speed on his journey, a reception such as he deserves at Bloemfontein, and much success in the performance of the duties of the high office to which has there been called. On his arrival at Stellenbosch, a deputation, headed by the Civil Commissioner, awaited him at the station, and presented him a very numerously signed address. The party then proceeded to Mr. WEGE’s, where a tiffin was prepared for them. Mr. BRAND proceeded to the Paarl by the last train, where also an address was presented to him by the chief notabilities of the place. – Volksblad.

THE GOVERNMENT has at last appointed a commission to envestigate allegations made in Parliament by an official respecting the encroachment by a member of the Assembly on the Crown Lands in the Beaufort West division. Mr. DAVIDSON, C. C. George, Mr. Chas. PIERS, and Mr. L. MARQUARD, Examiner of Diagrams, have been appointed to constitute the commission.

MISSING. – The overseer of works to the Municipality of Adelaide has been missing since New Year’s Day. Some uneasiness is manifested at his sudden and prolonged absence.

PARLIAMENTARY. – Mr. Barend WOEST, of the Tyumie, it will be seen, accepts conditionally the numerously signed requisition he has received to become a candidate for a seat in the Assembly for this district. Mr. WOEST is a plain spoken sensible man, who gives his opinions without hesitation upon those subjects on which he has formed me. Nobody can find fault with what he says respecting the matters uppermost in his thoughts, and as regards things in general he holds the same sentiments as “the most experienced frontier men.” We do not think it will be necessary to make any lengthened remarks on the reply, as Mr. WOEST distinctly states he will, if elected, attend only sessions held in the Province, - a condition which we thing ought to be fatal to his chances of success. No one should receive a vote who is not prepared to attend whenever and wherever the Parliament may be assembled. Of course we do not find fault with Mr. WOEST for insisting on this condition. He is the best judge of his own affairs. We admire his candour, and we will imitate him in this respect. We have great confidence in his experience as a frontier farmer, and as such, there is no one we would follow so readily, but we can’t say that we should feel so secure under his guidance as a politician. – He will do the country ten times more service by his example as an enterprising and intelligent border defender, than he could in Parliament. He is not desirous of Parliamentary duties we know, and we regret he has allowed himself to be persuaded contrary to what we believe his own good sense dictates.

WE DEEPLY REGRET to announce the death this morning, at MOORE’s Hotel, of Mr. J. J. GUNN, late auctioneer and general agent at East London. Deceased had been suffering severely for some time, both mentally and physically, and came into town for medical aid; but there can be little doubt that his premature decease was hastened by his recent incarceration in the gaol for debt, contracted we believe, by endorsing a bill. – K. W. T. Gazette.

Mr. E. R. BELL, has retired from the candidature for the representation of Queen’s Town, in consequence of certain legal disabilities, which his lawyer advisor says will prevent him taking his seat next session.

HEPERUS RITZIMA VAN LIER KUYL, ESQ., has been appointed Deputy Surveyor-General, in the room of George MONTAGUE, Esq., deceased, and Abraham de SMIDT has been appointed Assistant Surveyor-General, vice Mr. KUYL, promoted. 

Saturday, January 23, 1864

If the Watchmaker giving the name of GYLOR, who boarded with me for some time, and who left about last March, does not release the box, &c., left in my charge, within six weeks from this date, they will be sold by Public Auction to defray expenses.

GLAZIER, Painter, Paper Hanger, &c.
Begs to return thanks to the public of Fort Beaufort, for the support they have given him during the twenty four years he has carried on business in this place, - and to assure them that he will be, as heretofore, ready at all times to attend to the orders of his kind patrons in any branch of the above business.
J. S. having received direct from home a small selection of the celebrated Diaphanie, now so extensively superseding standard glass in ornamental glazing, invites public inspection of specimens of his workmanship in this material. He is now enabled to execute designs for fan lights, lobbies, Church windows &c., in this beautiful material.
Coloring in Distemper.

Board and Education.
Mr. and Mrs. BESWICK are desirous of receiving a limited number of Boys, as Boarders, who would attend the Adelaide School. Besides thus obtaining the advantages of a superior education, the parents will secure for their sons a comfortable home. For Terms and other particulars parties wishing to avail themselves of the above advertisement, will please apply to F. BESWICK, Esq., Teacher.
Mr. & Mrs. BESWICK also beg to refer parents to the Rev. G. W. STEGMAN, Rev. P. DAVIDSON, and the other gentlemen of the School Committee.

Jan. 28th – At King Williamstown, in re Robert KIRK, deceased, third.
Jan. 28th – At King Williamstown, in re G. A. WANEKELL, special.
Jan. 28th – At Uitenhage, in re T. D. VERMAAK, third.
Jan. 28th – At King Williamstown, in re C. E. Williams, special.


DANGER OF KNEEHALTERING. – A valuable mare belonging to Mr, J. VIGNE with a filly foal by the thorough bred horse “Red Cross Knight,” were recently accidently drowned at Mr. S. MOORCROFT’s place, Winterberg.

ORNAMENTAL GLAZING. – Some very handsome Diaphanie fanlights, executed by Mr. SMITH of this town, for Mr. SCOTT’s new house, may now be inspected at our office. The appearance is quite equal to that of stained glass, and the cost much less, while the designs may be varied to every taste. This beautiful invention is well adapted for churches and public buildings as well as private house.

IT IS RELATED that a transport rider who had broken the disselboom of his wagon near the Addo Bush, coolly chopped down one of the telegraph poles, snapped the wires, and drove on with a new disselboom, regardless of the injury he had occasioned.

THE O’FLYNN CASE. – Some time ago, the evidence taken at a preliminary examination in a case of murder charged against a man named O’FLYNN of Jagersboch, near Humansdorp was published. The bodies of his wife and mother-in-law were exhumed, for the purpose of ascertaining whether there was any appearance of poison having been administered to them, as was supposed. The portions of the body required were sent to Cape Town for analyzation, but decomposition had gone so far that Mr. SCHMIETERLOEW declined to undertake the unpleasant task. The Attorney-General has, therefore, in consequence of the insufficiency of the evidence obtained to establish a conviction, declined to prosecute, and Mr. O’FLYNN is by this time liberated.

THE “GOVERNMENT GAZETTE” notifies the appointment of Mr. R. M. ROBINSON as Commissioner of Roads.

WELL-MERITED DISTINCTION. – We learn by the mail that Mr. Henry HALL, of the Royal Engineers, whose maps of South Africa are so well known, has received the merited honour of being appointed a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society. He was appointed on the motion of Sir. R. MURCHISON, seconded by Mr. ARROWSMITH.

NARROW ESCAPE. – About fourteen days since the lightening struck a house inhabited by Mr. P. NIENABER, of Hartebestfontein, NIENABER’s wife, who with seven children was in the house at the time, was in the act of closing the door, when the lightening struck, the shock knocking down Mr. NIENABER and several children. We are happy to say no person was killed. One of the children however, is still suffering from the effects of the lightening. –Colesberg Adv.

MR. M. C. LOUW has received two requisitions – one from Colesberg and one from Hope Town – asking him to stand as a candidate for a seat in the House of Assembly for this district. The requisitions and his reply will be found in our last page. Mr. LOUW has consented to stand. We have now four candidates for the Assembly, viz: - GREEN, WATERMEYER, THEUNIS and LOUW. – Ibid.

ROBBEN ISLAND. – It is said that just before the Saxon left England Dr. MINTO had determined not to return to the colony and that the government is now in possession of his resignation. If this be correct, Dr. EDMUNDS may be at once confirmed in the appointment he now temporarily holds, and the government relieved of the serious embarrassment in which it would have been placed by Dr. MINTO’s return. – Zuid Afrikaan.


IT SEEMS LIKELY that Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage, Somerset, Burghersdorp, &c., will give their strongest support to Mr. CHASE. There can be no doubt of his return in that case. It would perhaps, therefore, be advisable for the frontier district to look after their own members, and divide their votes between Messrs. GODLONTON, CAWOOD, and TUCKER.

HEAT. – Thursday and Friday were the hottest days experienced this year. On yesterday at 11 a.m. the thermometer stood at 102° in the shade; at 2 p.m. it indicated 105° in the shade.

ELECTIONS. – Mr. STEIN has made up his mind to resign his seat in the Legislative Council, on account of his inability to attend the ensuing session of Parliament at Graham’s Town.

MR. A. G. BAIN. – The Colonial public will be glad to learn that this deserving public servant has obtained twelve months’ leave of absence from His Excellency the Governor, and intends in a few months to visit his native land, to recruit his health. Mr. BAIN will in the meantime return to the Katberg, and make arrangements for his intended departure.

MR. POWELL of Queen’s Town intends to contest the representation of that district. Mr. E. R. BELL has rather sold his supporters, which will not be forgotten another time.

Saturday, January 30, 1864


SALE OF FARMS &c. – The four Koonap farms were sold on Monday, by Mr. N. MEYER, as advertised. The farm Louw’s Kraal, 1099 morgen, was knocked down at 45s. per morgen. There was a decent dwelling on this farm. Double Drie, 499 morgen, brought 40s. per morgen. Hartebeeste Hoek, 880 mor. Was put up in two lots, and sold at 40s. Schurfde Kop, 913 morgen, realized 35s. per morgen.
All the farms were bought for members of the family of the deceased Mr. H. J. BOTHA. The sheep (hamels) in lots of 50 averaged from 10s. to 13s.; Kapaters in lots of 50, from 6s. 6d. to 20s. kids to count.

Mr. John PATERSON has promised a donation of £1000 to the building fund of the Gill College provided Uitenhage is selected as the site. The inhabitants of Uitenhage have subscribed another £1000. This has alarmed the Somerset people, who consider that they have a better claim than the Uitenhagers to have the college erected in their district town. So they have, provided they exhibit promptly the necessary liberality in providing a suitable building for collegiate purposes; but if they allow too much time to elapse before they bestir themselves, the trustees will be perfectly justified in transferring the proposed college to Uitenhage or any other place in the Province, where the conditions necessary to give effect to the munificent bequest of Dr. GILL, are adequately supplied.

Mr. W. R. THOMSON, of Cape Town, has accepted the requisition from Stockenstrom to stand as a candidate of the electoral district of Fort Beaufort. We hope the new candidate will favor the public with his opinion of things in general.
MR. LANSBERG has been nominated for the Legislative Council in the place of Mr. STEIN, who has at last resigned.
DR. EDMUNDS is gazetted Superintendent of Robben Island Asylum in the place of Dr. MINTO, who has resigned.

TRAVELLERS BEWARE. – As Mr. C. HOLLIDAY was recently proceeding up the Queen’s Road on his way to Graham’s Town, he observed two tigers on the part of the pass a little beyond the “Devil’s Veldschoen.” One of the animals was lying near the edge of the precipice, about two yards from the spider, and the other, a large fellow, was at the same time seen on the road, about 100 yards behind. The hour was 4 p.m. Fortunately the horses got past without showing uneasiness, as had they smelt the tigers, they would have taken fright, which would have been dangerous in that locality to those in the spider.

MORE GOVERNMENT BLUNDERS. – In the polling papers sent to Graaff-Reinet from Cape Town, the initials both of Mr. LEEB and Mr. von MALTITZ were wrongly given, involving the correction of several thousand papers by the pen.

COLONEL CATHCART, 96th REGT. – This officer left in the Saxon on a visit to England, with 18 months’ leave of absence from his regiment, the 96th.


THE ELECTIONS. – The elections do not occasion much excitement here. The walls have been placarded for the past two or three days by appeals in behalf of Mr. TUCKER. There was some activity manifested by Mr. CAWOOD’s friends to secure him votes – in fact, we believe he is the only candidate who has a committee in this place. The number of registered votes in this ward is not great – not one half of them entitled to vote being on the list. The registry is exceedingly imperfect, and the names of several qualified voters, have unaccountably been erased from the list recently prepared. – In this ward Mr. CAWOOD polled the largest number, Mr. GODLONTON next, Mr. TUCKER third and Mr. CHASE fourth.
State of the poll in this Ward, at half past four yesterday evening: -

VON MALTIZ’s friends are using great efforts to secure his return. Mr. M. C. LOUW, of Colesberg, says he has a promise of 14,100 votes, exclusive of Graaff Reinet, and allowing 25 per cent, for broken promises! ! Among these he reckons upon 2000 votes from the Blinkwater. We think the pen can be drawn through this number, as he will not get 10 in that locality.
THE TURKISH CONSUL, Roubaix (Marquis of Worcester) has sent a firman to the Malays in Port Elizabeth, to vote for Von MALTITZ.

HEAD QUARTERS AT GRAHAMSTOWN. – Sir Percy DOUGLAS makes no secret of his opinion that the forces stationed upon and beyond the frontier cannot be efficiently commanded from Capetown, and as the necessary Commissariat and other buildings do not exist at King Williamstown, the spot designated by the Horse Guards as the proper position for the seat of the chief military authority in South Africa, it is probable, that, pending instructions from home, head-quarters will be again temporarily established in Grahamstown. – Journal.
THE COMMANDER of the Forces, Sir Percy DOUGLAS, was expected in Graham’s Town on Thursday last. He may be looked for in Fort Beaufort in a few days.

Saturday, February 6, 1864

The great and all-important Fact – Distant but Grand Alliance between the Telegraph of Graham’s Town, and the Beaufort Passenger Cart !
Distance of Fifty miles performed in Six Hours, if necessary.
The Public is hereby most positively assured, that the Graham’s Town and Fort Beaufort Passenger Cart continues to run punctually on the usual days, namely, Mondays and Thursdays from Graham’s Town and Tuesdays and Fridays from Fort Beaufort. – Fare each way £2, - Half Price for Children under 12 years of age. – Families wishing to engage the Cart, a reasonable reduction will be made according to the number of Children. – All particulars made known at O’GARA’s Hotel. – In order to prevent any delay along the line, the Proprietor has entered into arrangements with the Hotel-keepers to furnish Carts or Horses, should any little accident occur on the road. - - The chief object and care of the Proprietor will be to keep Good Stud Horses, and a careful steady Driver. – Further, he wishes it to be distinctly understood by the public, that no Partnership or any connection whatever exists between FRANCIS and HANCOCK, - consequently the public will have little cause to fear, and less danger to apprehend from kicking, sticking, or bucking Horses.
It is the intention of T. F. to put a mere Convenient Cart on the line, sufficient to contain six persons with Comfort and Ease, with due respect for the Crinoline Community who may patronise the Cart.
In order to meet the convenience of all parties having business to transact either in Fort Beaufort or Graham’s Town, the Cart will be allowed to remain two hours longer, that is to say, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
Sole Proprietor.
Koonap, February 6, 1864.

Sweet Milk may be had daily, at Mr. N. ELLIOT’s, Campbell Street, at 3d per Quart. Buttermilk in any quantity, at 1d per Quart.

Those very commodious and conveniently situated Premises in Molesworth Street, containing Six Rooms, besides Out houses and excellent Stabling. The property is now in good order, and if taken on a repairing lease for a term of years, a great reduction would be allowed on the rental. Apply to the undersigned
Fort Beaufort.
January 16, 1853. [Should be 1864, I think]

BIRTH, at Fort Beaufort, on the 1st inst., Mrs. C. B. HUTCHONS, of a Daughter.

DIED, at Adelaide, on the 1st of February, 1864, Charles Henry, the beloved son of Henry James and Elizabeth ORCHARD, aged 2 years less 2 days. The thanks of the afflicted parents are hereby tendered for the kind attentions and sympathy of friends in the bereavement.


HOUSE BREAKING. – On Saturday night the premises of Mr. O’GARA were broken into by some C.M.R. On the same night, the store of Mr. LLOYD in Barrack Street, was forcibly entered and a great variety of goods, sufficient to load a cart, were stolen. Through the activity of the Sergt. Major of the C.M.R. nearly all of the articles stolen were recovered, having been found secreted in a box in the barrack room occupied by the C.M.R., and three men were apprehended on suspicion. On Monday the three men, one of whom named SMITH, a notoriously bad character and recently discharged from the Katberg, were examined before the Magistrate, and committed for trial. SMITH confessed to the robbery of Mr. LLOYD’s store. They were also committed for breaking into Mr. O’GARA’s canteen.

MILITARY. – On Tuesday morning 25 men of the 96th Regt, marched from hence for Graham’s Town, where they are to be stationed, making altogether a full company of that regiment to be kept in Graham’s Town. The twenty-five men of the Cape M Rifles who left a few days ago to escort the Commander of the Forces, are also to be stationed in Graham’s Town. These are all the troops that are likely to be kept in the city. There is little probability of the Head Quarters of the military, being removed back, an order from the Home Government precluding future changes, without its special sanction. It is said that the Home Government has recommended the discontinuance of the colonial allowance.

EXPECTED ARRIVAL OF DR. DUFF. – Many colonists will be glad to learn that the distinguished missionary to India, Dr. Alexander DUFF, is expected to call at the Cape in the Hotspur early next month.

BRIDGE OVER THE VAN STADEN’s RIVER. – The Susan Pardew, which arrived here from Table Bay on Wednesday last, brought round to this port fifty labourers under Mr. MORTON, who is to superintend the erection of a bridge over the Van Staden’s River. This work is much needed, as this river is one of the most dangerous to cross on the Cape line of road in rainy seasons, but being in the Eastern Province, has, like many other of our great wants, been sadly overlooked. With a Parliament in this Province we hope to see a new order of things established, and shall not be satisfied till several other similar works are not only projected but actually commenced. The men who have been sent round for this work are a portion of those who have lately been clamouring for employment in Cape Town. – Telegraph.

ACCIDENT. – We are spry to state that Mr. BRAND, the President elect of the Free State, met with an accident between Murraysburg and Richmond. He was travelling by moonlight, and the road being bad, the wagon in which he and his family were, was upset. The driver, who was on the ground saw the wagon falling, and endeavoured to hold it up, but it fell, breaking his leg. Mrs., BRAND, with her infant in her arms, was thrown from the one side of the wagon to the other, and received several bruises. None of the others were hurt. The unfortunate man was placed under the care of Dr. MUSKET, and, we believe hopes are entertained of his recovery.

ABANDONEMENT OF THE ZAMBEZI MISSION. – On the 5th of January Her Majesty’s steamer Rapid arrived at the Luaba mouth of the Zambezi, expecting to find LIVINGSTONE and his party, to take them on to the Cape. On communicating with the Portuguese Station-house there, they found there was a letter addressed to the senior Naval Officer, from Bishop TOZER. It was dated Murchison Falls, December 21st, and stated that Dr. LIVINGSTONE had come back from his expedition up the country, and arrived at the foot of Murchison Falls in November, and they intended to come down the river as soon as the water rose sufficiently to get the Pioneer down. The Mission party also intended to leave the country, as it appeared an unsuitable field, and would return to England by the Cape; the Bishop and one of his clergymen, however, were to go and visit the Governor of Mozambique and would proceed home by way of Mauritius.

THE GILL COLLEGE COMMITTEE have had a meeting at Somerset East, and most liberally subscribed among themselves £1,400 on the spot, the list being headed nobly by a Dutch gentleman, who put down his name for £300.

MANY OFFICERS WERE KILLED and wounded at Rangirira. Colonel AUSTIN of the 14th, has died of his wounds.


HIS EXCELLENCY the Commander of the Forces is expected at 4 p.m. this afternoon in Fort Beaufort. He will hold a general inspection on Monday, and leave for K. W. Town on Tuesday.

GUNPOWDER ORDNANCE. – There is a European now in gaol on a charge of contravening the Gunpowder Ordnance by unlawfully selling powder and guns to natives. The Clerk of the Peace had an intimation of the offence a few days ago, and aided by the military authorities, he succeeded in tracing the matter home to the accused.

THE “SILENT MEMBER.” – At the close of poll in Graham’s Town, Mr. CAWOOD gave a practical refutation of the impeachment of his oratorical ability. He made a speech in reply to a call from the electors, and though short, it was pithy and to the point. It is published “in full” in the Journal.

OBITUARY. – Mr. James HAMILTON, saddler, of Graham’s Town, is dead. Mr. David HUME of the same place has also departed this life.

GILL COLLEGE. - £2480 have been subscribed at Somerset for the purposes of this institution.

MR. GEO. WOOD jr., Mayor of Graham’s Town, has received a very numerously signed requisition to stand for Graham’s Town in the Assembly.

State of the Poll at the latest returns: -
LEEB 1740
10052 votes
2513 voters

Dec. 16, 1863.
Cape Town.
Sir, - We the undersigned, electors of the District of Fort Beaufort, respectfully request, that you will allow us to put your name in nomination as our Representative in the House of Assembly. We are anxious to secure your services, as we feel assured the interests of our District could not be placed in safer hands than your own. Should you agree to stand, we pledge ourselves to use our best endeavours to secure your election.
We have the honor to be Sir,
(Signed) Your Obedient Servants.
Rev. J. READ; Rev. D. van ROOYEN; C. P. READEN; James GREEN; C. F. SCHEEPERS, F’s.; C. J. GROEPE, J.P.; K. BASSON, F.C. &c., &c, &c.
[His reply is unfortunately too long to include here, so if anyone should want a copy, please feel free to ask]

Saturday, February 13, 1864

If the parties claiming to be the owners of certain Erf situated in Maasdorp, District of Stockenstrom, granted to Benjamin KING, do not pay the expenses in connection with the Title of said Erf, the same will be sold by Public Auction, at Mr. BATES’ Sale on the 7th March, 1864,
W. H. BATES, qq. B. KING.

Sale of a splendid Farm in the Peddie District.
Stock, &c.
The Undersigned having been favoured with instructions from Mr. Paul Hendrik FICK, will sell by Public Auction on the spot, on Thursday, 25th instant, that splendid Farm named Grass Flat, 523 Morgen in extent,
Situated in Lower Victoria, bounded N. by Doornkloof, E. by the Gonsha River, S. by Linton, and W. by Grass Ridge. This Farm is one of the best in the District, being well adapted for the Grazing of Stock, and for Agriculture – having no less than 200 acres now under cultivation, with an excellent Garden. There is a Good House erected, besides Kraals, &c. The Farm being only 15 miles from Waterloo Bay materially enhances its prospective value, as the time is not distant when a Free Port and Harbour of Refuge must be established in that locality.
At the same time and place will be sold
30 superior Milch Cows, with Calves,
50 Head of excellent Breeding Cattle,
1 Span of well-trained Oxen,
A quantity of Farming Implements,
And whatever else may be offered.
February 6, 1864.

LIST OF LICENCES issued by the Dist. Of Stamps at Fort Beaufort, during the month of January, 1864.
Wholesale & Retail Licences, to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
Wm. ESTMENT, junr., Fort Beaufort,
Joseph O’GARA, do.
C. MALLET, do.
J. SHAW, & Co., do.
W. R. LLOYD, do.
F. HOLLAND &Co., Adelaide,
H. T. LLOYD, Blinkwater,
W. TAYLOR, Healdtown,
E. COTTERILL, Fort Beaufort,
Bakers Licences, to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
F. GODDARD, Fort Beaufort,
Adam WRAGG, do.
E. J. HOWE, do.
P. P. WRIGHT, Adelaide,
W. TAYLOR, Healdtown,
CAWOOD Brothers, Fort Beaufort.
Butchers Licences, to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
P. T. HARRIS, Fort Beaufort,
David HUNTER, do.
CAWOOD Brothers, do.
P. P. WRIGHT, Adelaide.
Hawkers Licences, to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
C. MALLETT, Fort Beaufort,
Game Licence, to expire 30th Jun. 1864.
Captain AYTON, 96th Regt.
Mr. V. BREWER, Windsor Farm.
Gunpowder licence, to expire 4th Dec. 1864.
F. HOLLAND & Co., Adelaide.
Billiard Table Licence, to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
John MIDGLEY, Adelaide.
Wholesale Licence, to expire 31st Dec. 1864
F. HOLLAND & Co., Adelaide.
Retail Shop Licences, to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
Geo. OVERTON, Fort Beaufort,
W. H. WARREN, do,
Ann FARRELL, do,
Adam WRAGG, do,
J. W. DALTON, do,
E. J. HOWE, do,
Jesse WILLIAMS do,
Wm. ELLIOT, do,
J. N. HOLDEN, do,
W. R. LLOYD, do,
P. LAWRIE, do,
A. STEWART, Healdtown,
W. TAYLOR, do,
G. STRANEY, Winterberg,
L. H. TIPPER, Adelaide,
R. SPARKS, do,
A. FERGUSON, Yellowwoods,
J. MOORCROFT, Winterberg.
Dis. Of Stamps.
Stamp Office,
Fort Beaufort, 2nd Feb, 1864.

Clock and Watch Maker, and Jeweller.
All orders executed with promptitude and reasonable charges.


PARLIAMENTARY. – The Purveying Officer in charge at this place, Mr. C. B. HUTCHINS, left for Graham’s Town on Thursday last for the purpose of transferring the Garrison Hospital at that place to the Colonial Government for the purposes of the ensuing Parliament. The Hospital with trifling alterations, can be made to furnish ample accommodation for the meetings of both Houses, including the necessary offices. Mr. HUTCHINS, will before his return, have a temporary hospital fitted up, in some of the other Government buildings at Grahamstown. The fact of the Garrison Hospital being thus transferred, would go to show that there is little probability of a very large number of troops being stationed in that city.

COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. – On Saturday afternoon about ½ past 4 p.m. His Excellency Sir Percy DOUGLAS, accompanied by his Staff arrived in Fort Beaufort. The evening, unfortunately was unfavourable for a strong muster of the inhabitants, the drizzling rain preventing many ladies and gentlemen from going out to meet and welcome His Excellency. As it was, however, a number of equestrians, disregardful of a prospective ducking, proceeded out a few miles to meet and escort Sir Percy into town. They met him a little beyond Wardens, in a traveling cart, driven by Dep. Asst. Com. Gen. HALL, and formed an escort until the cart arrived at Appies Drie, were the C.M.R., under the Commandant Col. TINLEY, were drawn up to receive him. From this point the whole cortege started for Fort Beaufort at a hand gallop. His Excellency put up at FITZPATRICK’s Hotel.
On Monday morning before 5 o’clock Sir Percy was afoot and inspected the troops in the garrison, C.M.R. and 96th, at ½ past 6 on the rifle range. It was fortunate His Excellency commenced his duties early, for the day turned out to be excessively hot, and at a subsequent hour it was found necessary to substitute the white blouse for the regular uniform. The military buildings were minutely inspected during Monday, and we understand Sir Percy expressed his entire satisfaction with their condition, and with their convenient arrangement and extent for the accommodating of the troops. On Tuesday morning Sir Percy, accompanied by Col. BISSET, and others of his staff, started to have a view of Waterkloof, so renowned in frontier history as the stronghold of the Kafir tribes, and to dislodge them form which cost the British army many valuable lives. His Excellency will doubtless be able to estimate the importance of maintaining a position which would prevent these fastnesses from again becoming occupied, in case of a war, with Kafir tribes. The morning was wet, and much difficulty was experienced in climbing the road to Fort Fordyce. His Excellency left for K. W. Town on Wednesday morning at 7 a.m.

HEAVY LOSSES. – Mr. Thomas GILBERT has had extraordinary losses of sheep within the past few weeks. Since the 1st of December last his flock of 6000 sheep has from the sickness, thefts, and other accidents been diminished to 5000. Upwards of 500 have been carried off by the disease. Many other farmers we regret to hear are having losses from the same causes as Mr. GILBERT. Mr. ANDREWS has lost 400 sheep from the disease.

HEAVY STORM. – On Monday afternoon last an exceedingly heavy storm of wind, rain, and lightning fell over the Winterberg. All the crops in these places exposed to the fury of the elements, were beaten flat to the ground, as if a huge roller had passed over them. A stack of corn on Mr. BOUCHER’s place, unfortunately was struck by lightning, and nearly all of it was burned. This is the second instance within these three weeks, that stacks have been ignited by the electric fluid.

MILITARY RESERVOIR. – The importance of supplying the troops stationed in this town with an abundant supply of water, by other means than the present mode of conveying it by horse and cart, has engaged the attention of the authorities, since the visit of the Commander-of-the-Forces. Col. WHITE, R. E., we understand, under instructions, has in contemplation the construction of a reservoir to be supplied from the Kat River, for the purpose of the military. It is very probable that some arrangement may be entered into between the Municipal Commissioners and the Military authorities, by which the proposed water works for the township may be carried out jointly, and made available for the use of the military and of the town generally. Such an Arrangement of entered into, would prove economical to both parties.

A NEW GRATIS PAPER, the Morning Advertiser has made its appearance in Port Elizabeth.

SEVERAL REQUISITIONS from Somerset electors to Mr. PAINTER to become a candidate for that district, are published in the Somerset Courant. From the same paper, we learn that very creditable – nay heroic – exertions have been made to preserve to Somerset the GILL ENDOWMENT. Upwards of £4,500 had been subscribed, one benefactor having given £300, and above a dozen others £100 each. This is a proper spirit, and does honor to the district. We have no doubt that the Trustees will readily acknowledge the claims of Somerset to the endowment, at the meeting to be held on the 28th at Bedford, to decide the question of site.

ALICE. – His Excellency the Commander of the Forces passed through Alice this morning, (the 10th) about 8 0’clock. The fog and rain of the previous day had entirely disappeared, and the morning was beautiful. Alice looked quite lively. The Union Jack was planted in the Market Square, and flags fluttered in the breeze at several parts of the town. His Excellency after crossing the Tyumie Rover, halted at AYLMORE’s Hotel at Fort Hare and had breakfast, after which he visited the old Fort and surrounding ground. A deputation from the Town waited upon His Excellency, and presented a congratulatory Address and Memorial, urging the reoccupation of Fort Hare by Her Majesty’s Troops. The address was received and an answer promised. His Excellency’s stay was limited to about an hour, when he proceeded on to the Keiskamma Hoek where it is said he would remain for the night. – (Communicated)

AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY. – The prize list for the Fort Beaufort Show, will be found in another column. Messrs QUIN, MACGILLEWIE, STOKES, AND PEDLAR, have been appointed stewards to make arrangements for the fair; and Messrs NILAND and BOOTH, stewards to provide for the dinner.

THE DEATH of the Tambookie Chief JOEY, is announced in the K. W. T. Gazette. The chief had been ailing for some months past, and his death caused considerable excitement among his tribe. He is succeeded by QUEAY, who has just attained his majority.


Mr. HESS, the American Consul, Port Elizabeth, it is said has stopped payment. Liabilities £60,000, assets £20,000. Some Cape houses will be heavy sufferers.

THE LATE ELECTIONS. – The scrutineers appointed to examine the votes given in Grahamstown, for the various candidates for seats in the Legislative Council, began their arduous task yesterday afternoon and sat up to a late hour last night. As they have resolved to proceed rapidly with their task, we may soon expect to have a correct statement of the votes recorded in this city. – Great Eastern.

IT IS EXPECTED that the Hon. Charles POTE will shortly resign is seat in the Legislative Council. – Argus.

Mr. T. E. PASSMORE, builder and undertaker, Graham’s Town, died suddenly from an attack of apoplexy.

HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY. – The election for the House of Assembly are fixed by proclamation for the 11th March. In Graham’s Town and Cape Town, the elections will be held on the 16th March.
State of the Poll - latest: -
LEEB 1897
CHASE 1230

Saturday, February 20, 1864


PARLIAMENTARY. – Mr. N. MEYER, J.P., of Adelaide, has received a numerously and respectably signed requisition from the inhabitants of this town to consent to be re-elected as one of the representatives of this District in the Assembly.

THE MURDER OF WOLVERT, C.M.R. – Our readers will remember just twelve months ago, the community was shocked, if not alarmed, at the announcement that a soldier of the C.M.R., had been murdered by three natives, at Lieuwfontein, on the high road at midday. The murdered man was named WOLVERT, and had deserted, in company with a fellow soldier named HILL, and both were on their road to Graham’s Town when by the account of HILL, they were attacked by three Kafirs, when WOLVERT was killed and HILL wounded. The wounds on the latter, however, were proved by medical examination to be so slight and insignificant, that doubts were engendered as to the truth of that part of his story in which he averred he had become insensible from the severity of the assault made upon him by the Kafirs. HILL underwent a severe examination, but his evidence, with the exception of a few points, was consistent, and he was released. Three natives were subsequently apprehended on suspicion, and after several examinations were released, the evidence, that of HILL amongst others, being insufficient to implicate them in the deed of blood, - although they confessed to having been on the road on the day of the murder. Since that time nothing further has been heard of the matter, no clue could be obtained of the perpetrators, until within the past few days, when a Hottentot vrouw, in her cups, let fall some expressions concerning the murder which lead to her arrest, and her subsequent examination rendered it expedient that HILL, the companion of WOLVERT, should also be secured. Instructions were accordingly issued. HILL was brought from K. W. Town, in custody, and now awaits a fuller investigation of the circumstances of the murder. The Hottentot woman, it is said, is an old acquaintance of HILL’s, and has made a statement which points to him as the murderer of his comrade.

ANOTHER LOUD CALL FOR BRIDGES. – A terrible accident has just occurred at the Keiskamma drift on the new line of Road to Graham’s Town. Intelligence of the sad disaster reach town yesterday afternoon, and cast a deep over the community. It appears that on Saturday last Lieut. FITZGIBBON a fine, promising, and highly respected young officer of the 2nd 10th Regt., had taken his passage in the Post Cart for this place; but owing to the earlier departure of the mail than usual, it left without him, his seat being occupied by the Right Rev. Bishop MORAN R.C., and he was consequently obliged to hire another conveyance. The mail cart pushed rapidly forward, coming round by Trumpetters, and reached the Keiskamma about 6 p.m., which it found impassable. The passengers, of whom there were three, Messrs. J. SYPRON, W. C. FULLER, and Bishop MORAN, together with the mail bags, were obliged to have recourse to the basket to get across, which feat was successfully accomplished, the Bishop sticking fast for a short time in the middle, probably from not being accustomed to such means of transit. Fortunately, however, no further damage occurred, but a few hours after Mr. SLATER’s Passenger Cart approached, containing Lieut. FITZGIBBON, Mr. H. T. FULLER, (who had joined at Peddie), and the driver a Mr. HYDE. On getting to the drift, at about 10 0’clock, the moon being down, and the night very dark an ominous stillness prevailed, and Mr. FULLER and the driver, to make sure, alighted and went to the edge of the stream to ascertain whether it was passable, but in the darkness were unable to discover anything extraordinary about it. Thinking all was right, they resolved to attempt the passage, and accordingly plunged in, but no sooner had the leaders got well into the stream than both they and wheelers were out of their depth and began to swim down the stream with the cart floating. Mr. FULLER, seizing the reins, endeavoured to turn their heads of the leaders up the stream, when they began to plunge and chop with their forefeet, and thus became entangled with the harness. Seeing no hope of righting them, and perceiving the imminent danger they were in, Mr. F. sprang out of the cart, and swam for his life. After struggling with the watery element for some time and being taken down some considerable distance, he succeeded in reaching the eastern shore in a rather exhausted state. As soon as he recovered his senses, Mr. F. raised the alarm at the top of his voice, and had the satisfaction shortly after of seeing Mr. COYLE, a European, and a Kaffir come to his assistance. Search was instantly made for the unfortunate parties who remained in the cart, but without avail, the darkness preventing any object from being seen. At dawn next morning the search was resumed by alas! Only to convince them that their fears respected the safety of the other passengers were too well founded. The body of the unfortunate and lamented Lieut. FITZGIBBON was found at a distance of about 150 to 200 yards below the drift, with the mark of a serious bruise on the forehead, supposed to have been occasioned by contact either with the cart, a log of wood, or a kick from one of the horses. The body of the driver, HYDE, has not yet so far as we know, been recovered. The cart and horses were found at a distance of about 500 or 600 yards down the river. The four horses were drowned; the two leaders had become hopelessly entangled, and the wheelers being unable to disengage themselves, sank with the cart. The cart does not appear to have been upset, as most of the articles it contained were found inside. This melancholy event has cast quite a gloom over the community, and many and loud are the complaints against the government for allowing this and the Fish River to remain unbridged from year to year. Mr. FITZGIBBON was the senior Lieut. Of both battalions of the 10th Regiment. He was a useful officer and universally respected by his brother officers and the men of his corps, by whom his untimely death is sincerely deplored. Yesterday morning another cart was led to attempt the passage, through false information given to its occupant, Mr. R. CARLISLE, by some Fingoes, who stated that the river was fordable. On getting into the stream, Mr Carlisle found to his alarm that the current was both deep and strong, and himself, cart and horses were carried down some distance, but luckily succeeded in gaining the opposite side without disaster. These serious accidents are loud calls upon the authorities to erect bridges over these dangerous rivers without delay. – Gazette.

“HARD TIMES.” – A correspondent writes to the Volksblad, from the Paarl, that the times are so bad and money so scarce, that there are few cases in the magistrate’s court. The people have ceased indulging in the fun of blackguarding each other, as they are afraid of losing their case, and being mulcted in the costs. It is the same with summons’ for debt: if you speak to a debtor rather sharply, the answer usually is – if you summons me I’ll throw up my estate.

A LITTLE MONEY WANTED. – A Correspondent to the Friend complains of the exceeding scarceness of money, and adds: - “A wealthy farmer, a good payer, came to me from a distance of 150 miles to borrow £50, which I had not to lend. A second and a third, well-to-do men, came to me, and entreated me, with tears in their eyes to extend their notes of £30 and £36 for three months. A fourth, worth at least £10,000, sent fort miles to me to borrow £4. Of course, this state of things cannot continue. Farms, erven, horses, oxen, and sheep won’t pay bills, and can’t be sold for cash; and if something is not soon done to introduce the medium into this country, I apprehend dire consequences at large.”

ACCIDENT. – One day this week, three new tent wagons were being forwarded to Aliwal North by Mr. WIMBLE of this town, who had given them into the care of Mr. SMITH of Pretorius Kloof. During Mr. SMITH’s absence the driver went to sleep in the wagon, and the leader occupied the box, when all the wagons tumbled over a krantz on the road going up Goliad’s Kraal hill. The tents were completely smashed, and the wagons much knocked about. They were brought into town yesterday. – Ibid.

Saturday, February 27, 1864

DIED, at Fort Beaufort, on the 19th February, 1864, after a short illness borne with the greatest resignation, Mr. Robert MCKENZIE aged 61. Deceased was a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, and served 31 years in H. M. 74th Highlanders, from which he was discharged as Armour Sergeant, when that Regiment left the colony. He was highly respected by every one who knew him, and his loss will deeply regretted not only by his surviving children, but by a large circle of friends and acquaintances.
Fort Beaufort,
February 25, 1864.

PARLIAMENTARY. – Mr. FAIRBAIRN has, we are informed, received a numerously signed requisition from Worcester to stand as member for the ASSEMBLY; but we are sorry to hear that it is very doubtful whether the failing health of the veteran champion of our political rights and privileges will permit him to accept either this requisition or the one from his old constituents at Swellendam. Another requisition is being got up at Worcester to Capt. Van der FEN, a retired Dutch Officer of independent views and means, who can devote all his time and attention to Parliamentary duties. – Adv. & Mail.

A TUSK OF IVORY, taken from the stomach of an elephant, has been sent by Mr. C. J. ANDERSON for exhibition in the Public Library, where it may now be seen. According to a memorandum from Mr. CHAPMAN, this piece of ivory (8.2 lbs. in weight) was found in the stomach of a bull elephant, shot on the Ghashakie River, at its juncture with the Zambezi, by SEBEGA, HEKANEN, and other respectable and well-known hunters belonging to Kuruman, the Rev. Mr. MOFFAT’s station. The elephant had a large wound in the side, which it is supposed he got from another elephant in fighting, and this had in a measure closed up. He had for some time past stuck to the one locality, and was well-known to the natives, two or three of whom he had already killed in the most unprovoked manner, charging them at first sight; in short, he was what is called a “rogue.” In like manner he charges some ten or a dozen hunters three times before they could get a fair shot at him, and this without trumpeting, or any other kind of warning. This elephant was thoroughly identified by the natives in that locality, as having fought with and been wounded by another elephant, so that for sometime he showed signs of weakness, from which, however, he gradually recovered. He was killed as previously stated, not, however, until upwards of 200 shots had been fixed at him on this one occasion alone. – Ibid.

ANOTHER WELL-KNOWN and highly respected member of the community has been taken away by Death during the past week, whose place, though in an unostentatious sphere, it will be difficult to fill up from among the living. Mr. Robert MCKENZIE, was known to every one, and few in the town but have at times required his services in one or other of the many handicrafts which he practised. He was a public institution in himself. His ingenuity embraced nearly every department of the useful arts. From a “needle to an anchor,” he was never at a loss, - he could mend a clock or a teapot with equal dexterity – and the value of his services were always enhanced by his obliging disposition, and extraordinary small charges. Indeed it was a marvel to everybody how he could live with the prices he laid on his work – which, too, was always done in a workmanlike manner; and often have customers had to remonstrate with him on this point, but seldom could they prevail upon him to take more than the sum fixed, which was in general about a fifth of what would have been regarded as a reasonable price – “that’s my charge” he would say, to remonstrate on such occasions, “and I’ll take no more,” Mr. MCKENZIE was a native of Scotland, and , for upwards of 31 years served Her Majesty in the 74th Regt, in which corps he held the position of Armour, Sergeant, and took his discharge, with a pension, when the regiment returned home in 1854, since which he has been a resident of this place, and in his own peculiar sphere won the respect of all, - as a truly honest and upright man. The estimation in which he was held was shown by the large number which attended his funeral on Sunday, though the day was very wet; - he would have been buried with military honors but for the inclemency of the weather.

CHARGE OF FORGERY, - A young man named Anthony van der KRUIS is in custody on a charge of having forged the name of Mr. J. A. TRUTER to several cheques upon the London and South African Bank. Upon his boxes being searched, a sum of £110 in notes was found. A youth named Casper HOGENHOUT, who is in prison on a charge of desertion, is supposed to be implicated in the act.

Saturday, March 5, 1864

Several gentlemen having enquired of Mr. R. J. PAINTER, why he has not replied to a requisition which they signed, requesting him to allow himself to be put in nomination again to represent this Division. Lest his friends should think it discourteous on his part, he begs to state publicly, that he has not received the said requisition. Mr. P. has been informed that there was such a document, “Numerously Signed,” but that it was withdrawn or suppressed by a gentlemen in the town of Fort Beaufort.
Yellowwood Trees,
26th Feb. 1884. [I am sure this should be 1864]

Begs to inform her friends and the public of Fort Beaufort, that she has opened a School for the tuition of Children in the usual branches of knowledge, on the premises of Mr. N. ELLIOT, Campbell Street, and solicits a share of patronage.
Terms – 12s per Quarter for children under 8 years, and 15s above 8 years.

A Kafir War Medal of 1853. Engraved on the edge, “J. MCDERMOTT 45th Regt.” The owner or his relatives may have the same by paying 1s. 6d. (given to a native who found it), and the expense of this advertisement.
Alice, 2nd March, 1864.

My Husband, G. C. M. G. A. von BELLEW, having without cause or provocation on my part, absconded with every shilling and shillings worth I possessed, leaving a great many debts unpaid, and me and his children destitute, I hereby give him notice that unless he returns to me before the expiration of 9 months, I shall after that period no longer consider him as my husband nor the father of my children, and as I have not a shilling of my own it is impossible I can pay his debts.
Fredrika von BELLEW.
Fort Beaufort, 2nd March, 1864.


MR. F. W. RIETZ, late an honourable member of the Legislative Council, but who declined to stand for re-election, has received and accepted a requisition to contest in a vacancy in the Divisional Council of Swellendam.

ANNEXATION AND NO ANNEXATION. – A report has been circulated here during the last few days to the effect that instructions have been received from Home to annex the Transkeian territory immediately to British Kaffraria. It is also said that the Imperial authorities have expressed their will and pleasure to be that British Kaffraria shall remain a Crown Colony. – Gazette.

SACRILEGE. – On Wednesday evening, the 17th instant, the stone under which the box containing various coins and documents was put, and which was laid on the 11th November, 1861, with so much ceremony, as the foundation or corner stone of the Dutch Reformed Church, was displaced, and the box with all its contents taken out. On the morning of Thursday the news spread rapidly and a few hours after, two Hottentot boys, having the coins in their possessions, were apprehended. – Colesberg Advertiser.

ACCIDENT. On Friday last, while the masons were working on the new Dutch Reformed Church – at about 12 noon – a large piece of the brickwork of the cornice gave way and fell to the ground, a height of 35 feet. Three men – one white and two coloured, who were working at the top at the time, fell with the cornice on to the scaffolding, which also gave way – and bricks, beams and men fell together on the ground. The men were very much cut and bruised, but we are glad that the Doctors who are attending them have hopes that all three will recover.- Ibid.

A CORRESPONDENT writing to us from Bloemfontein, on the 17th instant, says: - “Paul KRUGER is waiting for the Modder River to subside, to come through and bring some matters to the consideration of the Volksraad. The Governor of the Cape Colony has acceded to the request sent to him by the Free State Government, and will meet MOSHESH at some spot not yet fixed, on about the 18th March, for the purpose of determining the line question. – Ibid.

ARRIVAL OF TROOPS. – By the Cotgrain barque, which arrived here from London on Thursday last, after a passage of 91 days, a number of recruits have reached these shores. They consist of 6 officers and 88 privates, also 13 soldiers’ wives and 16 children; one infant died at sea, and there were 2 births on the passage. They were landed the same day. – Telegraph.

HIS EXCELLENCY AND THE WAGON. – We are informed that as his Excellency and Lady WODEHOUSE were riding out on the Cradock road the other evening, they chanced upon a wagon which was axle deep in the mud. Sir Phillip immediately gave the reins of his horse to Lade WODEHOUSE, and proceeded, with the orderlies in attendance, to lend the help the unfortunate wagon required. By dint of hard work the wheels were cleared and the wagon went on its way. We take the liberty of considering this a good omen. – Journal.

THE FARM “BULT FONTEIN,” was put up for sale on Saturday and realized £2 per morgen; it is 779 morgen in extent, Mr. Christian WELGEMOED was the purchaser. – Cradock Register

VISIT OF THE COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. – On Thursday evening last Sir Percy DOUGLASS and suite arrived in East London. The following morning the troops stationed here were reviewed. We believe the prime object of His Excellency in visiting this place was to ascertain by personal observation whether troops and government stores could be landed here with safety. His opinions have not been, of course, officially made known; but he has expressed himself in the most favourable language concerning the port. He is reported to have said that in the event of a Kaffir outbreak, East London would be the most central and best position for the troops: and he has been busily engaged since his arrival inspecting the different localities, both here and at Panmure, with a view, it is said, of selecting a good site for Barracks. He is said also to be highly pleased with the capabilities of this port for disembarking troops, and to have coincided in the general opinion that a first class harbour might be formed here. His Excellency resides with the Resident Magistrate. He will probably leave again on Tuesday or Wednesday next. – Recorder.

EAST LONDON. – A serious accident has occurred to Mr. W. J. SYMONS, while assisting a wagon on to the pontoon, Mr. S. being thrown down, and one of the wheels passing over his body. The Recorder says: “He was taken up stunned and senseless, at once conveyed to his home at Panmure, and medical assistance call in. One side of his face was greatly bruised, but, we are happy to add, he received no other serious injury. The wheel of the wagon passed over the entire length of his body, and his escape from death must have been very narrow.” – Recorder.

On Sunday evening last a man about 40 years of age, with dark hair and moustache, and dressed in gray coat and Scotch tartan trowsers, appeared at the Cape Town Police Office and informed the Inspector that “a voice” had ordered him to come there and deliver himself up to justice, as he had committed the crime of forgery. He said his name was Robert PRINGLE, and that he had committed forgeries to the amount of £1100 on the Fort Beaufort and Port Elizabeth Banks. He then spoke of the influence of “a voice” over him; and his rambling talk led the officer on duty to believe that the man was drunk or mad, - but as he seemed quiet and peaceably disposed, he was allowed to go away. Yesterday, the same individual again appeared at the Police Office, under the delusion that “a voice” has induced him to swallow poison. It was evident, however, that he had been drinking, and that his mind was affected, but he took care to deny that he had made any statement before of his name being PRINGLE. Dr. ROSS found that the idea of his having swallowed poison was a delusion; and Mr. RUSSELL, on referring to the Attorney-General’s Office, found the warrant for the apprehension of Robert PRINGLE to contain an exact description of this man. He was then removed to prison to await further identification. He had in his pocket a presentation Bible, containing a portrait of an elderly lady, and a lock of hair. A name had been written on the title page, but it was now evidently erased with a knife.

THE SUPPOSED ROBERT PRINGLE. – This person, who surrendered himself to the Cape Town Police on Tuesday, was placed at the bar of the Police Court yesterday morning, when he made the following statement: - “My name is Robert PRINGLE. I came from East London to Cape Town about six or seven months ago. I paid £5 5s. for my passage. I am a farmer, and have two farms, Newstead and Eastwith. I have about 1,500 sheep and about 50 or 60 head of cattle. I remained only a few hours in Cape Town after my arrival, and proceeded thence to Worcester, to see Mr. HEATLIE, who is a relative of mine. My object in returning to Cape Town was to proceed home. I heard that the charge of forgery had been withdrawn against me, and I came to the Police Station to make inquiries about it. My friends wrote to me, saying that the charge could not be proved. I plead not guilty to the charge of forgery.” The prisoner was then committed to gaol. – Adv. & Mail.


THE GOVERNOR, - His Excellency will leave Graham’s Town on Monday morning next for this place, and may be expected about 3 p.m. The afternoon is to be observed as a half holiday, in order to afford every one the opportunity of testifying their respect to Her Majesty’s representative by going out with the Civil Commissioner to meet Sir Phillip. We expect there will be a large assemblage of natives, horsemen and foot, from Healdtown to greet the “Inkosi.” The native footman will await His Excellency at Appies Drie, and the horse men will proceed to MILDENHALL’s. Sir Percy DOUGLAS is expected to arrive form K. W. Town on Monday in order to meet and confer with the Governor on important matters. His Excellency will leave on Wednesday morning for Queen’s Town.

MR. D. MCKAY, POSTMASTER AT BLINKWATER, writes to us stating that the post bag containing the Post Retief and Blinkwater mails, which was swept away lately by the flood and the carrier drowned, was recovered on Sunday morning last, and the letters, &c., found in good order. The Fort Beaufort letters were delivered the same day.

FATAL ACCIDENT. – It is our painful duty to records another fatal accident arising from the swollen state of our bridgeless rivers, by which no less than three lives were sacrificed. The particulars as furnished by a correspondent in the Kat River, are as follows: - “On Wednesday, the 2nd inst, the family of Mr. Peter SMUTS of the Bedford district, consisting of his wife and three children, were proceeding to the place of Mrs. SMUT’s father, Mr. W. DURANDT of the Queen’s Town District. On approaching Balfour, just below the Convict Station, one of the hind oxen got out of the yolk just when the wagon was passing the drift, and before the ox could be re-yoked, the river came down in a torrent and capsized the wagon, by which the unhappy wife and two of her youngest children were drowned. The bodies of the woman and once child were found about 150 yards below the drift, that of the other child was found near BERNARD’s place. The driver of the wagon, a lad of 15 and the eldest of the children of Mrs. SMUTS, aged 6, were rescued from a tree in the river, to which they had clung. The driver was a brother of Mrs. SMUTS. Two of the hard labor party exerted themselves very creditably, and it was by their means that the lives of the two on the tree were saved, - the recovery of the three drowned bodies was also owing to their exertions.”


THE FROST has slain another distibguished victim, Dr. TURTON, Bishop of Ely, the oldest Bishop save the Bishop of Exeter. Thoms TURTON was senior wrangler and first Smith’s prizeman in 1805. He was subsequently Professor of Mathematics, then Regius Professor of Divinty, then Dean of Peterborough, then Dean of Westminster, and lastly, in 1845, was appointed, on the death of Bishop ALLEN, to the see of Ely. Bishop TURTON was one of the class of student Bishops which is now nearly extinct. He was, nevertheless, one of the best districutors of patronage ever known.

BY THE DEATH of Major-General Robert Henry WYNYARD, C.B, on the 6th inst., the following army promotions will take place: - Colonel Thomas Maitland WILSON, formerly of the 96th, and now upon half-pay of the 8th Foot, to be Major-General; Lieutenant-Colonel William Thomas DICKSON, 16th Lancers, to be Colonel; Major Frederick WEST, half pay, late of the 10th Depot Battalion to be Lieutenant-Colonel in the army.

The death of Major-General R. H. WYNYARD, C.B., colonel of the 98th Regiment of Foot, took place at Bath on January 6. The deceased officer had only lately returned home from the Cape of Good Hope in very bad health, and had only recently been appointed to the colonelcy of the 98th, which becomes vacant by his demise. Until his appointment to a regiment, Major-General WUNYARD enjoyed a pension for his distinguished services. Since his return home from relinquishing the command of the troops at the Cape of Good Hope, the gallant general has never recovered his shattered health. He entered the army young, and had seen much active duty. The late general served with the force in New Zealand from Oct., 1845, until Jan., 1847, in command of the 56th Foot; commanded the advanced division up the Kowa Kowa River, and on through the interior from the landing up to the position before Kuapekapeka, and entered the breach with the stormers in the assault on Kawitt’s Pah, on Jan. 11,1846. He was appointed to the command of the forces in New Zealand in Jan., 1851, and held Her Majesty’s commission as Lieut-Governor of New Ulster from 1851 to 1853, and administered the government of the whole colony from December 1853 to September 1855. He was selected for the Cape command in February, 1859 and was commissioned as Lieut.-Governor the following month.

Notice is hereby given, that the Resident Magistrate of Fort Beaufort, will hold a court on Thursday, the 17th day of March, 1864, at 10 o’clock a.m. in terms of the 12th and 13th Section of the Ordinance No. 9 1851, for the purpose of determining the question of granting licences to the undermentioned applicants, viz –
To keep an Inn, Hotel, or Boarding House with Tap or Canteen annexed.
Mrs. FITZPATRICK, Campbell Street, F. B.
C. HIGGS, do. do.
E. COTTERILL, do. do.
T. HENDERSON, do. do.
H. KEYS, D’Urban Street, do.
F. GODDARD, do. do.
A. WRAGG, do. do.
Maurice HARRY, do. do.
J. O’GARA, Somerset Street do.
T. HANLEY, Henrietta Street, do.
J. W. DALTON Barrack Street, do.
T. FRANCES, Koonap Post, do.
D. MCKAY, Blinkwater Village, do.
John MIDGLEY, Adelaide, do.
E. HENNEMEYER, do. do.
A. FERGUSEN, Yellowwoods Outspan, do.
C. STRANEY, Winterberg, do.
C. J. WAYLAND, Brandbosch Kloof, Win. do.
To sell by the bottle to be consumed on or off the Premises.
W. ESTMENT jr., D’Urban Street, Fort B.
Tap or Canteen only.
C. HOLLIDAY, D’Urban Street, do.
To Retail Wines and Spirituous Liquors not to be consumed on the premises: -
C. J. WAYLAND, Brandbosch Kloof, Winterberg
Clerk of the Court.
Res. Mag. Office.
Fort Beaufort, Feb. 13, 1864.

Notice is hereby given that the Court constituted under and by virtue of the Ordinance No. 9 of 1831 and Ord. No. 10 of 1860, will be held in the Court Room at Eland’s Post, on Wednesday, the 16th March, 1864, at 10 o’clock a.m. for the purpose of granting or otherwise, the undermentioned applications, viz: -
James SCOLLIN, “to keep an Hotel, or accommodation house, on Erf. No. 12, Seymour, for the sale of Wines, Beer, Malt and Spirituous Liquor, by retail, to be consumed on and off the premises.” –
William Henry BATES, “to keep an Hotel and Boarding House.”
Geo. Greig MEURANT.
Clerk of the Court.
Res. Mag. Office.
Eland’s Post, 9th February, 1864.

Well-aired Beds, Private Rooms for Families, Wines, Spirits, and Draught Ale of the best quality.
Dec. 12, 1863.

Saturday, March 12, 1864

Grahamstown, February 24, 1864.
To the Electors of the Eastern Province.
Gentlemen. – The honour you have conferred upon me in again placing me in the highly important position of one of your Representatives in the legislative Council, demands from me my most cordial thanks, and I would briefly state, that I fully appreciated the responsibility of the trust confided to me, and beg of you to accept my thanks for the votes and support given to me at the late Election.
I have the honour to remain,
Your obedient servant,

N. MEYER, Esq., J.P.
Sir, - As the time for election of representatives for the House of Assembly is near at hand, we the undersigned electors of the District of Fort Beaufort, request you will allow yourself to be re-nominated as a candidate for the seat in the representation of this district lately filled by you.
We are aware that during the two previous sessions, your attendance in Parliament in Cape Town, has involved no inconsiderable sacrifices, but the determination of the governor to assemble the ensuing Parliament in Graham’s Town, will, it is to be hoped, enable you to give your services to the public at less personal inconvenience than heretofore. We feel assured that in the present condition of the country, you will not consent to the increase of the public burdens, or an augmentation of the already large public debt, for projects which, though in themselves unobjectionable, are unsuited to our present condition and means; and that you will give the Government a reasonable and judicious support in its efforts to devise and carry out measures for extricating the colony from the embarrassed circumstances in which it is at this moment placed; - while, at the same time, we make no doubt, the peculiar grievances under which the farming population have been, and are still suffering – of the extent and nature of which you are well informed – will induce you, in concert with other frontier representatives, to use your utmost endeavors to obtain the enactment of amelioratory measure.
We are, Sir,
Your most Obt. Servts.
John O’RORKE, J.P.
Thomas WARD,
George BAKER,
Jesse SHAW,
John QUIN,
Jas. SCOTT, M.D.C.
Maurice BARRY,
Frederick GARRETT,

(The Requisition from Adelaide has already been published.)
Adelaide, March 10, 1864.
Gentlemen, - In reply to the Requisition with which you have honoured me, requesting that I would allow myself to be nominated as a candidate for a seat in the representation of the Fort Beaufort District in the House of Assembly, I beg to say, that though attendance in Parliament involves no inconsiderable sacrifices, still if I can serve the colony, and especially the Fort Beaufort District which thus honors me with its renewed confidence, I ought not to refuse.
I cannot well spare the time to personally canvas the electors, nor should I like to be at the expense of a contest, but if the electors do me the honor to re-appoint me as one of their representatives, my best energies shall be devoted to their interests.
During the last two sessions, I have gained some little experience, which may better fit me to represent this important Division, and the votes I gave are such as will commend themselves to all friends of the Eastern Province. Into my political views I need not largely enter.
Increased taxation, however disagreeable, is, I fear necessary. The public embarrassments are discreditable to the Colony, every measure proposed by Government to remedy these evils, shall be carefully examined, and supported or opposed according to its merits.
To Railways I am not opposed, but I much doubt whether the colony can at present safely undertake such costly works, and to the including of such Districts, as would not derive any advantage from such undertakings, in any subguarantee I am most decidedly opposed.
The heavy grievances of the Frontier Farmers must have the speedy and earnest attention of Parliament, their losses have been alarming, the protection afforded them is very defective, and the law between master and servant must undergo considerable modifications.
Thanking you for the honour you have done me, I leave the matter in your hands and remain,
Gentlemen, Your obedient servant,
To H. SPARKS, c. LILFORD, Esqrs., and the other gentlemen of Adelaide, who signed the Requisition.
To T. STRINGFELLOW, C.C., T. WARD, W. H. RAWSTORNE, Esqrs., of Fort Beaufort and the other gentlemen who signed the Requisition.

The proprietor wishing to give up farming pursuits, has authorized the undersigned to ket the House and Ground, with Orange Grove, at Cathcart Val, - Also the splendid farm Cathcart Vale, together with about 1200 to 1300 first class sheep.
Fort particulars as to terms, &c., apply to.
Woodstock, near Alice.

The House in D’Urban Street, lately occupied by Major BRAY Esquire of Mr. VIGNE.

Dissolution of Partnership.
The Partnership hitherto existing between H. SIMPKINS & W. TAYLOR has this day been dissolved by mutual consent.
Adelaide, February 19, 1864.


COMMANDER OF THE FORCES. – On Monday at mid-day, Sir Percy DOUGLAS, and staff arrived in Fort Beaufort from K. W. Town.


Sir, - A malicious report having been circulated, as I have reason to believe, by a man lately in my employ and whom I discharges for incompetence, to the effect that I had committed suicide, - and as that report is calculated to injure me, I beg you will allow me to contradict it. As your last week’s paper has not reached me, I conclude the report has been wafted to you.
I have &c.

On Friday, yesterday, a Court was held for the nomination of candidates for the representation of Fort Beaufort in the Assembly. At 10 o’clock precisely the Civil Commissioner opened the proceeding, by reading the proclamation concerning the election. The Court room was filled to overflowing, a large number of Kat River voters having come down expressly to take part in the proceedings. Seldom has an election taken place in which so much interest has been excited. – as it was known that the Kat River influence would be worked to the utmost to return two nominees of that locality, Mr W. R. THOMPSON, of Cape Town, and a Mr. BAINS, of Lower Albany.
Mr. J. GREEN proposed, in a few words, Mr. W. R. THOMPSON, as a fit and proper representation of Fort Beaufort. - Seconded by Mr. J. FLANNIGAN.
Mr. J. QUIN, proposed Mr, W, AYLIFF, as candidate, and drew the attention of the electors to the importance of electing representatives, like him with identity of interests with the electors; at the same time disabusing their minds of some reports respecting Mr. AYLIFF’s views, circulated to his prejudice. – Seconded by Mr. DREYER.
Mr. A. HEYNS, proposed by Mr. BAINES, as a candidate. – Seconded by Mr. F. JORDAAN. Some of the electors wished to know who Mr. BAINES was, and what were his political antecedents, but their quiries produced no response.
Mr. J. SCOTT briefly proposed Mr. W. STANTON, as a candidate. – Seconded by Mr. W. LLOYD.
Mr. W. AYLIFF proposed Mr. MEYER, one of the late representatives, as a candidate, and remarked on the political consistency which characterized his votes, which had always been recorded on the side of the Eastern Province, interests, while at the same time he had always been actuated by an equal respect for the rights of all classes of the community. – Seconded by Mr. B. BOOTH.
Mr. B. WOEST seeing that frontier interests would be imperilled if the candidates were too numerous, generously declined to be nominated.
Before the show of hands was called, Mr. AYLIFF addressed the electors in a long speech in which he avowed the sentiments he entertained, and dissipated effectually the insinuations ventitated as to his real views on the native question and the subject of railways. His speech was a very telling one, but time will not allow us to allude to it more fully.
Mr. STANTON followed and dwelt on his long career of 30 years as a public man, and his services on the committee of safety and the repulse of Hermanus, which he thought gave him a claim on the district. He alluded to his Parliamentary services during which had made no less than 397 speeches on various matters, and placed innumerable motions on the table which though not appreciated now, would be a source of pride to his descendants hereafter – giving a rap at the press, particularly of Cape Town, which he charged with venality and partiality, in the report of parliamentary proceedings.
The show of hands was then taken after a little preliminary confusion, when there appeared for
THOMPSON…………………………………………..40 votes
AYLIFF…………………………………………………… 42     “
BAINES…………………………………………………. 37     “
STANTON………………………………………………18     ”
MEYER…………………………………………………..20     “
The two first were accordingly declared elected, and a poll was at once demanded on the part of MR. BAINES, in which the other candidates joined.


A NEW PAPER, the Frontier Guardian has been started at Queen’s Town, the first number of which is to hand.

MR. J. J. STONE, has announced his intention to contest the representation of Somerset, in compliance with three requisition which has received.

MR. J. H. GREATHEAD well known on the frontier, and formerly a member of the Legislative Council died at Bathurst on Tuesday.

THE HON. R. RAWSON it is reported, is to be appointed Lt. Governor of Natal.

LT. GEN. SIR PERCY DOUGLAS has expressed himself strongly on the folly of the Colonial Government in expending hundreds of thousands of pounds in breakwaters and railways while the roads and rivers of the country are in a most wretched condition. If Sir PERCY had his way, we should soon see a great change in some matters of this nature on the frontier. We should in a year or so not have to record so many accidents from flooded rivers, nor would our postal communication and traffic be suspended by bad roads and bridgeless rivers.

List of Licences issued from the Office during the month of February, 1864: -
Bakers Licences to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
H. J. ORCHARD, Adelaide.
Retail Shop Licences to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
Wm. EWING, Fort Beaufort,
W. BROWNING, ditto,
W. A. BARKER, do,
John BEGBY, do,
D. MCKAY, Blinkwater,
C. LILLARD, Adelaide,
J. C. HATTON, Post Retief.
Butcher Licences to expire 31st Dec. 1865.
Walter TAYLOR, Healdtown,
James SPARKS, Adelaide,
M. SANDS, Fort Beaufort,
Billiard Table Licences to expire 31st Dec. 1864.
Thomas HANLEY, Fort Beaufort,
Distributor of Stamps.
Stamp Office
Fort Beaufort, 3rd Feb. 1864.

Saturday, March 19, 1864.

The Committee of the above named Gentlemen earnestly solicit the support of every voter with Eastern Province sympathies. Union is absolutely essential to secure success. A division of votes will entail certain defeat, by adhering to two candidates throughout their return is tolerably certain. Vote for AYLIFF and MEYER and success to the Province. Make it a point of duty to go to the Poll on the 24th and see others do likewise.
The Committee will meet on Monday.
Electors! Don’t throw your votes away – “United we stand, divided we fall.”
Vote for AYLIFF & MEYER.
A long Pull, and a strong pull, and a pull altogether for AYLIFF & MEYER.
Put down the Cape Town Domination and put in AYLIFF AND MEYER.
Een Draag Maakt Magt, stem voor AYLIFF en MEYER.

St. Paul’s Lodge, No. 898.
The Ceremony of Installing the W∴ M∴ and Officers of the above Lodge, will take place at Adelaide, on Tuesday next, 22nd Inst., at High Twelve (Noon)
The Rev. P. J. SYREE, M.C., will deliver an Address upon the occasion.
Brethren of neighboring Lodges are respectfully invited to attend and assist in the ceremony.

Vote for STANTON,
For 30 years the Defender of your Rights and Liberty.
Vote for STANTON,
The Well-tried and Staunch Fried of the People.
Vote for STANTON,
Who never deserted his Parliamentary Post.
Vote for STANTON,
Who never sacrificed your Interest.
Whose vote as it has ever been will always be found in the Right Place.

When the inhabitants of Fort Beaufort in their address to the Governor, prayed that His Excellency and Lady WODEHOUSE might be preserved from the perils of bad roads, the words were not intended lightly, and that the danger was no imaginary is show by the fatal accident which occurred near Mr. BOVEY’s on the Blinkwater road on Wednesday last, a few minutes after Lady WODEHOUSE passed the spot, and in sight of her ladyship’s wagon. About half way between Stanton’s drift and Blinkwater, where AINSLIE’s water furrow crosses over, there is an exceedingly ugly piece of road, with large boulders thickly studded around from which the earth has been swept away by the rains. On Wednesday as a wagon was passing this rough narrow place, Mr. H. GOOLD, of Eland’s Post, arrived at the spot form the opposite direction, and directed his servant to endeavour to drive the cart past the wagon. The space was narrow, and in the attempt to pass, the off wheel of the cart came in contact with a large boulder on the outer edge of the of the path, and the cart was upset, throwing both Mr. GOOLD and the driver under the wagon, when the wheels of the latter passed over Mr. GOOLD’s head, and killed him on the spot. The driver also had a narrow escape but he was only a little bruised by the fall. A messenger was immediately sent after Sir Walter CURRIE, who with a party of police, was in attendance on Lady WODEHOUSE, at a little distance ahead. Sir WALTER dispatched some of the police to the spot at once, but the unfortunate man was past human aid – the skull and upper part of the spine having been crushed by the weight of the wagon. Truly in the “midst of life we are in death.” Mr. GOOLD was on his road to Graham’s Town to make final arrangements for retiring from business and leaving the colony, having realized a very respectable competence, when all his hopes and plans for the future were suddenly brought to an end. Mr. GOOLD leaves a large family. His body was conveyed to Eland’s Post on Thursday morning, accompanied by a number of the respectable inhabitants of that place, who had come down on hearing of the accident. The spot where the mishap occurred, was pointed out to Sir Philip WODEHOUSE, as a specimen of African roads of the 19th century, by the gentleman who accompanied him on the morning of his departure for the Katberg. On the same Blinkwater road, a wagon containing Mrs. R. BOVEY and family, was capsized on Tuesday, the day previous to the fatal event just recorded, and by a miracle the occupants of the wagon were saved from destruction. The late rains have made the Blinkwater road in some places, nothing better than the dry bed of a ravine. There is a dispute as to whether it is a divisional or main road. The divisional Council contend that the line as far as the Blinkwater is the main line to Queen’s Town, - the Government say it is a divisional road. Between both nothing is done in the way of repair, and every day the track is more difficult for traffic. There is no doubt that the road from Fort Beaufort to Blinkwater is the main road to Queen’s Town, but it was also the main road to Post Retief. Now by Act No. 10, 1861, the main road from Fort Beaufort to Post Retief was abolished, and by consequence the portion of line to Post Retief from Fort Beaufort to Blinkwater, although used as the main line to Queen’s Town, was thrown on the division. This may have been unjust, but the fact remains that according to the Act quoted the road is a divisional one.


REHABILITATION. – The Estate of Thomas G. COX, of British Kaffraria, has, we are glad to hear, been released from Sequestration.

Mr. JOSIAS RIVERS is named as the new Treasurer-General.

PROTEST. – Mr. von MALTITZ has entered a protest against the elections of Messrs. GODLONTON, CAWOOD, TUCKER, and LEEB, on various grounds. The chief, that the requirements of the Constitution Ordinance have not been complied with. He will have to move through the agency of Parliament. The Governor has declared who are the candidates, and cannot interfere.

BEDFORD FAIR. – There were five competitors for the wool prize. The first prize was awarded to Mr. Robert PRINGLE of the Bedford District; 2nd prize to Mr. F. W. POHL; 3rd prize to Mr. W. FULLER.

RECRUITS FOR THE C.M. RIFLES. – On Wednesday morning about 77 recruits for the C.M.R., from the English depot, marched into Fort Beaufort, headed by the band of that regiment, which had gone out some distance to meet them.

LADY WODEHOUSE, and attendants arrived at O’GARA’s Hotel on Wednesday from Queen’s Town. Her Ladyship was escorted by Sir Walter CURRIE, and a party of Mounted Police. Lady WODEHOUSE left for Graham’s Town on Thursday morning.

[torn out] a short illness,
[torn out] by paralysis on his
[torn out] Match at Adelaide, on Saturday last. It is supposed that exposure to the excessive heat which prevailed on that and the previous day, occasioned the illness, which ended in death. His remains were followed to the grave on Thursday by a large number of respectable inhabitants. Deceased was the eldest child of Mr. H. PEDLAR of this town. [See next issue for more information]

A STRANGE SCENT. – A scene was witnessed in St. Thomas’ Cathedral on Christmas Day, the like of which was assuredly never witnesses there before. The Bishop of Bombay, who was to conduct the services and preach on the occasion, found on reaching his chair, that it was profusely adorned for the occasion, and that among the ornaments a cross was conspicuous, immediately over the place where his head would be. His displeasure was great, and he did not attempt to disguise it. He gave, in fact, expression to it in a way for which no one was prepared. He attempted with his own hands to pull down this cross. It was so securely placed that it was not easy to remove it; he, however, succeeded in spoiling somewhat the beauty of this ornamentation, and left his mark upon it, significantly of his protest. Afterwards, when he came to the Communion Table he found this, in like manner, profusely decorated, and with the image of the cross equally obtrusive. In front of the table was a cloth, bearing this image conspicuously; it happened that this was removable; the Bishop detached it with a degree of feeling that was manifest to all present, and threw it on the ground. We are told that his agitation was great, and traceable all through the service. – Bombay Guardian.

HORRIBLE. – A horrible story is in circulation concerning a huge boa-constrictor which is said to have its haunts in the swampy ground bordering the Nahoon River, about 20 miles from its mouth. It is said that one day last week three Kafir boys went down to the river for the purpose of getting some reeds such as they use in some of their rites, when suddenly one of them who was a little distance from the others, was attacked by this huge reptile. The other two were too much terrified to give any assistance to their unfortunate companion, and they immediately betook themselves to flight. They saw the snake coiled round the body of the other boy, and believed that he swallowed him. This story may perhaps not be perfectly correct in all its details, but the existence of one or more of these monsters around the place described is certainly no fiction. There was one for some time on the farm of Frans BEZUIDENHOUT, at the Gonubie Drift, about an hour’s ride from Maclean. The part of the farm which this reptile haunted was avoided by all the natives in the neighbourhood, as it was said he had swallowed a child. He was frequently seen by white men whose veracity we have no reason to doubt, and was said by them to be about twenty feet in length and to move about with the front part of his body erect so that his head was five or six feet from the ground. This reptile was last seen about twenty months ago. He was believed to be but small when compared with another boa, which was said by the natives to be on the Nahoon, but which had never been seen by white men. We were just at press when a farmer residing near the Nahoon called at our office, and informed us that the details of the above are perfectly correct, and that the boy was swallowed by the snake at that part of the Nahoon known as Bisset’s Drift. – Recorder.

Fort Beaufort:

Fort Beaufort. - Messrs. W. AYLIFF, W. R. THOMPSON, N. MEYER, W. STANTON, J. BAINS.
The show of hands was in favour of the two first names, and a poll was demanded on behalf of the last names – Polling day, Thursday, 24th March.
Albany. - Messrs. J. G. FRANKLIN, John E. WOOD, W. R. BOWKER.
Show of hands in favor of the two first named, a poll demanded on behalf of the latter, to take place on Monday, 21st March.
Somerset. - Messrs. R. J. PAINTER, R. M. BOWKER, J. J. H. STONE.
Show of hands in favor of the two first named. Mr. STONE withdrew from the contest, and Messrs. PAINTER and BOWKER were declared duly elected.
Port Elizabeth.– Messrs. J. C. CHASE, J. CAWOOD, M. H. BENJAMIN, J. DICKSON.
Show of hands in favor of Messrs. CHASE and CAWOOD. Mr. DICKSON retired and poll demanded on behalf of Mr. BENJAMIN. Polling day fixed for Saturday 19th March.
Graaff Reinet. - Messrs. J. F. ZIERVOGEL, R. RUTHERFORD.
Being the only two candidates nominated, were declared elected.
Cradock. - Messrs. W. M. HARRIES, and C. SCANLAN, elected without opposition.
Victoria. - Messrs. Jonathan AYLIFF, H. DARNELL, J. POWELL.
Show of hands in favor of the two first. The latter declined a poll, and consequently Messrs. AYLIFF and DARNELL were duly elected.
Uitenhage. - Messrs. CHABAUD, ASPELING, DOBSON.
Show of hands in favor of the two first named candidates: whereupon a pol was demanded on behalf of Mr. DOBSON. Thursday, the 24th inst, is the date fixed for the poll.
Cape Town. -Advocate BRAND, Mr. HIDDINGH.
Were returned unopposed for the Cape Division.
Caledon. – The two seats for this Western division will be contested between Messrs. VIGNE, BREDA, SILBERBAUER, and GAIN.
George. - Messrs. WEHMEYER, SWEMMER and WALTER contest this division.
Swellendam. - Messrs. MOODIE, HUMAN, and F. D. BARRY, contest this representation.
Stellenbosch. - Sir C. BRAND, and Mr. J. C. NEETHLING, have been elected without opposition.


OUR READERS will be glad to learn that Dep. Asst. Com. Gen. KAY, received his promotion to Asst. Com. Gen., vice WEBB, deceased.

ELECTIONS. – We must remind electors that only one vote can be given for each candidate in Elections for the Assembly. Each elector has two votes.

MR. AND MRS. GIDDY and family are among the passengers by the Briton. They may be expected in Fort Beaufort in a few days.

Saturday, March 26, 1864

DIED, at the farm Hopewell, Fort Beaufort, on the 15th March, 1864, after a very brief illness, Samuel Waymouth PEDLAR, aged 44 years, 2 months, and 2 days. Deceased was the eldest son of Mr. H. PEDLAR, of Fort Beaufort, and leaves a wife and family of eight children to deplore the loss of a kind husband and indulgent father. Deceased was respected by all who knew him as a sterling friend and honest man.
Fort Beaufort, March 19, 1864.

DIED near Blinkwater, District of Fort Beaufort on Wednesday, 15th March, 1864, by being violently thrown from the cart in which he was travelling. Henry GOOLD, of Seymour, Elands Post, at the age of forty five years. Friends will please accept this Notice. Mrs. GOOLD wishes to express her sense of deep gratitude for the kindness and sympathy manifested upon this sorrowful occasion, and to thank the friends who took care of the body of her lamented husband after the accident, and those gentlemen who went to Fort Beaufort, and had it conveyed to Elands Post.

A CHARGE having been falsely brought against the undersigned by Benjamin MORTON of British Kaffraria, which charge have been withdrawn; - this is to give notice that an action for damages has been commenced against the said Benjamin MORTON for injuries suffered in consequence of said false charge.
Julius von GROSSOW.
Adelaide, March 19, 1864.

In the Assigned Estate of William Browning, of Fort Beaufort, Shopkeeper.
Notice is hereby given that all persons indebted to the above Estate are requested to pay the amount of their respective accounts and debts to John HUDSON, Esq. Acting Clerk of the Peace, Fort Beaufort, within fourteen days from this date, in order to avoid the prosecution of legal proceedings in case of default. And persons claiming to be creditors of the Estate are forthwith to file with the undersigned their respective claims to be ranked on the Estate.
Graham’s Town,
March 18, 1864.


INFANTICIDE. – On Sunday morning the body of a newly-born female infant was found in the river near the lower drift. It had apparently been in the water three or four days. The examination by the District Surgeon disclosed the painful fact that it had been born alive, and that it had been killed immediately after birth.

ELECTIONS. – The wet weather will have an unfavourable influence on the voting in this district, the Kat River excepted. The roads have been rendered heavy and it is to be feared that voters living at a distance, as many of them do, of from 10 to 20 miles and upwards from the polling places, will be unable to record their votes. This will be the more favorable for the Kat River candidates, as the voters in that settlement are all within easy reach of their several field cornets. Several meetings, we understand, have been held in the Kat River during the week in the interest of Messrs. THOMSON and BAINES, and efforts made to collect those voters scattered throughout the district.

CAPE TOWN, - Messrs. SOLOMON, BARRY, CAUVIN, and DENNYSON have been elected without opposition as the representatives of Cape Town in the Assembly.

ATTEMPT AT SUICIDE. – An Englishman, calling himself Francis WATSON, arrived in Middelburg a few days back, with the sum of £22 10s. in his pocket, and commenced his “spree” at the canteen by copious libations of that delectable beverage “Cape Smoke,” which, from the facility with which it conjures up “blue devils,” would appear to be the fume par excellence of the infernal regions. On Thursday last he left the village and passed the whole night wandering in the “veldt,” haunted by the most horrid imaginations, and returned to the canteen about ten o’clock the following day. He remained quiet for a short time, and then retired privately into a sheepkraal attached to the premises, and commenced to finish the “spree” by cutting off his head with a pocket knife. Fortunately he was observed and interrupted in the amusement, but not before he had succeeded in inflicting three or four wounds in the front and back part of his neck. The district surgeon was promptly in attendance, and the injuries were not found to be of a dangerous nature. WATSON was conveyed to the hospital, and is now, we believe, quite penitent, and nearly convalescent. – Great Eastern.


ELECTION. – The polling for the members of the Assembly took place on Thursday. The candidates were five – Messrs. AYLIFF, MEYER, STANTON, THOMSON, and BAINES. The returns are not all in yet, but it is much feared that one at least of the Kat River nominees is returned. The roads after the heavy rains were not in a favourable state for voters at a distance to travel to the polling places in this division. In the Kat River the polling places are numerous, and the greatest distance a voter has to go to records his vote is five miles. In this town there was not much excitement, but a good deal of earnestness was manifested.
At the close of the poll the numbers stood as follows: -
AYLIFF………………………. 64
MEYER……………………… 39
STANTON…………………. 32
THOMSON…………………. 0
BAINES………………………. 0
From all we have heard of the result of the polling up to this moment (Friday night), we think the probabilities are that Mr. AYLIFF heads the poll, and the Mr. THOMSON stands next. As we have only received precise information from a few places, however, we would not advise our readers to be too certain that the returned will be as stated.
We have heard with certainty of our field cornetcy in Stockenstrom, whether neither THOMSON nor BAINS received a vote – but then there were no Hottentot voters in it. At this place AYLIFF polled 20, STANTON 16, and MEYER 10. At the Blinkwater the votes were divided between AYLIFF and THOMSON.

PORT ELIZABETH. – The contest between the three candidates for the Assembly were spirited in the Bay, and resulted as follows: -
BENJAMIN…………………………. 214
CHASE……………………………….. 200
CAWOOD………………………….. 80
The returns from Kraga Kama were still to come in, but they would not effect the result of the poll.

ALBANY. – The result of the polling for Albany as far as was known at the last moment, was –
WOOD………………………………. 186
BOWKER…………………………… 124
FRANKLIN…………………………. 81
All the returns had not been received.

GILL COLLEGE. – The trustees have decided that Somerset shall be the site of the Gill College, on the condition of handing over the trustees suitable buildings to cost not less that £6,000, without any conditions. £7,500 had been already subscribed by the Somerset district.

ROBERT PRINGLE, the forger, arrived yesterday morning in the Briton, and is in the custody of the police to be forwarded to Queen’s Town. He appears to be hopelessly imbecile. – Telegraph.

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